let this thread die (NYK)

Glad he took the min. Now we have the room exception to use to sign one more player if the situation arises.
well don't the cavs still have to pay him the difference? 30mil - 1.4mil = 28.6mil owed to b.diddy since he was amnestied
he's not losing any money
Originally Posted by poorniko

well don't the cavs still have to pay him the difference? 30mil - 1.4mil = 28.6mil owed to b.diddy since he was amnestied
he's not losing any money
Give the 2.5 for 1 year to Kenyon to come off the bench and have a little attitude out there
Alan Hahn @alanhahn 7m

Also, Davis said people know him mainly as a scorer, but says is just as good of a passer. Never played with this much talent on one team.

Al Iannazzone @Al_Iannazzone 1m

Davis said he chose #Knicks over Heat and Lakers b/c of frontline, playing in MSG, and D'Antoni's system.

Al_Iannazzone Al Iannazzone 
Davis was asked how much he has left: "I think I have a lot left. I feel young." #nyk

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Alan Hahn
Baron Davis will wear No. 85, as he did in Cleveland. It represents the street where he lived with his grandparents. #Knicks #fb

Al Iannazzone 
What will he bring #nyk when healthy, Davis said, "some defensive tenacity. You’ll see a lot of emotion, a lot of hustle and hard work."


Mike D'Antoni isn't sure if Iman Shumpert can play the two guard or run the point.

He just knows the rookie can play.

"He’s going to be a multi-purpose player," D'Antoni said on Sunday. "He might become a starting point, he might become as starting two. I think it will depend on his teammates more than what he does. He’ll be good at either position, should be. He has a pretty high ceiling."

Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/21 ... z1gzmqjI2B

Shump will be the starting SG in under 10 games
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

I'm very confused when it comes down to our "logo".

But our Court and shorts still have the SAME older color version of out logo. WTH is going on? We're the New York Knicks, we should stay on top and be organized
.  Anyone close to the situation have any answers? I'm confused. (sorry I care so much, I'm artistically analytical lol)

Yo man I was saying the same $#@! to myself after I watched the practice . My only guess is that our new uniforms and court will unveiled next season when the Garden renovation is completely finished . I mean we even have our new logo on our court in 2K12 im tired of seeing black on our uniforms and court 

That's my initial guess as well, but why wouldn't we just hold off on the new logo until the next year than? So weird, someone in the department messed up. 
The fact that Baron came here for less money shows that he's here to win and not just to be in the spotlight. Yeah, he was getting tons of money from his prior contract regardless but 1 million is still 1 million..He actually looks a little thinner than he did in the past and even if he can't play for the first month, that just gives him more time to do some work in the gym to lose weight and get into better shape. Plus, he'll be able to watch the team in practice and during games and he'll learn the nature of guys like Amare and Tyson which will give him the opportunity to make an impact once he gets in the game.

Chauncey probably left like "These bums will never find a PG as good as me anytime soon" ..He must be tight, especially since we got him for a tenth of Billups' contract
Those playoffs vids just made me mad.
I hate the Celtics with a passion.

We're gettin that W on Christmas Day
and we should be the 3rd seed in the East :nthat:
RT @sam_amick: Source says NY owner James Dolan convinced Davis it was worth sacrifice to keep Knicks in running for other vets (James Posey among them)

Thank you DolanGod.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

You been drinking, Cyber? Don't do this to yourself, man.

Your right I need to stay away from them vids, $#@! just hurt so much because I know if Stat didn't go down we would've kicked their old ***#@. Add that we were robbed by the officials in games 1&2 it just makes my soul burn slow
dolan couldnt convince amare or melo to take less cash. Doubt the thing about baron is true.
Convincing an older player out of his prime has to be easier than superstars in their prime.

No superstar is ever convinced to take less money. We all know the Heat made their decision beforehand. Riley just cleared the roster.
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