I know I am typically thought of as a negative person, but its really just in NBA terms. I absolutely HATE this team. Curry is overrated and inconsistent, Klay has been a disappointment, Lee sucks (peroid), and the guy we traded our best player for is absolutely useless because of his injury.

On the plus side, Barnes has been a very pleasant surprise, carl landry has been great (arguably our best player) and Festus looks like he could be a VERY good backup/defensive center in the future.

Overall, I hope we keep our top 7 pick again this year. Not saying I dont want us to make the playoffs, I do. But how much fun would it be to watch us get demolished by the Thunder? Id rather have the pick.
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You want to keep the pick over the playoffs? Such a horrible mindset. This Franchise has made the playoffs Once in 20 YEARS. It would be huge for this franchise to make the playoffs. Thunder were the 8th seed and lost to Lakers but they has turned into 1 if the powers of the west. Not saying its going to happen like it did in OKC but c'mon man.
You call it a horrible mindset, I call it living in reality. I am not rooting for us to lose. I just know that having a first round pick would be more valuable to the franchise than not. So we make the playoffs and get stomped in the first round. Our cap situations sucks because of our awesome power forward and third string center. We wont have a draft pick to come in and help. How is this team supposed to improve next season? You see, why you may be happy with a first round exit, I want to win a championship one day. And until we happen to luck out and land that superstar in the draft, it will never happen.

I know this next thing I am about to say will probably upset you, but two of your three favorite teams are horrible. You would be content with a little bit of success, you are willing to forgo the big picture and the ultimate goal. I am sorry if my bar hasnt been lowered to the point that I would be content with being smacked in the first round, with an eventual ceiling of maybe a 6 seed.
I'm really tired of Raiders being brought up. Yes they suck everybody knows this. Doesn't make me less of a fan. What a difference a year makes
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Making the playoffs just to say you made the playoffs is exactly the type of event management and this team would shove down our throats. I agree with Dland to a certain degree.

We have a low ceiling because of cap constraints. That means Klay and Barnes are going to have to develop quickly and outpace their own potential in order to compete. Making the 8th seed just for marginal and marketing purposes is ******ed because the 5-7 seeds and 9-10 will all improve and we'll be stagnant and without a pick.

That "trade scenario" Bill Simmons throughout earlier where the Lakers send Ron and Pau for Lee, Green and Jefferson? Yes please. Won't happen and was half a joke but Man....
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I'm really tired of Raiders being brought up. Yes they suck everybody knows this. Doesn't make me less of a fan. What a difference a year makes

The reason the Raiders are constantly brought up (combined with your love of the Warriors) is that losing is so ingrained into your head, that the bar is set so low that you are content with mediocrity. Its the Alex Smith syndrome. He hasnt been a great QB the year and a half under Harbaugh. We are just so used to pathetic QB play that when he isnt playing horrible, it looks great by comparison.

Even in spite of how pathetic this franchise has been for the better part of my lifetime, I am not willing to settle for mediocrity.
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9 turnovers and we're just half way into the 2nd qtr. NBDL Warriors. :lol: :smh:
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That Barnes's dunk and stare down. :lol: Young fella.

Another dumb (*#$ end of game play and this time goes to Steph. :stoneface:
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Curry dribbles around and hits the 3 and is damn lucky he didn't get called for a stupid push foul on the defensive possession
Props to the rookies Draymond and Barnes in the 4th for that spark run. Draymond was hustlin' and doin' work on Love, Barnes hittin' the boards for another double double. :nthat:

Props to Rick Adelman for keeping Barea and Ridnour out there in the 4th.

Jackson's team got bailed out by Landry/Green. 
Barnes dunk was disgusting :x

if warriors can seriously continue to play solid D in 4th quarters... wow 7th or 8th seed is a reality.
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