Lets get a tips, tricks & steps 2 help Produce STICKY PL

^ Well recording..I have an M-Audio USB/MIDI controller. I wanna use it for production too so I can officially have studio ready music. But why's it pointless? Please educate me cuz I'm not very knowledgeable on equipment. I got an IBM laptop w/ XP, but my boy that I make beats with will be using it mostly...I dunno what make of Comp he has but it's not an apple. He has XP tho.
Beats by Half Amazin'!
Treasury Productions​
^ studio ready music is in the Ear of the beholder though... You can get great sound out of Cubase and Logic as well

I dont think its pointless to have, but if your gonna be making beats in protools, then thats kinda pointless, as it will take up more CPU and you will have to upgrade your computer...What it is good for is a better mix, once you export your fruity sounds you can load them in Pro tools and get a better sounding mix maybe

I would def. run protools on a Desktop if you plan on working your computer to def...What Interface you got?
its pointless cuz pro tools is JUST a sequencer for midi/audio... I'd say get reason to make ur beats then u can rewire into pro tools to mix the beat and record over it...

pro tools doesn't have sounds in it feel me? u can use vsts but yea just get reason(please don't buy it if u just bought pro tools...unless u got it like that :lol:
^^ The good thing about having a Pro Tools hook up though is now you can kinda use outboard gear if you ever get into that, or if you want to record somebody to your beat you can do that through your mBox....I'm not too familiar with FL but I don't think you can do all that...And if you ever find your way into a real studio or even another home studio Pro Tools is pretty standard so having that ability to go anywhere with it is great...So its not really pointless, your only expanding your capabilities...
^Yea thanks. That's why I thought was a good reason for getting it. It's industry standard and God willing one day an industry artist wants a track I can send the Protools project so they can record perfectly, instead of me giving them the mp3 file. Can I rewire FL into protools? Can I strip vocals from songs with a version of protools?
Beats by Half Amazin'!
Treasury Productions​
i don't think theres any way to completely strip vocals from a song. unless you had the original tracks then you can just mute the vocals.

on a similar note, my friend brought up that maybe if you had both the instrumental track and and full song; and you put one of them out of phase, only the vocals would be left. he didn't try it though. maybe someone wants to give it a try?
i don't think theres any way to completely strip vocals from a song. unless you had the original tracks then you can just mute the vocals.

on a similar note, my friend brought up that maybe if you had both the instrumental track and and full song; and you put one of them out of phase, only the vocals would be left. he didn't try it though. maybe someone wants to give it a try?
i don't think theres any way to completely strip vocals from a song. unless you had the original tracks then you can just mute the vocals.

on a similar note, my friend brought up that maybe if you had both the instrumental track and and full song; and you put one of them out of phase, only the vocals would be left. he didn't try it though. maybe someone wants to give it a try?
I've seen the machines that can remove vocals from songs, but I'm not sure how well they would work on hip-hop...
on a similar note, my friend brought up that maybe if you had both the instrumental track and and full song; and you put one of them out of phase, only the vocals would be left. he didn't try it though. maybe someone wants to give it a try?

if you have the instrumental and the full track you can get an acapella....i've tried it, but it was a pain to go through the whole song and make sure it phased out just right, but if I had the patience it would definitely work, or if I had higher quality versions of both it would probably work better....but it's a technique that a lot of people use to get acapellas

you invert the instrumental and lay it over the full track, but it has to be so precise that even if it's off just a little, you'll still hear the beat,
TIME speaking the truth...Reason is so far ahead of the game...only thing they REALLY missing is being able to record vocals str8 into the sequencer...Other than that 1. they have sounds 2. you can create new sounds 3. Sampling and 4. real time automation

true genius machine
Yea, i been doing research on them for the past month, ever since my cousin told me about them, and how prince's keyboard player uses them...Great tool and i've heard nothing but good things about them

Timbaland Miko comes with 4gb ram, 2.1 ghz , 500 gb storage...and 25gb worth of extra sounds CRAZY

i dont need a Neko, cause i got 61 keys on the fantom, but a miko is perfect as a sounds host
I want to get into producing not like make a career out of it or anything just as a side hobby, is fruity loops a good program for this ? Thanks
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