Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!

My fellow NT'ers, I stand, or rather sit, before you today a mere man like many of yourselves. Now as a man, I am able to admit when I was wrong. Myactions in the waves thread reflected on my younger, nineteen year old self. However, that doesn't justify that they were my actions none theless; I take full responsibility for them. But I ask you to look past my past flaws and join me for a glipse of a brighter NT future. A future where we canbask in the glory of pyp's where GIRLS participate. A future where AirAnt does not begin every response with a "YO!", but rather "Good day,my fellow NT bretheren". Join me, my friends, as we march to the establishment that is Cameron Nelson and DEMAND he finished working on the saturn.Support a NT'er who is willing and able to stare at Crux's replies and say "Hey! It's not cool to eat dogs".

We're in times of hardship my friends. Dirtylicious and the rest of the admins have been handing out toxic bans to people who can't handle them.Theyhave no idea how much people rely upon NT for their day to day life. I ask you, good people of NT, to think of Pookieman and the injury he sustained afterbeing banned. Without a doubt in my mind, that broken leg could have been avoided had he been spending time here on NT, rather than in the outside world. NT,don't let them win. OGBobbyJohnson has supported Dirtylicious in over 95% of his failed banned policies. Yet he boasts about change? Folks, that soundslike more of the same.

Together, we the people can take back NT and make it a better place for our son's sons.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by onewearz

ogbobbyjohnson is getting alot of endorsements. will he accept and run ?

WTH, I woke up and walked into a presidential nomination. Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business, Im gonna need some interns to "help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate.
Thank you very much, OGbobbyjohnson773. Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to be up here tonight. Let me tell you folks something, you can do anything in this country if you have a dream. I've lived and seen the dream - the American dream. My father came here with the clothes on his back, super glue, a broken flashlight, and a rubber piggy bank with just 69 cents inside. During his 3 day trip his piggy bank broke and all he was left with was the top. With his ingenuity, he was able to glue the top of the piggy bank to the broken flashlight. Then and there he built his empire of self-gratification. *applause* Mark my words, starting my position as vice president, I will make it mandatory for posts relating to anything of females to include high resolution pics. *applause* Yes, yes. My second agenda will be to challenge Congress on their stance of their flaming policy. *applause* We must also uphold our American principles. That is, we must turn our fight to the evil-doers in the Phillipines. America cannot turn their backs on the suffering and yelps that the cats and dogs in that country are subject to. *thunderous applause* Folks, we are ready to make changes and with my help we can do it. Repeat after me. We can do it.
My name is Purple Face and god bless you all!


Well done sir, well done.

Vote OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face '08
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by onewearz

ogbobbyjohnson is getting alot of endorsements. will he accept and run ?

WTH, I woke up and walked into a presidential nomination. Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business, Im gonna need some interns to "help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate.
Thank you very much, OGbobbyjohnson773. Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to be up here tonight. Let me tell you folks something, you can do anything in this country if you have a dream. I've lived and seen the dream - the American dream. My father came here with the clothes on his back, super glue, a broken flashlight, and a rubber piggy bank with just 69 cents inside. During his 3 day trip his piggy bank broke and all he was left with was the top. With his ingenuity, he was able to glue the top of the piggy bank to the broken flashlight. Then and there he built his empire of self-gratification. *applause* Mark my words, starting my position as vice president, I will make it mandatory for posts relating to anything of females to include high resolution pics. *applause* Yes, yes. My second agenda will be to challenge Congress on their stance of their flaming policy. *applause* We must also uphold our American principles. That is, we must turn our fight to the evil-doers in the Phillipines. America cannot turn their backs on the suffering and yelps that the cats and dogs in that country are subject to. *thunderous applause* Folks, we are ready to make changes and with my help we can do it. Repeat after me. We can do it.
My name is Purple Face and god bless you all!


Well done sir, well done.

Vote OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face '08

OGbobbyjohnson may try 2 paint me as a 'felon'...yes, I have been banned before. But this only proves that I AM YOU. There are many amongst us who areon our 2nd, 3rd...hell, 8th try (yall know who yall is...)...Senator OGbobbyjohnson views you all as felons! Is that what you want? A president who willmarginalize the oppressed? A president who says 'no' 2 second chances? A president who denies an NTer's opportunity 2 redeem himself? If Senator OGhad his way...there WOULD BE no backup names, no returns...hell, I wouldn't put it past him 2 oppose suspensions in favor of outright bannings. Is thattotalitarian e-dystopia what you want as the future of NT? I say that is not what you want...say no 2 Senator OGBobbyJohnson and Congressman PalinFace, and sayYES 2 FREEDOM! Drinks on me, let's go!

*I'm AJ, goldN party candidate, and I approve this message.*
Originally Posted by iBlink

My fellow NT'ers, I stand, or rather sit, before you today a mere man like many of yourselves. Now as a man, I am able to admit when I was wrong. My actions in the waves thread reflected on my younger, nineteen year old self. However, that doesn't justify that they were my actions none the less; I take full responsibility for them. But I ask you to look past my past flaws and join me for a glipse of a brighter NT future. A future where we can bask in the glory of pyp's where GIRLS participate. A future where AirAnt does not begin every response with a "YO!", but rather "Good day, my fellow NT bretheren". Join me, my friends, as we march to the establishment that is Cameron Nelson and DEMAND he finished working on the saturn. Support a NT'er who is willing and able to stare at Crux's replies and say "Hey! It's not cool to eat dogs".

We're in times of hardship my friends. Dirtylicious and the rest of the admins have been handing out toxic bans to people who can't handle them. Theyhave no idea how much people rely upon NT for their day to day life. I ask you, good people of NT, to think of Pookieman and the injury he sustained after being banned. Without a doubt in my mind, that broken leg could have been avoided had he been spending time here on NT, rather than in the outside world. NT, don't let them win. OGBobbyJohnson has supported Dirtylicious in over 95% of his failed banned policies. Yet he boasts about change? Folks, that sounds like more of the same.

Together, we the people can take back NT and make it a better place for our son's sons.

we could've saved pookie !

but who's gonna stand up to the most ruthless heartless mod holdenmicheal and his quick ban finger ?
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74


That's why I've got a spot reserved in my cabinet for you. Same goes for ska, my man.
And, Keven, I love you too. Stay in school.

Originally Posted by potus2028

HOVkid's plan is flawed and works only 2 serve his own interests...he's not thinking about Joe the Poster. I plan 2 put everybody's post count in a lock-box...one's post count is his, his, or her own business. What's more, I support same-sex PMs. What yall discuss in the privacy of yall own inboxes is yall business. I also propose the dissolution of the Grammar Police, 4 correcting minor grammar and spelling errors is futile...and is a prime example of wasteful bandwidth spending. However, I will create a new 'Grammar Task Force' 2 eradicate the most egregious errors and/or wholly unintelligible responses.

If that's the case then the first task of the Grammar Task Force will be to delete your post.

eNPHAN, you make a strong case for my VP. But I may shake things up and go with the unknown yet sexy girl who's new to politics. NYelectric, be on my team,baby.

Originally Posted by KNUDslpm

i nominate juan baller. he doesn't post much but when he does his posts are always on point. if he doesn't show my nomination goes to wallyweststeppin.

Juan Baller mysteriously disappeared in a boating accident last night.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Now... potus: getting rid of Grammar Police... only to bring up a 'Grammar Task Force'?!
If that's not straight out of the Department of Redundancy Department, I don't know what is.

Well it should be pretty obvious that he is trying to make himself head of TGP to replace me, the current president. This is outrageous! You will not fool Joethe Poster with your political shenanigans!
Originally Posted by potus2028

And ska, what I'm tryin 2 accomplish is deregulating grammar...the Grammar Task Force, as I said is 4 the sole purpose of pointing out the most blatant of errors which interfere with basic comminication, as opposed 2 TGP and the Grammar Deputies goin on a rampage every time sumbody mistakes 'then' 4 'than'. No jobs will be lost, simply repurposed.

My friends, my opponent is unfairly characterizing the Grammar Police. Plus he can't spell or read. Ta-ta-ta-today, junior!

My friends, let me make this perfectly clear. My opponent, that one, is running a smear campaign. Every post he has made is negative. Plus, he is pallingaround with postwhores. He is just more of the same and cosigned with Dirtylicious 90% of the time. You can put lipstick on an avy but that doesn't makeyou the Joker.
Not only that, but apparently Governor iBlink opposes free speech! He would deny AirAnt his iconic 'YO' in favor of some generic, watered downgreeting? If he is willing 2 sacrifice such sacred cows, imagine what he is willing 2 sacrifice on your behalf?

And I realize Congressman PalinFace's humor may be appealing...hell, I even laugh at it myself...but what will he do 4 YOU? I hope he tells you aknock-knock joke when you get banned unfairly. As a goofy #@* _, I can appreciate humor more than the next man...but does that humor qualify you 2 be oneheartbeat/banning/power surge away from being the leader of the free board? Ask youself that before you vote. Yamean...George Bush is funny at times...

*I'm AJ, goldNparty candidate, and I approve this message*
This is what I'm looking for In my Niketalk President:

  • Somebody that is grammatically correct with their posts
  • Older than 18
  • Somebody that disagrees with Dirty on almost every aspect of life
  • Somebody that can push for more leniency on the board i.e. less restrictions in PYP's, less bans ect.
  • Somebody that could bring more women to NT and keep them here
  • Experience
  • Leadership
  • Non-douchyness*
I will not vote for a candidate that:

  • Is immature
  • Pushes for more rules
  • Thinks "thick" women are fat
  • Is named Purpleface or HaterBoxden
these are just some of the issues I stand on, but pics of fine women could also get my vote
Four wh.ores and 7 beers ago....I sat sunken in my old sperm filled sofas, pontificating on the meaning of life and how I could better the existence of myfellow NT'ers....My head firmly planted in a reefer cloud, passing a bottle of Hennesy to my comrade JJ (The Jersey Shirt)....I looked to my left and therewas the good sir Blackmagnus playing pocket pool with one hand, while groping on a 16 year old vixen with the other...I looked to my right and some randomNT'er was Harlem shaking in a dead serious hoodie....across the room stood a quivering Islamic Nt'ers, shook to the core at the presence of real-lifevagine...in another corner stood Kerry and Bonk...faces firmly planted in the bushy blackholes of a seasoned $@+!@@.....through fuzzy vision I saw the solidblackness of a shadow break up as glowing white teeth and eyes, shone brightly from a corner of my abode...it was the Glv.

All around me stood NT royalty....

Just then as I began to give up hope and dive further into intoxication....I heard the deep crack-affected voice of the elder wench scream out...."oneof you get on the floor now!"....she cracked her leather belt/herion apparatus and the room grew silent...no man dared flinch...no man except 1.

It was the brother Poo Bear...HarlemtotheBronx himself....he got on all fours (no love lockdown) stood in front of the temptress and closed his eyes....HTTBreceived the worst beating since Kunta changed his name to Toby....but as he lay on the floor of my apartment wincing....I came to an ephinany (after Ifinished laughing of course).

I realized that bettering NT is all about SACRIFICE....that is what I have done in my 7 years here and that is what I will continue to do when I am electedyour President.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I realized that bettering NT is all about SACRIFICE....that is what I have done in my 7 years here and that is what I will continue to do when I am elected your President.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Not only that, but apparently Governor iBlink opposes free speech! He would deny AirAnt his iconic 'YO' in favor of some generic, watered down greeting? If he is willing 2 sacrifice such sacred cows, imagine what he is willing 2 sacrifice on your behalf?

And I realize Congressman PalinFace's humor may be appealing...hell, I even laugh at it myself...but what will he do 4 YOU? I hope he tells you a knock-knock joke when you get banned unfairly. As a goofy #@* _, I can appreciate humor more than the next man...but does that humor qualify you 2 be one heartbeat/banning/power surge away from being the leader of the free board? Ask youself that before you vote. Yamean...George Bush is funny at times...

*I'm AJ, goldNparty candidate, and I approve this message*
To quote the late great Mark Twain, "Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritation and resentmentsslip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place." These are truly depressing times and I think the American people enjoy the amusement of my creativity.Now, you smear me with adjectives that conjure up a totalitarian. Let me tell you something, Senator AJ... I am far from that - a totalitarian. I am thepeople's people. I've been there when they said my post doesn't count because my membership shows that I've been here for 1 month and have 50posts - a "newbie" they've said. I can relate to Joe the Poster. So on to you, Senator AJ, you want to implement a Grammar Task Force but yourspeeches contain many grammatical errors in itself. What kind of message does that send to the American people? To me it sounds like you're a hypocriticalhippo.
iBlink I dont trust this Haze person as my president....I read about him and he's not.....he's a uh....uh....uh...Arab
I just got off the phone with my runningmate. She is on her way to campaign headquarters now, some of you may have heard of her:

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

iBlink I dont trust this Haze person as my president....I read about him and he's not.....he's a uh....uh....uh...Arab

I'm down to moderate the debates.


I sacrificed my actual physical well being as I went in search of the elusive Ninjahood in his own neighborhood. Knowing very well of my musket totingtendencies....Sacrifice.

I sacrificed a piece of my soul when I met up with a slighty obesed female NT'er in 2002, without seeng any of her pics...and yes I did hit it..that sameday....Sacrifice.

I sacrificed my distinguished SN, when I entered in a furious chatroom brawl with the infamous Jrose last month. You see the "banned member" under myname..."I have the scars to prove it America"...Sacrifice.

I constantly sacrifice my time and patience in making enlightening threads only to see them fall to page 13 as the "What brand is Kanye's q-tips"thread get bumped for the second time in 3o seconds...Sacrifice.

I sacrificed my rep and gave birth to the music forum melees...when I entered into a battle with omnipotent Ben Baller and tarnished his e-rep for the firsttime..."Nelly sold more records than Jay"....Sacrifice.

I led the insurgency against Dirty's growing arrogance and the racial injustices that were going on checked a couple years ago...helping the word Ninjatake a place in popular NT
vernacular in the process...Sacrifice.

That right NT...I am the name you can trust, the OG who has put in work in all forums...carrying the NT flag through the darkest of nigHT....who are theseother candidates who claim to be the voice of change? What have they done to win your confidence? I have years of experience .organzing progress across sitelines...I'm not afraid to reach across the aisle.

Elect me and I shall restore the luster of NikeTalk and ensure its promise for generatoins to come!
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Four wh.ores and 7 beers ago....I sat sunken in my old sperm filled sofas, pontificating on the meaning of life and how I could better the existence of my fellow NT'ers....My head firmly planted in a reefer cloud, passing a bottle of Hennesy to my comrade JJ (The Jersey Shirt)....I looked to my left and there was the good sir Blackmagnus playing pocket pool with one hand, while groping on a 16 year old vixen with the other...I looked to my right and some random NT'er was Harlem shaking in a dead serious hoodie....across the room stood a quivering Islamic Nt'ers, shook to the core at the presence of real-life vagine...in another corner stood Kerry and Bonk...faces firmly planted in the bushy blackholes of a seasoned $@+!@@.....through fuzzy vision I saw the solid blackness of a shadow break up as glowing white teeth and eyes, shone brightly from a corner of my abode...it was the Glv.

All around me stood NT royalty....

Just then as I began to give up hope and dive further into intoxication....I heard the deep crack-affected voice of the elder wench scream out...."one of you get on the floor now!"....she cracked her leather belt/herion apparatus and the room grew silent...no man dared flinch...no man except 1.

It was the brother Poo Bear...HarlemtotheBronx himself....he got on all fours (no love lockdown) stood in front of the temptress and closed his eyes....HTTB received the worst beating since Kunta changed his name to Toby....but as he lay on the floor of my apartment wincing....I came to an ephinany (after I finished laughing of course).

I realized that bettering NT is all about SACRIFICE....that is what I have done in my 7 years here and that is what I will continue to do when I am elected your President.
nice version of the Gettysburg address

you've got my vote
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I just got off the phone with my runningmate. She is on her way to campaign headquarters now, some of you may have heard of her:


NT, do you want a VP who has herpes and rejects her Mexican heritage? What about a president who elects this person as their running mate? That judgement cantbe trusted......Vote for judgement.....Vote for change.....

Vote OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face
All of the candidates are talking around the issues I want to know what your policies will be?!
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Four wh.ores and 7 beers ago....I sat sunken in my old sperm filled sofas, pontificating on the meaning of life and how I could better the existence of my fellow NT'ers....My head firmly planted in a reefer cloud, passing a bottle of Hennesy to my comrade JJ (The Jersey Shirt)....I looked to my left and there was the good sir Blackmagnus playing pocket pool with one hand, while groping on a 16 year old vixen with the other...I looked to my right and some random NT'er was Harlem shaking in a dead serious hoodie....across the room stood a quivering Islamic Nt'ers, shook to the core at the presence of real-life vagine...in another corner stood Kerry and Bonk...faces firmly planted in the bushy blackholes of a seasoned $@+!@@.....through fuzzy vision I saw the solid blackness of a shadow break up as glowing white teeth and eyes, shone brightly from a corner of my abode...it was the Glv.

All around me stood NT royalty....

Just then as I began to give up hope and dive further into intoxication....I heard the deep crack-affected voice of the elder wench scream out...."one of you get on the floor now!"....she cracked her leather belt/herion apparatus and the room grew silent...no man dared flinch...no man except 1.

It was the brother Poo Bear...HarlemtotheBronx himself....he got on all fours (no love lockdown) stood in front of the temptress and closed his eyes....HTTB received the worst beating since Kunta changed his name to Toby....but as he lay on the floor of my apartment wincing....I came to an ephinany (after I finished laughing of course).

I realized that bettering NT is all about SACRIFICE....that is what I have done in my 7 years here and that is what I will continue to do when I am elected your President.
nice version of the Gettysburg address

you've got my vote


Funny thing is...that really happened not too long ago.....Magnus and Kerry still have the warts to prove it and this is a pic of HTTB's back taken atthe end of the "summit"....


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