Lil Wayne Takin L's... vol. Cheapskate

Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Nobody would ever call Jimi, Bob or Michael fugazi even if the social media existed during their era. The fact that you think Lil Wayne should even be mentioned in the same breath as real artist says enough.
... and you know that how? Lets not even talk about the rumors that hung over Jimi's head during his career, or the scandalous things Michael could have been caught doing if technology we have today was around back then... You guys just sound like haters and that old man who sits on the patio talking about "back in my day we had to walk to school uphill both ways in a blizzard."

What's funny to me is the fact that you old cats and haters think it so cool to hate on Wayne and all these skinny jeans wearing rappers.... Whatever musicians you like received the same hatred from previous generations who felt that the Jimi's, the Elvis', and the Beatles made crap music and did nothing but corrupt the youth... But I guess history doesn't repeat itself so it's all good fambs.

... and I'm not even a Wayne fan like that, but the hate he receives is ridiculous to me
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Yea Weezy will never be on the level of any of the music icons listed. He's not even one of the best in his own genre and he doesn't talk about anything important. Popularity =/= Quality,effect on people

Meth reaches with the littlest things when it comes to Rex Ryan smh and when people says stuff to him nothing happens, even with his old s/n Cedric cabbalos he would get suspended for nonsense smh.. Methodman picks favorites
Eh the 'destroying' the youth sentiments were felt with those artists, but the music was not heavily criticized. How could it be?
Originally Posted by Dimelo

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Yea Weezy will never be on the level of any of the music icons listed. He's not even one of the best in his own genre and he doesn't talk about anything important. Popularity =/= Quality,effect on people

Meth reaches with the littlest things when it comes to Rex Ryan smh and when people says stuff to him nothing happens, even with his old s/n Cedric cabbalos he would get suspended for nonsense smh.. Methodman picks favorites
I have no problems with Meth at all but Rex is always getting banned/suspended yet whenever people flame/take shots at him nothing ever happens to them. It's like it's always open season on him and he's the one that gets punished for it 
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Nobody would ever call Jimi, Bob or Michael fugazi even if the social media existed during their era. The fact that you think Lil Wayne should even be mentioned in the same breath as real artist says enough.
... and you know that how? Lets not even talk about the rumors that hung over Jimi's head during his career, or the scandalous things Michael could have been caught doing if technology we have today was around back then... You guys just sound like haters and that old man who sits on the patio talking about "back in my day we had to walk to school uphill both ways in a blizzard."

What's funny to me is the fact that you old cats and haters think it so cool to hate on Wayne and all these skinny jeans wearing rappers.... Whatever musicians you like received the same hatred from previous generations who felt that the Jimi's, the Elvis', and the Beatles made crap music and did nothing but corrupt the youth... But I guess history doesn't repeat itself so it's all good fambs.

... and I'm not even a Wayne fan like that, but the hate he receives is ridiculous to me

   The hate the artist recieved came from the media you think did not exist. Jimi & Bob's peers adored and idolized them very opposite for Mr. Fugazi. History is far from repeating itself with music. Music is at a all time low probably it is the lowest it's ever been. While saying all that you have I rather be the old man sitting on the porch listening to the music that is forever standing the test of time. While you become part of the problem adoring material that won't live to see tomorrow. Rest in peace to the real artist & musicians who gave their soul and life to their music. Do yourself a favor delete your account or gain some knowledge from youtube and google. Here are a few names to start with Beethoven, Hendrix, Zeppelin, Marley, Beatles. It will take longer than a day close your eyes so you can feel alive and reborn.

Jimi was rapping before rap.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Nobody would ever call Jimi, Bob or Michael fugazi even if the social media existed during their era. The fact that you think Lil Wayne should even be mentioned in the same breath as real artist says enough.
Whatever musicians you like received the same hatred from previous generations who felt that the Jimi's, the Elvis', and the Beatles made crap music and did nothing but corrupt the youth... But I guess history doesn't repeat itself so it's all good fambs.

... and I'm not even a Wayne fan like that, but the hate he receives is ridiculous to me

Originally Posted by FlipNLu

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Nobody would ever call Jimi, Bob or Michael fugazi even if the social media existed during their era. The fact that you think Lil Wayne should even be mentioned in the same breath as real artist says enough.
... and you know that how? Lets not even talk about the rumors that hung over Jimi's head during his career, or the scandalous things Michael could have been caught doing if technology we have today was around back then... You guys just sound like haters and that old man who sits on the patio talking about "back in my day we had to walk to school uphill both ways in a blizzard."

What's funny to me is the fact that you old cats and haters think it so cool to hate on Wayne and all these skinny jeans wearing rappers.... Whatever musicians you like received the same hatred from previous generations who felt that the Jimi's, the Elvis', and the Beatles made crap music and did nothing but corrupt the youth... But I guess history doesn't repeat itself so it's all good fambs.

... and I'm not even a Wayne fan like that, but the hate he receives is ridiculous to me

   The hate the artist recieved came from the media you think did not exist. Jimi & Bob's peers adored and idolized them very opposite for Mr. Fugazi. History is far from repeating itself with music. Music is at a all time low probably it is the lowest it's ever been. While saying all that you have I rather be the old man sitting on the porch listening to the music that is forever standing the test of time. While you become part of the problem adoring material that won't live to see tomorrow. Rest in peace to the real artist & musicians who gave their soul and life to their music. Do yourself a favor delete your account or gain some knowledge from youtube and google. Here are a few names to start with Beethoven, Hendrix, Zeppelin, Marley, Beatles. It will take longer than a day close your eyes so you can feel alive and reborn.

Jimi was rapping before rap.

If only you knew bro... I've studied music and its history from elementary school til today and play two instruments, so don't insult me or my intelligence on a subject just because I disagree with you... So you can keep spitting this nonsense cause it's all good.

People either %%$* with Wayne or they don't.... Just like people back in the day either +@#%*! with Jimi or they didn't... Right now you're speaking on behalf of Jimi Hendrix like he was a god who lived with no faults.

Whether you wanna believe it or not, There aren't too many rappers who have achieved what he has in a career for over the span of 15+ years and he isn't even done yet. He's one of the biggest names in Rap music history, therefore he's one of the biggest names in music history.

I'm sorry but it's a fact that you live in a world where Lil' Wayne will be mentioned in History books 20-30 years from now.

afc.gif people were actually comparing the content [not influence or popularity] of Wayne's music to artists of the past in other genres...?

Ok then
Congrats on playing two instruments so do I as well as my brothers and my two kids. Who didn't listen to jimi in those times? If you knew your music history you would know he is the biggest and the first true rock star. I'm not calling him a god but for the record other great musicians did and went as far as calling him an entity. You can't compare Mr. Fugazi to real musicians it is blasphemy and pure ignorant on your behalf. Mr. Fugazi will be talked about but his music will not stand the test of time. Too many other rappers that are better then him in every sense of the word rapper. His material has no substance no meaning. The hate Mr. Fugazi recieves is from trying to be someone else or anything to stay relevant. Mr. Fugazi went from being a smart kid in school, to a drug dealer, Hot boy, Heterosexual, Best Rapper Alive, Licking lolipops, Rockstar, and now a skateboarder? Your comment about 15 years jimi did it in 4. What about Eminem, Jay, Nas, Dre......
My point is, why does he deserve floor seats? If he didnt buy them in advance he couldnt have been that interested in attending the game
Lil Wayne will MAYBE be remembered as a person. His music however has no such chance. The problem is the scope that you're looking at the situation in. In order to get in the Music History book let alone the history books, you have to do something monumental and be extremely innovative and influential. To stand up against artists from other genres and eras you have to AT LEAST be the most popular AND critically acclaimed artist in your own genre. Even with the popularity of Lil Wayne he still hasn't come close to reaching the peaks of the most popular hip hop acts of all time.
^^^ What has Snoop Dogg done that was so "monumental" in his career that would put him in my high school history books?

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Lil Wayne will MAYBE be remembered as a person. His music however has no such chance. The problem is the scope that you're looking at the situation in. In order to get in the Music History book let alone the history books, you have to do something monumental and be extremely innovative and influential. To stand up against artists from other genres and eras you have to AT LEAST be the most popular AND critically acclaimed artist in your own genre. Even with the popularity of Lil Wayne he still hasn't come close to reaching the peaks of the most popular hip hop acts of all time.

Son what are you talking about?

How many rappers have sold, let alone artists, have sold more than 1 million in the first week since 2008?

How many rappers have sold more than 3 million records since 2008?

You guys making it seem like I said Wayne is the goat.

I'm just saying no one has done it like Wayne in the last 5+ years and he will forever been enshrined in the Hip-Hop Hall of fame... and dude ain't even done yet.
Sales mean nothing. Britney spears sold records too, is she an artist? Girl can't sing, can't dance, and doesn't write her own music........ You also have to take into account that sales in music have gone up as a whole with downloading being so easy.

If he's an artist, then Rihanna is Picasso In any case, this thread has gone to hell, lock it up
Originally Posted by jordan23dotcom

Sales mean nothing. Britney spears sold records too, is she an artist? Girl can't sing, can't dance, and doesn't write her own music........ You also have to take into account that sales in music have gone up as a whole with downloading being so easy.

In any case, this thread has gone to hell, lock it up

You're right. I'm done arguing with you clowns.
Your the only fool thinking Mr. Fugazi will be inscribed in history. Hot boys wrote his rhymes so did gillie now he has ran out of material and is on repeat. What has he done that no one in the rap game has? One word for you Eminem Sales, Grammys, and Bar for Bar. Go eat the pills in the medicine cabinet. I'm done keeping him and you relevant in this thread. Point of the thread he should buy tickets in advance just like everyone else.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

As long as Wayne has a pulse and Birdman & Slim are still alive, YM will never "cease to be relevant"

Alright alright, wishful thinking
Was just listening to the JT "The Brick" radio show and he stated that the problem wasn't that Wayne wasn't willing to pay. The problem was that the season ticket holders who had courtside seats for sale weren't willing to sell to him. Wayne is claiming it's a race thing. The Thunder organization had nothing to do with it other than not having the tickets that Wayne wanted available at the box office. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. Just a story that was blown way out of proportion after Waynes tweet.
Originally Posted by Nonstoptalk

Was just listening to the JT "The Brick" radio show and he stated that the problem wasn't that Wayne wasn't willing to pay. The problem was that the season ticket holders who had courtside seats for sale weren't willing to sell to him. Wayne is claiming it's a race thing. The Thunder organization had nothing to do with it other than not having the tickets that Wayne wanted available at the box office. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. Just a story that was blown way out of proportion after Waynes tweet.

You can't block who you sell to, unless you sell on a corner face to face. There were just no "front row only" seats available aside from the resale market which he didn't look on, and the Thunder don't do the whole red carpet separate entrance with extra security thing for anybody. He could just hop on here ( ) or Stubhub and buy tickets if he really just wanted to go to the game, but rather he wanted to be treated like The Pope. Then when KD and James offer him free tickets, he still didn't take them and makes up some hypothetical scenario in a text to ESPN's Colleen Dominguez on how all of these people, none of whom he has met because he never came btw, are racist and look at him with disdain and treat him badly.

David Stern, Desmond Mason, Ryan Seacrest, Steven A Smith, Sheryl Cole, Felix Jones, Hansen, the Governor, the Mayor, the TNT crew obviously, JA Adande, Barry Switzer, Bob Stoops, and Jimmy Goldstein the NBA Superfan I have all seen the last 3 games and none of them were court side except for DMa$e because that's his season ticket and Jimmy Goldstein because he buys them like everyone else. None of them are a global celebrity the level he is, but many are more important than him to Oklahoma residents and even they don't get the treatment like he wanted. Dude just has an extremely inflated value of his own worth, but it's not unlike his whole, "I'm not going to Heat games anymore because LeBron and Wade don't talk to me," !!%@.

At this point, after all the !!%@ he talked about the fans and the organization, if he did come he wouldn't be well received at all.

By the way, courtside feet on the floor tickets have been going for about $1500 each on the TicketExchange and rarely more than 2 together so he couldn't bring his whole crew of lame @%@ rappers or they couldn't sit together.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by Nonstoptalk

Was just listening to the JT "The Brick" radio show and he stated that the problem wasn't that Wayne wasn't willing to pay. The problem was that the season ticket holders who had courtside seats for sale weren't willing to sell to him. Wayne is claiming it's a race thing. The Thunder organization had nothing to do with it other than not having the tickets that Wayne wanted available at the box office. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. Just a story that was blown way out of proportion after Waynes tweet.

You can't block who you sell to, unless you sell on a corner face to face. There were just no "front row only" seats available aside from the resale market which he didn't look on, and the Thunder don't do the whole red carpet separate entrance with extra security thing for anybody. He could just hop on here ( ) or Stubhub and buy tickets if he really just wanted to go to the game, but rather he wanted to be treated like The Pope. Then when KD and James offer him free tickets, he still didn't take them and makes up some hypothetical scenario in a text to ESPN's Colleen Dominguez on how all of these people, none of whom he has met because he never came btw, are racist and look at him with disdain and treat him badly.

David Stern, Desmond Mason, Ryan Seacrest, Steven A Smith, Sheryl Cole, Felix Jones, Hansen, the Governor, the Mayor, the TNT crew obviously, JA Adande, Barry Switzer, Bob Stoops, and Jimmy Goldstein the NBA Superfan I have all seen the last 3 games and none of them were court side except for DMa$e because that's his season ticket and Jimmy Goldstein because he buys them like everyone else. None of them are a global celebrity the level he is, but many are more important than him to Oklahoma residents and even they don't get the treatment like he wanted. Dude just has an extremely inflated value of his own worth, but it's not unlike his whole, "I'm not going to Heat games anymore because LeBron and Wade don't talk to me," !!%@.

At this point, after all the !!%@ he talked about the fans and the organization, if he did come he wouldn't be well received at all.

By the way, courtside feet on the floor tickets have been going for about $1500 each on the TicketExchange and rarely more than 2 together so he couldn't bring his whole crew of lame @%@ rappers or they couldn't sit together.

All of this
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