Originally Posted by DubA169

FlatbushFiyah23 wrote:
But I don't get what you are trying to question.  It has already been explained by Jacob what the island is.  I don't get why we are looking for something more that is not there.

dude that is not the final answer to "what the island is". the whole show has been leading us up to the point where the island is a cork metaphor? that's it? i want something tangible.

we still don't know who jacob and smokey or the rules are so we don't know what the island is IMO.
so far we just got a broad idea of what it's purpose is. or jacob isn;t being entirely truthful.

as  i said a while ago. books will probably come out after this show is done. too much money to be made and too many pissed off people when they don't answer half of the questions.

i don't like that BS that they want everything to be ambiguous. you can't have major plot points be "whatever you want" over and over again.  that's just throwing +%$% at the fan and hoping your audience will fill in the blanks. i still think they will answer walt and why the mothers can't have babys.

more importantly i think that the visions that charlie had were the MIB manipulating him. i think all those visions of boone and eckoa nd charlie were MIB. that is him influencing people on teh island like richard told jacob he would

See fans with this kind of thinking disappoint me.  What more do you want?! That is clear answer of what the island is....more things will be explained over the next few weeks.  The writers have done an amazing job over five plus seasons and will do us right.  If you are not satisfied with the island stopping evil answer then I don't know what to say to you.  SMH.
I think too many LOST fans fail to realize that many things have been answered already but just because it is not said explicity and some miss the clues/answers you end up with people who are frustrated or want more when what they need has already been placed in front of them. 
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by DubA169

FlatbushFiyah23 wrote:
But I don't get what you are trying to question.  It has already been explained by Jacob what the island is.  I don't get why we are looking for something more that is not there.

dude that is not the final answer to "what the island is". the whole show has been leading us up to the point where the island is a cork metaphor? that's it? i want something tangible.

we still don't know who jacob and smokey or the rules are so we don't know what the island is IMO.
so far we just got a broad idea of what it's purpose is. or jacob isn;t being entirely truthful.

as  i said a while ago. books will probably come out after this show is done. too much money to be made and too many pissed off people when they don't answer half of the questions.

i don't like that BS that they want everything to be ambiguous. you can't have major plot points be "whatever you want" over and over again.  that's just throwing +%$% at the fan and hoping your audience will fill in the blanks. i still think they will answer walt and why the mothers can't have babys.

more importantly i think that the visions that charlie had were the MIB manipulating him. i think all those visions of boone and eckoa nd charlie were MIB. that is him influencing people on teh island like richard told jacob he would
See fans with this kind of thinking disappoint me.  What more do you want?! That is clear answer of what the island is....more things will be explained over the next few weeks.  The writers have done an amazing job over five plus seasons and will do us right.  If you are not satisfied with the island stopping evil answer then I don't know what to say to you.  SMH.

I think too many LOST fans fail to realize that many things have been answered already but just because it is not said explicity and some miss the clues/answers you end up with people who are frustrated or want more when what they need has already been placed in front of them. 

Listen to this man.
My wife and I have been watching LOST religiously since the show came out and this guy is right. They have answered a ton of stuff already and last weeks episode really made it all click for us. I keep tabs on this post and after last weeks episode and talking about it with her I was about to jump on here to explain what I thought. One guy a couple pages back explained it pretty well and to tell you the truth, it's pretty difficult to explain. All I can say is just wait, after the season finale you will be thinking this was one of the greatest shows ever.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by hymen man

^ It already is the greatest show ever.

One of

Its at the top for me.  I've never invested so much enthusiasm/time into a show.  Never got into the Sopranos/Wire like that, so LOST wins!
I really do wanna get into the Wire, i'm thinkin' of starting in the summer. 
Originally Posted by hymen man

^ It already is the greatest show ever

People need to STOP wondering what will and will not be answered and just sit back and enjoy the ride. We have SEVEN episodes left until the FINALE. The things that are important will be taken care of, AND the things that aren't that people just want to know about. The producers and writers know what everyone wants, and they will NOT leave us hungry for answers. I have 100000% faith.

If the show ENDS and there's still tons of plot holes/questions for major happenings, then yes, whine all you want. Until then, watch the greatest story ever unfold.

Originally Posted by Bleezys and Heem

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by DubA169

FlatbushFiyah23 wrote:
But I don't get what you are trying to question.  It has already been explained by Jacob what the island is.  I don't get why we are looking for something more that is not there.

dude that is not the final answer to "what the island is". the whole show has been leading us up to the point where the island is a cork metaphor? that's it? i want something tangible.

we still don't know who jacob and smokey or the rules are so we don't know what the island is IMO.
so far we just got a broad idea of what it's purpose is. or jacob isn;t being entirely truthful.

as  i said a while ago. books will probably come out after this show is done. too much money to be made and too many pissed off people when they don't answer half of the questions.

i don't like that BS that they want everything to be ambiguous. you can't have major plot points be "whatever you want" over and over again.  that's just throwing +%$% at the fan and hoping your audience will fill in the blanks. i still think they will answer walt and why the mothers can't have babys.

more importantly i think that the visions that charlie had were the MIB manipulating him. i think all those visions of boone and eckoa nd charlie were MIB. that is him influencing people on teh island like richard told jacob he would
See fans with this kind of thinking disappoint me.  What more do you want?! That is clear answer of what the island is....more things will be explained over the next few weeks.  The writers have done an amazing job over five plus seasons and will do us right.  If you are not satisfied with the island stopping evil answer then I don't know what to say to you.  SMH.

I think too many LOST fans fail to realize that many things have been answered already but just because it is not said explicity and some miss the clues/answers you end up with people who are frustrated or want more when what they need has already been placed in front of them. 

Listen to this man.
My wife and I have been watching LOST religiously since the show came out and this guy is right. They have answered a ton of stuff already and last weeks episode really made it all click for us. I keep tabs on this post and after last weeks episode and talking about it with her I was about to jump on here to explain what I thought. One guy a couple pages back explained it pretty well and to tell you the truth, it's pretty difficult to explain. All I can say is just wait, after the season finale you will be thinking this was one of the greatest shows ever.

and i hate fans like you guys who put the writers balls in your mouth and pretend they can do no wrong.
i go on lostpedia i check out all the island mysteries and all that. i'm not a casual lost fan i read all the analysis and blogs and what not. what's partially solved, solved, unsolved. the writers have left GIGANTIC plot holes that you are telling me are super cool because it's ambiguous.

for example: desmond turned the key and all of a sudden started getting flashes. that isn't implying anything. that isn't answering anything. that's not ambiguous. it's just a writers technique to get someone to see the future without explaining how or why.             

you guys defend them at times when they use obvious writing techniques to get out of finishing something they started. oh yeah Walt, his story is wrapped up because locke said "he's been through enough" ooookay. ingenious. yup i just don't understand it

i said the metaphor isn't an adequate explanation. once we learn the rules and who jacob and smokey are then we will learn the true nature of the island. and flatbush you said that it's a clear answer yet you also said more will be explained. so obviously it isn't crystal clear yet.they only wet our beak. for the record i'm not upset that is what the island is. i'm all good with that. doesn't bother me one bit i knew it would be something supernatural or religious

we are all fans of the show. you have to understand that i'm holding to show to an EXTREEMLY HIGH CRITERIA because it's already a top 10 show ever. i'm just waiting (not so patiently) to see how far it's gonna go down the list... top 5? top 3?
If you can't wait, READ SPOILERS! You'll feel a lot better. In the meantime just let it ride, it's not worth getting gassed up and worrying about what will happen otherwise. Just enjoy what we have left, brotha.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

If you can't wait, READ SPOILERS! You'll feel a lot better. In the meantime just let it ride, it's not worth getting gassed up and worrying about what will happen otherwise. Just enjoy what we have left, brotha.

I thought Desmond could do what he could do because of all the Electromagnetism (prolly not the right word) he absorbed from turning the key?
I just started watching, so this is kind of old but where was everyone else when they were going through time warps and ended up in the 70's last year... Darma and old school others shoulda found a lot more people
Originally Posted by tecca nena

I just started watching, so this is kind of old but where was everyone else when they were going through time warps and ended up in the 70's last year... Darma and old school others shoulda found a lot more people

i don't have the strength to try and explain this show anymore so i suggest you go here. fun for hours. they have a great timeline also

Originally Posted by tecca nena

I just started watching, so this is kind of old but where was everyone else when they were going through time warps and ended up in the 70's last year... Darma and old school others shoulda found a lot more people

Another mystery unsolved!
Before it all ends though, I think one of the main things I want answered is why Richard said that he saw them all die to Sun in season 5. 

After a little digging, I found the answer to my own question. Apparently the end of season 5 was supposed to be a shot with Richard overlooking what's going on at the Orchid, seeing the flash of light from Juliet detonating Jughead, and everyone disappearing, leading him to presume their deaths. The writers liked the Juliet scene better and went with it. 
Fair enough.
Originally Posted by Rich Says

Before it all ends though, I think one of the main things I want answered is why Richard said that he saw them all die to Sun in season 5. 
After a little digging, I found the answer to my own question. Apparently the end of season 5 was supposed to be a shot with Richard overlooking what's going on at the Orchid, seeing the flash of light from Juliet detonating Jughead, and everyone disappearing, leading him to presume their deaths. The writers liked the Juliet scene better and went with it. 
Fair enough.

wait what!?

i was waiting for them to explain that. this show pisses me the @!*@ off at times.
i hated juliet from day one.

guess it makes sense though
  he saw the light, saw them disappear, thought they were dead. But you would think that sun or someone would be like "hey richard remember when you said that you saw them all die? what did you mean by that because they are standing right here"

but making a fan dig through the internet or however you got the info to find the writers "intentions" is just terrible
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Rich Says

Before it all ends though, I think one of the main things I want answered is why Richard said that he saw them all die to Sun in season 5. 
After a little digging, I found the answer to my own question. Apparently the end of season 5 was supposed to be a shot with Richard overlooking what's going on at the Orchid, seeing the flash of light from Juliet detonating Jughead, and everyone disappearing, leading him to presume their deaths. The writers liked the Juliet scene better and went with it. 
Fair enough.
wait what!?

i was waiting for them to explain that. this show pisses me the @!*@ off at times.
i hated juliet from day one.

guess it makes sense though
  he saw the light, saw them disappear, thought they were dead. But you would think that sun or someone would be like "hey richard remember when you said that you saw them all die? what did you mean by that because they are standing right here"

but making a fan dig through the internet or however you got the info to find the writers "intentions" is just terrible

Word. A thread on lostpedia said it was written on a whiteboard in the season 5 dvd extras 

I guess they could still address it with a 2 minute dialogue between Sun and Richard though.
Originally Posted by Rich Says

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Rich Says

Before it all ends though, I think one of the main things I want answered is why Richard said that he saw them all die to Sun in season 5. 
After a little digging, I found the answer to my own question. Apparently the end of season 5 was supposed to be a shot with Richard overlooking what's going on at the Orchid, seeing the flash of light from Juliet detonating Jughead, and everyone disappearing, leading him to presume their deaths. The writers liked the Juliet scene better and went with it. 
Fair enough.
wait what!?

i was waiting for them to explain that. this show pisses me the @!*@ off at times.
i hated juliet from day one.

guess it makes sense though
  he saw the light, saw them disappear, thought they were dead. But you would think that sun or someone would be like "hey richard remember when you said that you saw them all die? what did you mean by that because they are standing right here"

but making a fan dig through the internet or however you got the info to find the writers "intentions" is just terrible
Word. A thread on lostpedia said it was written on a whiteboard in the season 5 dvd extras 

I guess they could still address it with a 2 minute dialogue between Sun and Richard though.

true. i think next episode is a sun/jin episode so that could def happen tomorrow
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