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How Many Games Do You Project The Lakers Will Win This Season?

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  • They Will Break the NBA Record with 74+ Wins

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this is what we get for *****ing about potentially signing and not wanting derozan
we got the dumbest and most delusional fan base in the league. dudes on here really ******** on derozan but I bet those same dudes would die to have him over bum *** mozgov and whichever other bums the front office signs.
E all I'm saying is if we HAD to overpay a center, which we knew we would WHY MOZGOV?!!!
We already have a Hibbert on the team, we didn't need to pick up the Russian version with broken knees! for 64 Mzzzz!? Within the 1st hour?!!!!1

I done care what you say, there is an impossible positive spin.

If we HAD to overpay why not max out biyombo or ezeli ...they hurt boys too but at least they are younger and fit in the scope of what we are trying to do.

This move screams panic. They read the writing on the wall that no one wants to come here and they made the quickest rash move :smh:
E all I'm saying is if we HAD to overpay a center, which we knew we would WHY MOZGOV?!!!
We already have a Hibbert on the team, we didn't need to pick up the Russian version with broken knees! for 64 Mzzzz!? Within the 1st hour?!!!!1

I done care what you say, there is an impossible positive spin.

If we HAD to overpay why not max out biyombo or ezeli ...they hurt boys too but at least they are younger and fit in the scope of what we are trying to do.

This move screams panic. They read the writing on the wall that no one wants to come here and they made the quickest rash move
**** id give festus or noah 80 mil for 4 years rather than give this bum mozgov 64 mil. **** mitch
like others are saying, if his knees are good and its 3 years with a 4th year team option, then i guess i could get on board with the signing.

he's a good screen and roll guy that doesn't need plays drawn for him. from what i remember he did a lot of the dirty work and is decent at grabbing offensive boards. just wish we could have gotten him for a few mill cheaper per year.

if he performs like he did in the 14-15 season, i'll be content.
Lol at misconstruing what I said...

But yeah pointing out hey, Mozgov is good in the PIck & Roll... And heyyyy this is what the deal is worth this much in year 2-3... Is absolutely defending it...

1. I highly highly doubt any other team in the league was jumping to give Mozgov the money we did regardless of what Joakim Noah received. Let's be real, no free agent centers lists even had Mozgov mentioned for this offseason.

2. If you really don't think a healthy Noah this year won't be better than a healthy Mozgov you're out of your mind I'm sorry. Either that or you're just trying to spin it positively cause we signed him. Mozgov played well because he had lebron freakin james getting him the ball right in front of the rim 99% of the time :lol:

3. Fair enough, you can say you hate it, but don't keep trying to spin it positively. Just call a bad move a bad move. No need to keep slightly trying to sway people and yourself to thinking it's a good move.

4. Wasn't talking about you moreso some of the reporters on twitter I saw that kept trying to spin it with numbers like his per 36 and stuff from the 2015 finals saying this was a solid signing :x My apologies there if it seemed directed at you.

5. If you've played basketball at a high level you'd know someone like Noah even if he was hurt in limited minutes is helping the team in the locker room, on the court, etc. Dude has a very very high basketball IQ and backs up his teammates. It would definitely give young guys a boost knowing they'd have Noah behind them pushing them. That's super disrespectful to compare Hibbert to Noah who was once the defensive player of the entire NBA :lol:

It's all good discussion though, we're all Laker fans and this is an emotional time.
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teams going to small ball and fast paced line ups and we got some bum who can barely run up and down the floor without getting injured. dude can't defend the pick and roll against smaller line ups... how the hell are we supposed to be playing him big minutes??? the hell is the FO thinking?
All you guys that think it's a good decision, you're telling me that you got all these guys at your disposal to call, that you know are upcoming free agents and that one person that you've been waiting weeks to call, just itching to grab that phone for..... is MOZGOV?????
E all I'm saying is if we HAD to overpay a center, which we knew we would WHY MOZGOV?!!!
We already have a Hibbert on the team, we didn't need to pick up the Russian version with broken knees! for 64 Mzzzz!? Within the 1st hour?!!!!1

I done care what you say, there is an impossible positive spin.

If we HAD to overpay why not max out biyombo or ezeli ...they hurt boys too but at least they are younger and fit in the scope of what we are trying to do.

This move screams panic. They read the writing on the wall that no one wants to come here and they made the quickest rash move :smh:

Because Whiteside was not an option.

Mozgov is not Hibbert.

Agreed on the money and the timing. As I've always said.

Unless KD becomes a Warrior, Ezeli likely gets matched, especially if they are looking to trade Bogut. Can't look to trade Bogut then let Ezeli go. Especially without knowing what's happening with KD. And even then, may have been able to keep Ezeli.

Biyombo although 23, and has room to grow... It's hard to feel comfortable with 4 year / $94mil for a guy that has bounced around in Free Agency already at 23. 4 year / $70mil, maybe you can take a shot in the dark.

If I had to venture a guess..... And I'm simply guessing. After surveying the scene of centers, and figuring out who was available to them. Mozgov was the choice that made the most sense talent wise and for a money number that they could stomach.

I'm in a bad mood with the signing, don't like the years, money or when it was signed.. But I also have critical thinking skills.
There are plenty of other players you can call before Mozgov that's not KD or Whiteside.....
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Just because we're pointing out its not as awful of a deal as you think doesn't mean we think it's a good signing. :lol:
Just not that awful if you look into it a little more logically, and his knees hold up.

4th year option means we really only giving him 3 years 48... Which would be equivalent to 3 years 30 million in last years cap.

The decision making is stupid and makes no sense, but the contract isn't that bad for a center with his skill set in this market, it isn't,
And I'm as anti-Jim Buss as it gets in here,

He's a ******* idiot. But this isn't THAT bad of a contract.

Decision? Yes...hella dumb this was his 12:01 call. Dumbest thing I read all night.
Essential can you break down realistically who we PASSED ON for Mozgov, not who fell through our hands but that we passed on?

If this was the only dude left then so be it but hell we could have at least lessened the years.
let's face it, a lot of the big name free agents are not interested in coming to the lakers. we have to accept that.

to me, this next year was always about seeing the steps the kids make, and mozgov helps with that.

edit: just to be clear i would still rather have biyombo or even mahinmi
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let's face it, a lot of the big name free agents are not interested in coming to the lakers. we have to accept that.

to me, this next year was always about seeing the steps the kids make, and mozgov helps with that.
Yes, but like I said, there are plenty of other guys to call before Mozgov.... even if they're not KD or Whiteside.
5. If you've played basketball at a high level you'd know someone like Noah even if he was hurt in limited minutes is helping the team in the locker room, on the court, etc. Dude has a very very high basketball IQ and backs up his teammates. It would definitely give young guys a boost knowing they'd have Noah behind them pushing them. That's super disrespectful to compare Hibbert to Noah who was once the defensive player of the entire NBA :lol:

It's all good discussion though, we're all Laker fans and this is an emotional time.

I've coached basketball. I workout with kids all the time.

They don't give a flying **** about the mentor if the mentor isn't good... Young kids actually view it as disrespect. And maybe Noah will be Okay this season.. Wholly possible. But if you're a bum, they couldn't give a damn what you have to say. It goes in one ear, and out the other
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I'd like to compare what Mozgov got to what Mahinmi will get.

All the other available centers are either better, younger and/or restricted. Mahinmi the most comparable.
5. If you've played basketball at a high level you'd know someone like Noah even if he was hurt in limited minutes is helping the team in the locker room, on the court, etc. Dude has a very very high basketball IQ and backs up his teammates. It would definitely give young guys a boost knowing they'd have Noah behind them pushing them. That's super disrespectful to compare Hibbert to Noah who was once the defensive player of the entire NBA :lol:

It's all good discussion though, we're all Laker fans and this is an emotional time.

I've coached basketball. I workout with kids all the time.

They don't give a flying **** about the mentor if the mentor isn't good... Young kids actually view it as disrespect. And maybe Noah will be Okay this season.. Wholly possible. But if you're a bum, they couldn't give a damn what you have to say. It goes in one ear, and out the other

:rofl: Dude CMON. Are you kidding me. You're acting like we're talking about Jeff Foster coming in to be a mentor. This is Joakim Noah, he's a guy who will command respect in the locker room. I think everyone would be in agreement there. If you don't think so I don't know what to tell you.

Speaking of other centers, if we were gonna drop straight off from the top tier guys available, I would've much rather looked at Ian Mahinmi
I've coached basketball. I workout with kids all the time.

They don't give a flying **** about the mentor if the mentor isn't good... Young kids actually view it as disrespect. And maybe Noah will be Okay this season.. Wholly possible. But if you're a bum, they couldn't give a damn what you have to say. It goes in one ear, and out the other
Lol this isn't true at all
Dude's in the Knicks thread aren't too happy about signing Joakim.
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