Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Ethan said "I think Aaron is gonna be just find."

Did Claire say Aaron?
yo did he say that for real?
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Ethan said "I think Aaron is gonna be just find."

Did Claire say Aaron?

Yeah she screamed it out right before the ultra sounds.

Anyone else think they are giving Sayid the "poison" to see if he still lives after taking it?
Originally Posted by CheGTR

Hm, so I cant be the only one who heard the actual sound of Kate's heart braking...right?


Yeah I did and my gf would have if she wasn't sleepy from this medicine.

Bernard and Alex is on The Forgotten?!
I'm assuming we're back to alternating storylines like in the first couple seasons again. I suppose next weeks episode will be about the "foot statue" group and their trek toward the temple.
So its official that Christian is working for/or is MiB....CLAIRE?!!!?!?!!?!?!?!
looking like Danielle?
wow...what a freaking wack episode. Until the end of course...

I'm gettin disappointed in that, this is what it will be every episode.
"Oh, slight reveal in the last 10mins!:roll credits: Makes you want to watch next episode! because you now HAVE TO TO GET IT!

--I'm feeling like this being the last last season, and all of us knowing it, just makes every little episode even more annoying, til we get to the end. Or at least, I'm hoping that isnt the case. Really nothing has been made definitive and its gonna b specilation after speculation til like the last 3 eps? Ah idunno.
Not really one my favorite episodes. Ill have to check it out again tomorrow at work. But, it had some cool stuff in there.

Looks like MIB can take multiple bodys at once? Or does he have his own crew?

I get what they are doing with the sideways world... and I said it last week and I will say it again... I had it so damn much... it's just wasting time with learning whats going on with the Island, I mean we didn't even see fake locke this episode... how lame

The ending was good though
Claire is the new Russo. Based on these first three episodes, the basic premise to this is that "nothing is new under the sun." Things in time tend to repeat themselves just like fashion. That makes Jacob's statement to MIB (the one about it ending in progress) seem a whole lot clearer. The boat that was off shore was probably the 1400's version of the tanker, there to rescue the boat and people they found in the jungle.
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