Lost another friend to the gun last night...

Originally Posted by HARMCITY45

Originally Posted by dreClark

Yeah, I feel you and all ( pause ), but all that bigger man *@$@ goes out the window when a _ tries to have me set up. You never know how those things are going to turn out. A set up gone wrong (or gone correctly) can easily end up as a homicide. I could end up in a body bag because of that *@$@. And you wanna speak to me? Drink w/ me? Smoke w/ me? $%*% that.

_ would be dead to me and I'd deal w/ the repercussions when they came. Matter fact anyboy who was privy to the info, and supposedly was my dude, would be in the same boat.

I agree with this...

Street #%*@ never dies....

Never Ever

there an old sayin here in Bmore..."You never wake a lame up( not to call you a lame rilla )...you let him sleep"

Stuff does die down, IF you let it. It's a natural law of physics. What goes up...
. So yeah, I'd rather get shot in the back of the head, than getit in the face for living my whol life looking over my shoulder. Dude knows where I sleep; always has. I know where he sleeps. I know his mama and daddy, lilbrothers, and all. If I were gonna get touched, I'd have had fingerprints all over me by now. The same goes for him. That @$#* is all the way dead man....and if it ain't, I got my gun under my pillow RIGHT now. Go ahead, wake me...
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

I agree with the pack on this, dude got what was coming to him. To many kids running around acting hard out there instead of doing things the right way. One less piece of trash on the streets, but hopefully his soul will find peace and forgiveness.

As for OP, if you don't want the bad then don't post your personal stuff here. As for trying to change someones life because of your story on NT- ain't gonna happen. Motives are questioned.

Timing is everything. Dying while in the act of doing something wrong = piece of trash? We ALL make bad decisions. You've just outlived yours.... so far. Don't feel so good about yourself just yet. You may die a piece of trash as well one day. I'm curious to see how many of you consider Michael Jackson or Steve McNair a piece of trash. Or do their touchdown passes and number one hits make their lives and deaths acceptable? What's the rubric on this one? My point, you don't even know my friend's [/i]name[/i]. How can you judge that man on ONE action? You can't. Is MJ's "one action" Thriller.... or touching those kids? Is McNair's "one action" making the superbowl....or cheating on his wife? You can't rightfully say it's either. But you can still learn from the LESSON at hand without passing judgment on the tutors IF you're mature enough to do so.

Robbery is not a mistake it is a decision, don't confuse the two. And I blame MJ for his own death and I don't think Vick should play in the leagueagain, and McNair was a victim of a circumstance that HE created. Surprise, surprise... everyone makes mistakes, but we all don't make stupid decisionsthat affects our own lives and those we love. It is called responsibility and maturity. And yes I can judge this person, he was a cancer to society.
Isn't a mistake a bad decision?

And Rilla, you making sense.

But the thing is, I can't truly speak on what I would do looking over the body over a fallen comrade in that situation, so I'm not speaking on that.

I'm speaking on the principle of it. Just regarding the situation. I understand why y'all what y'all did.

More power to you.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

I agree with the pack on this, dude got what was coming to him. To many kids running around acting hard out there instead of doing things the right way. One less piece of trash on the streets, but hopefully his soul will find peace and forgiveness.

As for OP, if you don't want the bad then don't post your personal stuff here. As for trying to change someones life because of your story on NT- ain't gonna happen. Motives are questioned.

Timing is everything. Dying while in the act of doing something wrong = piece of trash? We ALL make bad decisions. You've just outlived yours.... so far. Don't feel so good about yourself just yet. You may die a piece of trash as well one day. I'm curious to see how many of you consider Michael Jackson or Steve McNair a piece of trash. Or do their touchdown passes and number one hits make their lives and deaths acceptable? What's the rubric on this one? My point, you don't even know my friend's [/i]name[/i]. How can you judge that man on ONE action? You can't. Is MJ's "one action" Thriller.... or touching those kids? Is McNair's "one action" making the superbowl....or cheating on his wife? You can't rightfully say it's either. But you can still learn from the LESSON at hand without passing judgment on the tutors IF you're mature enough to do so.

Robbery is not a mistake it is a decision, don't confuse the two. And I blame MJ for his own death and I don't think Vick should play in the league again. Surprise, surprise... everyone makes mistakes, but we all don't make stupid decisions that affects our own lives and those we love. It is called responsibility and maturity. And yes I can judge this person, he was a cancer to society.

You win.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Isn't a mistake a bad decision?


A decision requires a choice, in this case a choice of right or wrong that has a high chance in loss of life. A mistake is something done without the pretenseof wrong doing. What would OP be posting right now if his buddy shot the victim? He would be on here posting that his buddy is going to jail, not RIP to thevictim, I miss him, etc.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

I agree with the pack on this, dude got what was coming to him. To many kids running around acting hard out there instead of doing things the right way. One less piece of trash on the streets, but hopefully his soul will find peace and forgiveness.

As for OP, if you don't want the bad then don't post your personal stuff here. As for trying to change someones life because of your story on NT- ain't gonna happen. Motives are questioned.

Timing is everything. Dying while in the act of doing something wrong = piece of trash? We ALL make bad decisions. You've just outlived yours.... so far. Don't feel so good about yourself just yet. You may die a piece of trash as well one day. I'm curious to see how many of you consider Michael Jackson or Steve McNair a piece of trash. Or do their touchdown passes and number one hits make their lives and deaths acceptable? What's the rubric on this one? My point, you don't even know my friend's [/i]name[/i]. How can you judge that man on ONE action? You can't. Is MJ's "one action" Thriller.... or touching those kids? Is McNair's "one action" making the superbowl....or cheating on his wife? You can't rightfully say it's either. But you can still learn from the LESSON at hand without passing judgment on the tutors IF you're mature enough to do so.

Robbery is not a mistake it is a decision, don't confuse the two. And I blame MJ for his own death and I don't think Vick should play in the league again. Surprise, surprise... everyone makes mistakes, but we all don't make stupid decisions that affects our own lives and those we love. It is called responsibility and maturity. And yes I can judge this person, he was a cancer to society.

You win.
Please don't get me wrong. I don't think anyone deserves to lose their life. On the same note, no one deserves to be robbed and peopledo a right to defend themselves. Like I said I hope his soul is at peace and he recieves and gives forgiveness.
Now Dre, read what he quoted,.... notice I never used the word mistake one time. Also notice, he didn't answer my question but instead answered his owninterpretation of it. I didn't ask who's fault MJ's death was, I asked if it is acceptable. I didn't present any of the points he's chosento battle. Who said anything about Michael Vick? He's arguing with himself, not me.

I think he's losing, that's the sad part. And once again, he tells me what I'm saying or would be saying.
It takes a very weak mind to fabricatehypothetical arguments and scenarios like that. All it says is, "I don't have the capacity to understand what's REALLY going on, so I'll makeup my own version of it and go from there."
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Now Dre, read what he quoted,.... notice I never used the word mistake one time. Also notice, he didn't answer my question but instead answered his own interpretation of it. I didn't ask who's fault MJ's death was, I asked if it is acceptable. I didn't present any of the points he's chosen to battle. Who said anything about Michael Vick? He's arguing with himself, not me.

I think he's losing, that's the sad part.
He brought up the morality of actions and I gave a few examples as such. And if you can't follow the logic of it then the society you live inis flawed; were individuals can't decide the morality and consequences of their own actions. If you think I am losing or if I care that this is some kindof game, then have at it. I am just trying to question the logic here, just as you are looking for symapthy and RIPs for your buddy.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24


A decision requires a choice, in this case a choice of right or wrong that has a high chance in loss of life. A mistake is something done without the pretense of wrong doing.

You don't have a choice when you make a mistake? You have a choice in whatever you do.
What would OP be posting right now if his buddy shot the victim? He would be on here posting that his buddy is going to jail, not RIP to the victim, I miss him, etc.
But he never said that in the first place.

How could he miss someone he may not eve know? Do you miss Jon Benet' Ramsey?

And I bet cash he would say R.I.P to the victim
just as you are looking for symapthy and RIPs for your buddy
After all this back and forth you still miss the point of the thread.

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by 8tothe24


A decision requires a choice, in this case a choice of right or wrong that has a high chance in loss of life. A mistake is something done without the pretense of wrong doing.

You don't have a choice when you make a mistake? You have a choice in whatever you do.
What would OP be posting right now if his buddy shot the victim? He would be on here posting that his buddy is going to jail, not RIP to the victim, I miss him, etc.
But he never said that in the first place.

How could he miss someone he may not eve know? Do you miss Jon Benet' Ramsey?

And I bet cash he would say R.I.P to the victim
just as you are looking for symapthy and RIPs for your buddy
After all this back and forth you still miss the point of the thread.


wrong, wrong and wrong. 1- There is a major difference in a mistake and bad decision, if you can't distinguish the two then you need to be careful in life,2- Is the point I said 1, you can all RIP his buddy but fact is the dude was a blight on society, 3- I actually responded to the issue of this thread that itwon't change anyones action. I am done with this issue.

OP- I hope you and your friend find rest with this. Good luck.
What is the last mistake you made?

The only difference between a mistake and a decision is that a person in one scenario a person knowing realizes the consequences of their actions and in theother they may not.

But they BOTH require a choice.

Aw man, I made a mistake and typed 'C' instead of 'A'.

Why? Because I chose not to look down at the keyboard while I typed.

Made a mistake and dropped my phone in the toilet.

Why? Because I chose not to put my phone in my pocket/holster and protect it from such a thing.

The only thing I'm saying, and the only thing I have EVER said regarding a mistake, is that there is a decision involved. There is a choice. If you nevermake a choce, you never make a mistake because you would do nothing.
mistake is based on making a choice based on what you know, or think you know.

if, and only if, OP's friend thought it was perfectly fine to do what he did...then it's a mistake. chances are, however, he knew what he was doing waswrong and that it was dangerous. he knew what he was getting into.

it's like if i go slam my hand on a hot burning stove knowing it's on high heat...is that a mistake? no, it's not a mistake. it's just foolish.

i do take back what i said earlier after reading joseph camel's post...of course he doesnt deserve to die. but i don't think his actions can bedismissed as a mistake.
1. A mistake IS a bad decision
. Period.

2. You don't even know dude AND who are you to speak on behalf of all society? For all YOU know, dude could have adopted and raisedorphans for 19 years and was trying to steal baby formula from Al Qaeda. Stop tryna be judge and jury. This ain't a trial.

3. Just because you're a cynic and you believe your own pessimism, doesn't mean you're right.

4. Clearly you couldn't give 2 !!+!* and a courtesy flush about my friend. You've already slandered him left and right and called him all sorts ofnames out the side of your...er...keyboard. At least be man enough to stand on it. This ain't a comedy central roast. STAND on all that stuff you saidabout him. You meant it, didn't you? Surely you see nothing wrong with disrespecting the dead, just as long as they are...what was it... trash onthe streets? Ah, yeah that's it...
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

and for the record, nobody deserves to die for robbery. jail? sure. but that's it.

nt sometimes
So if someone pulled a gun on you but you have the faster draw wouldn't you take him out? He reaped what he sowed.

Sorry that OP lost a friend but that's it.

Me killing someone to protect myself ≠ him "deserving" to die. Armed robbery is bad, but one who commits it doesn't deserve death. If it did,we'd see capital punishment as a penalty for it.

Just my opinion of course.

Either way though, you missed my main point- it's wildly inappropriate to say things like that given the circumstances.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

1. A mistake IS a bad decision
. Period.

2. You don't even know dude AND who are you to speak on behalf of all society? For all YOU know, dude could have adopted and raised orphans for 19 years and was trying to steal baby formula from Al Qaeda. Stop tryna be judge and jury. This ain't a trial.

3. Just because you're a cynic and you believe your own pessimism, doesn't mean you're right.

4. Clearly you couldn't give 2 !!+!* and a courtesy flush about my friend. You've already slandered him left and right and called him all sorts of names out the side of your...er...keyboard. At least be man enough to stand on it. This ain't a comedy central roast. STAND on all that stuff you said about him. You meant it, didn't you? Surely you see nothing wrong with disrespecting the dead, just as long as they are...what was it... trash on the streets? Ah, yeah that's it...

O.k. I give you one more. I never once recanted what I said. Yes, I think your friend deserved what he got. Yes he is trash and yes society will be betteroff without him. Yes he chose to rob someone, you don't just "mistakenly" rob someone. Do I mourn the child rapist- no, do I mourn themurderer- no, do I mourn the thief- no. Furthermore, whoever said the dead deserve respect? You gonna throw a funeral for OSB when we finally nail that fool? I know you are emotionally tied to this guy, but this whole counter argument that is being put up is a grab in the dark.

Good luck with your life and take your own advice and stay out of trouble. You seem to have jugdement issues with those you choose to socialize with.

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

1. A mistake IS a bad decision
. Period.

2. You don't even know dude AND who are you to speak on behalf of all society? For all YOU know, dude could have adopted and raised orphans for 19 years and was trying to steal baby formula from Al Qaeda. Stop tryna be judge and jury. This ain't a trial.
1. wrong...that's oversimplifying it

2. well was he? was he stealing to feed his family?
on 2nd thought i take back my r.i.p....i really have an issue w/ bum n's who be jacking people....he a bum for not being a real man and getting a job...ifhe was hurting like that he could've sold drugs if he was a trustworthy dude but he was prob the type to not do the money right.....so he end up robbingpeople thinking he hard w/ a gun......dude got what he deserved...

and no i've never been robbed before....i just don't respect stick up kids who rob innocent people...now robbing someone to get them back for somethingis a different story

and i had a distant cousin on my dad side who got killed trying to rob a bookie
and i didnt feel sorry for him because how dumb can you be...everybody knowsbookies have dudes who stay strapped....but he's on my dads side of the family and i dont @#!+ w/ that side so that might be why i dont really give 2 *+@!@
It's so much I want to say, but at the end of the day reaching out to people is like trying to hit a curveball. You miss more often then not... but thatdoesn't mean you're not a good batter. So, with no further adieu (or undue courtesies for that matter)... +%$@ each and every person that came intothis thread, missed the point, and had something negative to say about a man they never met. I appreciate those of you like Joseph Camel and Dre that actuallyget where I'm trying to come from. Life lessons, it's cool if you wanna take back your RIP -- nobody from my side of the PC screen requested it anyway.8tothe24, you seem to be stuck in a argument that only exists in your head. Enjoy that. Be as right as you feel. I don't care. And to the one or two ppllurking thaqt may have been touched by this thread or any other I've made under the same motives, good luck out there. Be safe.

I'm done here.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

1. A mistake IS a bad decision
. Period.

2. You don't even know dude AND who are you to speak on behalf of all society? For all YOU know, dude could have adopted and raised orphans for 19 years and was trying to steal baby formula from Al Qaeda. Stop tryna be judge and jury. This ain't a trial.

3. Just because you're a cynic and you believe your own pessimism, doesn't mean you're right.

4. Clearly you couldn't give 2 !!+!* and a courtesy flush about my friend. You've already slandered him left and right and called him all sorts of names out the side of your...er...keyboard. At least be man enough to stand on it. This ain't a comedy central roast. STAND on all that stuff you said about him. You meant it, didn't you? Surely you see nothing wrong with disrespecting the dead, just as long as they are...what was it... trash on the streets? Ah, yeah that's it...

O.k. I give you one more. I never once recanted what I said. Yes, I think your friend deserved what he got. Yes he is trash and yes society will be better off without him. Yes he chose to rob someone, you don't just "mistakenly" rob someone. Do I mourn the child rapist- no, do I mourn the murderer- no, do I mourn the thief- no. Furthermore, whoever said the dead deserve respect? You gonna throw a funeral for OSB when we finally nail that fool? I know you are emotionally tied to this guy, but this whole counter argument that is being put up is a grab in the dark.

Good luck with your life and take your own advice and stay out of trouble. You seem to have jugdement issues with those you choose to socialize with.

I struggle to comprehend your logic here. Are you saying that anyone who chooses to steal, for whatever reason (because we do not know why theOP's friend elected to take this action), is "trash" and deserves extermination? Surely, this is not reasonable. Also, the term"mistake," in this context requires a realization of potential repercussions. For instance, if I put my coffee mug on the top of my car, I do notconsider it a mistake until I drive away and splatter its contents on my vehicle. In the same vein, had the OP's homeboy foresaw the consequences of hispilfery (death), I seriously doubt he would have followed through with the action. Perhaps, if he had lived, his near-death experience would have served as arevelation, and sent his life in a more virtuous direction, at which point he may very well have realized that his thievery was a mistake. The bottom line isyou do not know the deceased, so it is not your place to issue judgement. In fact, the very point of this thread was to highlight the myopic foolishness andsenseless tragedy evinced by his actions, not to judge his character. As the OP said - this is not a trial, nor is it a request for condolences and sympathy;it is a meant to be a lesson.
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