Originally Posted by Bastitch

LOL...I seriously can't believe what some of you guys are complaining about. It's like needing to know what was in Marsellus Wallace's briefcase or what Bill Murray whispered into Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation and basing your entire opinion of the show based on these small omitted plot points.
yes it's the same thing. criticizing giant plot holes and discarded story lines is the same as nitpicking

if you guys want to convince yourselves that you didn't watch the show because of the numbers and other crucial mysteries then more power to you. i don't believe it for a second. people were making theories for years and all of a sudden don't care about any mysteries because some douche writers said you shouldn't

yeah right you were watching for the characters. you really cared about who kate was going to shlomp. And you really cared about Dogen and Zoe and a bunch of others. And you cared about charlie's addiction and struggle more than knowing how jacob was able to go on and off of the island or why a psychic literally tried to kill claire because something was special about aaron.. sure you did

good vs. evil had nothiong to do with the ending. MIB's motivations make no sense whatsoever. he turned mortal so what was the big deal about him leaving the island? it took one bullet from kate to kill him, what possible danger would there be for MIB to "go home"
Originally Posted by Bastitch

LOL...I seriously can't believe what some of you guys are complaining about. It's like needing to know what was in Marsellus Wallace's briefcase or what Bill Murray whispered into Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation and basing your entire opinion of the show based on these small omitted plot points.

I am fully content with "The End".  Lost is easily the one show in my 30 years on Earth that I completely immersed myself in and I enjoyed the entire ride. From the "The Pilot", to the supposed doldrums of Season 3, to where we found ourselves last night.

I loved the payoff.  I wasn't into it for having mysteries solve.  I was into the storytelling.  I was into getting to know the characters and how they got to where they were.  I watched to see where they would end up.  Compelling stories are about compelling people, at least to me.  And having knowing at the end that every character I found myself caring about in this show would be "okay" was enough.  It was like the Desmon/Penny payoff, but in rapid succession throughout the finale.

And they ended it with Jack and Christian. 

That is my closure point.

I can leave now.

It was epic in every sense.
Exactly how I feel. Good post. RIP Lost. 
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Bastitch

LOL...I seriously can't believe what some of you guys are complaining about. It's like needing to know what was in Marsellus Wallace's briefcase or what Bill Murray whispered into Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation and basing your entire opinion of the show based on these small omitted plot points.
yes it's the same thing. criticizing giant plot holes and discarded story lines is the same as nitpicking

if you guys want to convince yourselves that you didn't watch the show because of the numbers and other crucial mysteries then more power to you. i don't believe it for a second. people were making theories for years and all of a sudden don't care about any mysteries because some douche writers said you shouldn't

yeah right you were watching for the characters. you really cared about who kate was going to shlomp. And you really cared about Dogen and Zoe and a bunch of others. And you cared about charlie's addiction and struggle more than knowing how jacob was able to go on and off of the island or why a psychic literally tried to kill claire because something was special about aaron.. sure you did

good vs. evil had nothiong to do with the ending. MIB's motivations make no sense whatsoever. he turned mortal so what was the big deal about him leaving the island? it took one bullet from kate to kill him, what possible danger would there be for MIB to "go home"
I agree.  The mysteries and suspense was what was intriguing about Lost.  I found this post by someone in a blog and fit in right how I feel...

Cynical - yes, but here it is in a nutshell; and I, for one, am not happy at all with this resolution:

Question: What happened?
Answer: Their life on the island was real, the sideways timeline was not, and was some sort of holding room for those that have died so they can experience their perfect life and reconnect with those that they loved. This is pretty much what Christian Shephard said. Everyone died. Some before Jack and some after – even Hurley, Ben, Penny, the Ajira passengers, etc.; they all died. The church scene seems to be Jack’s final awakening since Christian is his “shepherd
-why didnt the smoke monster kill locke the first time he saw him in s.1?

-still don't know how jacob got on/off the island...did he really turn that wheel like ben did to come and go each time?

-how did MIB take lockes form?

-why did the smoke monster want to get off the island? why did he want to go 'home'? and where did he want to go...what was home..where? (he was born on the island)

-why was jacob still able to be around the island even after he died? and when he finally evaporated after talking to jack, where did he go??

Okay, lemme give this a shot:

-why didnt the smoke monster kill locke the first time he saw him in s.1?

-->He had no reason to, never did.. Also, Locke was a potential candidate therefore Smokey could not directly kill him anyway (against the rules).

-still don't know how jacob got on/off the island...did he really turn that wheel like ben did to come and go each time?

-->I'm a little leery about this myself.. I think it did have to do with that wheel or the submarine from a couple seasons ago.

-how did MIB take lockes form?

-->The REAL Locke was dead. Smokey can take form of dead bodies. For example, Smokey took the form of Christian while on the island. (Forgot the name of the episode)

-why did the smoke monster want to get off the island? why did he want to go 'home'? and where did he want to go...what was home..where? (he was born on the island)

-->Ever since Smokey was told by his real mother that he wasn't from the island as a child he has wanted to leave. Smokey is/was a curious person; he yearned to see what civilization was like off of the island. The biggest point that he is NOT from the island.

-why was jacob still able to be around the island even after he died? and when he finally evaporated after talking to jack, where did he go??

-->The dead people you see on the island are still there because they have/had unfinished business. Once he passed his powers to Jack he finally finished his business and was allowed to have his soul pass on along with his body. Jacob is the protector of the island so the rules may be a little different from what I stated, but that is the general situation.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Bastitch

LOL...I seriously can't believe what some of you guys are complaining about. It's like needing to know what was in Marsellus Wallace's briefcase or what Bill Murray whispered into Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation and basing your entire opinion of the show based on these small omitted plot points.
yes it's the same thing. criticizing giant plot holes and discarded story lines is the same as nitpicking

if you guys want to convince yourselves that you didn't watch the show because of the numbers and other crucial mysteries then more power to you. i don't believe it for a second. people were making theories for years and all of a sudden don't care about any mysteries because some douche writers said you shouldn't

yeah right you were watching for the characters. you really cared about who kate was going to shlomp. And you really cared about Dogen and Zoe and a bunch of others. And you cared about charlie's addiction and struggle more than knowing how jacob was able to go on and off of the island or why a psychic literally tried to kill claire because something was special about aaron.. sure you did

good vs. evil had nothiong to do with the ending. MIB's motivations make no sense whatsoever. he turned mortal so what was the big deal about him leaving the island? it took one bullet from kate to kill him, what possible danger would there be for MIB to "go home"

Seriously. All along it's like "OMG We've got to stop Flocke from leaving the island or the world is over". So what if he had left and the island had been destroyed? This mortal Flocke is going to wreak havoc on everyone and everything?
Seriously, that Final scene was one of televisions greatest moments.

I don't want to re-watch it again soon, the wound is still very fresh. It was a beautiful yet sad end to the show, simply because I will miss the characters very deeply.

It's was a fun 6 years.
[h3]At first I didn't know what to make of it, I knew it was ending and I knew it was emotional but I couldn't comprehend what was happening. After a night of it sinking in, I am now more appreciative of the show we saw last night. 

My favorite aspect of the program was always the characters. Their struggles and triumphs mo
ved me in ways that I've never been from a television show. I've come to realize that I don't care what happens with the mystical island mysteries. What matters were the people. Great stories are about people. And finding out that a show I've watch for 6 years ending with these people being happy is what I have found so rewarding. A father and son reconciling and countless people finally being with the ones they love is immensely gratifying to me.[/h3]

[h3]Whether it not they die and when they die ISN'T important. Happiness, love, and life itself is timeless. Everything is real. As long as that place exists in our minds, we are never really dead. We just move to different places and if we are truly good people, that place will be better than the last. 

I've always said t
hat I've wished that everybody I truly care about are with me when good things happen. Well, wouldn't it be the most beautiful thing if the first thing we see when we pass...are those very people? The last scene with him lying there smiling while a loyal dog waits by him to pass on is iconic. Happiness. Is. Bliss[/h3]
if the mysteries were meaningless then half of the show was.

NY Times review

[h1]No Longer ‘Lost,’ but Still Searching[/h1]

Mario Perez/ABC

Matthew Fox in the final episode of “Lost.
Feel bad for those who ended up not liking the show after years of watching.

Final scene > *

edit- and for every article you find bashing it there is another praising it.
Originally Posted by DubA169

how are you gonna say the Valenzetti Equation when that was never shown in the show. that extra curricular BS stuff doesn't count. that's not writing

they could have went the hanso foundation, valenzetti equation route. instead they gave us BS and irrelevant characters liek everyone at the temple and cindy and the kids. zoe and geek quad. meaningful glances that meant nothing. if it wasn't in the show, you can't present it as an answer

we got played. mo other way to say it.
Damon Lindelof has verified the canonical status of The Lost Experience and the information provided therein.[sup][5][/sup]
Get that bull +@#$ outta here with if it wasn't in the show I can't use it as answer. Plenty of times the creators have directly answered questions not answered in past seasons. There releasing a DVD just for that.
Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Originally Posted by Bastitch

LOL...I seriously can't believe what some of you guys are complaining about. It's like needing to know what was in Marsellus Wallace's briefcase or what Bill Murray whispered into Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation and basing your entire opinion of the show based on these small omitted plot points.

I am fully content with "The End".  Lost is easily the one show in my 30 years on Earth that I completely immersed myself in and I enjoyed the entire ride. From the "The Pilot", to the supposed doldrums of Season 3, to where we found ourselves last night.

I loved the payoff.  I wasn't into it for having mysteries solve.  I was into the storytelling.  I was into getting to know the characters and how they got to where they were.  I watched to see where they would end up.  Compelling stories are about compelling people, at least to me.  And having knowing at the end that every character I found myself caring about in this show would be "okay" was enough.  It was like the Desmon/Penny payoff, but in rapid succession throughout the finale.

And they ended it with Jack and Christian. 

That is my closure point.

I can leave now.

It was epic in every sense.
Exactly how I feel. Good post. RIP Lost. 
I agree with this. Some of us are about storytelling and character development while others on here could clearly care less.  Are there questions I wanted to be answered withing the framework of the six seasons?Yes. But not knowing the answers to them until the season 6 DVD does not bother me because the writers did not compromise the advancement of the story or character development just to answer those questions which IMO was the right move.

Great show and great final scene....the show will surely be missed!
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by DubA169

how are you gonna say the Valenzetti Equation when that was never shown in the show. that extra curricular BS stuff doesn't count. that's not writing

they could have went the hanso foundation, valenzetti equation route. instead they gave us BS and irrelevant characters liek everyone at the temple and cindy and the kids. zoe and geek quad. meaningful glances that meant nothing. if it wasn't in the show, you can't present it as an answer

we got played. mo other way to say it.
so instead of spending time on the valenzetti equation IN THE ACTUAL SHOW, they decided to make it into a game and a viral marketing campaign.

and people are cool with that? you think that's how a show claimed the greatest of all time should operate? forcing you to do research on stuff they know is important but couldn't handle putting in the show?
It's true, I've never seen Lost before. But I watched the finale anyway, because I figured, how hard can it be? I'll pick it up as I go along.

Here's what happened.

:02 Holy�crow these people are good-looking. But this island they're on looks a lot like Scranton. Maybe there's some kind of Office crossover happening. You know, like when the Harlem Globetrotters showed up on Gilligan's Island.

:03 Oh right. That's not the island. So they're off it already. Thank God. The suspense was killing me.

:04 Or they're on it and they're off it? Irish here in the car looks like he might be good for some exposition. Let's have it, boyo.

:07 You know who I like? The chubby guy with the Star Wars references. Actualy he looks a bit like Porkins, the X-Wing pilot who bites it at the Death Star. I hope that's not foreshadowing.

:11 OK, I'm finding my feet here. Good guys, bad guys. But why does the bald guy want to destroy the island? Why does the handsome guy with the big chin want to save the island? Find a boat, somebody.

:17 Oooooooooooooh I get it. Everybody has a real-world life and an island life. Some people remember their island lives, some people don't. The big folksy guy is a cop of some kind. The lady's a criminal of some kind, Big Chin is a doctor. God, this show is easy. I don't know what all you Losties are complaining about all this time.

I don't get who Porkins is, though. Whoever he is he needs a new car. That yellow Hummer is obnoxious.

:19 The Asian couple seem nice. Their bit is a little soft-focus though, the blonde doctor especially. She's acting like she's in a douche commercial. We need some polar bears or something in here. Isn't this whole show supposed to be about polar bears?

:25 Oh man, now there's a dead dude in the water. This is the wackiest Survivor challenge ever. If only they'd been in time to save Leonardo DiCaprio instead of Sergeant Pepper there with the epaulets.

:27 And here we are. Showdown at the Hokay Corral. For a criminal that lady has no idea how to handle an assault rifle.

And ugh, I'm losing ground now, because come on, shoot Dr. Evil! Or Dr. Evil, stab Dr. Chin! Or Irish, hit somebody with your big stick! This is no time for a super team-up, fellas.�(And wow: Dr. Chin is married to Dr. Douche in real life. It's a twist a minute here on Temptation Island.)

:31 I get it now. The three suns are coming together. Somebody restore the Dark Crystal or the Skexis will rule forever.

Either that or Desmond is leprechaun, and his lucky charms are down there. Sorry, but oh my God, this is only a third over. Somebody give that girl a Band-Aid, she's bleeding out.

:37 No, I take that back, I don't get it. Why do Dr. Chin and Dr. Evil have such radically different ideas of what Irish McIrish is going to do when he gets down to the bottom of the old watering hole?

:45 Irish made it to the bottom of the shaft. There is a glowing pool here. This must be some kind of ... hot tub time machine?

:47 I'm really sorry to say that Drive Shaft is the worst band ever.

:55 Thank God she finally shot that guy.

1:10 Wow, Folksy Cop is a devil with the ladies. Looks like he hooked up with Dr. Douche's island-self, back in the day. Well, it was a crazy time. But wait: they got it on, but then she died on the island? And now she's real again, but married to Dr. Chin? That's really sad. But also weird.�Enough kissing now. Lost n00b wants answers.

1:22 I'm really sorry, I can't hang with this. Getting off a sinking island I get. That is a goal that makes sense to me. But who cares if they stick the stone knob in the big hole at the bottom of the pit? Porkins and you, what's your name, the guy who looks like a lemur: run! Irish and stabbed-Dr.-Chin ... eh, you guys do what you want. But if I may, the stone knob business, it just doesn't look like too good of an idea. You shoulda gone for the plane.

1:25 I don't get it. All that trouble so the light could come back on in the hot tub time machine. But it was on before. So why did they turn it off? Well, OK, now it's back on. I hope you're happy.

1:31 Shoot, this is getting away from me. Porkins has to stay on the island? As its Foursquare mayor or whatever? �With Pee-Wee Herman as his running mate? That sucks, dude.

1:33 Twelve minutes left. Hang in there man. You can do this. I am talking to myself, not Jack as he staggers out of the underbrush and onto the beach, bleeding profusely, exhausted from his knob-replacement efforts. And jeez, back on the mainland, things are taking a turn for the Christian. There's no body in the coffin. Lo, he is risen. Oh, and right, Dr. Chin got stabbed in the side, so he's like Jesus? Maybe? I'm slow off the mark with this stuff. I was brought up atheist.

1:40 Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait. Wait. Their real life is heaven. Or something. I think I just sprained my Donnie Darko muscle. This is like in Stardust Memories, where everybody goes to Jazz Heaven. I hope they're not stuck in that church for all eternity. Maybe there's a bar they can head over to later.

Now Jack's dying on the beach. And then a polar bear leaps out of the forest! Oh, it's just a doggie coming out to keep him company. But wait a minute God dammit, this is kind of touching. Oh, and now he sees the plane go over, so he knows the rest of them made it. No, it's nothing, I just have something in my eye. Really. I don't need a tissue. Leave me a lone.

Damn you! I'm slightly moved by this! Damn you all to hell!

Related Tags: donnie darko, LOST, porkins, the dark crystal

Read more: http://techland.com/2010/05/24/the-...ne-whos-never-seen-lost-before/#ixzz0osUtiFnL
My two cents -- as just two plus hours of television, I thought the finale was great. As a resolution to this series as its been presented to us over the last 6 season, I can't say the same. Too much was left unexplained or ultimately labeled as unimportant for me to feel completely satisfied. I understand what people are saying about the devil not really being in the details and the characters and journey being what really matters -- and I agree with all of that -- but I can't help feeling like I got a little bit suckered by the show. Still, at the end of the day, I still love the show and will definitely enjoy re-watching it at some point in the future.

Now that its all done, for me, the Lost seasons rank as follows: 1, 3, 5, 4, 6 and 3.
For other ppl asking, is how Jacob got on and off the island really that important? Does everything have to be some supernatural answer.? If so think of something; teleportation, he can fly, he can manifest himself two places at once thus creating a contradiction. Yall can't assume something practical tho? Maybe he had a secret boat.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

SunDOOBIE wrote:
Black smoke/Flocke died from a gun shot in the back?
  After 6 seasons this bad @#% mutha has been killing and terrorizing and for it to end like that? 
OnceDesmond removed the "cork" for lack of better word it made him mortalthus he was able to be killed, hence desmond was the most importantislander. It was his purpose, hence the reason Jacob instructed Charlesto bring him back to the island, hence they did that experiment to seeif his body could absorb that energy.

This was difficult for you to understand?

Of course it wasn't difficult. I figured that out.  I am just saying for over 6 seasons this mystical entity was GOD LIKE.

Butbecause Desmond uncorked the light, dude is just a plain ol humanbeing?  All the magic is gone just like that? Well isn't that just soconvenient for Jack.

Then what was the whole MIB to destroy theworld crap?  Didn't he tell Widmore once he leaves the island he willkill Penny like he would still possess some power.  I would rather haveJack with some Fantastic 4 super mutant powers battle the smoke monsterin his black smoke form then a battle of 2 regular dudes fighting withrocks and knives.  I just thought it was lame cop out and cheezzy forMIB to die by a simple bullet in the back.    Watching that final "EPICBATTLE SCENE" made me

Wellthe light did create the smoke monster. So why wouldn't he lose hispowers if there's no more light? You take Green Lantern's ring from himand he aint #%#+. The second Jacob died by the hands of Ben youshould've known that anybody can die. They even said that in theJacob/MIB episode. There's always a loophole to beating some GOD likebeing.

You assumed that he'd use his powers to kill Penny once he got off theisland. Think of all the ppl FLocke killed with his smoke powers andthe regular human way. It's just about even if not he killed more pplthe human way than with powers. So he could've just waltzed up to Pennylike Ben did and shot her.

Let me get this straight you wanted some fight out of Heroes instead oftwo dudes doing with their hands and a knife? Let me guess you wantedJack to turn in to a white smoke monster and them just fighting allacross the island?

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ahole in the ground with light and when you uncork it the island shakesand trembles?  Also this light was what created the black smoke?
Are you kidding me?
Islaughing always your response if you don't get something? Did you wanta step by step explanation of how the smoke monster was created? Iguess you wanted a step by step explanation on why Desmond was able toresist electromagnetism too?
Black smoke/Flocke died from a gun shot in the back?
  After 6 seasons this bad @#% mutha has been killing and terrorizing and for it to end like that? 

Didyou watch the finale? You thought the gunshot killed FLocke instead offalling off a cliff? You do know he didn't have his powers anymoreright?
thread is getting crazy. Neither side is gonna budge. Zik - I agree with everything you've posted the last few pages. Either you liked it, or you didn't, and again I feel bad for the people who watched it all and don't like it. I'm sure I'd be trying to find as many flaw's in the show as I could also, I'm just gonna leave it at that from here on out......

Can't wait for Vozzek.
Basically we're left here:

Everyone GETS what happened. They're just mad they didn't get the answers they've been waiting for all along. Either you're cool with that or you're not. As my friend put it:

"my beef with lost isnt that what u said doesnt make sense, it just that the producers showed that they didn't understand what the show was about *for us*. like i commend them for being spiritual and all about heteronormative love and faux-philosophical and all but i liked lost cuz of science fiction

and political debates
and plurality of ethnicity
and when ever the narrative got a lil self righteous, it got a lil funny
and when ever anyone got a little obnoxious, someone died.

i like love stories and spiritual references too, but the show was created as a play on survivor

its just silly for them to preach instead of entertain."
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Bastitch

LOL...I seriously can't believe what some of you guys are complaining about. It's like needing to know what was in Marsellus Wallace's briefcase or what Bill Murray whispered into Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation and basing your entire opinion of the show based on these small omitted plot points.
yes it's the same thing. criticizing giant plot holes and discarded story lines is the same as nitpicking

if you guys want to convince yourselves that you didn't watch the show because of the numbers and other crucial mysteries then more power to you. i don't believe it for a second. people were making theories for years and all of a sudden don't care about any mysteries because some douche writers said you shouldn't

yeah right you were watching for the characters. you really cared about who kate was going to shlomp. And you really cared about Dogen and Zoe and a bunch of others. And you cared about charlie's addiction and struggle more than knowing how jacob was able to go on and off of the island or why a psychic literally tried to kill claire because something was special about aaron.. sure you did

good vs. evil had nothiong to do with the ending. MIB's motivations make no sense whatsoever. he turned mortal so what was the big deal about him leaving the island? it took one bullet from kate to kill him, what possible danger would there be for MIB to "go home"
I don't feel like I need to be apologetic, and you won't find me rationalizing every little thing.

It doesn't mean that much to me to even emphasize what this show means to me or why I enjoyed it.  If you can't believe what I'm saying, it is what it is.

Sure, the mysteries unraveling kept me entertained, but when it boils down to any story every told regardless of medium, CHARACTERS are what make the world go around.  That's the difference between reading "science" and reading "science fiction".

I enjoyed the hell out of Lost.  I had a great time watching all 6 seasons.

You apparently didn't.  Oh well, sucks to be you. You'll never get the time spent watching Lost back.  Hopefully it allows you to reassess how you approach anything even remotely entertaining.

Sometimes you just have to enjoy the journey rather than focus on the destination.
i guess the sickness is irrelevant as well. never mind the fact that much of season 6 is spent on it. try and make sense out of "the sickness". see if anything you come up with connects the sickness we saw with roussou to the sickness we see claire and sayid have

theres letting the audience connect the dots and then there is bad writing and intentional omissions.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by DubA169

how are you gonna say the Valenzetti Equation when that was never shown in the show. that extra curricular BS stuff doesn't count. that's not writing

they could have went the hanso foundation, valenzetti equation route. instead they gave us BS and irrelevant characters liek everyone at the temple and cindy and the kids. zoe and geek quad. meaningful glances that meant nothing. if it wasn't in the show, you can't present it as an answer

we got played. mo other way to say it.
so instead of spending time on the valenzetti equation IN THE ACTUAL SHOW, they decided to make it into a game and a viral marketing campaign.

and people are cool with that? you think that's how a show claimed the greatest of all time should operate? forcing you to do research on stuff they know is important but couldn't handle putting in the show?
Honestly the #s stopped being important when Hurley stopped obsessing over them and stopped caring what exactly they were. It was his plot device that was used for his character development. Yeah they could've slipped in some explanation in S5 but by then it would've just been extra info. It wouldn't have changed what we know about what it did. They weren't going to break down the #s and tell us exactly how they functioned.

Besides the #s being randomly explained now(in the finale) wouldn't fit the story telling at all imo.

Also how is criticizing giant plot holes the same as nitpicking?
Or better yet what giant plot holes are you criticizing?
Originally Posted by DubA169

iguess the sickness is irrelevant as well. never mind the fact that muchof season 6 is spent on it. try and make sense out of "the sickness".see if anything you come up with connects the sickness we saw withroussou to the sickness we see claire and sayid have

theres letting the audience connect the dots and then there is bad writing and intentional omissions.
From the way Dogen talked about it the sickness is going down the path of evil/becoming evil.
2001: a space odyssey is an example of something that is totally ambiguous but does not feel disconnected and meaningless. So it can be done, i just think the writers hardly even tried to make the series into one cohesive unit.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

For other ppl asking, is how Jacob got on and off the island really that important? Does everything have to be some supernatural answer.? If so think of something; teleportation, he can fly, he can manifest himself two places at once thus creating a contradiction. Yall can't assume something practical tho? Maybe he had a secret boat.

Wellthe light did create the smoke monster. So why wouldn't he lose hispowers if there's no more light? You take Green Lantern's ring from himand he aint #%#+. The second Jacob died by the hands of Ben youshould've known that anybody can die. They even said that in theJacob/MIB episode. There's always a loophole to beating some GOD likebeing.

You assumed that he'd use his powers to kill Penny once he got off theisland. Think of all the ppl FLocke killed with his smoke powers andthe regular human way. It's just about even if not he killed more pplthe human way than with powers. So he could've just waltzed up to Pennylike Ben did and shot her.

Let me get this straight you wanted some fight out of Heroes instead oftwo dudes doing with their hands and a knife? Let me guess you wantedJack to turn in to a white smoke monster and them just fighting allacross the island?

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ahole in the ground with light and when you uncork it the island shakesand trembles?  Also this light was what created the black smoke?
Are you kidding me?
Islaughing always your response if you don't get something? Did you wanta step by step explanation of how the smoke monster was created? Iguess you wanted a step by step explanation on why Desmond was able toresist electromagnetism too?
Black smoke/Flocke died from a gun shot in the back?
  After 6 seasons this bad @#% mutha has been killing and terrorizing and for it to end like that? 
Didyou watch the finale? You thought the gunshot killed FLocke instead offalling off a cliff? You do know he didn't have his powers anymoreright?

I appreciate you responding so let me ask you since the smoke monster was created by the light and the human form of MIB is a skeleton then the POWER of the smoke monster to inhabit Locke should have just died when the light went out right?  The light gave POWER to smokey so all his powers should be gone right?  Isn't inhabiting a human form a smokey power? 

When I put a laughing emotion, it's because I was dying laughing at how CORNY it was.  Everything from all these emotional tear jerker scenes to Jack jumping from a rock like a KUNG FU master was just too much. 
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