let this thread die (NYK)

smh @ what I just read 
"@nykyg: @alanhahn Simmons says he knows for a fact Phil wanted to coach NYK...Can you confirm?" Bradley, Monroe and Frazier say he didn't.
[h3]Machado Would Like To Play For Knicks[/h3]
May 24, 2012 10:50 PM EDT


Scott Machado, a 6-foot-1 point guard, sees himself as a good fit for the Knicks.

"For any point guard that wants to play here, I feel like it's a good opportunity," Machado said. "They got some players that are banged up, hurt or some players that are retiring or old.

"As far as the opportunity here, it's a wonderful spot, they have a lot of pieces. Somewhere they need to grow solid in is the point guard spot. That's my opinion. I feel like it's a good opportunity for any point guard."

Machado led the nation in assists as a senior at Iona, a small Division I school located in New Rochelle, NY.

"It would be a wonderful feeling to be able to stay home," Machado said.
When Jeremy Lin's agent, Roger Montgomery, said earlier this week that he doesn't have "assurances" from the Knicks that his client will be back with the team, perhaps Goran Dragic has something to do with that.

Lin and Dragic are viewed as the most attractive young point guards in the 2012 free-agent class -- and Dragic appears to be the clear favorite in NBA front-office circles.

ESPN New York asked six GMs which player they would choose to be their starter, and all of them picked Dragic. Lin's and Dragic's averages were nearly identical as starters -- 18.2 points, 7.7 assists and 2.0 steals over 25 games vs. 18.2 points, 8.3 assists and 1.8 steals over 26 games -- but GMs and scouts compare Dragic a bit more to Steve Nash, especially because he grew under the tutelage of the two-time MVP in Phoenix from 2008 to '11.

While Lin is the favorite to sign with the Knicks, don't count out the Rockets' Dragic. Even his agent, Rade Filipovich, thinks the Knicks would be a "first-class organization" for his client.

To find out more about the point guards' similarities and differences, ESPN New York consulted with a veteran NBA scout from the Eastern Conference and another from the West. Their insights about the two players were nearly in agreement.

Attacking (Advantage: Lin) -- When Lin penetrates, he's able to get lower and keep his defender out of position. "[Legendary coach] Bob Hurley Sr. always used to say, 'The low man wins, whatever sport it is,'" one scout said. "Defensively, you can't get into your stance well enough. Lin, for his size and height, is pretty impressive at being able to get low to the ground and keep his balance."

Competitiveness (Even) -- One scout was impressed with Lin's game-winner in Toronto on Valentine's Day, saying, "When you have the confidence in yourself and ability to make those shots, that's big." Regarding Dragic, another scout was taken aback by a move he put on Jamaal Tinsley in Novemer 2009, saying, "For him to go right back through Tinsley's legs, after he did it to him, was impressive. It proved to me his fight and how skilled he is."

Craftiness (Advantage: Dragic) -- While Lin has a nice left-to-right crossover, Dragic is quicker and has more lethal moves: a spin, crossover, double cross, behind-the-back and even a "Dream Shake" like Hakeem Olajuwon. "Dragic will drive baseline and then fake up, get the defender in the air and then he'll come back the other way and lay the ball in with the other hand," one scout said. "You can call it the Dragic Shake."

Finishing (Advantage: Dragic) -- They have the ability to take contact near the basket and kick the ball out to a teammate or score themselves. Dragic is slightly more explosive at the rim. Also, this past sesaon the heavier minutes impacted Lin's finishing ability. "I think his stamina was down because he was basically a backup guy playing about 35, 40 minutes," one scout said. "Stamina is definitely a factor, especially when teams are trying to trap more."

Hands (Advantage: Dragic) -- Both have quick hands defensively and play passing lanes well. On offense, the lefty Dragic can finish better with his opposite hand. Also, being a southpaw gives him a slight edge. "I think when there's a sudden change, whether it be a reserve coming into the game or maybe he gets switched on to someone who doesn't normally guard him, there's that instinct you're expecting a right-handed guy," one scout said.

Pick-and-roll (Even) -- They have a bit of Chris Paul's ability to change speeds and directions utilizing screens in pick-and-roll situations. "They can walk their defender into a screen and then explode off the screen," one scout said. "They have the ability where they actually can speed up into the screen and yet still get their defender on their back. They've got a lot of good thrust coming off the screen and then the ability to sink their teeth into the defense."

Shooting (Even) -- They're not great 3-point shooters. "They're both around 33 percent from three," one scout said. "That's still good to me, but when you have guys like Steve Nash shooting usually above 40 percent from three, that kind of raised the bar. If you get a point guard that's up around 37, 38 percent, that's really impressive. The consistency in their 3-point shooting is where you want to see a little bit of an improvement."

Transition (Advantage: Dragic) -- Not only does Dragic put pressure on the halfcourt defense, but he also constantly does it full court. "The thing that struck me was his knowledge of getting the ball inbounds, getting it up the court quickly and attacking," one scout said. "He put pressure on the defense in terms of as soon as the ball went through the hoop, he got the inbounds and he was pushing it right back at you. One of the best guys at that is Steve Nash."

Overall, both scouts said ball control is the biggest reason why Dragic is the better player right now. Lin's turnover rate was a reason for concern last season.

Will Lin -- a restricted free agent and the driving force behind the Knicks' midseason resurgence -- return to New York?

"The Knicks almost can't let Lin go," one scout said. "They would piss off so many fans. Barring something really odd, I think they have to bring him back. In the Knicks' situation, I don't think Dragic would ever fly."

Now, if Lin is granted Early Bird Rights in mid-June, the Knicks would still have a mid-level exception of $5 million to spend on someone else. That could be Dragic, who would likely get the starting nod over Lin in New York. The question is: What will Dragic's asking price be? Insiders predict he'll be in higher demand than Lin.

http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york/knicks ... ran-dragic
[h1]Could Johnson-Odom fill a defensive void?[/h1]Marquette guard Darius Johnson-Odom was the most impressive perimeter defender at the Brooklyn Nets' draft combine last Saturday. He was the loudest one, calling out pick-and-roll screens and back picks, and aggressively getting up on guys and causing turnovers. His play made the GMs and scouts in attendance look at each other in mutual agreement, and then make a note.

He brought that same intensity to his individual workout with the Knicks, who have the 48th pick in the draft and lost defensive ace Iman Shumpert to a knee injury during the playoffs.

While the 6-foot-5 Shumpert can guard multiple positions, Johnson-Odom's defense could come in handy mostly against point guards -- which is still a plus because of the widespread talent at that position in the NBA. As a senior, he held opposing players to about 30 percent shooting in isolation plays, according to Synergy Sports.


Jamie Rhodes/US PresswireDarius Johnson-Odom

After taking part in 1-on-1 and 3-on-3 drills at the Knicks' training facility with several other draft prospects -- including Scott Machado and Miles Plumlee -- Johnson-Odom sat down with ESPNNewYork.com.

Q: What were you trying to prove out there today?

A: I know what the Knicks need, so I came in with a defensive mindset. With Iman being out, with Baron [Davis] being out, I know that they need somebody who can step up and play D. Everybody knows I can score the ball; that's the least of my worries. But I want to be a player that impacts the team on defense. That's going to be my main focus throughout these workouts. If that means me playing seven minutes in the league and guarding the best player, that's what I'm willing to do.

Q: What's your defensive approach on the court?

A: Always talking, communicating. ... I'm very physical, try to be aggressive on that end -- just try to make it hard on the offensive player. I use my athletic ability. I have a pretty decent wingspan, so I just try to use it as much as possible.

Q: Are there any defensive players in the NBA who you look up to?

A: Young players. Iman was one player that I thought changed the game for the Knicks with his height, his wingspan, his strength, his speed. He was just an incredible defender. He had a huge impact on the team. I haven't gotten to meet him, but hopefully soon.

Q: Anything on the offensive side you want to work on?

A: When I was talking to Allan Houston, a great guy, he said I can play in this league, but he wants me to work on not over-dribbling. I'm going to take that into consideration because he was a great player.

Q: Are you close with former Golden Eagles Steve Novak and Dwyane Wade?

A: I just saw Novak and we were out there kicking it around, so me and Novak are real close. I talk to Dwyane Wade every once in a while. Of course, I'm close with [Bulls forward] Jimmy Butler. We're a big family, man. We usually go back to school for camps and just hang out with each other, because we know we can get in the gym whenever we want. I'm glad to be an alumni of Marquette.

Q: As you watch the NBA playoffs, the highest level of basketball, what do you take away that may help your game?

A: There are a lot of young players in the playoffs, a lot of athletic players, so you see a lot of transition offense. You can't take bad shots; you've got to be patient on offense, take care of the ball. Defense, you're not getting any more easy shots, I'll tell you that. It's not the regular season any more. A lot of guys are making it tough on guys to even catch the ball. You can see how physical the play is, see how much guys really want it, getting into each other's faces. That's the type of player I like. I've been in battles, so I know what it feels to be playing in that type of moment.

Q: What do you enjoy off the court?

A: At the pro level, you don't really hang with your teammates as much, but I love hanging with my teammates. I'm always in the gym trying to work on my game. Movies. I'm a silly guy. I might take it very serious on the court, but off the court, man, I'm probably one of the most talkative, silliest guys you're going to meet. I'm always trying to make people laugh, so they can just try to enjoy their day. That's the type of person I am.

In an ideal situation, as far as young players go we let Fields and TD go or trade them and buy/trade for one or two more 2nd round picks and play those guys.

Reading that Lin vs. Dragic article just restates who I always felt was the better pg but being hopeful of certain things going our way I wish we could get both.
Knicks Sign Mike Woodson To Extension
May 25, 2012 6:07 PM EDT

Mike Woodson has been given a multi-year contract extension by the Knicks.

“Mike took over the team under challenging circumstances and made it clear, starting on day one, that he was going to hold every player on our roster accountable,
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Knicks Sign Mike Woodson To Extension
May 25, 2012 6:07 PM EDT

Mike Woodson has been given a multi-year contract extension by the Knicks.

“Mike took over the team under challenging circumstances and made it clear, starting on day one, that he was going to hold every player on our roster accountable,
Grunwald says Knicks never considered Phil Jackson. 

good lord, how do you not consider the greatest coach of all time? 
Wait, so did Phil want to coach the Knicks or not? And we really didn't want to go after Phil?

What the @$%@ is wrong with us?
Isola says it's a three year deal. I'm indifferent to it. The team obviously likes him so that counts for something. He'll probably fall in line with management so that's another plus. To me, unless you're one of the elite coaches then you could replace Woodson with a few different people and this team will be the same.

Now let's match whatever outrageous contract Jeremy Lin gets offered.. yay!
Rumored to be a 3 year deal.

I look at this two ways Woodson either has the team playing like a top 4 team in the East or we're inconsistent again and we get to hear Hire Phil Jackson/Fire Mike Woodson chants. I really don't see how Knicks fans can take another season underachieving and pathetic failure.
blah, blah 

i aint too mad at signing Woodson but..........

i'm not even going to bother posting it...yall look it up 
Yall need to be easy. Those scrubs Sloan and Jackson had no place here.
That first round assassin, Mike Woodson right at home.

And you do whatever it takes to re-sign Lin.
Do you remember that 3 he hit in Jose Calderon's eye? Eughk.
That was a moment.
He deserves a mil for every one he had this year.

In Dolan We Trust
Look at this propoganda
[h1]Mike Woodson: Company Man[/h1]
May 25, 2012 in by Jared Dubin with 2 Comments

Mike Woodson has been named the permanent head coach of the New York Knicks, so when the 2012-13 NBA season starts, I will root for him because I always root for my team. But I do not like one bit the way this whole thing went down, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact James Dolan and General Manager Glen Grunwald apparently declined to reach out to Phil Jackson to see if he was interested in taking the job. I’ll get to the why in a minute, but I first want to address a few other things.

In a statement released by the team today, Dolan said:
“Mike took over the team under challenging circumstances and made it clear, starting on day one, that he was going to hold every player on our roster accountable. We saw a significant improvement since Mike took over and believe our team will only keep improving under Mike’s direction.
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