I always have defended LOST and tried to be optimistic. What the hell did I just watch?
I waited 6 years to find out about a light? It had no explanation. Who the hell was the mom and where did she come from?
If they don't pull through the next 2 weeks, I'm forever going to hate the writers of LOST. As brilliant as it seems they have been, it also looks like they're just pulling $h1t out of there @55.

I always have defended LOST and tried to be optimistic. What the hell did I just watch?
I waited 6 years to find out about a light? It had no explanation. Who the hell was the mom and where did she come from?
If they don't pull through the next 2 weeks, I'm forever going to hate the writers of LOST. As brilliant as it seems they have been, it also looks like they're just pulling $h1t out of there @55.

I always have defended LOST and tried to be optimistic. What the hell did I just watch?
 I waited 6 years to find out about a light? It had no explanation. Who the hell was the mom and where did she come from?
If they don't pull through the next 2 weeks, I'm forever going to hate the writers of LOST. As brilliant as it seems they have been, it also looks like they're just pulling $h1t out of there @55.

Must be really mad if you needed to post that three times. I still have faith in LOST I've watched way too much to give up now. Two more weeks!!!
HUGE LETDOWN...probably the worst episode of Lost ever. They could have easily answered the origin of the island, what "the light" is, why Jacob and MIB must exist...and had two great final episodes where the audience knows the purpose of this whole thing...yet they do the same double talk crap and in the end tell us nothing. The Lost writers better get a grip...I know they can't answer everything, but if the final two eps are like this one this will go down as one of the worst endings of a show ever!
And people were upset with the way The Soprano's ended... I guarantee the ending of Lost is going to leave a lot of us fuming.  I think it's just easier now to accept the fact that nothing of significance will be answered.  They'll just say that they didn't answer where the "mother" came from because it doesn't pertain to the "main" characters on the show.  Just way too many things are going to be left unexplained to leave anyone satisfied, oh well.  This season has really been sub-par. 

If anything, this episode would leave you rooting for the MIB compared to Jacob.
Very vague stories of origin and lacked tons of detail, but its L O S T we're talking about here! Have any of you thought that the reason this episode was such a let down because there wasn't a single character in this episode that we resonated and watched ever since Season One? 
Like the lady said, more  answers would just lead to more questions. We get a little, yet we always yearn for more. 

Now that that a lot has been answered, we are left with MORE questions. 

Who and where did that lady come from? 

Who and what is possessing the Man in Black? 

Why is there both a smoke monster entity and  a physical corpse? 

Ever since we met Jacob, there was always an all-knowing mystique about him. Now that we found that he's nothing but a pawn, ANOTHER chess piece to this game, his character has been diminished. I think we all wanted him to be god-like, but not even the lady that raised them and gave them "powers" was god-like. 

Overall, I really believe that the next two weeks are going to be amazing. Mythology and island mystique is now put to rest and they can focus on the characters that we truly LOVE and CARE about. Raw human emotions > Mythology and Sci-Fi
Originally Posted by certified hustler11

Who and where did that lady come from? I doubt we'll ever know this.

Who and what is possessing the Man in Black?....no no...not possessing the MIB. The MIB/Jacob's brother is dead (dead is dead). The smoke has taken his form most likely to $#*@ with Jacob like he's taken the form of John Locke to get inside the heads of Jack and co.

Why is there both a smoke monster entity and  a physical corpse?  answered above.

Ever since we met Jacob, there was always an all-knowing mystique about him. Now that we found that he's nothing but a pawn, ANOTHER chess piece to this game, his character has been diminished. I think we all wanted him to be god-like, but not even the lady that raised them and gave them "powers" was god-like....I agree, his status is diminished, but he is still obviously more than just a man. he could have left the island if he wanted, but I'm assuming after he killed his brother he felt obligated to stay with the island to stop the Smoke from being unleashed on the world.

Overall, I really believe that the next two weeks are going to be amazing. Mythology and island mystique is now put to rest and they can focus on the characters that we truly LOVE and CARE about. Raw human emotions > Mythology and Sci-Fi
I think the answers to some of your questions were actually answered in this ep. Do not confuse Jacob's brother with the smoke. They are not the same. The smoke took the form of Jacob's brother.
things they should have explained

we should have seen a ship weck at the very beginning instead of her just floatin in the ocean
noway in hell should MIB have gone thru this show with no name thats getting real lame
they dig a hole and somebody comes up with the idea of hey lets put a donkey wheel in a opening and turn it and see what happen
no really you have to explain that !@!% i dont care how smart you are today no way somebody just pulled that out of thin air

who ever it was dead or on the red team is like

i told yall it would work!

while everybody else like

#%+% outta here you got lucky

things we learned

we now know why we never got answers from anybody working under jacob..............cuz he aint got !@!% to tell them

theres 3 teams like many guessed red black and white it seems the red seems to help black alot

was it me or did that stream seem to go UP hill then down the hole of light
or maybe they was just trying to show in a sideways type of way that the light and water work hand and hand when it comes to life

last thing i think people are over looking that MIB was clearly unconscious when he was carried away by the water into the light

how many times have we seen somebody being unconscious with a combo of water or light leading to something freaky happening and thats why i think he became smokie not just cuz it went into the light but cuz he was unconscious when it happened
The ONLY thing literally the bothers me is that MIB is just MIB. How can you just NOT give him a name?

I'm guessing the "light" is what Locke saw when he was taken down in season 1 right? I don't think i've seen anyone mention that tonight.
I think there's some significance of what MIB said to his "mother" when she went down the well to talk to him he said he was going to combine "the light and the water" to get off the island.

And now I know that MIB weakness is water because I don't think he ever left the island on a boat when he sent out james or sayid to find out about widmore. Correct me if i'm wrong.

So through the light your able to time travel or reset time i.e. with the wheel?

WTH man i'm trying to piece the smoke monster together with the light and i'm coming up blank...

Jacob knocked MIB out and sent him floating into the light
If the MIB was corrupted in some way did he extinguish the light causing the smoke monster to form
Since we see that smokey is now Flocke and is able to dish out orders, how was Ben able to call upon him to rip up Keemey's crew?

What is the relationship between Flocke/MIB/Smokey to Hurley since there the only one's that can see dead people save from Alpert, Sawyer, and Desmond who also saw the younger version of Jacob but only him and also changs son whose name escapes me now being able to talk to dead people.

Whos gonna take over as protector of the island after all is said and done?
I will offer my two cents even though this episode wasn't very good.

This all goes back to my God and the devil theory.

MIB (the devil) needs the villagers (humanity/sinners) to break out of hell. Even though he really hates them.
Jacob (god) doesn't think that they are so bad because he merely looks down on them.
I started laughing mid way thru this episode because it became one of those B rated movies on late night.  

Let me get this right... since Season 1, this scary and mysterious black smoke monster is nothing more than a man who got transformed by going down a stream towards bright light?

So Jacob got his power from drinking wine? 

A woman in her 60's can kill able body men and burn down an entire village and can fill up an entire well with dirt? 

I am sorry but this is getting mad CORNY!  I like Lost better with the unanswered questions. 
Episode was a huge let down.

Time's running out for all of us to get some sort of resolve.

Chances are high we're gonna end up being severly disappointed.
If MIB is permanently gone, then how come Flocke was talking about having a crazy mother to Kate (I forgot who exactly) ? And on top of that the mother in this episode talked about how if someone went into the light cave, they wouldn't die but theyd be worse than dead...
So the smoke monster is just an entity? So, as Locke's form, he told Sawyer that he used to be a man, we are likely NOT going to get that story?
I thought he was referring to when he was the man in black and now that he went down the stream, he is still the same guy but in smoke monster form?
I'm starting to wonder what the point of ignoring spoilers is when I show patience and get @%*@!# episodes like this in return.

The whole "nope, there were people before that" thing is getting annoying.
Whos gonna take over as protector of the island after all is said and done?
Jack. Sayid said the same thing to him ("It was always you") that Jacob's mother told Jacob when she gave him the wine. At least I'm assuming that's why they included the line in this episode.

Such a let down of an episode after all these greats
Oh well, next 2 weeks better be filled with suspense and resolution.

Originally Posted by ricky robot

I'm starting to wonder what the point of ignoring spoilers is when I show patience and get @%*@!# episodes like this in return.

The whole "nope, there were people before that" thing is getting annoying.
Agreed. I'm thinking about saying '%%%+ it' and just reading all the spoilers I can within the next 2 weeks.
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