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I got it up on the big screen. Wish I could be there, I still may hit downtown tonight and check out the bars in akron for the after affairs.
I wanna say Mickey's is where is at when I got picked up, but I had lot going on in my system and it was probably best I got kicked out. All the lights started looking the same etc from what I could remember.
I kinda expected other Cavs teammate to show up too lol but I guess this was mostly about his foundation.
I love cleveland cavs, but im not a fan of leron, should i be ashamed of myself?
I think you'll quickly learn to like and appreciate him as soon as he leads Cavs to 50~60 wins again.

It used to be the other way around for me. I thought I was just a fan of LeBron and thought that I'd be following him to wherever he went, but then when he actually left, I was surprised by how I hated his every movement and still stuck around with Cavs. Irving obviously helped that process, though.. haha
one of the preseason games is here on OSU campus i might have to go... they probably will sell tickets here for cheap
You're not kidding. My friends got a frat brother that lives out there so it's most likely gonna happen just a matter of when. Never seen LeBron or Love live either :pimp:
You guys going to OSU vs Rutgers, me living in jersey right now makes me want to see an old buckeye whooping get put on rutgers
Just like landing Bron, congrats to the loyal Cleveland fans on acquiring Love. One of, if not the best PF in the game. Cavaliers may truly be the cream of the crop in the East. Win-now mode to say the least. Can they get a ring in their first season together?

You guys going to OSU vs Rutgers, me living in jersey right now makes me want to see an old buckeye whooping get put on rutgers
My lifelong favorite CFB program versus my alma mater. What is one to do?
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