let this thread die (NYK)

Prolly not a lot going on in the huddles anyways. Just a bunch of LETS GO, LETS GO, We need a perimeter stop, SHUMP..................................................go grab me some Gatorade and take a seat.

Or maybe a little "We need someone to get an open 3 and hit it, NOVAK......................................Nah nevermind that wont work".
Kobe would of had Dantoni fire a while ago

Try not giving the rock to Kobe for one game in the fourth let alone multiple games
Kobe did not win until the players put their trust in the triangle system which involves ball movement and trust, you think that iso crap mike Brown runs will win the Lakers anything this year? No.

MELO DOESN'T TRUST his teammates enough to believe in a system like that, so why would the rest of the team
want to play hard or give him the ball upon demand, especially when he chucks 3s or shoots over 2 defenders.... He does to believe in
taking the best available shot.

I can't get on the team too much yesterday they played hard, but not hard enough.... They should play that hard bs hornets, raptors, etc.
Is d'antoni trying to discipline melo by not giving him the ball? Shouldn't this be something that is worked out in practice and not real games that affect our record?
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Is d'antoni trying to discipline melo by not giving him the ball? Shouldn't this be something that is worked out in practice and not real games that affect our record?

21 points on 21 shots tho...out there looking like a bigger Jordan Crawford....both men are at fault, but let's not make it seem like Melo should be absolved of blame here.  
Ill give you Melo isnt having a great shooting year. But hes not exactly getting the ball where he is used to for easy buckets. And then when he is having a good shooting night to start off Dantoni sits him for 7 or 8 minutes and he is cold coming back out.
The shot attempts are skewed since he chucked several at the in, missed tip is etc, be was around mid teens and that is he should be.

If he were shooting a higher percentage or taking SMARTER shots then I can understand his complaining, he wants to lead the team to wins by scoring more but that's not a winning recipe, he needs to do. More of what he did the first half and set others up as well, he had a few nice pick and roll plays WITH STAT which led to foul calls
good amount of those shots came with 1 minute left though

liusten i trust hubie brown. He was saying amare was hot we should have went through him more and that when melo has a mismatch on a damn rookie in the low post u should get him the ball

"basketball" is a simple game clyde

and on the other end our two guys need to hustle, get rebounds, dive for loose balls cuz i dont see that. and melo is a pretty good rebounder for his career and position
Amare sets some of the worst screens I've ever seen. Dude leaves like a foot gap in between himself and the defender and starts rolling 5 seconds too early. Simple stuff like that, not diving, or rebounding really falls on the coach more than the players. If you let a dude get away with being lazy, soft, etc. he's gonna keep doing it.
ive notied that to

how can u play with tyson and not know hot to set monster picks??????

what are these guys not communicating?
Someone investigate if there's a correlation between our losses and all of the title changes for this thread.

Its all proph's fault!
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

Durant, Pierce, Bryant, Joe Johnson, Wade their games are based on iso and post up. They all can have bad games but their team won't ever stop passing them the ball. 7 minutes w/o touching the ball is crazy.

Most of KD's points are assisted. His game certainly isn't built around iso and post ups.

Who is passing him the ball it sure isn't westbrook. When it gets down in the game he is with his 1-2 quick dribble then pull up.
Melo has the quickess triple threat move in the game
The Nets will never be more relevant than the Knicks as long as they have all this talent on the roster..The news headlines will be "How do the Knicks continue to lose with all this talent?" or "The Knicks finally turn things around" or "When will Mike get fired?" or "Let's trade Melo/Amar'e/Lin etc." There will always be big media attention around this team, either for figuring out how to play together and win games, or about them being a huge failure for not being able to win with that talent filled roster
Who cares about relevancy in the media. Reports are Dwight has his mind set on the Nets and DWill/D12 is...big big trouble

The worst is yet to come..
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by John Sterling

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

When we get a better coach won't they be held accountable by him? or do you think the fans holding the players accountable will change anything? They've already booed Melo a couple times when he didn't pass or took a bad shot. Not like the fans can do anything more than that.

Serious question here, how can anyone know that the players aren't held accountable? What does that even mean? Amare should be spanked infront of the team when he doesn't box out? How can anyone know what goes on in the locker room. Do you know for a fact that Dantoni doesn't hold anyone accountable? You don't and you can't. Also please stop with this nonsense about Dantoni can only coach with one system. They haven't run his actual offense in a year and if anyone thinks anything else you're not watching games. Seven seconds or less is not what we're watching. I'm assuming everyone here has played orgainized sports. When you lost a game have you ever gone into the locker room and thought it was your coaches fault? No, its always completly yours for bot executing. Listen I'm all for Phil Jackson but he's not gonna make Melo's 18 footers fall.
Oh it's very simple. You don't play with effort, you don't play. Still play with no effort you get called out publicly.

The ppl Pringles holds accountable are TD and now it seems he's making Shump his whipping boy. He seems to want to be a player's coach so bad and not ruffle any feathers that the players all but have soft egos where he thinks he'll easily offend and drop their confidence so he doesn't reprimand or get on players playing poorly.

Please tell me what system is being run right now? What plays are he calling for the team in this "new" system?
Like not playing in the fourth quarter against Philly?
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Carmelo for Pau Gasol 
 nahhh man....I really hope the knicks don't do that

agreed. I don't care what anyone says or how is has performed thus far, we need Melo in the post season.
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