Los Zetas vs Anonymous Vol. Mexican Standoff?

this is beyond interesting. although zetas may not have the tech savvy they do have the money to pay people that do...and thats in addition to being "bout that life."
I think y'all fail to realize that Anon is made up of different hackers from all over the world. Sure they could pay someone to go after them, but it would be frivolous. And this talk about giving up names is dumb as well, since the whole point of anon is to be... wait for it.........

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Lots of misinformation about anon is out there.

anon was never going to take down FB, I only recently found out it was LulzSec members (no they did not disband, they just stay out of the limelight) and a few branched off anons from various countries that were going to do the FB raid and they didn't go through with it because the few didn't have the resources. The higher ups of the Legion are the ones who command the major operations, they are the ones with access to the proper tools to do so. The FB plan has been circulating ever since Topiary was arrested in late July but it's not priority because using FB is a choice. You choose to put your information out there, and the people who get your info choose to sell it to companies and use people as a product. We are not the consumer when the product is free. We become the product.

The plan with the cartels is not to attack them directly, but to expose secretive members. Government officials, officers, and people of that nature are to be dox'd. They will be exposed, and once they are exposed they will in turn be hunted down by other gangs or other people. That's the plan. Anon doesn't want to destroy them, they want them to destroy themselves from the inside.

The raid on the 5th is going to be on Fox News.


There is an ongoing raid going on within the deepweb. Pedophiles and the hosts of their websites are the targets.




Aware yourselves.
James, do you think you can explain to me exactly what those postings on pastebin are?
Why are they typed in that format rather than paragraph form?
Which one or ones in particular?
most of them, but specifically the paste bin ones. those are typed in a weird format with numbers to the left. Why not just type it in paragraph form?
also, who types those and releases them?
I'm misunderstanding you, are you just asking why theyre formatted that way, or what theyre about? I think that's just how pastebin formats them. Many times there is "raw paste data" at the bottom that has the pasted notes in its normal format.

not every release is done by the same person, but they mostly come from anons higher up with very few exceptions. There have been multiple designated anons whose purpose was to do press releases and interviews.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I'm misunderstanding you, are you just asking why theyre formatted that way, or what theyre about? I think that's just how pastebin formats them. Many times there is "raw paste data" at the bottom that has the pasted notes in its normal format.

not every release is done by the same person, but they mostly come from anons higher up with very few exceptions. There have been multiple designated anons whose purpose was to do press releases and interviews.
I was asking both.
so its basically their diary of some sort?
Don Cheto wrote:

 + your avy =
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I'm misunderstanding you, are you just asking why theyre formatted that way, or what theyre about? I think that's just how pastebin formats them. Many times there is "raw paste data" at the bottom that has the pasted notes in its normal format.

not every release is done by the same person, but they mostly come from anons higher up with very few exceptions. There have been multiple designated anons whose purpose was to do press releases and interviews.
I was asking both.
so its basically their diary of some sort?
Yeah it's a diary of the events so far. Pastebin has become the go-to for releasing progress on operations.
Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

some crazy #$$#. And when are they suppose to take down Facebook? Was that in November too?

o yeah that right lol i do remember that i hope it really does shut do0wn just for laughs
I really hope this is not some Hollywood publicity stunt going to happen on the 5th
promoting some dumb movie like V for Vendetta Part 2 or some other crappy Hangover movie genre type
shet just got real.

i hope they take down fb.

and i guess we'll see how srs they really are on the 5th.

Remember remember the 5th of November
btw i think if they do take down fox news or do something crazy itll show how serious we could take them
Why do people want them to take down facebook? If that site/company bothers you so much, stop using their product. And if you aren't using their product, why are you complaining about it?
Originally Posted by chezzer10

I really hope this is not some Hollywood publicity stunt going to happen on the 5th
promoting some dumb movie like V for Vendetta Part 2 or some other crappy Hangover movie genre type

Not sure if srs or just stupid.

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

Those anon members got balls

Really don't see it, they're anonymous, if they really had the balls they'd come out and reveal themselves.

Most of us know the truth about Loz Zetas already, So don't know what Anonymous really means by revealing their secrets.
You don't get it. They're going to expose the names of those affiliated with the Zetas so other cartels can put hits on their members. If anon follows through, there will be blood.

Most of their names are already out there though.

So name a couple of the crooked cops (currently working) and drug runners, seeing as how their names are out there.

Is anon purpose really going over your head or what?

By Buela Chivis from the Forum.

UPDATE: Just tweeted:

anonopshispanoAnonymous Hispano
#OpCartel - The dice are already rolling. It's not possible -even for us- to stop them. The first strike will be made within the few hours.

before the great risks involved in leaking information and to safeguard the integrity of those hackers group decided to cancel all operation.... Someone did not think there would be danger??? Stupido! Paz, Buela

Anonymous Hispano #OpCartel Anonymous cancela operación contra cártel mexicano - http://ow.ly/7dFtH No podemos arriesgar a nuestros compañeros. RT plz! viaHootSite

Mexico City • The Anonymous group canceled announced reprisals against the Zetas cartel for being a very risky operation, and was informed through a press and social networks for different users.

After the alleged disappearance of one of its members in Veracruz, one of the members announced reprisals against the drug cartel "Los Zetas" with "Operation Cartel."

However, because of the great risks involved in leaking information and to safeguard the integrity of persons adhering to the collective group of hackers decided to cancel the whole operation.

"Destroying # OpCartel because the lives of people who are not participating n can be at risk," was published in the first text of the cancellation of the transaction, through Twitter account @ Sm0k34n0n.

Before this action the company and strategic intelligence analysis, Stratfor published an article about the "serious risk" involving actions of leakage of information about members of Los Zetas.

"Last October 6 Anonymous posted that inform on those who are members of Los Zetas ... if Anonymous carries out its threat, it will almost certainly lead to death of the persons named as members of the cartel, whether or not the information published is accurate, "says the article by Stratfor.

In an interview with MILLENNIUM, two members of Anonymous, and Skill3r GlynissParoubek be contacted to explain the circumstances:

Why was decided to cancel the operation?

We can not be a reckless administrators to condemn to death those who participate, we have talked and discussed extensively by all and it was decided to remove it.

So why issue threats?

"It's very easy to make a video on behalf of Anonymous and launch air threats, but to think, plan and evaluate the pros and cons is another story," they said.

What's next?

"They continue other operations, but for now we hope to make clear that the cartel operation is false."

Anonymous released a statement which is bounded on pages published names of officials involved in the cartel Los Zetas.

"Dear followers and supporters of this page (Anonymous). I hereby disclaims Mexico Anonymous entirely the responsibility of the news of hacking a page that is linked to alleged cartel zest ", is detailed in the text circulated.

"Our struggle is not of this type and our ideals do not go with that operation. The article published by various electronic means is completely false. We ask for your support to spread this news "ending means denying others published the page.

Finally hacktivists expressed what their official media to avoid rumors speaking:

"All our operations out through twitter @ IberoAnon AnonymousMexi @ and @ @ anonopshispano mexicanh; on Youtube have no official count this time" detailed.

The mission continues to Anglophone members

One of the representative members of Anonymous on Twitter, @ anonymouSabu, reported that the operation would continue:

"# OpCartel is more alive than ever and as I told others in private, the war against corruption is on both sides of the spectrum. We are going to WAR!" published.

Given this fact and other Twitterers @ Sm0k34n0n erased their tweets about the operation canceled and that the operation would continue to circulate:

"Stop # OpCartel with such enthusiasm is to be in complicity with the Zetas," said @ Sm0k34n0n hours later.

Ricardo Davila / @ Tweetrrorist

Well that was anticlimatic.
@ them being in Colorado.

I'll be in the IRC tonight after work, I will update with whatever I can. The operation is not over, it's only been suspended for anons who are in direct danger. This has the potential to be more dangerous than the FBI raids
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I'll be in the IRC tonight after work, I will update with whatever I can. The operation is not over, it's only been suspended for anons who are in direct danger. This has the potential to be more dangerous than the FBI raids

I wonder how the whole fox hunt thing will go.
you knew it was a bluff on the geeks part. not even they could $%+$ with the drug cartels of mexico.

They arent that dumb
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