
Originally Posted by I Eat Clouds

So im a Junior in HS right now and im literally feeling a depression that i have NEVER felt before in my life 

Im not really a "smart" person when it comes to school and stuff and im i dont even think i can make it into a decent university (community is NOT an option)

therees been so much stress for me right now and a lot of weight.

My avg. gpa right now is 3.0, im not studying for SAT, im in no clubs, activities, etc.

Like, i honestly just feel like giving up.

Now i know many of yall are gonna say 

"man up" and stuff and truthfully, its easier said then done 

Any recent HS'ers been in my position?

I keep hearing how HARD it is to get in colleges but i really dont wanna believe it. I know i shouldnt take it lightly, but i feel like its over exaggerated.

no you really need to man up
I literally studied for 1 day before i took the SAT, im pretty sure whatever you get will be good enough to get into a uni, I did.

Your GPA is good enough to get into a university, i knew dudes who were in the 2.0 range who still went to a university

I was barely in any clubs, the %$!! i was in i dont even remember, plus universities dont even care as much as you think they do.

It aint hard to get into college and the work is dumb easy. Thinking back on it, high schools did make college seem worse/harder than it really is. Im in my junior year of college and im doing the exact same %$!! i was doing in high school academic wise(the way i study, pay attention in class etc.) and still pulling A's and B's.

Oh yeah by the time i graduated from high school i had a 3.5 GPA, currently i have a 3.1
Hey OP, I know how you feel, but a 3.0 is not "awful,"...unless you're Asian.
... but I suggest that you study for the SAT, as well as the ACT, so you can do well on those tests. GPA and standardized test scores are especially important to you specifically because you have no clubs, activities, etc.

Just so you know, Niketalk is not really a good/reliable place to ask college-related questions because there are too many dudes who try to be funny.

I suggest that you make an account on College Confidential and ask questions there... http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/
Originally Posted by I Eat Clouds

So im a Junior in HS right now and im literally feeling a depression that i have NEVER felt before in my life 

Im not really a "smart" person when it comes to school and stuff and im i dont even think i can make it into a decent university (community is NOT an option)

therees been so much stress for me right now and a lot of weight.

My avg. gpa right now is 3.0, im not studying for SAT, im in no clubs, activities, etc.

Like, i honestly just feel like giving up.

Now i know many of yall are gonna say 

"man up" and stuff and truthfully, its easier said then done 

Any recent HS'ers been in my position?

I keep hearing how HARD it is to get in colleges but i really dont wanna believe it. I know i shouldnt take it lightly, but i feel like its over exaggerated.

no you really need to man up
I literally studied for 1 day before i took the SAT, im pretty sure whatever you get will be good enough to get into a uni, I did.

Your GPA is good enough to get into a university, i knew dudes who were in the 2.0 range who still went to a university

I was barely in any clubs, the %$!! i was in i dont even remember, plus universities dont even care as much as you think they do.

It aint hard to get into college and the work is dumb easy. Thinking back on it, high schools did make college seem worse/harder than it really is. Im in my junior year of college and im doing the exact same %$!! i was doing in high school academic wise(the way i study, pay attention in class etc.) and still pulling A's and B's.

Oh yeah by the time i graduated from high school i had a 3.5 GPA, currently i have a 3.1
Originally Posted by I Eat Clouds

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

There are starving kids and people getting raped, pillaged, and stoned to death in the world and this damn kid from usa suburbia is complaining about which college he should go to. Life CAN be way worse. Unless you're dead.

As a veteran that served this country, I feel discouraged when I see people like this because it lets me know that I put my life on the line so kids like this could b#@!@ about how their ipod burned out or complain that their life and school are like sooo boring oh my gawd. What to do? What to do?

Dude, burn your damn computer and don't even look at one from now on. Punch yourself in the face and then go to a homeless shelter and tell your story to a random bystander so they can anoint you with their backhand.
Seriously, shut up.
Go tell that to every student who is worried about their education and future.

idgaf if you're some veteran. What? You think just because yous served in the military that'll mean everyone will respect you?

Out of here with that. Excuse me if im worried about my education and my future.

How about you go tell what you wrote to some kid whos ipod burned out.


Originally Posted by I Eat Clouds

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

There are starving kids and people getting raped, pillaged, and stoned to death in the world and this damn kid from usa suburbia is complaining about which college he should go to. Life CAN be way worse. Unless you're dead.

As a veteran that served this country, I feel discouraged when I see people like this because it lets me know that I put my life on the line so kids like this could b#@!@ about how their ipod burned out or complain that their life and school are like sooo boring oh my gawd. What to do? What to do?

Dude, burn your damn computer and don't even look at one from now on. Punch yourself in the face and then go to a homeless shelter and tell your story to a random bystander so they can anoint you with their backhand.
Seriously, shut up.
Go tell that to every student who is worried about their education and future.

idgaf if you're some veteran. What? You think just because yous served in the military that'll mean everyone will respect you?

Out of here with that. Excuse me if im worried about my education and my future.

How about you go tell what you wrote to some kid whos ipod burned out.


Hey OP, I know how you feel, but a 3.0 is not "awful,"...unless you're Asian.
... but I suggest that you study for the SAT, as well as the ACT, so you can do well on those tests. GPA and standardized test scores are especially important to you specifically because you have no clubs, activities, etc.

Just so you know, Niketalk is not really a good/reliable place to ask college-related questions because there are too many dudes who try to be funny.

I suggest that you make an account on College Confidential and ask questions there... http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/
You are waaay too young to feel like its time to give up, as a matter of fact you should never think like that, no matter how old you are.
Anyway, getting into a university isnt as hard as you are making it seem, plus they want your money...and you'll definitely be fine with that GPA. I think you should get yourself a hobby [ a sport] and a girlfriend...or a job and make money...
You are waaay too young to feel like its time to give up, as a matter of fact you should never think like that, no matter how old you are.
Anyway, getting into a university isnt as hard as you are making it seem, plus they want your money...and you'll definitely be fine with that GPA. I think you should get yourself a hobby [ a sport] and a girlfriend...or a job and make money...
Originally Posted by I Eat Clouds

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes
Seriously, shut up.
Go tell that to every student who is worried about their education and future.

idgaf if you're some veteran. What? You think just because yous served in the military that'll mean everyone will respect you?

Out of here with that. Excuse me if im worried about my education and my future.

How about you go tell what you wrote to some kid whos ipod burned out.
You honestly sound like a %!!.
Originally Posted by I Eat Clouds

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes
Seriously, shut up.
Go tell that to every student who is worried about their education and future.

idgaf if you're some veteran. What? You think just because yous served in the military that'll mean everyone will respect you?

Out of here with that. Excuse me if im worried about my education and my future.

How about you go tell what you wrote to some kid whos ipod burned out.
You honestly sound like a %!!.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by I Eat Clouds

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes
Seriously, shut up.
Go tell that to every student who is worried about their education and future.

idgaf if you're some veteran. What? You think just because yous served in the military that'll mean everyone will respect you?

Out of here with that. Excuse me if im worried about my education and my future.

How about you go tell what you wrote to some kid whos ipod burned out.
You honestly sound like a %!!.

What I was going to say. 
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by I Eat Clouds

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes
Seriously, shut up.
Go tell that to every student who is worried about their education and future.

idgaf if you're some veteran. What? You think just because yous served in the military that'll mean everyone will respect you?

Out of here with that. Excuse me if im worried about my education and my future.

How about you go tell what you wrote to some kid whos ipod burned out.
You honestly sound like a %!!.

What I was going to say. 
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