From another site:

so far the list includes:

4 - Locke (John)
8 - Reyes (Hurley)
10 - Mattingley - Other
15 - Ford (James)
16 - Jarrah (Sayid)
23 - Shephard (Jack)
31 - Rutherford (Shannon)
42 - Kwon (Jin or Sun)
56 - Burke - (Juliet)
64 - Goodspeed (Horace, Ethan)
70 - Faraday (Daniel)
73 - Costa - ?
90 - Troupe - ?
115 - Bargas - ?
117 - Linus (Ben, Roger)
119 - Almeida - ?
142 - Lewis (Charlotte)
171 - Straume (Miles)
195 - Pace (Charlie)
222 - O'Toole - U.S. Military
233 - Jones - U.S. Military
291 - Domingo - U.S. Military
313 - Littleton (Claire or Aaron)
317 - Cunningham - U.S. Military
337 - Martin (Karl) - Other
346 - Grant - U.S. Military

20 - Rous (Possibly Rousseau)
25 - ___
30 - ___
33 - ___
49 - Cha (Possibly Chang)
62 - ___
251 - ___
260 - ___
272 - ___
285 - Jen (Possibly Jenkins)
330 - ___
__ - Reynolds
__ - Sullivan
__ - Lacombe
We saw the numbers, we saw who was assigned to them, but we never got an explanation really of what they mean....

So no, they didn't explain the numbers

But I did love this episode. 
I kinda thought the same thing.

Also, with everything else going on, what exactly happen when Juliet set the bomb off? Juliet said it worked and Richard said he seen them all die. Yet when they flashed to the present time the hatch had still been built and it looked exactly the same as when Des blew it up.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I kinda thought the same thing.

Also, with everything else going on, what exactly happen when Juliet set the bomb off? Juliet said it worked and Richard said he seen them all die. Yet when they flashed to the present time the hatch had still been built and it looked exactly the same as when Des blew it up.

Maybe she had a Desmond-like revelation, being exposed to the radiation.   Flashes before her eyes

Sucks that she didn't end up naked, ala Desmond.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

AWESOME episode!!! Def gotta re-watch this episode ASAP.

I'm mad my internet was messed up last night and I didn't feel like typing from my phone. But here's a few things that stuck out to me....

- Looking at the enhanced episode, I have the feeling the "flash sideways" is NOT real. It's the producers way of showing us what WOULD have happened. Not, what will, or what did.

-They was playing with us showing lil dude looking like Walt.

-Flock saying, "Don't tell me what to do!!"

-Seems like they was going out of their way this week to get us to think MIB is the "good guy".

-WHO WAS THE KID?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT RULES?!?!?!?!?!?

-Loved the numbers. Wouldn't really be upset if they don't, but I think they still need to explain them a little further (i.e. How they work).

-Kinda mad that "flash sideways" Locke didn't call Jack.

-After watching this weeks episode, last week was filler-@@*.

-MUCH more stuff to discuss. AWESOME episode all around.
Pretty much my exact thoughts. I thought the episode was great. I loved how they revealed the numbers, but I want to know more.

I also think Jacob is the bad guy. The MIB is trapped playing Jacobs game and is trying to just get the hell off the island (that's what I think right now, but this being LOST there is no way that the real case is that simple).

Showing Monster-vision was tight.

One thing I don't understand is who brought the Dharma Initiative to the island? They had the fence to protect their boundaries from the smoke monster, but had beef with the others who are part of Jacobs people.

That picture of Locke with Des in the background is nuts too. This episode was certainly one of my favorites so far.
Not my observation but I read from another board that every sideflash centric character has looked into a mirror in their respective episode so far. Probably not a coincidence.
Originally Posted by Meangene4

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

^ Interesting take. Especially because Sawyer and Jack have been on a collision course for a while now, especially following Juliette's death.
I think when the smoke clears its going to be Sawyer VS Jack for the island.
Never thought of that, but I kinda like the idea...
Given the way the LOST supper picture is set up with Jack and Sawyer on either side of Flocke, that would make some sense.
I was looking for Vozzek's recap and stumbled upon this

Hi All,

Justthought I'd drop you a little note about our recapper Vozzek69.Unfortunately his entire house was destroyed by a fire a day ago. Heand his family are all safe and well but are currently homeless whilsthe starts trying to rebuild and recover what's left of his house.

He will be trying his best to get his 6.04 recap to use but as you can understand he has slightly bigger things to worry about.

Update: 12:50 Just had a quickchat with Vozzek and he says thanks for all the kind comments so far.He's currently doing well and has a great set of friends, families andneighbours who are providing a great deal of help and support. He'll bemoving into a mobile home with his family today which is being parkedon his garden, and rebuilding should start soon.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

We saw the numbers, we saw who was assigned to them, but we never got an explanation really of what they mean....

So no, they didn't explain the numbers

But I did love this episode. 

Agreed. Don't get me wrong, I loved the episode. But I didn't see the connecting of the numbers with the Losties as some enormous revelation. Yes, the numbers represent characters, but what's the significance behind them? It's still a pretty murky issue, in my mind. I hope they address it further, but I'm concerned they won't.
In last nights episode, Locke's fiance says shes tired of planing the wedding and asks Locke if he wants to run away and get married with just her parents and his Dad...implying that Locke is on good terms with his father in the alternate time line. Yet, Locke is still bound to a wheelchair...isnt he only in the wheelchair because his dad pushed him out a window?
Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

From another site:

so far the list includes:

4 - Locke (John)
8 - Reyes (Hurley)
10 - Mattingley - Other
15 - Ford (James)
16 - Jarrah (Sayid)
23 - Shephard (Jack)
31 - Rutherford (Shannon)
42 - Kwon (Jin or Sun)
56 - Burke - (Juliet)
64 - Goodspeed (Horace, Ethan)
70 - Faraday (Daniel)
73 - Costa - ?
90 - Troupe - ?
115 - Bargas - ?
117 - Linus (Ben, Roger)
119 - Almeida - ?
142 - Lewis (Charlotte)
171 - Straume (Miles)
195 - Pace (Charlie)
222 - O'Toole - U.S. Military
233 - Jones - U.S. Military
291 - Domingo - U.S. Military
313 - Littleton (Claire or Aaron)
317 - Cunningham - U.S. Military
337 - Martin (Karl) - Other
346 - Grant - U.S. Military

20 - Rous (Possibly Rousseau)
25 - ___
30 - ___
33 - ___
49 - Cha (Possibly Chang)
62 - ___
251 - ___
260 - ___
272 - ___
285 - Jen (Possibly Jenkins)
330 - ___
__ - Reynolds
__ - Sullivan
__ - Lacombe

see so there are women on the list...could be sun.

and i read in a coupel interviews that if you are looking for a detailed explanation on what the numbers are then you will be disappointed. i have a feeling this is the closest we will know what the numbers mean
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I thought it was pretty obvious because Jacob only touched Jin.
uhhhhh he touched them both at the wedding.

Oh and Shannon is coming back

[h1]'Lost' exclusive: Maggie Grace, a.k.a. Shannon, returns this season[/h1]
by Jeff Jensen and Dan Snierson

Categories: An EW Exclusive!, Lost, Television


Maggie Grace, who played Shannon on Lost, will return to the ABC drama later this season, executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse confirmed to EW.com. “We’re really excited about having her back on the show,
Nitro - check a page or two back. It looks like Des is in a poster when Locke is talking to Rose.

Also, I liked Boone. Shannon, not so much. But, I'm interested to see why they bring her back.
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