let this thread die (NYK)

Trap game coming up Tuesday . If we come out with the sane defensive intensity knowing we have Philly the next night I will be impressed . The Knicks always crapped the bed against mediocre teams before a big divisional game . For some reason I think Woodson won't allow it but well see come Tuesday .
what a difference a coach makes. i guess players knew they could slack off with dantoni around.

they should make a special edition nba coaches starting line up figure two pack call it the potato head brothers mike woodson and mike brown with interchangeable glasses, eye brows, and facial hair
Originally Posted by NobleKane

what a difference a coach makes. i guess players knew they could slack off with dantoni around.

they should make a special edition nba coaches starting line up figure two pack call it the potato head brothers mike woodson and mike brown with interchangeable glasses, eye brows, and facial hair

This can't be emphasized enough.  I really got fed up all season long reading the constant headlines and reports from irresponsible journalists, whose only real job is to type up inflammatory and dramatic reports for entertainment purposes.  Even worse...most Knicks fans were feeding into those stories, which only exacerbated the problem.  They make up these stories and these rumors to keep us entertained...but I'm sorry, the damn game is enough entertainment for me
.  I don't need the WWE storylines pushed by ESPN and the rest of them.  The "Linsanity" the "Melodrama" etc...it's all fabricated and it's all nonsense.  And if people just sat back and actually paid attention to what was going on, the problem was clear as day from the very beginning.  
D'Antoni wanted a PG driven gameplan where the PG dominates the ball on every possession like Steve Nash, and runs pick and rolls all game, while the other players stand around the perimeter like idiots and launch jumpers.  And dudes wonder why Melo and Amare weren't involved...that is not an offensive gameplan for players of their magnitude and skillset...period!

Woodson has the players moving all around the court...which is why the rock keeps moving as well.  Dudes claim that D'Antoni's system is about ball movement...
.  Yeah...ball movement from the PG to the player who takes the shot.  Lin looks so much better out on the floor now that he doesn't have to force the issue.  And that's why he's not coughing up the ball every possession.  

Now, just put Landry's #@! on the second unit and insert Iman as the starting 2...and we're in business for real 
I like what I'm seeing from this team. Woodson is motivating them on both sides of the ball. And he isn't scared to bench or confront players for mistakes.
If Baron can get reasonably healthy in the next couple weeks...

Cosign everything DMV just said too.

A lot of y'all in here were piling on Melo and forgetting about his resume and the work he put in the Western Conference in an era when every team was good.

Dude is one of top 10 players in the league, that doesn't change overnight.
I'm just glad to see everyone looking comfortable. The body language during D'Antoni's last days was disgusting from everyone, even though I can understand why. Just because these guys are talented, it doesn't make them self-motivated (money won't do it either). They needed a voice and you can see that they enjoy having a leader. If you can, go back and look at the least few games before Woodson. NOT ONE player was diving for loose balls. Last night, I saw Melo sacrifice and dive for a loose ball. He's my boy as I followed his entire time in Denver, but I can admit he usually doesn't get down like that (literally). That tells me a lot about what Woodson has brought. He also has some half court sets that allows Melo to flow from the corner to the elbow and make decisions from there which makes a lot more sense.

I honestly don't get what people are seeing when they say "We're still running D'Antoni's system." Of course there are elements that remain, but I can see the changes already. Lin is obviously legit and he sacrifices his body to get into the lane which is key for this team (Toney Douglas would only do that on defense). He also has that intangible ability to make some crazy layups like Rondo and Rose. I think he needs to work on a floater to give himself another option when attacking the basket. He still likes to telegraph a few of his passes, but otherwise he's been great.

JR Smith is getting his legs back and he's bringing the fire power the bench needs. This was clearly the most underrated pickup of the season. People forget that he was part of the team that made it to the WCF. In hindsight, it's good that George Karl put him in the mindset of being a 6th man, even though I think Karl had reasons other than basketball success. I like the attitude he brings, but I also like that Woodson will check him if he gets reckless. He's key to spreading the floor with/for Novak.

Hope to see B-Diddy back soon. It was sad/funny to see him avoid JR's body bumps a couple of games ago. He's truly the X-factor. If he can get consistent and bring that guard leadership to the 2nd unit, then it's going to be unfair to a lot of teams. His court vision is amazing even if his ability is somewhat limited these days.

As for D'Antoni, I'll just say this. I understand that no one player is bigger than the team or the sport, but neither is the coach or his system. You have to make the most with the tools you are given. At first he was given Steve Nash, so he was able to cruise. When he had line he was able to semi-cruise, but let's be serious: he was going to burn Lin out. Regardless of that, when you have talent like Melo and Amare around, you HAVE to find a way to effectively utilize them in the offense, no excuses. It isn't ALL about them adjusting to your system. He tried to use Melo in an incorrect way. Melo is not a point forward. More specifically, to point out the elephant in the room, he's not LeBron. He may no be the "Leatheman" or "Swiss Army Knife" people want him to be, but people need to stop acting like a "hammer" isn't a damn effective tool. He gets the job done when used correctly.

Beyond that, I'm simply glad to see the ship turning in the right direction. it's crazy to see how the attitude of the coach flows through the team.
This team is stupid deep. And now that we have a competent coach, I'm hopeful for a deep playoff run again.
Originally Posted by throwback1718

Woodson is fighting for a permanent job so he's taking this joint seriously. Can't say I blame him

Forgot about this point. It's a good look when everyone has extra incentive to put in work. 

DMV is RNB wrote:
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Lin looks so much better out on the floor now that he doesn't have to force the issue.  And that's why he's not coughing up the ball every possession.[/color]

Great point (among others, I restated a lot of what you said in my last post). His turnovers are a lot less with the quick changes in the offense. 
Was just in that youtube videos thread and saw the Marbury vids.

My son was supposed to retire here.

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Was just in that youtube videos thread and saw the Marbury vids.

My son was supposed to retire here.



i remember me and my boys goin nuts when we got him . sucks how d'antoni pushed him out

I almost shed tears the day we signed him 
. Going to school in Bk and having Lincoln as our bitter rivals, he was like basketball god to me.
Its a moot point now but Steph tried his best while here, the team was just dysfunctional from top to bottom. If anything he was too unselfish at times.

The NY media gets a hard off for ripping into Native NY'ers and the sex scandal (and that spat with Zeke on the team plane) did him in moreso than anything on the court.

D'antoni shoulda gave him a shot to prove himself when he came in fit and ready to play and we really needed a PG. When he went back on his word to give Steph a chance, I knew he was a slimy dude.

Glad to see Marbury doing his thing and becoming a legend in China though.
Haven't been watching cause of the NCAA's but seems like things are changing for the better.
Just give me the 8th seed and Chicago in the 1st round.  All I can ask for.

Shock the world
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Haven't been watching cause of the NCAA's but seems like things are changing for the better.
Just give me the 8th seed and Chicago in the 1st round.  All I can ask for.

Shock the world

in b4 seymore and the rest of the crew come in here 
Funny how dantoni blackballed Steph outta town and look what happened to D'antoni.

Life has a mysterious way of biting you in the butt. He flexed his muscles and now he got flexed on.
I was so mad when mike did that to my boy.

Life goes on I guess.
Mike Woodson isn't afraid to blast these guys when they mess up or yell at them to get back on D, loving it right now, defense first is the only way to go, Defense leads to good offense and that's why we're putting up more points then the Pringles Era.
Marbury just led his team to their first cba finals after winning pivotal 5th game. He was very emotional. Good to see him thriving.
gonna play Aaron brooks squad, who own that league.
Originally Posted by DMan14

Marbury just led his team to their first cba finals after winning pivotal 5th game. He was very emotional. Good to see him thriving.
gonna play Aaron brooks squad, who own that league.

Is there somewhere that we can catch these games? 
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