Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

iBlink I dont trust this Haze person as my president....I read about him and he's not.....he's a uh....uh....uh...Arab

I'm down to moderate the debates.



right now the candidates are :







either pm me your votes or post em, i'll tally em later ....

i need a life
OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face....I ask you this simple question.....how many NT summits have you two .organized or been involved with?

Just a one word answer would suffice....
Originally Posted by FreddyPee

All of the candidates are talking around the issues I want to know what your policies will be?!

I definitely lose this election because there are more than enoughpeople here that I have e-offended.

My policies:
-Any girl related thread must include pics or will be locked on sight if no pics are added by the end of page 2.
-I would ban on trolls on sight.
-The censorship restrictions would be lifted (racial slurs are censored). I love a cuss word or two in a post.
-The waiting period to get approved would be cut down from one month to two weeks.
-If someone believes they have been wrongfully banned, they will be given a chance to appeal the decision made by my cabinet.
-Jordan Brand forum would be deleted. That forum is useless.
-Thong shots would be allowed and nip slips are fine. No full frontal nudity.
-Flame wars would be allowed if deemed necessary.
-I will use correct grammar.
-I will stand up to any tyrants (admins) and their minions (moderators) when they impede on the rights of my NT brethren.

As an independent, it is going to be pretty damn hard to sway the decision of my fellow Niketalkers but if elected I will make sure, no I will come throughwith everything promised and then some. I too have lost many a name in rebellion against the totalitarian state that we call Niketalk. I have the scars toprove it. When you were banned I was there, I never forgot; will you?

Lazy B in 08.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Not only that, but apparently Governor iBlink opposes free speech! He would deny AirAnt his iconic 'YO' in favor of some generic, watered down greeting? If he is willing 2 sacrifice such sacred cows, imagine what he is willing 2 sacrifice on your behalf?

And I realize Congressman PalinFace's humor may be appealing...hell, I even laugh at it myself...but what will he do 4 YOU? I hope he tells you a knock-knock joke when you get banned unfairly. As a goofy #@* _, I can appreciate humor more than the next man...but does that humor qualify you 2 be one heartbeat/banning/power surge away from being the leader of the free board? Ask youself that before you vote. Yamean...George Bush is funny at times...

*I'm AJ, goldNparty candidate, and I approve this message*

Fellow NTers,
This leader is perfect for our community. Many people of Niketalk come to the General forum for various reasons. In a recent poll that was conducted, theresults show that the majority of vistors to the General forum come here for laughs, women, and stress relief. (Results based on an September '08 poll). IfYOU elect AJ (potus2028) (commonly known as Goldnboi) president of Niketalk, you are doing yourselfs a favor. How many NTers appreciate the Big Breast Post?*loud applause* Well then, Mr. AJ will promise that he will order a mandatory sticky for the *******. This will save you valuble time because it will be easyto find. And to my next point....A majority of NTers are in high school/college. Don't you come on NT for a break from school? Why is grammar thatimportant on NT? people come here to get stress off their shoulders and they don't want to be critizied on how bad they type. With AJ in office, HE WILLNOT CALL YOU OUT! He will make you fell comfortable with how you post.

NT I leave you today with one more thing to say. If you want a man who will stand up for YOU, fight for YOU, and make changes for YOU, then AJ is the man youwant in office. Make the right decision NT. Don't vote based on other people and their votes. Vote based on your mind.....vote based on your heart.

Believe in AJ

*potus.....i will be expecting some kind of cabinet position
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face....I ask you this simple question.....how many NT summits have you two .organized or been involved with?

Just a one word answer would suffice....

NT, I'm joining you all tonight from a table at Chili's. As I look over the menu, contemplating on just what to have for my birthday dinner, I feel mypresence needed here with you. A vote for iBlink is a vote for someone who's dedicated to being able to answer your calls at any given moment. Now I knowmy rivals will throw their insults and what not, but it's time we realize that in these trying times, there's no time for the same politics as usual.You, the good members of this great forum, deserve a president who will work tirelessly to restore our boards to it's rightful place in the world ofsneaker forums. While it's against my nature to call out my opponents, I ask you the voters to take a closer look at my fellow candidates. One of them-coughOGBOBBYJOHNSONcough- has been know to pall around with ISSers. My friends, I've always had NT's best interests at heart. Support me andyou'll be supporting the new age of NT. An age where you can no longer worry about the looming the threat of HoldenMichael breathing down your necks.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face....I ask you this simple question.....how many NT summits have you two .organized or been involved with?

Just a one word answer would suffice....


Whats that...whats that you say?...Zero?....Zero?!


Purple Face and I will tackle the issues. We will fight for your rights, whether youre new to NT or have been here for 7 years. Some of the issues on ouragenda include:

• Peace talks with JJB, we will work to get our NT brethren re-enlisted. We must export our NT brand and JJB is vital in doing so. Thus, by building ties,women of both boards will feel
comfortable enough to post pics.

• During these times of distress, we will enact a "banning freeze" in an effort to stimulate the morale of NT.

• The eminent treat of terror is an issue. We want to keep NT safe and fearless. We will stand up to 4 chan or any adversary. I have the experience, Ive beenhere long enough to see other
websites hacked while NT remains. My competition is too young to deal with the treat of terror.

Those are only a few of the issues myself and Purple Face will be tackling. I will let my running mate further elaborate on this and other issues we areworking on.
Thank you for your time NT. God bless you all.

Vote OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face '08
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Purple Face and I will tackle the issues. We will fight for your rights, whether youre new to NT or have been here for 7 year.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]?[/color]
i would like to run for president.
SImplyDimply can be the 1st lady

Why should i be president? Because im from NY, i got impeccable swagg and i will share my wealth with my fellow Nters..I came from the bottom, just like all ofyou, came from the streets, so i got street knowledge..Never would i yell out "help help they have guns" if im getting robbed in an alley. Yall needa pres. with confidence and coolness and all that other good !%@+..and if im president, Free Andressa Soares for avrywan!!!
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Purple Face and I will tackle the issues. We will fight for your rights, whether youre new to NT or have been here for 7 year.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]?[/color]

Thank you for reviewing my spelling, you will be appointed "Secretary of Grammar" if I am elected president. We need to clean up the grammar on NT.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Purple Face and I will tackle the issues. We will fight for your rights, whether youre new to NT or have been here for 7 year. Some of the issues on our agenda include:

• Peace talks with JJB, we will work to get our NT brethren re-enlisted. We must export our NT brand and JJB is vital in doing so. Thus, by building ties, women of both boards will feel
comfortable enough to post pics.

• During these times of distress, we will enact a "banning freeze" in an effort to stimulate the morale of NT.

• The eminent treat of terror is an issue. We want to keep NT safe and fearless. We will stand up to 4 chan or any adversary. I have the experience, Ive been here long enough to see other
websites hacked while NT remains. My competition is too young to deal with the treat of terror.

Those are only a few of the issues myself and Purple Face will be tackling. I will let my running mate further elaborate on this and other issues we are working on.
Thank you for your time NT. God bless you all.

Vote Lazy B '08
I hate to say it but I agree with my opponent. We must unite and take a stand against the axis of evil. We will not tolerate threats from ISS or4Chan. We don't negotiate with e-terrorists. I will try to avoid declaring war on those factions but if taken to the point where peace and stability atNiketalk is in danger an invasion to show our might will be necessary.
OGbobbyjohnson773 wrote:

• During these times of distress, we will enact a "banning freeze" in an effort to stimulate the morale of NT.


Thats using a hatchet...when what this country site needs is a scalpel. [emoji]169[/emoji]....

How are we going to get rid of the Mayors and Geronimo's of the cyber world...who erode the very fabric of our beloved messageboard, with a banning freeze?

Making exaggerated and dangerous promises to please the crowd.....and we aren't even through the primaries yet

This man is "erratic" NT....
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

OGbobbyjohnson773 wrote:

• During these times of distress, we will enact a "banning freeze" in an effort to stimulate the morale of NT.


Thats using a hatchet...when what this country site needs is a scalpel. [emoji]169[/emoji]....

How are we going to get rid of the Mayors and Geronimo's of the cyber world...who erode the very fabric of our beloved message board, with a banning freeze?

Making exaggerated and dangerous promises to please the crowd.....and we aren't even through the primaries yet

This man is "erratic" NT....

You have my coveted endorsement barring you vet me the VP
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

OGbobbyjohnson773 wrote:

• During these times of distress, we will enact a "banning freeze" in an effort to stimulate the morale of NT.


Thats using a hatchet...when what this country site needs is a scalpel. [emoji]169[/emoji]....

How are we going to get rid of the Mayors and Geronimo's of the cyber world...who erode the very fabric of our beloved message board, with a banning freeze?

Making exaggerated and dangerous promises to please the crowd.....and we aren't even through the primaries yet

This man is "erratic" NT....

He's an e-socialist. Bans must come down hard and swift (NH) to anyone who violates the R.O.C. If elected Haze,if he accepts, will be madeMinister of Re-education. His intelligence can not be ignored and would be a vital asset to my reign *ahem* term.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Purple Face and I will tackle the issues. We will fight for your rights, whether youre new to NT or have been here for 7 year.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]?[/color]
Thank you for reviewing my spelling, you will be appointed "Secretary of Grammar" if I am elected president. We need to clean up the grammar on NT.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Sweet! Can't wait to join the best administration on NT[/color]

"Joe the Popeyes worker Mayor"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] I think he got fired though, son said something about UPS[/color]
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

OGbobbyjohnson773 wrote:

• During these times of distress, we will enact a "banning freeze" in an effort to stimulate the morale of NT.


Thats using a hatchet...when what this country site needs is a scalpel. [emoji]169[/emoji]....

How are we going to get rid of the Mayors and Geronimo's of the cyber world...who erode the very fabric of our beloved message board, with a banning freeze?

Making exaggerated and dangerous promises to please the crowd.....and we aren't even through the primaries yet

This man is "erratic" NT....

"Joe the Popeyes worker Mayor" and "Jim Geronimo pre-teen" are both vital members of our NT society. We must address andwork for all members of our society. No man or woman is better or worse than the next. As president I will meet with the mentioned parties, re-educate and workwith them individually to ensure compliance to the rules. We cant just work for the elite and middle class, we must reach out to the lower end of our societyas well. Im for the people.

Vote OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face '08
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