Let's face it, Jay-Z is the bar in which we compare rappers to because he is the best. PERIOD

Antidope you are the most sensitive Jay fan I've ever come across, online or off.
At first glance I saw sensible
. I dont see how I'm sensitive by just responding to posts in the thread. I havent gotten mad, offended, or resulted to personal attacks like a lot of other people are doing.
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At first glance I saw sensible
. I dont see how I'm sensitive by just responding to posts in the thread. I havent gotten mad, offended, or resulted to personal attacks like a lot of other people are doing.
I didn't make my observation from this thread; I can tell you are an extremely passionate fan of his.
LOL at "Thats what the problem is". You have no idea how ignorant you sound. What about all the people in this thread who dont agree with JAY-Z being the best who are in the same age bracket? Do you know who keeps pushing the sales argument? Ninjahood who is 31 years old..... You really just reached for the stars with all of this.
Thanks for telling us. We had no idea that 50 had an album before GRODT, where can I find this "Power of the Dollar" album. Also thanks for telling us why we like JAY-Z, its not like we cant like him for any other reason. I'm glad I have people like you around to tell me how I think and feel.
Let me know what stats of Ems are better than JAYs.... Please..... This plus the second part of your last quote is just pure hate. Its crazy how people always come after me for my supposed lack of objectivity, but people make posts like this all the time. Its easy to tell by your tone that you're biased against the guy and are coming in here with the intention of discrediting him instead of making a rational argument.

Debating with you is pointless. This whole Hov obsession you got going on is borderline homo. Co-signing, Avy, sig.. c'mon dude. I say age IS the problem. You practically grew up with wack songs. Who in here is around 27+ and says Jay is the best? I don't care how old Ninjahood is. if he's 31 then chances are he has heard good music before Jay. Just because you and your little group of like 5 high school friends all rode to school in the morning listening to Jay does not make him the best. YOU have yet to give a valid reason why you think he is the best besides sayin "because" and quoting his rhymes like we're supposed to read them and figure that you are right. I tell you give me some of Jays stats that are better than Em's and your reply is for me to give you some of Em's stats that are better than Jays?! Seriously?! Thats how a child argues. All of Ems stats are better than Jay's. Lyrics, flow, song making abilities, content, and his good albums are timeless. Let me close with this

"A wise man told me don't argue wit fools,
cuz people from a distance can't tell who is who"

You can understand that right?
Eazy muthaphkn E!!!!!!

On the real note, jay z is one of the best. But not the greatest.
At first glance I saw sensible:lol: . I dont see how I'm sensitive by just responding to posts in the thread. I havent gotten mad, offended, or resulted to personal attacks like a lot of other people are doing.

I didn't make my observation from this thread; I can tell you are an extremely passionate fan of his.
Deuce outright arrogant about it. Deep down he knows it's a losing battle though so he hits you with the passive aggressive "LOL" or "Bless your heart" and carries on as if Jay being the best is fact.
You couldn't be more condescending if your tried at this point. A childish response begets a childish response and by reading your last post, the odds of you stopping is unlikely.

You imply that it's the people who are 25 and under who are using sales as an argument, I point out that it's the 31 year old doing so, I effective refuting your point, then you say you don't care. Okay. Who here is 27 plus that thinks JAY-Z is the best you say? So you mean to tell me that in 3 years I basically missed some sort of golden age that was wiped off the earth soon after I became introduced to hip hop? Someone who is 27 grew up around the same songs my 24 year old self grew up around. I chose to follow JAY-Z more closely than the rest because I think he's the best.

Thanks for providing your stats, that part of my post was more sarcastic than anything because it's totally opinionated and you can argue in circles all day about it, but I'll respond by saying that JAY-Z is better than Em at all those things. I've said it earlier in the thread, and I'll add the fact that Hovs personal stories are more relatable.
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Deuce outright arrogant about it. Deep down he knows it's a losing battle though so he hits you with the passive aggressive "LOL" or "Bless your heart" and carries on as if Jay being the best is fact.

"Listen champ, Jay-z loves me and I love him too, champ. You got it champ? Bless your heart."
Deuce King is worse.
I beseech you brethren. 
Deuce outright arrogant about it. Deep down he knows it's a losing battle though so he hits you with the passive aggressive "LOL" or "Bless your heart" and carries on as if Jay being the best is fact.
Not really arrogant champ, more so confidence if anything.  Like I said before, I got no problem with people not liking Jay or even saying he's not the best.  With that, I just ask that people present a better argument than what is currently being presented by some in here.  For example, When I hear dudes say "50 and Jay are on equal footing" I'm thinking this person is going to say something along the lines of 50 and Jay are on equal footing because they both breath air or both drink water to survive as human beings.  Something along those lines but no, he's talking about being on equal footing as rappers which is laughable at best.  Not much to say in response to a statement so far out there but "LOL" ya know.

Now for you Master Zik, I have read everything that you have said in here and although you and I haven't or might not agree with each other I think you can agree that we have been respectful to one another even as we disagree.  That's how intelligent debates should go or be conducted.  You have presented your case, and I have presented mine.  Some of these dudes, mostly the detractors have left much to be desired for when they state their case against Jay.  I want these dudes to step it up a bit and attempt to come up with a better argument.  Comments like "had he not linked up with Ja Rule", "had he not linked up with DMX" simply aren't going to cut it.  Some have been good whether they are for or against Jay and this claim.  Some however need help and lots of it as their statements have been feeble to say the least.  There's a style or an art form to debating and I want folks to improve in this area as it's going to be a great asset to them later on in life as they deal with women (or their partner), challenges with their job/career, etc.  Time for dudes to improve as best as possible and get their act together in this area.  Remember, we're not just members of a message board............we are helpers one another.

Getting back to the debate at hand, while watching the Grammy's last night it was just more evidence to me on how and why Jay is the best.  Not saying the Grammy's is the end all be all, but it's certainly a highlight.  Whether Jay was performing with Justin Timberlake or accepting an award which he won, Jay is helping to bring trophies home to the genre of hip hop.  Not just physical trophies either, I want folks to understand that the difference between the two.  I'm not just talking about winning a Grammy or an American Music award trophy, I'm talking about being a/the leader in hip hop and being at the forefront of it.  Helping to establish a culture in the midst of other genres and artists and representing well for those same artists in his field.  Simply put, it's all about winning and being able to gain more exposure for those around you.  A rapper that is still very much relevant in these changing times, there's something to be said about that and I want folks to recognize that and not be so quick to dismiss that.  

It's about being well rounded, it's about being versatile and it's being a, or considered as one of the leaders in your field.  That's what makes somebody or something the best to me.  It's not the money he has, his wife or his business empire, as those are by-products from his success as a rapper.  When your good or the best at what you do, those things come along with the territory. Again those are by-products, from doing the best you can do as a rapper and getting the job done, which he does.

Hope everyone has a blessed Monday!!  I mean that
it all seemed like friendly jabs to me, Dream is patting Frank on the back, hands him the award to ushers him towards the mic first

just realized this isn't the grammy thread 
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Jay is an incredible live performer, while Nas might be the worst live performer I have ever seen in my life.

That sentence alone is what makes Jay the far superior rapper to me....at least musically.
Getting back to the debate at hand, while watching the Grammy's last night it was just more evidence to me on how and why Jay is the best.  Not saying the Grammy's is the end all be all, but it's certainly a highlight.  Whether Jay was performing with Justin Timberlake or accepting an award which he won, Jay is helping to bring trophies home to the genre of hip hop.  Not just physical trophies either, I want folks to understand that the difference between the two.  I'm not just talking about winning a Grammy or an American Music award trophy, I'm talking about being a/the leader in hip hop and being at the forefront of it.  Helping to establish a culture in the midst of other genres and artists and representing well for those same artists in his field.  Simply put, it's all about winning and being able to gain more exposure for those around you.  A rapper that is still very much relevant in these changing times, there's something to be said about that and I want folks to recognize that and not be so quick to dismiss that.  
Well since Jay is a Hip-Hop artist, you would hope he would bring home trophies to the genre of Hip-Hop. You act like Jay-z was the first hip-hop artists to ever perform a song with Justin Timberlake. I read over your post a few times and I don't understand what point you were trying to make because quite honestly it was meshed with a lot of bulls***. Let's not act like Jay won all those Grammy's be himself. They made a whole album together so I would expect them to win awards like Best Rap/Sung Collab, or Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group but what I noticed is how you glossed over the fact that when it comes up to the award that means the most in that genre, Best Rap Album, Jay-z always falls short. You guys want stats about what Eminem has done that Jay hasn't, well he has won 5 Albums of the years compared to the one Jay-Z has won.
I read over your post a few times and I don't understand what point you were trying to make
Overall, it was about longevity.  Year end and year out Jay is getting the job done for hip hop one way or another.  That's how he's "bringing trophies home".
but what I noticed is how you glossed over the fact that when it comes up to the award that means the most in that genre, Best Rap Album, Jay-z always falls short.
Reason being is because that point means little to nothing to me.  I didn't know how many awards Jay or Em received for Rap album of the year prior to you stating your point, and thank you for that answer but even still that doesn't really interest me.  Between the two, I listen to Jay more than Em.  I recognize the greatness of both however.
You guys want stats about what Eminem has done that Jay hasn't, well he has won 5 Albums of the years compared to the one Jay-Z has won.
Like I said earlier, I got no problem with folks thinking that Jay isn't the best or that person stated who they feel is the best if we're going to have a conversation/debate about it.  I just want folks to at least state a good claim of how and why for the person they want to argue for.  You seem to like Em, and that's fine.  What I was trying to convey earlier was not about how many awards this rapper has versus that rapper, it's about the point that for the most part for a very long time Jay is and has always been apart of the conversation or debate.  That's the point, it's about longevity.  Not just arriving on the scene and then all of a sudden disappearing like 50 Cent for example.  He's gone like a fart in the wind.  
Is it me, or is there a strange line that separates one Jay fan from another when one refers to him a "Hov" and the other simply refers to him as Jay?

It's almost like you can tell one is brainwashed on the strength of Jay constantly referring to himself as "Hov".

Just a thought.
Is it me, or is there a strange line that separates one Jay fan from another when one refers to him a "Hov" and the other simply refers to him as Jay?

It's almost like you can tell one is brainwashed on the strength of Jay constantly referring to himself as "Hov".

Just a thought.
Dont forget that if I call him JAY-Z its always capitalized
Is it me, or is there a strange line that separates one Jay fan from another when one refers to him a "Hov" and the other simply refers to him as Jay?

It's almost like you can tell one is brainwashed on the strength of Jay constantly referring to himself as "Hov".

Just a thought.

Truth. "Hov" is such an odd nick name. I could never call him that.
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