Although I wanted more and some things were not done well, I am not mad. It's not because I think the finale did a good job with everything. It's because, after each and every episode of Lost that I have watched for the past 6 years, I am left pondering various theories to explain what happened. The finale was no different. I am still pondering in the same way as I have been the past 6 seasons. So it wasn't a finale in the sense that it answered everything. It was a finale in the sense that there will be no more episodes.

If anything, I'm a little annoyed that they did not do more with everything they had set up. They spent 6 years setting up all these interesting, detailed things, and then they basically decide to ignore it all.

I see both sides of the debate. Let me say first of all that there is no one who has been as dedicated or as involved in Lost as I have. So I hope no one questions how informed I am or how much I love Lost. Given that, I can see why people are disappointed, and I think you should give them some understanding. I don't care what you say -- the finale did not bring us any closer on a whole host of questions. Many of the answers it did give were basically, "that's just the way it is."

That said, I also see why some of you say that it was great. After 6 years, seeing that final scene with the Losties forgiving each other and coming together in the alternate timeline was beautiful. Seeing Jack dying where he started on the island was great as well. And I understand why a lot of you are fully satisfied with it all. I, however, am not. Part of it is great -- we can continue to discuss theories like we always have. The sucky part though is that we know there will be nothing in the future to determine who was right or wrong.
no man... i just wanted the answers to fit in with the rest of the series. that's all. i wanted it to be one cohesive story. i wanted to be able to re-watch the series without seeing dozens of dead ends.

the last episode itself was beautifully done. But the series to me is fundamentally flawed. i can't recommend it to a friend without saying, "don't get caught up in anything mysterious, it goes nowhere"
Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Am I the only one wondering why jack didn't turn into a smoke monster.
Going into the light turned MIB into smokey, yet it didn't turn Jack into it???
Only possible reason I can think of is because the light was no longer there when he went to plug the cork. After plugging it, the water came and somehow he was transported to the same area MIB's human body was except MIB was dead and Jack was still alive.  But yah why didn't he transform after plugging in the cork?  Who knows?  Pointless now that it's all over. Remember it is what is and the story isn't about making sense, it's about CHARACTERS!!!!!

so let me get this straight, it was all a dream and they died on the plane, and they were just trying to understand it together before they went to where ever they go after they die?
No everything happened on the island in real time.   When they did die they meet in purgatory which was the alt time line story.  There is no time table in purgatory.  Des, Penny, Aaron all of them wern't on the plane but they were at the church.  So that means when Des, Penny, Aaron die in the real world they will be there in that church because it was set up by the passengers as a place for them to share before going to heaven.  The whole thing with this alt-time line is the characters didn't remember their real lives on the island and needed to touch someone to remind them.  The whole time this was happening, I am going, why are you happy to be there?  You're DEAD stupid!  If I was Jin I would be pissed if I remember drowning in a submarine and not being able to be with his baby daughter whom he never met.  Hell was he so happy about?
Originally Posted by Obey Your Thirst

so let me get this straight, it was all a dream and they died on the plane, and they were just trying to understand it together before they went to where ever they go after they die?
they were alive on the island.....what happened there really happened. the whole "flash sideways" deal was just a form of purgatory. they died....whenever and however they did....and apparently somehow made a false reality (purgatorty) as a way to find each other (once they realized they were dead) and reunite enabling them to move on.

Dub - Thats understandable.

Whywesteppin - good post. I'm on the side that is 100% cool with the show as a whole and 1,000,000% cool with the finale. Some stuff wasn't answered, but as you said its gonna keep theories going and people talking about it. Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie and we'll never know what was in the case.
Originally Posted by DubA169

no man... i just wanted the answers to fit in with the rest of the series. that's all. i wanted it to be one cohesive story. i wanted to be able to re-watch the series without seeing dozens of dead ends.

the last episode itself was beautifully done. But the series to me is fundamentally flawed. i can't recommend it to a friend without saying, "don't get caught up in anything mysterious, it goes nowhere"
You got caught up in the mystery wayyyyy too much, that's your fault.
That said, I stick by my original theories.

The island is not magical.

There is a paradox at play. Let's say you have reality A: no island, no bomb, no nothing. Then reality B: bomb explodes, time travel happens, island is seen as special, things happen in the past leading up to the bomb coming to the island to explode. The paradox here is that the effects of the bomb are what lead to the bomb getting to the island in the first place.

Multiple realities are created (one of them reality A, one reality B, and stuff in between).

People on the island attribute everything to magic. They think they have to protect the island, driving them to do crazy things.

Smoke monster is just a hallucination.

Dharma finds out about this place and decides it'll be a good place to conduct studies on mind control and stuff. They find something very interesting. If you can convince people to follow orders (like pressing that button), you can control realities. It's a weird side-effect of time travel and the fact that consciousness (in the show, at least) crosses over multiple realities. They investigate ways to control reality in this way (i.e. prevent nuclear wars, etc.). They build the sonic fence not to keep out a real smoke monster but to ease the minds of the paranoid Dharma workers who are scared of this imaginary smoke monster that they hallucinate about.

There's nothing particularly special about the plane or its passengers. However, it happens to be the one that crashes on the island, and all the survivors form strong bonds. These strong bonds also carry over into the other realities.

Everything Christian Shepherd said is bull. He was drunk.

Can anyone disprove my theory? No.
OK, I like this.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

But I do want to ask Zik or EBW if there was ANYTHING you disliked about this season or the finale? Yall seemed gung ho about it being FLAWLESS, I liked how it ended and all but I still didn't think this season was very good compared to the others.
Perfect season. Perfect show. Literally no complaints at all from me. Best show of all time.
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

Originally Posted by Obey Your Thirst

so let me get this straight, it was all a dream and they died on the plane, and they were just trying to understand it together before they went to where ever they go after they die?
they were alive on the island.....what happened there really happened. the whole "flash sideways" deal was just a form of purgatory. they died....whenever and however they did....and apparently somehow made a false reality (purgatorty) as a way to find each other (once they realized they were dead) and reunite enabling them to move on.

Exactly.  What is it about the "End" that people don't understand? 

Hence the "I've missed you so much" comment when Kate reunited with Jack.  It's not like the made subtle comments, they were pretty obvious.
Originally Posted by DubA169

no man... i just wanted the answers to fit in with the rest of the series. that's all. i wanted it to be one cohesive story. i wanted to be able to re-watch the series without seeing dozens of dead ends.

the last episode itself was beautifully done. But the series to me is fundamentally flawed. i can't recommend it to a friend without saying, "don't get caught up in anything mysterious, it goes nowhere"
You got yourself caught up in the wrong questions. You caught yourself up. Everything that needed to be answered was answered.
it was really a great show, but perfect season? cmon now, you're really start to be like an apple fan boy now.

seasons 1-3 were truly perfect seasons.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by DubA169

no man... i just wanted the answers to fit in with the rest of the series. that's all. i wanted it to be one cohesive story. i wanted to be able to re-watch the series without seeing dozens of dead ends.

the last episode itself was beautifully done. But the series to me is fundamentally flawed. i can't recommend it to a friend without saying, "don't get caught up in anything mysterious, it goes nowhere"
You got caught up in the mystery wayyyyy too much, that's your fault.

Come on now.  Dude wanted a storyline that actually made sense.  Things like how did a mother in her 50's kill a dozen or so men and filled up a well all by herself?  That's our fault for having some common sense?   We can't think that way?  We need to just focus on Jack and his alcoholic father's drama and relationship?  Should we just dwell on the Kate, Jack and Sawyer threesome soap opera... is that what you're telling us that needed to be focus on the past 6 seasons of Lost? 
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by DubA169

no man... i just wanted the answers to fit in with the rest of the series. that's all. i wanted it to be one cohesive story. i wanted to be able to re-watch the series without seeing dozens of dead ends.

the last episode itself was beautifully done. But the series to me is fundamentally flawed. i can't recommend it to a friend without saying, "don't get caught up in anything mysterious, it goes nowhere"
You got caught up in the mystery wayyyyy too much, that's your fault.

it's not my fault at all man. It wasn't subtle, they hammered it into your head that Walt and Aaron were supposed to be special. i didn't make that up in any form.

that's cool that you love the show but you can't just dismiss criticism by saying the audience is at fault for caring about mysteries that the show introduced.
People that are asking questions still, were focusing on the wrong things. "LOST" was the story of Jack Shepard. Not the island. Whether the island is magic, or there are answers to what it does, it doesnt matter to the story. We got answers to things that mattered to Jack's story. i.e. what the flash-sideways was, how to kill Flocke, why Des was special, etc. If the story was about the island only, and it's history, I'm sure the writers and creators could have made answers for all that. But they chose not to.

Now, I dont really feel one way or another about the answers we weren't given, because the finale wrapped up what I was focused on perfectly... but I could see why some of you are pissed. Whether Cuse/Lindeloff knew that they were writing Jack's story from the beginning, or whether they chose to finish with him between S5 and 6, well it doesnt matter now. You got what you got, and if you feel cheated, I can just say go back through the series and watch it for the characters' story.
I hope they would release their original idead/plan of what they wanted to do with each character atleast. but i doubt that will ever happen.

For some reason though, i see "LOST" getting remade some years down the road, hopefully im still alive to see it.
There was nothing special about Walt and Aaron. Just what the audience made themselves think.

Are you guys atheist? Must be why you guys don't like the show.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

There was nothing special about Walt and Aaron. Just what the audience made themselves think.

Are you guys atheist? Must be why you guys don't like the show.

I think everybody on here know's Im far from an Atheist lol!........Matter a fact I made the veryyyyyyy first Post about LOST 6years ago on here (yeh yeh brag brag) and everybody said it was lame when the pilot was shown.......so trust I love the show, but too many thing dont fit, I would bet anything this was NOT the ending they had in mind from teh start of the show.....it changed somewhere.
"Just what the audience made themselves think"

NO........they said Walt was special when they kidnapped him and Clair couldnt even let anybody else raise Aaron, they made him seem special........nither was made up in our heads, they made it seem that way
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

There was nothing special about Walt and Aaron. Just what the audience made themselves think.

Are you guys atheist? Must be why you guys don't like the show.

Nothing special?

Rewatch the Moepisode Room 23. 

Why did the producers created this for if not to tell us that Walt was indeed someone special.  The dead birds.  Ben telling Juliet that Jacob wanted him there. 

Why are you in denial man?
EBW is a cool dude, but come on.

Walt and Aaron weren't special? This dude Walt had like super powers (it seemed) at times. Why did the Others want him so bad? The pyschic making sure Claire takes care of Aaron, or, impending doom? To the etc.

And for the other guy saying us asking questions are asking the wrong questions, as, it's Jack's story, I don't buy it.

You can fault some of us for questioning stuff when it was the WRITERS who drilled this stuff in our head to further the mysteries. We didn't make Dharma interactive websites like they did.

They're the ones who created and furthered the mystique, but when push came to shove, and the clock was running out, they opted to not answer most of the questions that they created.

They're the ones who opened up Pandora's box. Not us.
Originally Posted by franchise3

EBW is a cool dude, but come on.

Walt and Aaron weren't special? This dude Walt had like super powers (it seemed) at times. Why did the Others want him so bad? The pyschic making sure Claire takes care of Aaron, or, impending doom? To the etc.

And for the other guy saying us asking questions are asking the wrong questions, as, it's Jack's story, I don't buy it.

You can fault some of us for questioning stuff when it was the WRITERS who drilled this stuff in our head to further the mysteries. We didn't make Dharma interactive websites like they did.

They're the ones who created and furthered the mystique, but when push came to shove, and the clock was running out, they opted to not answer most of the questions that they created.

They're the ones who opened up Pandora's box. Not us.

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