True but IMO giving up Klay and Barnes in that deal is way too much to give up.

I'd rather trade for the Season S2/Episode 2 Zoe Barnes than Harrison Barnes at this point.

Neither team will have Kevin Love and Klay Thompson. If your organization is okay with that, ours is as well.
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Why would the Warriors have to break the bank for a player on the last year of his deal. TWolves are askin for too much it could cost them when he leaves after season and they get nothing.
I don't think FO is that dumb to do the deal without a sign and trade.

Well it wouldnt be a sign and trade, but just an extension in place......

But I honestly think we would do the trade regardless. Lets say it is just Lee and Klay for Love with no extension for Love in place. As already noted, Klay wants a max deal and is up after next season. Love wants a max deal and is up after next season. So whats the difference if we wouldnt have Love locked up longterm? We dont have Klay locked up longterm.

There is one huge difference though........gettin to dump David Lee. I would make the trade without an extension in place for Love for this reason alone.

But wouldn't Klay be a restricted free agent? meaning it would be up to management if they want to keep him or not if he gets offered a max deal. While Love on the other hand can simply just walk away if he doesn't sign an extenstion.
But wouldn't Klay be a restricted free agent? meaning it would be up to management if they want to keep him or not if he gets offered a max deal. While Love on the other hand can simply just walk away if he doesn't sign an extenstion.
Warriors would be stupid to agree to a Love trade unless they had an extension in place. Love has said he would like to play with Steph Curry in the past.
But wouldn't Klay be a restricted free agent? meaning it would be up to management if they want to keep him or not if he gets offered a max deal. While Love on the other hand can simply just walk away if he doesn't sign an extenstion.
Warriors would be stupid to agree to a Love trade unless they had an extension in place. Love has said he would like to play with Steph Curry in the past.
I think technically Love can't sign an extension until after the 3rd year of his current contract. Not to sure on this

But as we know, he can opt-out after this upcoming season (3rd year of contract).

Other than "assurances" that he will re-sign with the Warriors should he opt-out at the end of the season

I think what he could do as a stipulation to being traded to the Warriors, he could waive the opt-out clause which would guarantee he is under contract through the 15-16 season.

This would give us the ability to extend him next offseason without the risk of him leaving for nothing.

It would also allow us to be able to sign-and-trade him should some **** go down and he doesn't want to re-sign with us.
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This week will be interesting... *cues MJ popcorn gif

My prediction: Klay will NOT be traded. 

- Bob Myers extends the contract of Cory Matthews this Fall, trades D.Lee for an expiring contract (i.e Chandler), and ships Barnes for a pick. Which all leads to more cap space.

The Result:  Warriors sign Love during FA, while retaining Klay Thompson.

This week will be interesting... *cues MJ popcorn gif

My prediction: Klay will NOT be traded. 

- Bob Myers extends the contract of Cory Matthews this Fall, trades D.Lee for an expiring contract (i.e Chandler), and ships Barnes for a pick. Which all leads to more cap space.

The Result: Warriors sign Love during FA, while retaining Klay Thompson.


interesting scenario, definitely like it. but between steph, klay, and love, hopefully two of the three are willing to take salary cap friendly contracts if we're gonna have any semblance of a functioning bench.. assuming of course that we can sign love.

my only issue with waiting for love to be a FA is that I'm sure he wont be with the Timberwolves by that time. i find it unlikely that they dont move him either before the season or before the trade deadline. he'll likely sign with a contender who will have a contract-extension stipulation in place
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Love, Thompson, and the Risk-Filled Calculus of Building a Contender
Posted on June 23, 2014 by Adam Lauridsen
The Warriors’ first-round loss to the Clippers exposed their two greatest on-court needs: (1) a second consistent scorer capable of sharing the offensive load with Stephen Curry and (2) a bench that can be trusted with meaningful minutes. Game 7 captured these deficiencies perfectly. After Curry’s 33 points, the Warriors’ second highest scorer was a player known for his defense (Draymond Green, 24 points), while supposed offensive weapons Klay Thompson and David Lee were held to 15 and 13 points, respectively. Off the bench, the Warriors’ only offensive production came from feast-or-famine role players (Marreese Speights and Jordan Crawford, combining for 22), while Harrison Barnes was scoreless in 13 minutes and no one else logged meaningful time (let alone scored any points). Faced with these realities, the prospect of trading Lee and Thompson for Kevin Love has an undeniable pull. But word this weekend was that talks had stalled because of an “organizational divide” over parting with Thompson. Whether it’s a real split or just trade posturing, the Warriors should be conflicted over the rumored deal.

There are two largely unspoken but crucially important considerations looming in the background of the Warriors’ Love decision. First, the team as currently constructed has a three-year window to make a run. After the 2016-17 season, the contracts of Curry, Iguodala and Bogut all expire. Hopefully their bodies don’t go before then. So when the Warriors shop for help, they’re not looking for a 3-4 year project. They need someone who can contribute now. Second, if the Warriors pull off a blockbuster like the Lee/Thompson for Love deal, the team will be pretty much stripped of assets it can use to further improve the team. While the team would part with Barnes and/or Ezeli, their value has never been lower. They have no draft pick this year and can’t trade one until 2019 (correction: except 2015, which can be dealt after this year’s draft). And because they used the full mid-level exception last year in free agency, they’re hard capped until July 1 (limiting the value of an otherwise attractively large trade exception).

So if the Warriors were to trade Thompson and Lee for Love, the Warriors team left at the end of the transaction needs to be largely a finished product. They might be able to add a few affordable veterans to the back of the rotation and either rehabilitate Barnes into a contributor or flip him for eighty-five cents on the dollar, but they’re going to emerge from any Love deal with less flexibility for the future. And that’s where the tough questions arise.

In Thompson, the Warriors have found a back-court partner for Curry that covers his weaknesses and plays off his strengths. He’s a two-way shooting guard with size, range and intelligence — a rarity despite the truism that 2s are easily replaced. While he can be frustratingly inconsistent on offense (see, e.g. Game 7), he’s getting better and clearly making an effort to diversify his offensive game. So while Love solves a number of problems for the Warriors — a second world-class scorer, a slightly better defender than the current option at the 4, a player entering his prime rather than exiting it — he creates another significant problem regarding what to do post-Thompson at the 2. Iguodala doesn’t have the offense for the position and may no longer have the speed. Barnes does better against bigger defenders, not smaller ones. Green can guard 2s off switches, but would foul out in a quarter logging full-time minutes against the league’s better offense shooting guards. Starting Kevin Martin — rumored to be part of the deal — would be like a return to the absolute worst of the Curry/Ellis years.

So do the Warriors risk decreasing the effectiveness of their superstar (not to mention potentially angering him) to swap one problem position (PF) for another (SG)? It’s a real risk — hence the “organizational divide” — but one likely worth taking if the Warriors can find a way to squeeze a little bit more out of the Minnesota Timberwolves than just Love and Martin. If I’m playing armchair GM, here are my considerations:

The Love deal forces a second deal to acquire a starting quality shooting guard who fits next to Curry. That’s not an easy task. Guys likely available on the trade market — like Aaron Afflalo or Dion Waiters — are far from ideal replacements. You could hope to land a starting-quality free agent — like Rodney Stuckey or Lance Stephenson — but there’s no guarantee the Warriors could afford one with the mid-level exception. The Timberwolves can move the Warriors a bit closer to the answer by including their lottery pick. The 13th pick in the year’s deep draft likely could be flipped for a mid-level starting quality shooting guard, particularly if the player is on a less-than-ideal contract. Of if the Warriors’ brass think the perfect Thompson replacement is available at that pick, they probably have just enough time to grab him this year and develop him to be a contributor towards the end of the team’s window.
Assuming no second deal, the Warriors’ bench post-Love deal is basically non-existent, with either Barnes or Green moving into the starting line-up. Martin would provide some scoring pop to the second unit, but is one-dimensional, tremendously overpaid and rapidly deteriorating as a player. The real solution to the Warriors’ bench problems lies in free agency, but with Martin’s $6.8, $7.1 and $7.4 million deal over the next three years (not to mention Love’s max extension), there’s unlikely to be any cap room to spare. To help bolster the second unit, the Warriors could push for Kevin Martin to be replaced in the deal with an expiring contract. J.J. Barea and Luc Richard Mbah A Moute are obvious choices. Both could be contributors on the Warriors’ bench next year — and could be gone the year after if the Warriors want them to be. With the 2015-16 salary cap now expected to be around $67 million (with the luxury tax around $81 million), the Warriors could sign Love to a max deal, keep Curry, Iguodala, Bogut and Barnes, give Green a reasonable extension ($4-5 million) and still be $4-5 million under the cap (assuming no other long-term deals signed this off-season). That 2015-16 cap space and the full mid-level exception, could allow the Warriors to add two quality pieces to the Curry/Iguodala/Love/Bogut/Barnes/Green/Ezeli core.
If you keep Thompson and sign him to an extension (which could easily be $11-12 million to start), the Warriors will have almost no available cap space next summer. But they will have Lee’s massive expiring contract to shop around and Barnes’ value may be significantly higher. The Warriors’ front office will have had the advantage of evaluating everyone under Kerr’s system, and can make more educated decisions about what the team needs for the future. So passing on Love now doesn’t mean the Warriors are doomed from making an impact trade later on down the road. It’s the Wolves — not the Warriors — who are under time pressure to make a move. The Warriors undoubtedly have kept that in mind in their negotiation posture.
Given these issues, I’d side with the Warriors faction that doesn’t want to do Thompson/Lee for Love/Martin (although it’s a very close call). I would counter with Thompson/Lee for Love/Barea/#13 pick (a deal I’d take without hesitation). I’d still probably do the deal if just for Love/Barea or Love/#13 pick, as both variations give the Warriors a chance of adding another contributor in the final two years of their window instead of accepting Martin and his bloated contract as an add-on. If the Wolves insist that Martin has to be part of the deal, I’d definitely want the #13 pick as part of the package, since the team will be capped out for the entire window under that scenario. (Note that Martin’s inclusion has the added drawback of forcing the Warriors to wait until July 1 to consummate the deal, as it pushes them over the hard-cap threshold for 2013-14).

With the ESPN trade machine and a little imagination, you can spin out endless variations to the potential deals. But my guess is the NBA won’t have to wait much longer to learn Love’s future home. With such a deep draft, the Wolves have a tremendous incentive to move him before or on draft night if they want to swap him for picks. And even if they don’t want to rebuild that way, the threat of doing so (such as with a deal to Boston) is likely to drive up offers from other teams (like the Warriors and Nuggets). If the Wolves opt not to move him at the draft and wait until the next trade deadline, the Thompson deal they supposedly want may be off the table. The Warriors are unlikely to deal Thompson mid-season if Kerr has managed to put the team in a position for a quality playoff run — and improved play by Thompson may make him untouchable.

Ultimately, I expect Kevin Love to have a new home on Thursday (at least unofficially), and I think there’s a pretty good chance that home will be with the Warriors. But we haven’t seen the end of the rumors and posturing. Both Bob Myers and Joe Lacob have negotiated a few deals in their days before the Warriors’ front office. This negotiation will be a test of their ability to extract as much value as possible, while maintaining flexibility for the future as well. It’s a tall order — but no one ever said assembling a contender was going to be easy.
Golden State Warriors will almost certainly be renamed San Francisco Warriors (new logos also use black). pic.twitter.com/3HFQUoVlUW
— RealGM (@RealGM) June 23, 2014

:rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

I think someone mentioned here renaming the team to the Bay Area Warriors which I liked a lot. Mainly because of the possibility that we could simply get "The Bay" on our Jerseys :smokin

The "bay" sounds ghetto and doesn't sound presentable...

Keep it San Francisco it's a big market and a beautiful city
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