Let's Talk About Attraction

The issue occurred when I dated someone fit and really enjoyed our romantic life.
What is an Alpha Widow and why does it matter?

The idea of an "alpha widow" is something that pops up occasionally here on TRP, and I think it deserves some attention and consideration. The concept is actually very central to why we criticize the CC and why it's harmful for women's long-term mating strategy.

So, for the sake of this conversation let's arrange SMV in percentile. 90th percentile is top 10%. The typical Western girl in her 20's isn't looking to settle down, she's looking to have fun. Let's make a hypothetical girl: we'll call her Jane. Let's say Jane is a fairly okay but still very average girl, we'll put her at 60th percentile at the age of 22. Jane likes to sleep with guys who are 80th+ percentile. These guys don't mind stooping downwards because guys love sex and for him, she's just another plate to spin who didn't take that much effort.

Once, she even was the plate for a guy who was 95th percentile. A real top dog. She didn't even make this guy wear a condom. He's handsome, in shape, wealthy, has a nice apartment and an expensive car, and a fat ****. He's sleeping with a lot of other girls at the same time. She doesn't care, because girls would rather be one of many in the harem of an alpha, than the one and only of some disgusting creepy beta. He ***** her a few weeks than he moves on.

This guy is now her high water mark for the kind of guy that she thinks he can get. But her fatal flaw is in assuming that she could ever get such a guy to commit to her. This kind of guy will **** her, but that's it. Why would a 95th percentile guy commit to a girl like that? Are you kidding me? Not a chance in hell he would do that. But yeah, he'll dump her load in her every now and then, no question of that.{}

What is an Alpha Widow and why does it matter?

The idea of an "alpha widow" is something that pops up occasionally here on TRP, and I think it deserves some attention and consideration. The concept is actually very central to why we criticize the CC and why it's harmful for women's long-term mating strategy.

So, for the sake of this conversation let's arrange SMV in percentile. 90th percentile is top 10%. The typical Western girl in her 20's isn't looking to settle down, she's looking to have fun. Let's make a hypothetical girl: we'll call her Jane. Let's say Jane is a fairly okay but still very average girl, we'll put her at 60th percentile at the age of 22. Jane likes to sleep with guys who are 80th+ percentile. These guys don't mind stooping downwards because guys love sex and for him, she's just another plate to spin who didn't take that much effort.

Once, she even was the plate for a guy who was 95th percentile. A real top dog. She didn't even make this guy wear a condom. He's handsome, in shape, wealthy, has a nice apartment and an expensive car, and a fat ****. He's sleeping with a lot of other girls at the same time. She doesn't care, because girls would rather be one of many in the harem of an alpha, than the one and only of some disgusting creepy beta. He ***** her a few weeks than he moves on.

This guy is now her high water mark for the kind of guy that she thinks he can get. But her fatal flaw is in assuming that she could ever get such a guy to commit to her. This kind of guy will **** her, but that's it. Why would a 95th percentile guy commit to a girl like that? Are you kidding me? Not a chance in hell he would do that. But yeah, he'll dump her load in her every now and then, no question of that.{}

They don't eem know. :lol: :smh:
Mind is completely blown. Insert Weebay.Gif.
Legit was an interesting read.
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Bruh!!!!! Great read ...I feel like its spot on for a lot of these females out here. I even know a few females in that current situation. 
Girls who like dad bods are out of shape themselves and people who are in shape intimidate them and make them feel bad about themselves.

Dad bods is just another glamorized word for fat and overweight.
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Im almost positive this is DC now, but ill play.
They don't eem know.
What is an Alpha Widow and why does it matter?

The idea of an "alpha widow" is something that pops up occasionally here on TRP, and I think it deserves some attention and consideration. The concept is actually very central to why we criticize the CC and why it's harmful for women's long-term mating strategy.

So, for the sake of this conversation let's arrange SMV in percentile. 90th percentile is top 10%. The typical Western girl in her 20's isn't looking to settle down, she's looking to have fun. Let's make a hypothetical girl: we'll call her Jane. Let's say Jane is a fairly okay but still very average girl, we'll put her at 60th percentile at the age of 22. Jane likes to sleep with guys who are 80th+ percentile. These guys don't mind stooping downwards because guys love sex and for him, she's just another plate to spin who didn't take that much effort.

Once, she even was the plate for a guy who was 95th percentile. A real top dog. She didn't even make this guy wear a condom. He's handsome, in shape, wealthy, has a nice apartment and an expensive car, and a fat ****. He's sleeping with a lot of other girls at the same time. She doesn't care, because girls would rather be one of many in the harem of an alpha, than the one and only of some disgusting creepy beta. He ***** her a few weeks than he moves on.

This guy is now her high water mark for the kind of guy that she thinks he can get. But her fatal flaw is in assuming that she could ever get such a guy to commit to her. This kind of guy will **** her, but that's it. Why would a 95th percentile guy commit to a girl like that? Are you kidding me? Not a chance in hell he would do that. But yeah, he'll dump her load in her every now and then, no question of that.{}

Sorry. Was kinda living life and just saw this.

He was probably 40th percentile and that's being generous. You all hear that he had a nice body and now associated it with the type of girls he's been with.  Most women care about income because they intend on having families, getting married, getting the house...

I've consistently said I could care less about that lifestyle. Thusly, I don't equate it in to having a match.  I said I don't want a fat man and you all equated that to him being alpha. Have you ever seen Andrew Garfield? The last guy I dated has the exact same physique. He's a very slim guy with muscle. You all call me crazy but you are insane. I'm not like some guys who would post a picture of an ex as I personally feel it's a violation of privacy. However, most guys here would weigh more than the men I'm attracted to, have a deeper voice, are more socially aware, and pull way more women, and maybe make more money . Most guys I like are nerdy and quiet, professional, and laid back. Most of the guys I end up with are IT guys. Please rate the looks of most IT professionals and come back at me with an article.

I consistently pull guys and I admit I'm very picky because I have room to be. A lot of assumptions about black women, fat women, athletic men, white men, etc in this thread and the thing is you have no pictures to go on. You are going on what you hope I look like and what you hope my boyfriends look like.  I like intelligent men with a good form. I do NOT ever date pretty guys.

I have said it multiple times since I've been a member. I was even judged on rejecting those men because I made assumptions that they were players.

I'm not attracted to the type of men you are describing.  I like quite, nerdy guys with a slim to medium build who typically wear glasses and usually have no social media. They're always strong silent types who keep to themselves and fight better with words than they could ever do with their hands.

Have to edit because people have an idea of what a ten is and I don't really go by it . I just understand what that means to some. For me, I would have passed over every 10 I know to have been with him. He wasn't the most attractive person and was completely socially awkward, tortured  with a lot of personal problems but I wanted to be there for him. This is why men have a "scale" and women don't. He was perfect to me. I passed over a few pretty "alphas" for him. Didn't work out. So whatever. Good night.

Oh and some of these articles will mess you all up concerning what women think. Probably should avoid this alpha / beta/ white knight crap.
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Another thing. The man who set the standard for me? He drives a ford and is discount crazy.

I'm a lot more simple and chill than I get credit for. What the **** would I care about the style of car a man drives? If it cranks up and takes him to work in the morning, I could care less.  I even dated a guy with a car so crappy I almost gave him my second one to help him out but we didn't work out.

I , on occasion, take my boyfriends out to dinner and pay the entire tab. In the beginning, I always pay for my own stuff.  And yeah, I  would want a man who could rent or own in the area. I make enough to afford rent and privacy. Call it shallow, it won't change.

Smiley face.
  I'm not mad. Well, I am because I can't sleep and it's 1.
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If there was a way you could convince everyone here you are a woman all of your threads would have been completely different.
If there was a way you could convince everyone here you are a woman all of your threads would have been completely different.
Possibly. Possibly not.

I read the fousey thread and prior to reading it, I thought, "these guys really are cynical and judge women harshly". After that thread and seeing the same names, I realized, these guys hate everybody. The internet attracts the same kind of people regardless. Im glad I got attacked the first thread . It set it in writing that I wouldn't post myself or people in my intimate life. Wouldn't have done so anyway but having solid reasons helps.

I've posted my own picture in other forums with no issue but I saw guys attack other women here prior to even becoming a member. That goes for many male driven forums.
If a "dude" went into a message board that was 95% female and started talking about relationships ........you know what nvmnd.

Do your thing.
If a "dude" went into a message board that was 95% female and started talking about relationships ........you know what nvmnd.

Do your thing.

But it happens all the time. You want to know what they do? They all ask him questions, message him, try to get a male perspective, etc. Sometimes they are gay but occasionally they aren't. They just want a woman's perspective. Or they make appearances in some threads. It's no big deal. I have never seen a man harassed on a female forum. Ever. Unless you count the pms as sexual harassment.

I'm a part of many female forums. Since I was a teenager.
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No its not. It's the new thing to act as if you're too good to be around mere mortals. The whole social scene is full of people that act like fake celeberaties. It's sad

This is like 10-20% of what I have learned in PUA. :lol: Its ****** hilarious. But it works so why not? Not like Im marrying these ****.
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If a "dude" went into a message board that was 95% female and started talking about relationships ........you know what nvmnd.

Do your thing.

But it happens all the time. You want to know what they do? They all ask him questions, message him, try to get a male perspective, etc. Sometimes they are gay but occasionally they aren't. They just want a woman's perspective. Or they make appearances in some threads. It's no big deal. I have never seen a man harassed on a female forum. Ever. Unless you count the pms as sexual harassment.

I'm a part of many female forums. Since I was a teenager.
Also I have a long running friendship with one of those guys for almost 10 years now. He was in a female forum writing poetry and prose. We even shared music, acne tips, and other miscellaneous stuff.  We all became connected on social media. He and a whole bunch of teenage girls and we're friends to this day. He was one out of 3 boys on an entire forum.
If a "dude" went into a message board that was 95% female and started talking about relationships ........you know what nvmnd.

Do your thing.

But it happens all the time. You want to know what they do? They all ask him questions, message him, try to get a male perspective, etc. Sometimes they are gay but occasionally they aren't. They just want a woman's perspective. Or they make appearances in some threads. It's no big deal. I have never seen a man harassed on a female forum. Ever. Unless you count the pms as sexual harassment.

I'm a part of many female forums. Since I was a teenager.
What's a good female forum?
This guy is now her high water mark for the kind of guy that she thinks he can get. But her fatal flaw is in assuming that she could ever get such a guy to commit to her. This kind of guy will **** her, but that's it. Why would a 95th percentile guy commit to a girl like that? Are you kidding me? Not a chance in hell he would do that. But yeah, he'll dump her load in her every now and then, no question of that.{}
I thought this was common sense?

OP, you'll be fine. I'm surprised you admit you don't want a family, but I appreciate the honesty.
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What's a good female forum?
Some you have to pay for.  Others tend to be geared towards hair and makeup with a miscellaneous section. I'm not posting specifically because of anonymity but they're pretty easy to find through a search engine. We get men , sometimes photographers or models/ actors, trying to get help with a new look, like caring for locks , caring for skin,  or having straighter hair and wanting to create more of a fro type , growing out their hair, cutting, stuff... so they do state that they are men needing help. Then comes the incoming of pms and messages. Yes, there probably is a lot of sexual harassment going on but it's way more fun and what you would expect of women. Not too crazy. Just funny.
Keep that Red Pill nonsense on Reddit. I agree with some of their ideas but the whole "alpha" and "beta" idea is ridiculous.

As men we can't be putting each other down like that.
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