let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Lin don't even attack the paint like that anymore...trying to please melo bum %*+

Has more to do with the defender showing hard on the pick. He gets trapped and isnt able to split the double.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I give Pringles 3 more games til he gets popped.

 What a spoiler in that avy.
I was thinking yesterday how this dude rat riley was one step ahead of Donnie in forming a big 3. Dude was a visionary for that and outsmarted one of the most intelligent guys in the game.
Originally Posted by John Sterling

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Everybody thinks its all the Coaches fault. Hell, it might be a partial reason but our players especially our stars have to be held much more accountable. This just isn't working, this forumla doesn't work, why are we SO BLIND TO SEE?
When we get a better coach won't they be held accountable by him? or do you think the fans holding the players accountable will change anything? They've already booed Melo a couple times when he didn't pass or took a bad shot. Not like the fans can do anything more than that.

Serious question here, how can anyone know that the players aren't held accountable? What does that even mean? Amare should be spanked infront of the team when he doesn't box out? How can anyone know what goes on in the locker room. Do you know for a fact that Dantoni doesn't hold anyone accountable? You don't and you can't. Also please stop with this nonsense about Dantoni can only coach with one system. They haven't run his actual offense in a year and if anyone thinks anything else you're not watching games. Seven seconds or less is not what we're watching. I'm assuming everyone here has played orgainized sports. When you lost a game have you ever gone into the locker room and thought it was your coaches fault? No, its always completly yours for bot executing. Listen I'm all for Phil Jackson but he's not gonna make Melo's 18 footers fall.
look at the bulls coach.... boozer didnt want to try on defense, what happens? he get benched and doesnt get his minutes... heat rookie coach spo,  beasley didnt want to play defense?...go to the bench and lose your minutes... wade and lebron locks their man down on defense or get a defensive board... they have the freedom to do what they want on offense ( no play called )... they are coaches out there that give their players $100 for taking a charge.
so apparently some disgusting kid from chicago hocked a loogie in his hand and slapped hands with jeremy lin

that's nasty.
The NY Post is reporting that Melo and Dantoni are not gettin along. Melo is unhappy that he doesn't get the ball as much in the 4th and Dantoni is unhappy about Melo's attitude
After last night I'm truly convinced Antoni wouldn't change his "system" for the likes of Kobe Bryant.

Durant, Pierce, Bryant, Joe Johnson, Wade their games are based on iso and post up. They all can have bad games but their team won't ever stop passing them the ball. 7 minutes w/o touching the ball is crazy.

I truly have no idea who team this is. You have people saying its Lin's but when he having his bad stretch he is just a rookie
That didn't stop people from bashing Shump

I wonder if this team will ever play a complete game ever again.

If this team don't make the playoffs I wonder if the Knicks can get a Bulls help in the draft
Originally Posted by John Sterling

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Everybody thinks its all the Coaches fault. Hell, it might be a partial reason but our players especially our stars have to be held much more accountable. This just isn't working, this forumla doesn't work, why are we SO BLIND TO SEE?
When we get a better coach won't they be held accountable by him? or do you think the fans holding the players accountable will change anything? They've already booed Melo a couple times when he didn't pass or took a bad shot. Not like the fans can do anything more than that.

Serious question here, how can anyone know that the players aren't held accountable? What does that even mean? Amare should be spanked infront of the team when he doesn't box out? How can anyone know what goes on in the locker room. Do you know for a fact that Dantoni doesn't hold anyone accountable? You don't and you can't. Also please stop with this nonsense about Dantoni can only coach with one system. They haven't run his actual offense in a year and if anyone thinks anything else you're not watching games. Seven seconds or less is not what we're watching. I'm assuming everyone here has played orgainized sports. When you lost a game have you ever gone into the locker room and thought it was your coaches fault? No, its always completly yours for bot executing. Listen I'm all for Phil Jackson but he's not gonna make Melo's 18 footers fall.
Oh it's very simple. You don't play with effort, you don't play. Still play with no effort you get called out publicly.

The ppl Pringles holds accountable are TD and now it seems he's making Shump his whipping boy. He seems to want to be a player's coach so bad and not ruffle any feathers that the players all but have soft egos where he thinks he'll easily offend and drop their confidence so he doesn't reprimand or get on players playing poorly.

Please tell me what system is being run right now? What plays are he calling for the team in this "new" system?
Originally Posted by DubA169

so apparently some disgusting kid from chicago hocked a loogie in his hand and slapped hands with jeremy lin

that's nasty.

Need more info on this
Originally Posted by LovesIt

The NY Post is reporting that Melo and Dantoni are not gettin along. Melo is unhappy that he doesn't get the ball as much in the 4th and Dantoni is unhappy about Melo's attitude
I've been feeling for a long time now when Melo played those 1pt 30+ min games or when he wasn't even breaking double digits he did it on purpose because of the offense and Pringles. I'm pretty confident in the end of the season interviews he'll be asking for a new coach. I don't think Melo liked Pringles from once he got there. I recall he was the one talking about defense and what needs to be done to win and kind of staying away from the questions where most players usually just praise D'Antoni for his free system.
Honestly I want us to lose every game until Dantoni is gone. And then we can work from there. We not doin #!%% with the team we have with this guy running the show.

I mean he doesnt even follow basic basketball knowledge anymore. From the day I started to play basketball I was always told you feed the hot hand. You dont forget they are on the floor and dont even give them touches.

And someone said something about we dont even run Dantonis 7 second offense so why is it his fault??????? Are you serious??? Who on this team is capable of running that offense scheme for an entire game. Not Melo, not STAT, not Tyson not even Lin because he cant keep the turnovers down when he is going that fast. Thats the entire point. We dont have the tools to run that style, yet Dantoni refuses to adapt to the players he has.

Hes turned Melo and Stat into Shawn Merion on offense. And for as good as STAT was on offense scoring 20 yesterda. He was easily responsible for giving up 40 on the other end. He is terrible. If we could somehow move him for Josh Smith I would be ecstatic. Anyone who will give us 14 and 9 nightly while being able to D up their man so they dont drop 20+ would be absolutely ideal.

Get rid of dantoni and get a 4 who can rebound the god damn ball and not let everyone just blow by him and the team will be good. Trust
theres no reason why anthony and amare shouldnt be getting atleast 20 or more shots a game.

dantoni should have been fired a long time ago. lin saved his job
Originally Posted by NobleKane

theres no reason why anthony and amare shouldnt be getting atleast 20 or more shots a game.

dantoni should have been fired a long time ago. lin saved his job
Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

Durant, Pierce, Bryant, Joe Johnson, Wade their games are based on iso and post up. They all can have bad games but their team won't ever stop passing them the ball. 7 minutes w/o touching the ball is crazy.

Most of KD's points are assisted. His game certainly isn't built around iso and post ups.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

Durant, Pierce, Bryant, Joe Johnson, Wade their games are based on iso and post up. They all can have bad games but their team won't ever stop passing them the ball. 7 minutes w/o touching the ball is crazy.

Most of KD's points are assisted. His game certainly isn't built around iso and post ups.
well when you put it that way...
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