let this thread die (NYK)

I always root for any team TC is on because he is my cousin. So, I wish you guys good luck this season! Get him another ring
Let's hope the Knicks front office hits up STAT and assures him the rumors are false, even if they really were gonna ship him out..The last thing we need is a disgruntled STAT after coming off probably his best NBA season..And I agree, the Knicks will be a top 10 defense....Only if we're talking top 10 in the east

Also, word on the street is the Chandler sign n trade would require another piece added to Turiaf and the Mavs don't want Balkman...Meaning the Knicks might have to let Shumpert go
Call me cold, but I'm not upset if they offered Amare.

Amare came here because we offered him a guaranteed deal for the max, he's on record saying if Phoenix did the same, he wouldn't have left. Do I appreciate Amare rescuing the Knicks from mediocrity and being a major factor in turning our franchise around? Yes, absolutely. But I wouldn't feel bad for Amare.. the Knicks gave him the spotlight and the money, because in the end it's a business. I would feel worse for a player like Felton, who took a shorter deal with the Knicks because he wanted to prove something and left his comfort zone.

True or false, be a professional Amare. Show up to work, make it a non-issue, we move on.
Good idea to invest in tickets to resell? Planning on going to the Garden on Tuesday to cop a nice amount of tickets.

Yay or nay?
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Let's hope the Knicks front office hits up STAT and assures him the rumors are false, even if they really were gonna ship him out..The last thing we need is a disgruntled STAT after coming off probably his best NBA season..And I agree, the Knicks will be a top 10 defense....Only if we're talking top 10 in the east

Also, word on the street is the Chandler sign n trade would require another piece added to Turiaf and the Mavs don't want Balkman...Meaning the Knicks might have to let Shumpert go
Not gonna happen. 
I seriously believe well see Billups , Douglas , and Turiaf for Chandler and Barea

If we can't get that well just ship Turiaf to one of those five teams later and amnesty milk dud head.
Yea, that's cold, Big J. He embodies the Knicks to me more than any other player on our roster. I feel a loyalty to him for bringing us as far as he did. I think it's a shame that team didn't get a chance to see the playoffs together, but I'll take everyone's word that it was better this way.

I thought it was ugly that Chris Paul would agree to go to the Lakers after getting the ball rolling with that toast at Melo's wedding. I mean Melo had the same offer to go play for the Lakers, but turned it down, because he and his friends had a deal.

But now I'm thinking Grunwald #!+*$$ this all up. I think CP3 was ready to play out the year where ever the Hornets sent him and then he'd sign in the off-season, but when Glen offered Amar'e for him, he said, oh...so you'd send Amar'e to kick rocks on my old team? So !%+! the old plan? Alright. !%+! the old plan. LA just made my list.

That's probably me reaching, but that's what I get out of that.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Sign Chandler. Let Baron get cut. Sign him. Have TD back up the 1.

Melo/Shawne Williams (next priority)

I could most certainly live with that for this season.
i would never trade stat unless it was for dwight and thats it...

and it looks like grant dissed again to accept a 1 year 6.5mil at phoenix... but vince is going to be waived and i think he would be a good option for us at sg

no offense taken... i was just bringing it up... im not high on vince either but i think he still has some game left
Man, I just want us to hurry up and finalize this Chandler deal. I don't want any last minute "problems" to stop it from happening
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Yea, that's cold, Big J. He embodies the Knicks to me more than any other player on our roster. I feel a loyalty to him for bringing us as far as he did. I think it's a shame that team didn't get a chance to see the playoffs together, but I'll take everyone's word that it was better this way.
That's not saying much, though. I'm just looking at the facts. If the Knicks traded away Chandler and Gallo, guys we drafted and were ours for Melo.. then if the deal is right, you trade Amare too. I think we did the right thing in the Melo trade because he would have signed an extension elsewhere. If the right deal came up for Amare, I consider it as well.
I mean I wouldn't be thrilled with trading him away, but if the Magic said give us Amare for Dwight.. I would say yes in the blink of an eye.
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

Why doesn't D'Antoni run a Melo/Amare pick and roll more often...I think it'd be quite effective.

thats what i ran in 2k11... dudes online were mad when i ran it 5 times in a row on different spots on the court
How many former stars that are now washed up can 1 franchise possibly sign?

Let's look at the list shall we...(feel free to include any I may have forgotten)

1-Penny Hardaway
2-Steve Francis
3-Tracy McGrady
4-Mark Jackson (his 2nd tenure with the team..not when he was drafted)
5-Vin Baker
6-Antonio McDyess
7-Dikembe Mutombo

That's a championship team if you put them together while in their prime..But if you put them together while at the ages the Knicks signed them, that's a 12 win team
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I thought it was ugly that Chris Paul would agree to go to the Lakers after getting the ball rolling with that toast at Melo's wedding. I mean Melo had the same offer to go play for the Lakers, but turned it down, because he and his friends had a deal.
How was it ugly? Paul always said from the jump he had several destinations he'd be cool with. Yeah he preferred the Knicks but realistically that wasn't going to happen with our team being gutted. So he went with the next best thing in his mind.

What offer did Melo have to go to the Lakers that he turned down? As far as I know, when !!*@ got serious it was either Nets or Knicks.
The Lakers offered a package built around Bynum for Melo...But he said he wouldn't sign an extension in LA so they stopped negotiations
I'm sorry but it was not Grunwald's fault Chris Paul didn't come here in fact it's no one's the reason Paul isn't here is because he never was serious about coming here. Even after making that toast at Melo's wedding about he's gonna come here to play with him and Stat he never meant it. Melo FORCED his way here by turning down the same offer from LA, along with Orlando and New Jersey by making it clear he will only extend with one team. Chris Paul could of did exactly the same thing or just waited to come here in free agency which he said he would but he did neither which basically means he was never serious about coming here. As soon as LA made their offer all those "dreams" about him wanting to play in NY and bring us a chip suddenly went out the window. Son was never serious about playing with us like Melo was he just ran his mouth at his wedding like he really wanted to but he did not. That's why I don't #@!% with him no longer as a fan im done with dude as far as im concerned im more pissed at this guy than Lebron cause at the end of the day Lebron never verbally said he was coming here like he did. Im actually happy though cause it forced us to get what we needed most and I hope that he does go to LA and Dwight goes to NJ so we can bust that #$@ when we play them without Andrew Bynum or a Power Foward.
Not crazy about Tyson Chandler. He will be overpaid and that effectively puts us out of the running for CP3, D-Will and Howard..unless Amare or Melo are shipped and I just dont see that happening.

Wish Nash was a FA and came here I'd say f a cp3 and d will
Chandler told ESPN he's agreed to terms with the Knicks... assuming we can clear the space as expected, I think I'm happy with this move.

A veteran big man was needed. Someone who will give us legitimate size, defender, rebounding, and who we saw was a vital component of the last championship team. We're paying more than I would like, due to his injury history mostly... but you gotta do it. Big men get paid a premium in this league, we needed a big man, end of story.

If it's just a year deal, then sure, Baron Davis or another free agent would be fine. I think Douglas could do a good enough job for this season, but what we need for that position is someone who can play defense, make as little mistakes as possible, and hit an open 3. Melo and Amare can get their shots, so I'm not worried there.

I'm impressed. The Knicks paid the price to add what we needed desperately, considering the other big men on the market, I'm quite happy.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Not crazy about Tyson Chandler. He will be overpaid and that effectively puts us out of the running for CP3, D-Will and Howard..unless Amare or Melo are shipped and I just dont see that happening.
I would love Paul or Williams on this team, but with Amare and Melo, you do not need an elite point guard. You do not need an elite point guard to win a championship. You need rebounding, interior defense, and size. Tyson Chandler gives that to you. Yes, we're paying him more than we would all like... but if you look at what big men get paid, he's not being paid that much more than he's worth.
So where do we stand financially after Chandler? I'm assuming the deal is gonna be for at least 50 million, that was his asking price. Do we have anything left for 2012? Not even to land a prime free agent, just to shore up the bench.

Also, any word on Shawne Williams?
Is Barron still an option?

A true center is hard to come by now a days so picking up Chandler is a good choice.

Back court now needs to improve
So what's new? Anything? I haven't lived in NY for a few years and started to like the Magic down here but looks like i'll be back. Baron Davis and Tyson Chandler would be great
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]You guys will realize soon we are a better team with Chandler and a legit top 3 team in the East. I don't see more than 2 teams that can beat us in a playoff series if we make the other small moves I think we do (Shawne WIlliams , Baron ) . Miami and Probably Chicago if they get a SG , stop being concerned with Chris Paul he was never gonna come here via trade this year or as a Free Agent after the season.[/font]
ESPN saying Baron is Knicks #1 PG target


Because the free agent class of starting point guards is subpar, a source told ESPNNewYork.com that the Knicks are in the hunt to land an amnestied starting one, and they expect to get Baron Davis. Coincidentally, Davis' agent, Todd Ramasar, also represents Knicks 2010 draft pick Jerome Jordan. Ramasar told my colleague, Ian Begley, that Davis would definitely come to New York if the opportunity presented itself. While Davis is not a proven winner and has battled several injuries in his career, he would be a quicker (and younger) replacement over Billups -- something Mike D'Antoni would appreciate in order to execute his run-and-gun system. Also, Davis is a crafty ball-handler and passer, a necessity in a pick-and-roll offense, and he has good aim from beyond the arc with a career 32.1 3-point percentage.

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

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