Little Things that are Devastating

You're a commuter student. Done with class for the day, turned in that paper, got an A on that exam. Feelin' good, hook up with your guys for blunts and hangin out. Chicks come through, everyone's having fun. You gotta grab some stuff out of the house before the game starts, so you make a quick run. You walk in the house high as hell, smellin' like a pound but it's the middle of the day so what. Go in the kitchen and there's your aunts and uncles and mom and other old people. Some cousin was in a horrible accident and now you look like a drugged up loser as everyone is all in your droopy, red-eyed face.
You're a commuter student. Done with class for the day, turned in that paper, got an A on that exam. Feelin' good, hook up with your guys for blunts and hangin out. Chicks come through, everyone's having fun. You gotta grab some stuff out of the house before the game starts, so you make a quick run. You walk in the house high as hell, smellin' like a pound but it's the middle of the day so what. Go in the kitchen and there's your aunts and uncles and mom and other old people. Some cousin was in a horrible accident and now you look like a drugged up loser as everyone is all in your droopy, red-eyed face.
getting a bowl of cereal thinking you have milk but opening it up and it stinks.
and going out to dinner and getting a stain on your shirt
getting a bowl of cereal thinking you have milk but opening it up and it stinks.
and going out to dinner and getting a stain on your shirt
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

You're a commuter student. Done with class for the day, turned in that paper, got an A on that exam. Feelin' good, hook up with your guys for blunts and hangin out. Chicks come through, everyone's having fun. You gotta grab some stuff out of the house before the game starts, so you make a quick run. You walk in the house high as hell, smellin' like a pound but it's the middle of the day so what. Go in the kitchen and there's your aunts and uncles and mom and other old people. Some cousin was in a horrible accident and now you look like a drugged up loser as everyone is all in your droopy, red-eyed face.

Wow that would be horrible....
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

You're a commuter student. Done with class for the day, turned in that paper, got an A on that exam. Feelin' good, hook up with your guys for blunts and hangin out. Chicks come through, everyone's having fun. You gotta grab some stuff out of the house before the game starts, so you make a quick run. You walk in the house high as hell, smellin' like a pound but it's the middle of the day so what. Go in the kitchen and there's your aunts and uncles and mom and other old people. Some cousin was in a horrible accident and now you look like a drugged up loser as everyone is all in your droopy, red-eyed face.

Wow that would be horrible....
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by My Swag Runz Deep

Taking a dump (soft texture) and using half of the toilet roll to wipe yourself.

Realizing about 10 mins later that you didn't wipe it all because you start getting a really itchy butt.


It'll change your life.  I don't even travel without them now. 

Im sayin tho. When you use regular toilet paper you're basically rubbing it in but them butt wipes keep you right.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by My Swag Runz Deep

Taking a dump (soft texture) and using half of the toilet roll to wipe yourself.

Realizing about 10 mins later that you didn't wipe it all because you start getting a really itchy butt.


It'll change your life.  I don't even travel without them now. 

Im sayin tho. When you use regular toilet paper you're basically rubbing it in but them butt wipes keep you right.
putting a shirt on, then going to eat, get a stain on it, change into a new shirt, go back to eat, and then spill something on the Second Shirt.
putting a shirt on, then going to eat, get a stain on it, change into a new shirt, go back to eat, and then spill something on the Second Shirt.
putting a shirt on, then going to eat, get a stain on it, change into a new shirt, go back to eat, and then spill something on the Second Shirt.
putting a shirt on, then going to eat, get a stain on it, change into a new shirt, go back to eat, and then spill something on the Second Shirt.
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

putting a shirt on, then going to eat, get a stain on it, change into a new shirt, go back to eat, and then spill something on the Second Shirt.
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

putting a shirt on, then going to eat, get a stain on it, change into a new shirt, go back to eat, and then spill something on the Second Shirt.
Wearing clothes you haven't wear in a long time, then through out the day you realize the reason why you haven't put it on in years. :-/
Wearing clothes you haven't wear in a long time, then through out the day you realize the reason why you haven't put it on in years. :-/
Waking up before your alarm goes off. Look up and see you got 30 more minutes you could be sleepin, but you know your *#% aint fallin back asleep

Dirty shoe laces. With all the technology nikes got these guys cant come up with stain resistant laces though?

Sayin whats up to a person you kind of know at school, only to see them about 6 more times during the day and not knowing if you need to say what up again? or just keep it movin and act like you aint see them
Waking up before your alarm goes off. Look up and see you got 30 more minutes you could be sleepin, but you know your *#% aint fallin back asleep

Dirty shoe laces. With all the technology nikes got these guys cant come up with stain resistant laces though?

Sayin whats up to a person you kind of know at school, only to see them about 6 more times during the day and not knowing if you need to say what up again? or just keep it movin and act like you aint see them
Originally Posted by Verdykt

Waking up before your alarm goes off. Look up and see you got 30 more minutes you could be sleepin, but you know your *#% aint fallin back asleep
true story
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