Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


That's too much booty.
I don't care how long it takes... and I know this adds pressure on him... but I'm anticipating ogbobbyjohnson's words.

Bottom of pg. 7
"Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business, Im gonna need some interns to"help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate."

Sounds like you put... a significant amount of thought into that.
Thatdoesn't conjure up thoughts of two candidates in neatly pressed suits, nervous, giving speeches they have been preparing for weeks and weeks, reading offof index cards from time to time if they forget where the were... while the third candidate shows up in a 1970's VW Vanagon minutes before he'sscheduled to speak, rambling some jumbled, scattered thoughts he had been thinking about for the last 15 miles (in between wolfing down a Big Mac and gropinghis girlfriend before his 'big speech'), and leaving in a hail of applause and exposed breasts, having captured the hearts of underachieverseverywhere.

Originally Posted by potus2028

eNPHAN can be Bill O'Reilly
..and besides, most of our Presidents were guilty of some wrongdoing or other...I just believe in political transparency, that is, being honest about who I am 2 the folk I want 2 support me. Have I made some (grammatical) mistakes in my life? Sure...but he without any squiggly red lines in his Word documents may cast the 1st stone. Judge me not on the color of my sig, nor the football team of my choice...but the content of my posts.
Even though I hate the Cowboys...

goldenboi for prez
Stump speeches, iBlink? Surely you can do better

iBlink supports compulsory voting laws! Do YOU want your government tellin you what you can and can't do? He also nibbles on small children...thoughblink-182 is a very fine music group...can't fault him for that...

And ska, what I'm tryin 2 accomplish is deregulating grammar...the Grammar Task Force, as I said is 4 the sole purpose of pointing out the most blatant oferrors which interfere with basic comminication, as opposed 2 TGP and the Grammar Deputies goin on a rampage every time sumbody mistakes 'then' 4'than'. No jobs will be lost, simply repurposed.

As president, I will make sure there is only one Caturday per month...and I propose it be the last Saturday monthly. What's more, I propose an Obamasticky. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced Obamasaturation in General. I fully support Governor iBlink's tittie sticky tho, and asPresident, it WILL be a main priority of mines. I'm not about partisan bickering...I'm about what's best 4 the NT community. As Governor iBlink soeloquently stole from me, I am you. I am Joe the Poster. A vote 4 me is a vote 4 the interests of all NT.

*I'm AJ, goldN party candidate...and I approve this message.*
Originally Posted by Can I Live

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by onewearz

ogbobbyjohnson is getting alot of endorsements. will he accept and run ?

WTH, I woke up and walked into a presidential nomination. Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business, Im gonna need some interns to "help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate.
thats it?

Yes. As president, I will be concise, brief and to the point unlike iBlink who uses paragraphs of words to avoid the question and further confuse. Its time forchange. Not only does iBlink use fancy words and grammar, he also supported and voted for the ban of "acronyms" (NT Rules of Conduct, Section 1-General conduct, Rule #2). A facet of NT which we all came to know and love. I will fight for 100+ page PYP's. I will stand up to Crux. I will not watch asour rights on NT are slowly taken away. iBlink is more concerned about his waves "spinnin" than he is about the agenda and task at hand:

Originally Posted by iBlink

me > you bums

three years ago

three minutes ago

Do you want a president who addresses their fellow NT'ers as "bums"? There will be change....there will be change.

Vote OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face '08

This message/smear campaign was approved by OGbobbyjohnson773
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Can I Live

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by onewearz

ogbobbyjohnson is getting alot of endorsements. will he accept and run ?

WTH, I woke up and walked into a presidential nomination. Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business, Im gonna need some interns to "help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate.
thats it?

Yes. As president, I will be concise, brief and to the point unlike iBlink who uses paragraphs of words to avoid the question and further confuse. Its time for change. Not only does iBlink use fancy words and grammar, he also supported and voted for the ban of "acronyms" (NT Rules of Conduct, Section 1- General conduct, Rule #2). A facet of NT which we all came to know and love. I will fight for 100+ page PYP's. I will stand up to Crux. I will not watch as our rights on NT are slowly taken away. iBlink is more concerned about his waves "spinnin" than he is about the agenda and task at hand:

Originally Posted by iBlink

me > you bums

three years ago

three minutes ago

Do you want a president who addresses their fellow NT'ers as "bums"? There will be change....there will be change.

Vote OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face '08

This message/smear campaign was approved by OGbobbyjohnson773
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I don't care how long it takes... and I know this adds pressure on him... but I'm anticipating ogbobbyjohnson's words.
Bottom of pg. 7
"Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business, Im gonna need some interns to "help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate."

Sounds like you put... a significant amount of thought into that.
That doesn't conjure up thoughts of two candidates in neatly pressed suits, nervous, giving speeches they have been preparing for weeks and weeks, reading off of index cards from time to time if they forget where the were... while the third candidate shows up in a 1970's VW Vanagon minutes before he's scheduled to speak, rambling some jumbled, scattered thoughts he had been thinking about for the last 15 miles (in between wolfing down a Big Mac and groping his girlfriend before his 'big speech'), and leaving in a hail of applause and exposed breasts, having captured the hearts of underachievers everywhere.


well put ska
My votes for iBlink unless OGBobbyJohnson can steal it away.
This page has caused the iBlink campaign to take a major hit.

potus' latest speech was very convincing. One Caturday a month, an Obama sticky, and a 'tittiesticky'?
How can you not vote for this guy?

*edit* Heeeeey, bobbyjohnson is coming through focusing o the points about his competitors that he needs too,though.
Calling to question iBlink's reference of NTers as bums? Painting potus' as a bannedcriminal? Well played.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Stump speeches, iBlink? Surely you can do better

iBlink supports compulsory voting laws! Do YOU want your government tellin you what you can and can't do? He also nibbles on small children...though blink-182 is a very fine music group...can't fault him for that...

And ska, what I'm tryin 2 accomplish is deregulating grammar...the Grammar Task Force, as I said is 4 the sole purpose of pointing out the most blatant of errors which interfere with basic comminication, as opposed 2 TGP and the Grammar Deputies goin on a rampage every time sumbody mistakes 'then' 4 'than'. No jobs will be lost, simply repurposed.

As president, I will make sure there is only one Caturday per month...and I propose it be the last Saturday monthly. What's more, I propose an Obama sticky. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced Obamasaturation in General. I fully support Governor iBlink's tittie sticky tho, and as President, it WILL be a main priority of mines. I'm not about partisan bickering...I'm about what's best 4 the NT community. As Governor iBlink so eloquently stole from me, I am you. I am Joe the Poster. A vote 4 me is a vote 4 the interests of all NT.

*I'm AJ, goldN party candidate...and I approve this message.*

potus2028 doesnt have the experience, post count, nor enough time on NT to understand the real issues. As far as a rubuttal, he may say,"I wasbanned" or "Ive been lurking". Is that who you want to lead NT, a criminal whos offenses warranted a banning? Or a timid person who lurks?

Its time for change. I have the experience and leadership to lead us to the promise land, word to Phil Jackson.

Vote OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face '08

This message/smear campaign was approved by OGbobbyjohnson773
we might have to make it 3 candidates cause this is starting to get funny

polls are open
this saturday @ 10 pm the polls will close and we will decide which candidates will run. does the nt senate agree ?

so far the candidates are




just post your vote for your candidate and we'll tally em up by saturday ...........

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by onewearz

ogbobbyjohnson is getting alot of endorsements. will he accept and run ?

WTH, I woke up and walked into a presidential nomination. Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business, Im gonna need some interns to "help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate.
Thank you very much, OGbobbyjohnson773. Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to be up here tonight. Let me tell you folks something, you can doanything in this country if you have a dream. I've lived and seen the dream - the American dream. My father came here with the clothes on his back, superglue, a broken flashlight, and a rubber piggy bank with just 69 cents inside. During his 3 day trip his piggy bank broke and all he was left with was the top.With his ingenuity, he was able to glue the top of the piggy bank to the broken flashlight. Then and there he built his empire of self-gratification.*applause* Mark my words, starting my position as vice president, I will make it mandatory for posts relating to anything of females to include high resolutionpics. *applause* Yes, yes. My second agenda will be to challenge Congress on their stance of their flaming policy. *applause* We must also uphold our Americanprinciples. That is, we must turn our fight to the evil-doers in the Phillipines. America cannot turn their backs on the suffering and yelps that the cats anddogs in that country are subject to. *thunderous applause* Folks, we are ready to make changes and with my help we can do it. Repeat after me. We can do it.
My name is Purple Face and god bless you all!
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by onewearz

ogbobbyjohnson is getting alot of endorsements. will he accept and run ?

WTH, I woke up and walked into a presidential nomination. Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business, Im gonna need some interns to "help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate.
Thank you very much, OGbobbyjohnson773. Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to be up here tonight. Let me tell you folks something, you can do anything in this country if you have a dream. I've lived and seen the dream - the American dream. My father came here with the clothes on his back, super glue, a broken flashlight, and a rubber piggy bank with just 69 cents inside. During his 3 day trip his piggy bank broke and all he was left with was the top. With his ingenuity, he was able to glue the top of the piggy bank to the broken flashlight. Then and there he built his empire of self-gratification. *applause* Mark my words, starting my position as vice president, I will make it mandatory for posts relating to anything of females to include high resolution pics. *applause* Yes, yes. My second agenda will be to challenge Congress on their stance of their flaming policy. *applause* We must also uphold our American principles. That is, we must turn our fight to the evil-doers in the Phillipines. America cannot turn their backs on the suffering and yelps that the cats and dogs in that country are subject to. *thunderous applause* Folks, we are ready to make changes and with my help we can do it. Repeat after me. We can do it.
My name is Purple Face and god bless you all!
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]/thread[/color]
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

onewearz wrote:

ogbobbyjohnson is getting alot of endorsements. will he accept and run ?

WTH, I woke up and walked into a presidential nomination. Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business,
Im gonna need some interns to "help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate.
Thank you very much, OGbobbyjohnson773. Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to be up here tonight. Let me tell you folks something, you can do anything in this country if you have a dream. I've lived and seen the dream - the American dream. My father came here with the clothes on his back, super glue, a broken flashlight, and a rubber piggy bank with just 69 cents inside. During his 3 day trip his piggy bank broke and all he was left with was the top. With his ingenuity, he was able to glue the top of the piggy bank to the broken flashlight. Then and there he built his empire of self-gratification. *applause* Mark my words, starting my position as vice president, I will make it mandatory for posts relating to anything of females to include high resolution pics. *applause* Yes, yes. My second agenda will be to challenge Congress on their stance of their flaming policy. *applause* We must also uphold our American principles. That is, we must turn our fight to the evil-doers in the Phillipines. America cannot turn their backs on the suffering and yelps that the cats and dogs in that country are subject to. *thunderous applause* Folks, we are ready to make changes and with my help we can do it. Repeat after me. We can do it.
My name is Purple Face and god bless you all!

Purple Face:
we must turn our fight to the evil-doers in the Phillipines. America cannot turn their backs on the suffering and yelps that the cats and dogs in that country are subject to.
I see what you did there.
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