Liam Neesons smh

Dude is wild out of touch if he thought this was cool to say on wax.

He's definitely ****ed himself but given when this event took place, where he grew up and the circumstances... i get it. If i was him i probably would have felt the same way (I'm mixed black/white for the record)

That being said if you now label him as a racist and no longer **** with his movies i get that too.
If i was him i probably would have felt the same way

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How it came up

"Asked how his character turns to anger, the actor replied that "something primal" kicks in when a someone close to you is the victim of violence.
He said: "God forbid you've ever had a member of your family hurt under criminal conditions. I'll tell you a story. This is true."

Neeson said the alleged rape took place a long time ago and he found out about it when he came back from a trip abroad. The actor went on to use racially offensive language about the attacker.

He said: "She handled the situation of the rape in the most extraordinary way.

"But my immediate reaction was... I asked, did she know who it was? No. What colour were they? She said it was a black person.

"I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I'd be approached by somebody - I'm ashamed to say that - and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some [uses air quotes with fingers] 'black bastard' would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could kill him."

It's crazy how he didn't include details to protect her, but included skin color but nothing else.
Not what he looks like? What color was he and to say that question.

He didn't just say a guy. I was looking for anyone I could find.

Liam is mos def a MAGA member
Yeah it's learning someone you've always ****ed with hated your guts and may have killed you at some point and you just got the news and haven't even lived with it yet. Ya'll expecting people to go in this instant "oh well, that's cool"? Nah **** him.

Forgiveness at some point in these incidents is something I discuss at times when these things pop up on social media, like ok they apologized, now what? That said, this here's the exception. at no point is someone who ever thought of hunting and murdering black people forgivable in my world, whether you're sorry or not. Racism is one thing, but this? Nah

Well said. Me personally , I never have and never will be the let's forgive him type black person. I'm not gonna be on my Oprah steeze and care about a racist changing his ways and all that nonsense. You knew the errors of your ways and I'm not gonna have sympathy with you because you changed . Some things aren't forgivable.
Most of us probably felt similiar after being curved by a souless light-skinned chick.

But none of us will admit it tho.
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