Wow I can't even find a good jump in spot for this post now.

I'll just say again, I LOVED it!

I think a lot of people don't like how Locke was killed once the cork was pulled but they're not realizing the cork couldn't get pulled without Desmond. I hate that people didn't like it.

Part of the show that was interesting to me was how you have to figure stuff out and do homework OUTSIDE of the show. That's what a lot of people didn't like. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I appreciate you responding so let me ask you since the smoke monster was created by the light and the human form of MIB is a skeleton then the POWER of the smoke monster to inhabit Locke should have just died when the light went out right?  The light gave POWER to smokey so all his powers should be gone right?  Isn't inhabiting a human form a smokey power? 

When I put a laughing emotion, it's because I was dying laughing at how CORNY it was.  Everything from all these emotional tear jerker scenes to Jack jumping from a rock like a KUNG FU master was just too much. 
When the light went out it doesn't mean the smoke monster dies with it. MIB was originally human so he went back to being human when the light went out. When he "took" Locke's body it was stated that it was permanent. Just because that is one of his powers doesn't mean when the light goes out everything he's done regarding his powers gets reversed.

The process of him taking on the form of someone else wasn't shown. The way there were two Locke's(the dead real one) and FLocke we can assume MIB went through some process where he made a doppelganger/clone. Maybe the smoke just copied his human form and left the original body. It's already made so it's not gonna just vanish with the light but his power to do it again will.

You really thought Jack jumped from the rock like a kung fu master?
Dude had higher ground, took advantage of that and had his fist raised to attack. You acting like he did the bicycle kick or the helicopter kick to take Locke down.
Just rewatched the finale scene again for the first time. Much more meaningful and sad the second go round.

God damn this show was amazing.
Yeah, I re-watched the final scene last night.... Could not believe my eyes, I thought it was a WONDERFUL way to end the show.

Cant wait to see what extra stuff their gonna put on the DVD in August.
I loved it all the way up until Jack's father came out.

I really wished it was an alternate reality where all the Losties had a second chance. If they had somehow kept it as the parallel timeline and converged it with the original timeline, it would've been perfect for me because Lost was all about redemption and second chances.

I leave Lost with no regrets whatsoever.
I can understand being mad but how did yall get played when the creators have been saying for seasons that they wouldn't answer every single question and that if you're focused on that and not the story you'll be disappointed? Didn't Lindelof and Cuse say they were focused on the characters and not the mysteries?

I came in to this season knowing that the things I wanted answers to and to find out wouldn't all actually happen. Seem like yall dudes were waiting until the finale to say this when you should've noticed halfway through this season.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I can understand being mad but how did yall get played when the creators have been saying for seasons that they wouldn't answer every single question and that if you're focused on that at not the story you'll be disappointed? Didn't Lindelof and Cuse say they were focused on the characters and not the mysteries?

I came in to this season knowing that the things I wanted answers to and to find out wouldn't all actually happen. Seem like yall dudes were waiting until the finale to say this when you should've noticed halfway through this season.
People set themselves up for failure. They WANTED to be pissed it seems like.
Originally Posted by DJ236

-why didnt the smoke monster kill locke the first time he saw him in s.1?

-still don't know how jacob got on/off the island...did he really turn that wheel like ben did to come and go each time?

-how did MIB take lockes form?

-why did the smoke monster want to get off the island? why did he want to go 'home'? and where did he want to go...what was home..where? (he was born on the island)

-why was jacob still able to be around the island even after he died? and when he finally evaporated after talking to jack, where did he go??

Okay, lemme give this a shot:

-why didnt the smoke monster kill locke the first time he saw him in s.1?

-->He had no reason to, never did.. Also, Locke was a potential candidate therefore Smokey could not directly kill him anyway (against the rules).

-still don't know how jacob got on/off the island...did he really turn that wheel like ben did to come and go each time?

-->I'm a little leery about this myself.. I think it did have to do with that wheel or the submarine from a couple seasons ago.

-how did MIB take lockes form?

-->The REAL Locke was dead. Smokey can take form of dead bodies. For example, Smokey took the form of Christian while on the island. (Forgot the name of the episode)

-why did the smoke monster want to get off the island? why did he want to go 'home'? and where did he want to go...what was home..where? (he was born on the island)

-->Ever since Smokey was told by his real mother that he wasn't from the island as a child he has wanted to leave. Smokey is/was a curious person; he yearned to see what civilization was like off of the island. The biggest point that he is NOT from the island.

-why was jacob still able to be around the island even after he died? and when he finally evaporated after talking to jack, where did he go??

-->The dead people you see on the island are still there because they have/had unfinished business. Once he passed his powers to Jack he finally finished his business and was allowed to have his soul pass on along with his body. Jacob is the protector of the island so the rules may be a little different from what I stated, but that is the general situation.
thank you that all makes perfect sense

What people are mad about is the past 5 seasons basically had no part in the end result. Richard's storyline for example. The numbers. Basically everything if you really think about it.

Yeah, it was a fun ride, but, not totally fulfilling.

Everybody had high expectations of getting answers, well, because we thought the writers had a method to their madness. Guess not.

Like I said, I loved the finale for what it is, but taking six seasons into account, it could've been a lot better.

Let's be real with ourselves. Season six as a whole has been a letdown. For dudes who wanted to 'end it at six seasons on our terms,' the writers sure didn't do a good job of satisfying the audience. Dogan, Zoe, the black powder to keep BSG at bay, the temple, all pretty much useless and unnecessary.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I appreciate you responding so let me ask you since the smoke monster was created by the light and the human form of MIB is a skeleton then the POWER of the smoke monster to inhabit Locke should have just died when the light went out right?  The light gave POWER to smokey so all his powers should be gone right?  Isn't inhabiting a human form a smokey power? 

When I put a laughing emotion, it's because I was dying laughing at how CORNY it was.  Everything from all these emotional tear jerker scenes to Jack jumping from a rock like a KUNG FU master was just too much. 
When the light went out it doesn't mean the smoke monster dies with it. MIB was originally human so he went back to being human when the light went out. When he "took" Locke's body it was stated that it was permanent. Just because that is one of his powers doesn't mean when the light goes out everything he's done regarding his powers gets reversed.

The process of him taking on the form of someone else wasn't shown. The way there were two Locke's(the dead real one) and FLocke we can assume MIB went through some process where he made a doppelganger/clone. Maybe the smoke just copied his human form and left the original body. It's already made so it's not gonna just vanish with the light but his power to do it again will.

You really thought Jack jumped from the rock like a kung fu master?
Dude had higher ground, took advantage of that and had his fist raised to attack. You acting like he did the bicycle kick or the helicopter kick to take Locke down.
So you're telling me we don't know how why there are 2 human bodies of Locke... it is what it is?  Hmmmm well you said CLONING so THEORY #1,298,298,188 that will never be explained but hey that's not important because this is a "CHARACTER BASED STORY". 
  However we do know that this light gave power to smokey and now that it's gone,POOOF, there goes smokey's power to turn to smoke.  He is now stuck in a human clone of Locke and is able to be hurt.  Got it.  Makes complete sense. 
episode was

ending was so bittersweet
sad it's gone

wokeup today thinking it was wednesday
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I can understand being mad but how did yall get played when the creators have been saying for seasons that they wouldn't answer every single question and that if you're focused on that at not the story you'll be disappointed? Didn't Lindelof and Cuse say they were focused on the characters and not the mysteries?

I came in to this season knowing that the things I wanted answers to and to find out wouldn't all actually happen. Seem like yall dudes were waiting until the finale to say this when you should've noticed halfway through this season.

they only pulled out that "it's about the characters, not the mystery" line a couple of weeks ago. check out old interviews where they promise that it will all fit together in the end. cmon people you really want to make the argument that the mysteries were irrelevant?

theres a difference between not answering every question and going out of your way to not answer ANY questions
this entire season was filler. that whole MIB/Jacob storyline is messy as hell. we were shown absoultley nothing to make us beleive that the world would cease to exist if MIB got to the mainland. how were people "brought" to the island? why would people still be coming there? we know that they do because hurley becomes the protector. why was jacob bringing people to the island before he was looking for a canidate? this is all recent stuff.
Damn I have a lot of catching up to do
but I was satisfied with the ending...happy/sad
If this show/actors don't get awards.......
It took me over night to reflect on the finale but I can honestly say I was satisfied with it and this show will truly be missed.

The producers/writers can't please everyone so to each his own. Sucks for those complaining and feeling let down, but I'm happy with the ending to this great show.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Master Zik

I can understand being mad but how did yall get played when the creators have been saying for seasons that they wouldn't answer every single question and that if you're focused on that at not the story you'll be disappointed? Didn't Lindelof and Cuse say they were focused on the characters and not the mysteries?

I came in to this season knowing that the things I wanted answers to and to find out wouldn't all actually happen. Seem like yall dudes were waiting until the finale to say this when you should've noticed halfway through this season.

they only pulled out that "it's about the characters, not the mystery" line a couple of weeks ago. check out old interviews where they promise that it will all fit together in the end. cmon people you really want to make the argument that the mysteries were irrelevant?

theres a difference between not answering every question and going out of your way to not answer ANY questions
this entire season was filler. that whole MIB/Jacob storyline is messy as hell. we were shown absoultley nothing to make us beleive that the world would cease to exist if MIB got to the mainland. how were people "brought" to the island? why would people still be coming there? we know that they do because hurley becomes the protector. why was jacob bringing people to the island before he was looking for a canidate? this is all recent stuff.
why is the sky blue?
Finale was great!!! I can't believe it was really over.

The only thing I'm pissed about is:
Their treatment of Michael. Like someone said a couple of pages back, Ben did far worst things on the island but yet he got a chance to redeem himself and even got an invitation into Heaven in the alternate timeline (which he turned down). However Michael just gets shafted into being stuck on the island because of his past transgressions?? In my opinion, Michael never did anything that wasn't motivated by his desperate need to be a better father to his son. Yes he did mess over the Losties, but he did what I think many parents would do for their kids. Ever since he made his mistakes the writers beat him up over it endlessly for the remainder of the show. I think it was a raw deal because I felt like Ben just received forgiveness and was even told so by Locke while Michael just seemed like an afterthought. That is all....rant ended.
so let me get this straight, it was all a dream and they died on the plane, and they were just trying to understand it together before they went to where ever they go after they die?
Am I the only one wondering why jack didn't turn into a smoke monster.
Going into the light turned MIB into smokey, yet it didn't turn Jack into it???
True, not to say Mike deserved what he got.....but we dont know what Ben did before he "died". He was #2 with Hurley, so I guess he "redeemed" himself first.

@ S6 not answering ANY questions. You might need a to do a re-watch
The writers fed into the whole mystery/mystique of the island as well. They're the ones who put easter eggs everywhere, made webisodes, created websites further expanding the hype and intrigue.

So to come season six and say it's all about the characters, it's definitely a let down/cop out.

Lost is still
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Master Zik

I can understand being mad but how did yall get played when the creators have been saying for seasons that they wouldn't answer every single question and that if you're focused on that at not the story you'll be disappointed? Didn't Lindelof and Cuse say they were focused on the characters and not the mysteries?

I came in to this season knowing that the things I wanted answers to and to find out wouldn't all actually happen. Seem like yall dudes were waiting until the finale to say this when you should've noticed halfway through this season.

they only pulled out that "it's about the characters, not the mystery" line a couple of weeks ago. check out old interviews where they promise that it will all fit together in the end. cmon people you really want to make the argument that the mysteries were irrelevant?

theres a difference between not answering every question and going out of your way to not answer ANY questions
this entire season was filler. that whole MIB/Jacob storyline is messy as hell. we were shown absoultley nothing to make us beleive that the world would cease to exist if MIB got to the mainland. how were people "brought" to the island? why would people still be coming there? we know that they do because hurley becomes the protector. why was jacob bringing people to the island before he was looking for a canidate? this is all recent stuff.
why is the sky blue?

The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As lightmoves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths passstraight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light isaffected by the air.

However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed bythe gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated indifferent directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whicheverdirection you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you.Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looksblue.

As you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler incolor. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through moreair. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Lessblue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizonappears paler or white.

your turn

why would teh world cease to exist if MIB got off the island?
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Damn I have a lot of catching up to do
but I was satisfied with the ending...happy/sad
If this show/actors don't get awards.......
Yeah I really feel like Jack should be a runaway for an Emmy after this season. He did a great job, Hurley did too

I see this thread took a weid turn (it's sorta like a group of Jacobs vs MIB's
) but I think we all knew watching THIS season that the writers weren't really concerned with answering questions about the island mysteries, if it took yall 24 episodes to realize it then I don't know what to say. Just wait for the DVD's and we'll probably all get answers from that.

But I do want to ask Zik or EBW if there was ANYTHING you disliked about this season or the finale? Yall seemed gung ho about it being FLAWLESS, I liked how it ended and all but I still didn't think this season was very good compared to the others.

If I had to rank them it would be like this
1. Season 1 - the mystery made it compelling and must watch tv
2. Season 5 - the finale was probably the most emotional episode I ever seen, felt real bad for Juliet
3. Season 2 - loved the introduction of the Others and the Tailies
4. Season 4 - loved the freighter people, return of Michael, Desmond
5. Season 6 - story took a turn for the worst, character development was the only thing that I liked
6. Season 3 - story went nowhere, felt like Kate and Sawyer were in those cages forever
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