Well, props for not posting pictures of food.

Too early to think about our fantasy basketball league? Cant skip it two years in a row. I'll break up with my girl to free up my evenings for the draft.
Well, props for not posting pictures of food.

Too early to think about our fantasy basketball league? Cant skip it two years in a row. I'll break up with my girl to free up my evenings for the draft.
No, It's not too early. The more time we have, the better. Sorry about last year. I skipped the previous year because of work. I was switching between both PM and NOC shifts at the hospital so I would always catch up on sleep in my "free time". But now I'm strictly PM (thanks to me finally getting some seniority) so I should be able to have some time freed up. I didn't know we able to start up leagues yet. I'll look into it and get something started by the end of the week.

I've been dabbling in using Google Docs so I can set up the spreadsheet for our draft board. NTL, I finally got hang of it after how many years? Thanks for being kind enough setting them up.

Money league like previous years? What was it? We kept it at a decent price of $20? Someone help me remember.

I'll send out invitations to the regulars/previous participants, so keep an eye out for them.
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Well, props for not posting pictures of food.

Too early to think about our fantasy basketball league? Cant skip it two years in a row. I'll break up with my girl to free up my evenings for the draft.
No, It's not too early. The more time we have, the better. Sorry about last year. I skipped the previous year because of work. I was switching between both PM and NOC shifts at the hospital so I would always catch up on sleep in my "free time". But now I'm strictly PM (thanks to me finally getting some seniority) so I should be able to have some time freed up. I didn't know we able to start up leagues yet. I'll look into it and get something started by the end of the week.

I've been dabbling in using Google Docs so I can set up the spreadsheet for our draft board. NTL, I finally got hang of it after how many years? Thanks for being kind enough setting them up.

Money league like previous years? What was it? We kept it at a decent price of $20? Someone help me remember.

I'll send out invitations to the regulars/previous participants, so keep an eye out for them.
Lets up it a bit this year? $30? :nerd:

And if we start the spread sheet now, we should finish by the time the season starts /slightsarcasm.

Menace rule must be applied :lol:.
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Just joined the league.
I did as well.

@Paul Is On Tilt.....if I get the last or second to last pick again.....

@FRANCHISE 55.....good to see you back in the league.....cant remember the last time I saw you post.  Not even sure if you are gonna read this, but how you been bro?
dang, i kinda wanna get back into the league with yall for the lolz. but don't think i'd have time to manage the team :frown:

good to see all the old folks
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