Losing your phone unappreciation ....

A few weekends ago I was GONE at a friend's apartment party. I hear there are parties goin on everywhere so me and one of my friends start roamin the hallsand different floors. Somehow my phone slips out my pocket on one of the floors and I dont realize until we're leaving so I'm runnin up and down thehalls, got stuck in a elevator because I didnt have an ID to activate it. After like 5 mins somebody opens the elevator. After runnin to a few more floors Ifinally find it just chillin in the middle of the hall. Words cant express how happy/relieved I was
Originally Posted by Face82

Man I lost my effin sidekick 2night..... Over a couple hundred numbers and all. Emails and connects... I can actually still go online and look em up. But this ain't the first time I've lost my phone. I hate it though. U gota get a new phone after you pay your deductible and try to get all ya numbers back like "leave your name and number.. I lost my phone type #*!......

do you feel cold and naked without it?

all jokes aside though losing your phone is mad wack, makes you feel like a lil kid.
happened to me last week. bad at first. although being completely out of reach can be a good look
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