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How Many Games Do You Project The Lakers Will Win This Season?

  • 15-20

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  • 21-25

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  • 26-30

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  • 31-35

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  • 36-40

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  • 41-45

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 46-50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 51-55

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  • 56-73

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They Will Break the NBA Record with 74+ Wins

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I don't even care if the cap is going up. I don't want Derozen on this roster period. :lol:

He's one of them dudes that just puts up a lot of shots, scores 20-23 points and that's all he does. He's been exposed in the playoffs playing against not that good teams. In Toronto people are looking at him like he's not that good, he'll definitely get exposed in LA. Then we gotta hope that a team gives us a lumpsided trade for him? Nah, let some other team take that problem.

How would he make this team worse tho?

I just don't understand who you guys expect us to get and what miracle will happen for us.

Same guys saying we shouldn't get Derozan are saying we should throw 20 something at Harrison Barnes :lol:
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I don't even care if the cap is going up. I don't want Derozen on this roster period. :lol:

He's one of them dudes that just puts up a lot of shots, scores 20-23 points and that's all he does. He's been exposed in the playoffs playing against not that good teams. In Toronto people are looking at him like he's not that good, he'll definitely get exposed in LA. Then we gotta hope that a team gives us a lumpsided trade for him? Nah, let some other team take that problem.

How would he make this team worse tho?

I'm not with signing somebody just to sign them. Then hope down the road some team is dumb enough to trade for him. Makes no sense. Derozan does nothing to help these young dudes. That's how he makes us worse. If somebody can't compliment these young pieces leave 'em alone.
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How much does Randle sweat if we take Simmons?

He should be sweating bullets right now regardless if they get Simmons or not.

Especially if he does not show improvement with his jumper and mid range game.

Also if Simmons falls to us. He's gotta know that D'Lo & Simmons played together in high school and are pretty good friends also.

Like Mitch said "Nobody on the current roster is Untouchable".

Was euphoric last night, so no time to talk with you about Ben maybe "forcing" his way to LA.

You said you didn't want him. Earn it, etc etc.

I understand why that might turn you off, but understand their side, it's a job.

Two jobs want you. YOU pick where you want to work.
Don't get that in NBA/NFL etc. You get drafted. But that doesn't mean you should give up all your rights.

Mike Trout is an Angel. He's stuck for almost a decade while they build nothing around him.

Anthony Davis in NO. Stuck.

Boogie in Sac. Stuck.

John Elway forced his way to Denver. 2 SB's.
Eli forced his way to NY. 2 SB's.
Kobe allegedly forced his way to LA. 5 titles.

If LeBron was from New York and not Akron, you think he wants to stay in Cleveland as #1? Hell, he bolted immediately, after wasting half his career there.

You think Ben should just suck it up and waste 7-8 years of his career in Philly while they nickel and dime players and never really give him a chance to win? You feel that's acceptable, for a 19 year old kid?

How long KG waste in Minny, while Tim Duncan had HOFers around him his entire career? By the time KG got loose, he was already in his 30's, leaving his prime.

I'm sorry, but Ben has every right to read the tea leaves and see wasting the prime of his career in Philly hurts his goals. If he could find a way to get a job elsewhere, why shouldn't he look into it? Wouldn't you?

Ben gonna be stuck like hell in Philly, suffering.
Ingram gonna be rewarded like hell in LA, flourishing.

You feel that's fair?
I can already hear the 'information age' reply you're going to throw at what I'm about to say, and I think that's tired and flawed, but that's getting ahead of myself; first I have to say what I have to say.

First off, side note: we both know (meaning I readily acknowledge) Kobe ain't force purple and gold.

Rest of your response: he puts himself in a lose/lose situation by that getting out to me. Either A) he's entitled before the ship has even landed (boooo), or B) his PR is starting off on the wrong foot.

Now for what I thought you would respond with, something about how it's very fortunate that Magic and Mike and Mikan weren't around in today's information age: like I said, that's flawed and tired. It's not like we LITERALLY know every single error and misstep that every celebrity makes. Do you know which athletes are beating their wives but it hasn't hit the general public? No. No you don't.

So we can definitely not know about Simmons wanting the pot of gold long before the storm has even formed in the clouds.

He's either guilty of putting the cart before the horse, or presenting a PR issue right off the jump, albeit minor.
Vogel has a good chance of landing the Orlando job... Let's pray they try something wild and leave him for Luke.
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I don't even care if the cap is going up. I don't want Derozen on this roster period. :lol:

He's one of them dudes that just puts up a lot of shots, scores 20-23 points and that's all he does. He's been exposed in the playoffs playing against not that good teams. In Toronto people are looking at him like he's not that good, he'll definitely get exposed in LA. Then we gotta hope that a team gives us a lumpsided trade for him? Nah, let some other team take that problem.

How would he make this team worse tho?

I'm not with signing somebody just to sign them. Then hope down the road some team is dumb enough to trade for him. Makes no sense. Derozan does nothing to help these young dudes. That's how he makes us worse. If somebody can't compliment these young pieces leave 'em alone.

Are you implying we should remain a 17-22 win team until a superstar decides they wanna leave a great situation to join our team? :lol:

And throw out that idiotic trade scenario dude brought up a couple pages ago

Derozan is an upgrade over anyone currently in our backcourt and makes us a better and deeper team whether y'all wanna admit it or not... I'm not crazy about him but you have to start somehere.

Beggars can't be choosers
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Trade D'Lo for the number 1 pick. DO IT MITCH.

i second this.


I'm not with signing somebody just to sign them. Then hope down the road some team is dumb enough to trade for him. Makes no sense. Derozan does nothing to help these young dudes. That's how he makes us worse. If somebody can't compliment these young pieces leave 'em alone.

It's not really hoping tho. Contract would be easy to move. Maybe or maybe not for a star but for good pieces.
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It's not really hoping tho. Contract would be easy to move. Maybe or maybe not for a star but for good pieces.

No it wouldn't.

Joe Johnson's last stupid contract that was given to him was hard for ATL & Brooklyn to get off their hands.
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