let this thread die (NYK)

fully support thjs movement. stop talking about his injury. he's ready to go by opening day. don't you guys realize that this was his plan all along? props to his agent and doctor for maneuvering the injury news. props to the cavs for being so gullible. he wanted to be freed from his contract and come to the knicks.

b-diddy loves it out here in NYC, he WILL rise to he occasion. he's 32 man, he knows what's at stake. everytime he comes to the garden he shows out. his addition to the lineup automatically makes him the best facilitator. he can drive in the lane against most guards, especially with the attention to melo and amare. and once in the lane he has the vision and skill to either dime a cutter or take it for himself. if you watched any of his games last year, you'd realize that he is still very capable of being a starting PG.

great move by the front office. cant wait for them to gel and get this ship rocking. I feel so good about this season. more excited than I've ever been about watching a sports team.

I really hope y'all can understand the caliber of talent that the knicks have now. not only do we have exciting players, but they're all finally on the same page, focused, and cohesive.

In replacing Shawne I say Posey or Nachbar.
I rather give balkman 10 minutes a game than sign Posey. Dude is a good defender and rebounder I don't understand why Mike always shafts him
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx


Everyone keeps telling me Balkman > Posey. I guess I'm buggin'


nah im not necessarily saying he's better but he can do what Posey does without that much if any drop off. Plus he's younger , knows the system , etc.
Watching the 16 points 16 assist game Baron had against us last season. I'm telling yall Chandler is the happiest dude on the team right now
One of my fav pgs on my team..

Lets hope China release K.Mart. And lets hope he would take the min. And lets go for it
just look at the vid like Amare as Hickson and Tyson as Hollins...

BD running down the middle and Amare/Tyson on the wings...
[blake griffin] LOBBB CITYYYY!! [/blake griffin]

and he still has that clutch gene/confidence. so hes an option too.
Originally Posted by arrjae2

the title update...


hopefully we see this baron...�
you that video is crazy. He throws that 1 handed oop so effortlessly. damn if he's ready day 1, Bye bye TD.
how do you guys feel about nick young? hes a free agent next summer and he would be a good pickup for the bench... give that guy the MLE... but only if the PG position is addressed... id like felton or nash but if neither take our offer than use the MLE on young
Originally Posted by you go boy

how do you guys feel about nick young? hes a free agent next summer and he would be a good pickup for the bench... give that guy the MLE... but only if the PG position is addressed... id like felton or nash but if neither take our offer than use the MLE on young
nick young is that dude. always been a fan of his game. would love to have him on this team, but im pretty sure he would want more money. 
and for the record, i traded for Tyson and Nick on 2k11 last year 
Originally Posted by arrjae2

Originally Posted by you go boy

how do you guys feel about nick young? hes a free agent next summer and he would be a good pickup for the bench... give that guy the MLE... but only if the PG position is addressed... id like felton or nash but if neither take our offer than use the MLE on young
nick young is that dude. always been a fan of his game. would love to have him on this team, but im pretty sure he would want more money. 
and for the record, i traded for Tyson and Nick on 2k11 last year 

nick young is a herb remember
hopefully Baron comes in ready and fit, if he can be half the point guard he used to be we will be fine
He'll most likely come in twice the PG he used to be.
Yall gotta re-watch that Knicks vs Clippers game at the Garden this dude Baron was acting like he was at the Rucker but the funny part about it was that his passes hit their targets and was on point for the assist all the oohhh's and ahhhh's from the crowd made Felton jealous you could see it in his face
I would post the link to the game but I don't wan't to get banned again.
One thing a lot of people are overlooking about B. Davis is that he has the ability to hit high pressure jumpers late in the game..That's huge for the Knicks because a lot of times where the Knicks need a clutch jumper, Melo will get the ball..But some teams don't wanna risk him hitting a game winner so they'll throw 2 guys at him and deny him from getting the ball on an inbounds play...Now with Davis who has hit a few big shots in the past, the Knicks can give him the ball if Melo is being denied or doubled..So that would mean the Knicks have 3 players that are able to hit shots with the game on the line- Melo, STAT, and Davis..It's crazy how 2 years ago the Knicks had nobody that could hit a game winner but now they have 3
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