Lil wanye JAILED. DEA got him.

Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

Word, even if I hated him...going to jail isn't anything to cheer about unless it's R. Kelly...

ninjas on here be taking this music stuff to far...just because you dislike his music, I wouldnt wish jail on any man who doesnt seriously deserve itjust like most on here he has a family to feed just like you.
Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

I'm not a wayne fan but how can you celebrate a man going to jail on drug charges? I hate to bring race in this but we all know :smh:black rapper with money makin a impact like wayne... It was just a matter of time. FREE WEEZY :smh

Your answers bolded. He gets what he deserves.
Its the draaank

its a felony

i tried to tell you kidds that thought it was cool

its a serious charge even just for a cup of it

its a felony not a misdemeanor

believe me i know

maybe now all these $+*%!#% rappers will stop tryin to floss wit it

they're gettin it hot and now everybody knows about

which only raises the price for the real ninjas in the streets
I'm not a wayne fan but how can you celebrate a man going to jail on drug charges? I hate to bring race in this but we all know :smh:black rapper with money makin a impact like wayne... It was just a matter of time. FREE WEEZY :smh
If Wayne was the only black rapper, you might have had a point.

I'm not a wayne fan but how can you celebrate a man going to jail on drug charges? I hate to bring race in this but we all know :smh:black rapper with money makin a impact like wayne... It was just a matter of time. FREE WEEZY :smh
Your answers bolded. He gets what he deserves.
Gee, that's ignorant. I'm not a Wayne fan (I mean at all, I've given almost all of his *+$@ a once-through, and have yet to see anydefendable characteristics to the majority of his music), but to say that anyone in this country who gets a drug rap "gets what he deserves" is justfoolish. The legal scale is horribly slanted, especially on such a (big picture) trivial issue. Wayne has probably never shot, slung, or stabbed anyone, butthis drug rap is going to throw him in the box with rapists and murderers, probably for a little blow, maybe some purp. Silly...
I don't wish jail on anybody with a substance abuse problem like Lil Wayne clearly has but this was only a matter of time. When you're as comfortablebeing public about your drug use as he was then you're going to get caught, plain and simple. Anybody who puts himself in a situation where the DEA iswatching him loses the right to say he's just trying to "feed the family." If you were really looking out for your family then you wouldn'tput yourself in a position where you could easily find yourself locked up and unable to be there for them. Selfish, man.
But I will say that there IS a double standard here. Sure, Lindsay Lohan is a lot smarter about her drug use as far as keeping it private (at least inside aresidence of some kind), but how do you get multiple DUIs and only one day in jail? She's putting lives at risk while Lil Wayne gets high and hurtshimself, but you can be sure he'll get harsher punishment.
at N's laughing bout someone going to jail who didn't commit murder/rape/some other type of disgusting crime, that $!*% ain't cool at all.
ninjas on here be taking this music stuff to far...just because you dislike his music, I wouldnt wish jail on any man who doesnt seriously deserve it just like most on here he has a family to feed just like you.
word...I think R.Kelly is the only person I could cheer about going to jail. Even with that dude, I would feel bad about the situation
Its the draaank

its a felony

i tried to tell you kidds that thought it was cool

its a serious charge even just for a cup of it

its a felony not a misdemeanor

believe me i know

maybe now all these $+*%!#% rappers will stop tryin to floss wit it

they're gettin it hot and now everybody knows about

which only raises the price for the real ninjas in the streets

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

Its the draaank

its a felony

i tried to tell you kidds that thought it was cool

its a serious charge even just for a cup of it

its a felony not a misdemeanor

believe me i know

maybe now all these $+*%!#% rappers will stop tryin to floss wit it

they're gettin it hot and now everybody knows about

which only raises the price for the real ninjas in the streets
Thx for the heads up
I look at a person charged with drug trafficking (pusher) differently than someone charged with possession (user)

That's just me though
whats up with the tear drop on his mouth? what a strange little guy. These guys advertise that they break the law and don't care, they put youtube videosup of them on drugs on a tour bus and don't expect others to take notice? Of course the Feds are watching you when your putting it on video, on theInternet and in pictures on line, i mean come on.
Originally Posted by RudyGay22UcoNN

Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

Word, even if I hated him...going to jail isn't anything to cheer about unless it's R. Kelly...

ninjas on here be taking this music stuff to far...just because you dislike his music, I wouldnt wish jail on any man who doesnt seriously deserve it just like most on here he has a family to feed just like you.

-Cosign. Does his music hurt you that bad that you wish him a jail sentence, all of your favorite rappers would be appaled with ya'llsstatements......
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Anybody who puts himself in a situation where the DEA is watching him loses the right to say he's just trying to "feed the family."


If you were only trying to "feed your family" you wouldn't openly abuse drugs and put yourself on the radar of the DEA when you know it'sa corrupt organization and they're going to come after you regardless. It's called taking responsibility for your actions and being a man. Give me thestoneface all you want, but you're missing the point by acting ignorant. It's not like this dude was concealing his drug use or keeping things on thelow. He had to have known that he was being watched.
at clowns who actually want another man who has no impact on their life to go to jail...

dude should really take this as a lesson...doing drugs 24/7 ain't about shh
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