let this thread die (NYK)

We winning the next 5 games.
The problem is coaching , !@*$ players !@*$ everything else.
It's coaching, the bulls can't score yet look at em ? Thibs got them playing hard defending etc.
But mark my words we WINNING THE NEXT 5 GAMES.
they gonna get smashed
I wonder if anyone shows Amare the game film of him being out-rebounded like he does on a nightly basis 
 3 boards, though? 3?!
Every game feels the exact same. Baron Davis chucking up 3s at the end of shot clock. Useless pick and rolls 30 ft from the basket. Lin scrambling around aimlessly at crucial points. Melo shooting fallaways. Amare can't rebound. Chickens with their heads cut off. 

Effort probably can't be coached at this level but it certainly can be enforced. If Melo and Amare don't give it, then don't play them. 
The type of player Fields is, he plays better when he's with a good PG capable of ball distribution.

That's why he wasn't doing his thing with TD, and that's why he's played better since Lin came on.

Anyone who hasn't been able to see that hasn't been watching this team.

and I agree about his role....you want dude to go after 20 points a game in a starting lineup with Melo, Amare and Lin? Not going to happen, nor should it.

He gets his points here and there, helps out on D (not a terrific defender but he's solid), hustles, can handle just a little bit.....I'm not sure what trading just for the sake of trading him would accomplish. You guys talking like he's TD when TD was playing.
I aint say a damn thing about Fields and his points but since yall brought it up I think it's clear yall must hate to see Fields take a jumper. Just cringe.

But as far as trading him I'd say try to get the best we could for him. I mean really what is his ceiling? I'd rather have a better defender out there than what you just described.

No, Fields aint TD status. We could actually get some value in return for Fields.

I aint even try to make this a discussion about moving Fields. It was one statement among many in my posts. Yall can get back to Amar'e not hustling for rebounds or calling for the ball and Melo's horrible shooting needing 20 attempts for 20pts and why Pringles is or is not a problem or we can discuss this team being forever hopeless because of our owner.
Originally Posted by blackredxiiigoat

The type of player Fields is, he plays better when he's with a good PG capable of ball distribution.

That's why he wasn't doing his thing with TD, and that's why he's played better since Lin came on.

Anyone who hasn't been able to see that hasn't been watching this team.

and I agree about his role....you want dude to go after 20 points a game in a starting lineup with Melo, Amare and Lin? Not going to happen, nor should it.

He gets his points here and there, helps out on D (not a terrific defender but he's solid), hustles, can handle just a little bit.....I'm not sure what trading just for the sake of trading him would accomplish. You guys talking like he's TD when TD was playing.
Fields has one significant problem in his game that stops him from being pretty amazing in his role. Whatever the #+** he did, he broke his shot terribly. He can't shoot the 3 so bad that other teams give him the Rondo treatment. Add to the fact that he doesn't really have handles and that makes him pretty obselete at the 2. Everything he does well. he does acting like a PF and sometimes SF. The advantage of Fields is that he doesn't get lazy and he's responsible. His defense ain't amazing, but he's responsible and smart. That one trait though is so terrible that he ruins spacing and lets his man roam the paint or double off of him because he doesn't have a first step, can't shoot and can't dribble or pass especially well.

You keep trying with him hoping he'll learn how to shoot again by next year, but a lot of times he hurts the offense and it's a choice of his rebounding and decent team defense or Shump's great man defense.
i dont have a beef with fields. i just think he's a small forward. I'd just rather have shumpert out for defense.

either way those @+**!%$ offensive boards. that was bad. very very embarrassing
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

We winning the next 5 games.
The problem is coaching , !@*$ players !@*$ everything else.
It's coaching, the bulls can't score yet look at em ? Thibs got them playing hard defending etc.
But mark my words we WINNING THE NEXT 5 GAMES.
yea ok bud because your words mean so much
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Fields was 5-11 and had one bad 3 point shot where he was open....so now we have to trade him.

Idiots getting on Lin who held his own vs a damn MVP, even had 3 blocks and a few steals......he's a damn rookie throwin into the fire making league minimum.

People complaining about Stat not getting shots, how about he ASKS for the damn ball?

Some of you guys need your heads examined.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

We winning the next 5 games.
The problem is coaching , !@*$ players !@*$ everything else.
It's coaching, the bulls can't score yet look at em ? Thibs got them playing hard defending etc.
But mark my words we WINNING THE NEXT 5 GAMES.
yea ok bud because your words mean so much

Who are you ?
This is primarily the coaches fault.
Granted our guys play poorly but it's HIS job to hold them accountable.

He doesn't bench guys when they need to be benched. Poor rotations..
Someone please tell me how Landry gets more playing time than Shump. I'll take Shumps jumper over Fields' any day!
SOMEONE needs to get in Amare's ear and tell him he's playing soft as hell. I honestly think no one wants to be critical and point fingers.

Melo? Some games it's clear he struggles but damn. He doesn't get play sets that get him easy baskets and this is why I think the Knicks struggle so much.
Pringles did very LITTLE coaching in Phoenix. He was lucky to have the pieces (3 shooters + the best assist man in the league). He simply doesn't know how to coach THIS type of traditional NBA team.

Its Pringles job to incorporate defensive and offensive schemes according to the players he has.
We have two legit threats from 3 (JR and Novak), we have a point guard who keeps his head up (Lin), we have defensive guys that show up every night (Jeffries, Shump, Chandler), we have an assistant coach KNOWN for his defense (Woodson), we have two "go-to" guys (Amare and Melo) and we have BACKUPS for when we need to a boost (Baron/Fields)

And we're seriously 5 games under .500...
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

No more fun and games? These mother %!!+$+@ were still having fun up until today?


Popovich would have this team doing suicides for 5 hours straight
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

No more fun and games? These mother %!!+$+@ were still having fun up until today?


Popovich would have this team doing suicides for 5 hours straight
Popovich would have half these guys COMMITTING suicide if they were 18-24 with the talent on the roster
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

No more fun and games? These mother %!!+$+@ were still having fun up until today?


Popovich would have this team doing suicides for 5 hours straight
Popovich would have half these guys COMMITTING suicide if they were 18-24 with the talent on the roster
Popovich> Phil Jackson>Mike Brown> Pringles
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

No more fun and games? These mother %!!+$+@ were still having fun up until today?


Popovich would have this team doing suicides for 5 hours straight
Popovich would have half these guys COMMITTING suicide if they were 18-24 with the talent on the roster
I'm saying. Dude sonned RJ into turning down his player option.
Toney lucky he only got the potato chip treatment.
Mike D'Antoni is the greatest coach ever. Trade Melo for some pieces, once he got married to Lala she started !+#+#!@ with his focus. Kim Kardashian is the blame of all this. Goodnight.
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