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How Many Games Do You Project The Lakers Will Win This Season?

  • 15-20

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  • 21-25

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  • 26-30

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  • 31-35

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  • 36-40

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  • 41-45

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  • 46-50

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  • 51-55

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  • 56-73

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  • They Will Break the NBA Record with 74+ Wins

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Dwyane Casey is a bad coach? He won't be surrounded by bad players if he comes to LA? :nerd:
Dwyane Casey is a bad coach? He won't be surrounded by bad players if he comes to LA? :nerd:

Do you have the ability to look forward, at all?

You think DLo, Randle, Clarkson, and Ingram are all going to be bad players for life or something? Seriously, what the ****?

Stop looking 2 inches in front of your face for once.

And if you think Casey is a good coach.......... :lol: Hey, more power to ya man.
Mamba what are you exactly saying anyway? No teams will offer derozan the max? No teams would want to trade for him going forward with the cap still jumping? He wouldn't be a good asset?

Correct me if I'm mistaken but you're suggestion was to trade #2/dlo/Randle for Paul George? Is that correct?
Was Demar a top 20 player last season when he was putting up 20 ppg on 41% and a PER of 17? Forgive me if I'm not sold on a guy who damn near everyone sees play style is conducive to what we have right now and is going to get paid 110 million to do so. Contract year production is to be taken with a bit of skepticism as we've seen before.
So if Simmons and randle were both top tier prospects going into college, what caused randle to drop to 7 while Simmons stayed top tier?
So if Simmons and randle were both top tier prospects going into college, what caused randle to drop to 7 while Simmons stayed top tier?
Simmons has been the #1 guy in his class since the 10th grade. Randle was a top 10 guy...but not #1. Whoever is #1 or #2 in their class is usually considered a possible #1 pick. 
So if Simmons and randle were both top tier prospects going into college, what caused randle to drop to 7 while Simmons stayed top tier?

Simmons is better than Randle. Simmons is more explosive, and not as one handed. He's also a smidge taller, inch or two, so he in theory could survive at Center, whereas Randle never will be able to, imo. Simmons just has a little more versatility in what he can do.

Randle gets by on guile, dude will kill you on the court, Simmons seems a bit nonchalant, but that could just be a "don't get hurt in college" thing. He may turn into a killer in the NBA.

Randle is a good passer, Simmons is a GREAT passer.

And Randle was in a deep class, Simmons is not. Randle could/should have gone 3-4, we were lucky he fell to us at 7.
I hope we get Ingram had a good coach even though I hate duke winning program work ethic compared to Simmons..bad coaching, non winning program with questionable work ethic/fire in his gut..
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So if Simmons and randle were both top tier prospects going into college, what caused randle to drop to 7 while Simmons stayed top tier?

He had a foot injury since his high school days that scared teams off and later got surgery done again on it after he suffered his broken leg in his first season.
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Mamba what are you exactly saying anyway? No teams will offer derozan the max? No teams would want to trade for him going forward with the cap still jumping? He wouldn't be a good asset?

Correct me if I'm mistaken but you're suggestion was to trade #2/dlo/Randle for Paul George? Is that correct?

Teams will absolutely offer him a max because of the regular season he had. He's not worth that.

I thought you said if he comes here and sucks, he still has value. If I misunderstood please correct me. Intrinsically that doesn't make sense to me given his skillset or lack thereof. How do you play like garbage yet maintain your value.

I said I was fine with keeping one of D'Lo or Ingram/Simmons and moving those other pieces for PG.
Right now the only player I would trade the #2 pick for would be for Unibrow.

And that's not happening anytime soon with the Pelicans.
I hope we get Ingram had a good coach even though I hate duke winning program work ethic compared to Simmons..bad coaching, non winning program with questionable work ethic/fire in his gut..
You can't really judge only 3-4 months of a 19 year old's pre-pro experience. The NCAA is a glorified D-League for the NBA. You can't put too much stock in all that extracurricular stuff. Scouts have been watching these kids a few years before they were even college freshmen. Their intel on them isn't only on 3-4 months of their ncaa experience.

Not sure where all the work ethic stuff is coming from with Ben Simmons. He's had the rep of a gym rat since he started getting pub in HS.
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if the lakers keep the pick, i can dig it. but if they go after ddr i will personally drive the slander bus.
Trade D'Lo for the number 1 pick. DO IT MITCH.

i second this.

Hmm... So the Knicks just hired Jeff Hornacek. I thought it would be Vogel.

Maybe the Lakers & Luke have a legit shot at getting him as a high priced assistant coach :nerd:

I don't think there are any NBA head coaching jobs open anymore.

Rockets are reportedly close to hiring Pringles as their next coach.
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He had a foot injury since his high school days that scared teams off and later got surgery done again on it after he suffered his broken leg in his first season.

I'm pretty sure the Lakers even floated news out there to play up his injuries so he would fall to them. Randle even hinted at this during a predraft interview.

Teams will absolutely offer him a max because of the regular season he had. He's not worth that.

I thought you said if he comes here and sucks, he still has value. If I misunderstood please correct me. Intrinsically that doesn't make sense to me given his skillset or lack thereof. How do you play like garbage yet maintain your value.

I said I was fine with keeping one of D'Lo or Ingram/Simmons and moving those other pieces for PG.

Are you saying he's not worth a max relative to the cap GOING UP tho. Because it won't even be a max next year. It'll be a 2nd/3rd option type deal.

Just disregard the part where I said he's trash. Yall took that way too literal. He's trash in the sense that he'll put up numbers in the regular season and do exactly what he's doing now in the playoffs. But that type of player still has value in the league. You said yourself he'll get a max. You're worth whatever people are willing to pay. Simple economics.

And you can't trade Clarkson so you'd have to move dlo/#2/Randle for Paul George. That's pendejo talk bro.
It'll still be near a max deal. If the cap goes up to 108, he's making 28 million in the 2nd year, that 26% of the cap on a guy who doesn't really help your team and hurts the development of your youth.

You can trade Clarkson in late December/early January doesn't have to be done in the summer.
So if Raptor fans on here are completely against paying a max to this 26y/o all-star (who is almost as good as Klay statistically) that has dragged the Raptors to an ECF for the first time ever what should that tell you?

If you say asset collection, i get it, but at some point teams are going to look at his value-per-$ and turn their backs when approached for trade.

If we get him, we're stuck with him.
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Ding says Sixers want Simmons.

Draft Express guy talking with Woj has said Lakers have been tipping their hand that they like Ingram more.
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I don't even care if the cap is going up. I don't want Derozen on this roster period. :lol:

He's one of them dudes that just puts up a lot of shots, scores 20-23 points and that's all he does. He's been exposed in the playoffs playing against not that good teams. In Toronto people are looking at him like he's not that good, he'll definitely get exposed in LA. Then we gotta hope that a team gives us a lumpsided trade for him? Nah, let some other team take that problem.
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