Little things in life that make you happy.

-Eating my favorite food...Thai drunken noodles, pho, onion rings, bot chien (fried rice cakes with eggs), etc
-Playing basketball
-Taking a shower after long hours of working out and hooping
-Lying down on my bed and listening to music late at night
-Seeing that my room is clean
-Having food prepared for you for dinner
-People complimenting me at anything

There's a lot more...
Having internet access in history class
arizona black & white iced tea
Kashi tlc bars for a quick snack...really helped me out when I was out of energy a couple times
short motivational books
Randomly finding some stashed away money, to use for daily necessities. 
A nice glass of scotch.

Recovering from a good workout

Finishing a good book

Seeing progress in achieving your little goals

A Welsh Corgi Puppy

Seeing my friends and family content in their lives
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Chillin on the block with my dudes talking about the dumbest things.

A rainy night with someone cool to talk to.

Driving at night listening to Frank Ocean smoking a bogey.

Having money to live.

-Burning a bowl out the window while surfing the web for kicks late at night and just zoning out
-Getting a text from someone you haven't spoken to in a while where they don't just want something from you
-Playing pickup ball at the gym and the one day where you literally don't miss anything and you're literally an animal that nobody can stop. Feelsgoodman
-Getting a nice chipotle burrito after a long day at work or school
-Letting your parents use your car to find the next day that they filled the tank up
-Getting a crazy good deal on a pair of kicks
-When a girl sits straddles on top of you and you just sit there playing games and stuff
-Rubbing my feet together while trying to fall asleep. Feels AMAZING
-When you're at a party and you ask a girl to dance and she holds your hand on the way to the dance floor
-Watching a mediocre movie on a rainy day not doing $@%+
-Coming home to find a package of something you ordered online
-Craving a certain food all day and finally getting it
-Walking out of an exam knowing you aced it. And getting it back acting calmly while everyone around you is nervous as hell
Being with your family

Glass of orange juice after a breakfast

falling into a semi-coma after sex.
Goat roti
seeing people you actually like just lost contact with out
Hot weather
Kicking it on a boat
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

-when the guy at the shoe store brings out your shoe in your size
king status
especially when you cop at a late date and not sure if they have any

- a fresh car wash
- popping the tag of some new clothes
Heres a few more:

-Having the house to yourself all day where you can just RELAX
-Having off from work and not have any homework to do and just burn all day
-An ice cold semi flat cola
-The feeling after Thanksgiving dinner
-Wearing heat and having dudes at the mall compliment you
-First day of class theres always that one girl that you exchange looks with the entire time
-Clean sneakers
-A t-shirt and pair of jeans that just fit right
-Going to work early in the morning, downing a Red Bull to stay awake, and the crash nap that follows when you get home
-A girl nibbling on your ear
-Good morning & goodnight texts
-Random hit ups from people you havent heard from in a while
-Cashing that check after a long work week
-Chillin wit the people close to me
-Getting a good deal on a fresh pair of kicks
-Smiles from attractive people
-Recognition for being chivalrous

... Just to name a few
-making my class laugh and also my friends
-(damn i so going to miss high school)
-new shoes/clothes
theirs more but i can't think of anything right now
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