i was watching with a stupid look on my face for the entire episode. why were jacob and mib even birthed...you have me thinking for 6 years that this was gonna be some off the wall explanation and you show us this nonsense?

-why speak a different language if you know english?
-jacobs gay
-im now on flockes team.
-a goddamned light?!

this was by far theeeeeee worst episode on television.
Jacob's brother is dead...the Smoke Monster is just the epitome of True Evil and uses Jacob's brother's desire to want to leave the island as an excuse so it can leave the island and create terror or whatever evil %%%+ it does, like Widmore said.

They're not the same. The REAL version of Jacob's brother just wanted to leave the island because he really did want to go "home" or at least go back to where his real mother came from.

Another history episode needs to come though...I think the finale will cover the island's origins, the smoke monster's origin, and the development of the island over time
Episode was such a let down, will be interesting how they cram everything in these last 2 episodes.

With this show, I guess we're all used to watching an episode and looking forward to some answers but instead, we have even more questions than answers at the end of an episode.

I don't know what to think anymore, I've been watching since the beginning so I'm not even going to bother complaining about anything on this show. Instead, I'll just keep my expectations low for the last 2 episodes and enjoy them.
Nawlinsjunkie makes sense. I think the MIB TURNED into the smoke monster. Which is why he states that he used to be a man and have feelings.

Btw, is anyone going to the Lost Live Orchestration on Thursday here in LA? Nestor Carbonell, Michael Emerson, and Jorge Garcia are scheduled to appear.
I received my ticket a couple weeks ago. The ticket stub was made to look like a Oceanic Airlines Plane Ticket. My camera's broke so here's a picture of someone else's scanned ticket:
In case you're keeping track...as of tonight.

I know this might be the wrong place to vent but I give up. I know I will be at home watching the last two episodes just because I have followed this show all the way through. But the writers never knew the ending and are just making *!%% up as they go. Why insinuate that these characters are Adam and Eve or that there is an explanation to that. And at the end there nobodies. Smoke monster is just a monster, Jacob killed his brother??? And by doing that he released the monster?? So this whole time its just a monster. Wow six #%%##+# seasons for this.
Originally Posted by certified hustler11

^ Makes sense. I think the MIB TURNED into the smoke monster. Which is why he states that he used to be a man and have feelings.
This. Their mother says they can not hurt each other as children and obviously that carries over to flocke having Ben kill Jacob.  Jacob created the smoke monster by removing the MIB's "evil/anger" from his physical form.  I think the light simply represents love and understanding which the light absorbed from the MIB thus leaving him to be confusion and hate.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Episode was dope...

...y'all buggin.


People are digging WAY TOO DEEP for answers, obviously the light is a metaphor for all things that corrupt man. Ya'll acting like if you were on a island and saw the light you wouldnt atleast try to turn it into some kind of hustle to get rich off of.
and then someone would try to take that light from you and then someone from that person and so forth.(just like mOTHER and MIB said)
If one person has it...all want it. So because it isnt a stack of gold bars its hard to see what the fuss is about.

obviously their whole upbringing was a test, to see who would protect the light, who was pure and good enough. mOTHER wanted it to be MIB, she was too blind to see that it was and always has been jacob. Thats why she killed their real mom she just figured she would try to go after it too. Its crazy because the way she's protecting it, it seems like she's alittle corrupt too.
I just think the smoke monster is the embodiment of how MIBs soul truly was...black, cloudy and unpure. It's still MIB but he cant hide behind his human form no more.Everyone can see him for the BS he really stands for, thats why he can only take the form of those who have passed.

I still love the show and i'm glad they invented their own mythology its ORIGINAL, thats why we watched the show in the first place or atleast i did.
Oh, hey, on one hand though, we know what Marcellus' briefcase was holding now (the light of the island). Sooooo LOST just solved one of cinema's biggest mysteries

Watched it a 2nd time

I think this backlash of the writers don't know what they're doing, they're making it up as they go, this season sucks, etc. was going to happen regardless of how good this episode was or wasn't.

Only thing that did piss me off was the name. I figured they were at least saving it as a cliffhanger. They can only use pronouns for so long.

Jacob reminded me of Jack the way he kept beating on MIB

Originally Posted by Noskey

Oh,hey, on one hand though, we know what Marcellus' briefcase was holdingnow (the light of the island). Sooooo LOST just solved one of cinema'sbiggest mysteries

This means Marcellus becomes the protector of the island (light)

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

what's the significance of Adam and Eve?
I doubt it has any real significance at all, I think it was just Locke making that sarcastic comment.

After thinking about the episode again, I have this random thought.

-  Jacob and MIB's "mom" said that the light was the heart and soul of the island and that one of them must protect it and make sure no one finds it.
-  MIB asked what happens if you go inside that cave with the light and she said that you don't die but something worse happens.
-  MIB's body floats into the light and then the next thing you know, the smoke monster is unleashed.

I don't know what I'm trying to get at but maybe I need to watch the episode again to try and put together more things.  I'll probably just wait until after the show ends to gather my thoughts and try to piece everything together.

Every episode so far this season had at least a couple of 
scenes except for tonight's episode, IMO.  That's why it was somewhat of a let down to me.
Obviously, the Mom went down in that light cave, and she herself ended up getting engulfed in the black smoke. That's how she destroyed the village and killed everybody, and that's why she was grateful for MIB killing her. Hence going into that thing is 'worse than being dead.'

I too am disappointed how MIB doesn't have a name, and how the mom and MIB are Adam and Eve. Yeah, that got answered, but it was a letdown, considering we all thought it was something of more significance.

And word to the poster a page or two back talking about the wheel.

@ that. How does MIB figure there's light, let's use a wheel to unleash that energy, and that'll be his ticket off the island.
I know I'm butchering the quote, but when MIB said the whole ''they come, they corrupt, they kill - it always ends the same'' in the opening scene of season 5's finale, at least we now know where he got it from...

...and when shortie's stomach didn't drop after she delivered Jacob that *!!$ was obvious that she was havin' twins and the second son was Smokie - ill as *!!$.

That's when you realize Jacob and MIB are Cain and Abel...

...and you had to love Jacob losing his cool and venting to his mother that she didn't even want him to be the island guardian and that she loved his brother more than him.

They are setting this up so the finale will be one of the most watched events in recent history - do you have any idea how huge it is from a biz standpoint for ABC to give it 2.5 hours?

@ me cuz I won't even be in the country when it airs...
Has anyone noticed the line when teen MIB told jacob, "one day you can make your own game and rules". I think Jacob finally did make up his own game and rules.
And man, for a split second when they cut to Jack & Kate I thought is was a flashback to what the ''mom'' used to look like, and Kate was actually her...

...then Locke popped up and I was like, ''Oh yeah - that's from the past season.''

And if the Smoke Monster is evil and can kill, then Jacob and the guardians must have some power that we haven't seen yet - I say that because there's no way that skinny white lady murked the whole camp...

...either she had help, or she turned into some force that won't be unveiled until the final battle between good and evil in the finale.
This Episode was a letdown. It should of been a DVD extra, season prequel, internet exclusive, or debuted earlier in the season schedule. It just killed some momentum for the series. The episode was pointless, it added more questions and less answers.

We got all these cliffhangers from the week before to address? But you throw in this curveball episode about characters we barely know?? I want to know about Desmond status in both timelines, where's Richard, Ben, and Miles?? what's Flocke doing next?? whats' sawyer next move??
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

This will be one of the best Lost episodes ever. I can feel it.

I can't believe I wrote this before that piece of crap. I've got a feeling the finale is gonna be a huge letdown and if it is, then they should forget the 6th season even happened. I'm PISSED right now.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Obviously, the Mom went down in that light cave, and she herself ended up getting engulfed in the black smoke. That's how she destroyed the village and killed everybody, and that's why she was grateful for MIB killing her. Hence going into that thing is 'worse than being dead.'

I too am disappointed how MIB doesn't have a name, and how the mom and MIB are Adam and Eve. Yeah, that got answered, but it was a letdown, considering we all thought it was something of more significance.

And word to the poster a page or two back talking about the wheel.

@ that. How does MIB figure there's light, let's use a wheel to unleash that energy, and that'll be his ticket off the island.

I totally agree with this. I think it's dead on, especially since the "brother" killed his mother before she could say a word to him just like how Dogan told Sayid to do with Locke.

As for Adam and Eve stuff, I don't think it was never THAT deep, just Locke/Jack being sarcastic with naming the skeletons. 
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