LOCK.. www.pltcsapparel.com

That old bit we've all seen before with the "____ &..." is extremely played out and just screams streetwear with no depth or creativity.

I expect the rest of your gear to suck, based on the fact that you present this shirt to us after you claim your line will not resemble streetwear.

I've seen more artistic *#@! go on sale at Karmaloop.

I'd advise you to go back to the drawing board or just scrap the idea as a whole.
Originally Posted by Purple Face



looks like every other "new brand" nothing new and nothing wearable....like really? your gonna throw your money away into this..... what kinda teesyou printing on? whats wholesale? sizing scale? whats nexts seasons theme.....?
If this is your dream then go ahead and pursue it and dont worry about the nay sayers.

that said, everyone has some valid points. it looks like you spent about 30 minutes on this stuff.

everyone in the industry can agree this has been a rough spell the past year or so, so my best advice would be to not dump very much money into this. Maybejust start with 1 or 2 shirts and see if you can get some people to wear them and take it slow. Nothing good is born over night. You definitely dont want torush into anything and drop a bunch of bread on an entire season you cant move.

Just keep it mellow and try to remember there are enough brands out there recycling the same stuff with free fonts and unoriginal themes and graphics to last alife time and its going to take something more then that to get noticed.

Try to be original and do your homework about whats been done and try to study market trends and be ahead of the curve.

best of luck
Originally Posted by FeelMode

If this is your dream then go ahead and pursue it and dont worry about the nay sayers.

that said, everyone has some valid points. it looks like you spent about 30 minutes on this stuff.

everyone in the industry can agree this has been a rough spell the past year or so, so my best advice would be to not dump very much money into this. Maybe just start with 1 or 2 shirts and see if you can get some people to wear them and take it slow. Nothing good is born over night. You definitely dont want to rush into anything and drop a bunch of bread on an entire season you cant move.

Just keep it mellow and try to remember there are enough brands out there recycling the same stuff with free fonts and unoriginal themes and graphics to last a life time and its going to take something more then that to get noticed.

Try to be original and do your homework about whats been done and try to study market trends and be ahead of the curve.

best of luck

Great advice from an expert. (That dude still infringing on your brand I see

I have been building my brand for over 3 years now and I wouldn't even think about throwing it to the NT wolves just yet.

I have folder full of notes, sketched, research and random media. Hard drives full of video, articles, images and dozens of ideas that I spent good money onthinking they were hot...but as I learned more about design and the industry...realized that they were sub-par.

Keep doing your thing and grinding but you have to come correct in this market to get the slightest whiff of success.

I really hope that your joint takes off though. I'll keeping checking the thread and trying to support the movement.

Holla if you ever want to politic.
Yo Haze, u dont even know some dude had called him out on those HB forums and he was all "so what i dont care about those guys im just doing this forfun"
i couldnt even say nuthin

But yo Cashmere no threadjack and if you have any questions you wanna ask ill do my best to answer them. Like Haze was saying about working on things for yearsfirst, my line was being built for a solid 3 years before we went public, so take that into consideration fam.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Yo Haze, u dont even know some dude had called him out on those HB forums and he was all "so what i dont care about those guys im just doing this for fun"
i couldnt even say nuthin

Homeboy just looks like the creep type
i'd go back to the drawing board...you say you want to be different and separate yourself but your first two main designs rip past successes that have runtheir course

the angled script "brooklyn" style ts and then the &&&& shirts that have seen a million version changes-

props for having an idea and being ready to dive in and make something happen- take my post as constructive criticism and not "hate"
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

just as a consumer....

your stuff isn't unique from anything else i can find online...
but it will be limited...
Thnx to those who brought something positive to the post
and evenmore thnx to the critics who give me how they really feel about it .. what you see is the slightest bit of ideas that i have and honestly i am NOT trying to besucessful with this i really dont even expect for it to sell.. i dont want to be in the fashion industry or anything at all this is something im providing forthe market that wants it.. nothing more nothing less.. i cant expect everyone or even NT to even like my stuff just as much as i can expect sprint users tocancel lines for me.. the service im providing is for those who want it..

the reason i dont want to be considered street wear is simply because i dont want it to be considered anything period but what it is a T-shirt with words at-shirt with a picture or a logo.. thats all i really just dont want it to be labeled.. i dont wanna spend a year doing one tee that will only sell 5 or 6shirts then thats it id rather spend a day or 2 perfecting something then move on to the next.. the spelling issues have all been corrected and i just wantedto rush and be done so i could get back to my wife and kid..
Im not trying to make this sell i honestly will be satisfied if i sold 1 or 2 t-shirts out of each collection and thats coming from a humble dude who is veryoptimistic ..
that's terrible dude. Save yourself the time, energy and money. The stuff you posted looks like dog doo doo.
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