Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I need to re-watch the episode, and see if I can see some stills from the wall of names and numbers.
No need, these guys have already done it for you...



313 - Littleton

My observations are kind of scattered and more than likely someone already mentioned them but anyway...

- the whole Flocke throwing the white rock in to the ocean and calling it an inside joke seems like its gonna be real important. Ultimately, I think its gonna relate to the Black Rock ship which as of right now we believe is how Richard got to the island. Furthermore, the whole white/black thing might go back as far as the first episode where Locke was teaching Walt about backgammon.."one light piece, one dark piece." If you noticed, when Shannon saw flashes of Walt a few seasons ago, they appeared in the same fashion that Flocke was seeing the blonde kid in the last episode.. Maybe someone else can make some sense of that..

- Ethan and Ben appearing in the time line where oceanic 815 doesn't crash is really throwing me off. We've been assuming that the hydrogen bomb is what caused the "dharmatown" to be shown under water in the first episode this season but had the hydrogen bomb went off then Ben and Ethan wouldn't have been alive since they were kids on the island at the time. This leads me to believe that there may be something else responsible for the destruction of the island presumably before Ethan and Ben were on the island <---- this has probably been the biggest mind #*%$ since yesterday..

sidenote: I think they can make a separate 6 season show called Lost: Revelations once Lost is over that will just reveal certain links between episodes that may have went unnoticed.
I know this is from last season, but...

After the Oceanic 6 were already home, and Sun was giving birth, Jin was shown buying a panda bear for someone elses kid and saying he was married for only 2 months, while also being on the island ? What was the purpose of showing this?
Originally Posted by dunnyy

My observations are kind of scattered and more than likely someone already mentioned them but anyway...

- the whole Flocke throwing the white rock in to the ocean and calling it an inside joke seems like its gonna be real important. Ultimately, I think its gonna relate to the Black Rock ship which as of right now we believe is how Richard got to the island. Furthermore, the whole white/black thing might go back as far as the first episode where Locke was teaching Walt about backgammon.."one light piece, one dark piece." If you noticed, when Shannon saw flashes of Walt a few seasons ago, they appeared in the same fashion that Flocke was seeing the blonde kid in the last episode.. Maybe someone else can make some sense of that..

- Ethan and Ben appearing in the time line where oceanic 815 doesn't crash is really throwing me off. We've been assuming that the hydrogen bomb is what caused the "dharmatown" to be shown under water in the first episode this season but had the hydrogen bomb went off then Ben and Ethan wouldn't have been alive since they were kids on the island at the time. This leads me to believe that there may be something else responsible for the destruction of the island presumably before Ethan and Ben were on the island <---- this has probably been the biggest mind #*%$ since yesterday..

sidenote: I think they can make a separate 6 season show called Lost: Revelations once Lost is over that will just reveal certain links between episodes that may have went unnoticed.
That's what I was thinking, something must have happened to the island way before hand, Horace and his wife going, means Ben and Roger never went and maybe Ben's mom is still alive. I think the biggest mind %$*% would be if Richard was to be in the time line.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by dunnyy

My observations are kind of scattered and more than likely someone already mentioned them but anyway...

- the whole Flocke throwing the white rock in to the ocean and calling it an inside joke seems like its gonna be real important. Ultimately, I think its gonna relate to the Black Rock ship which as of right now we believe is how Richard got to the island. Furthermore, the whole white/black thing might go back as far as the first episode where Locke was teaching Walt about backgammon.."one light piece, one dark piece." If you noticed, when Shannon saw flashes of Walt a few seasons ago, they appeared in the same fashion that Flocke was seeing the blonde kid in the last episode.. Maybe someone else can make some sense of that..

- Ethan and Ben appearing in the time line where oceanic 815 doesn't crash is really throwing me off. We've been assuming that the hydrogen bomb is what caused the "dharmatown" to be shown under water in the first episode this season but had the hydrogen bomb went off then Ben and Ethan wouldn't have been alive since they were kids on the island at the time. This leads me to believe that there may be something else responsible for the destruction of the island presumably before Ethan and Ben were on the island <---- this has probably been the biggest mind #*%$ since yesterday..

sidenote: I think they can make a separate 6 season show called Lost: Revelations once Lost is over that will just reveal certain links between episodes that may have went unnoticed.
That's what I was thinking, something must have happened to the island way before hand, Horace and his wife going, means Ben and Roger never went and maybe Ben's mom is still alive. I think the biggest mind %$*% would be if Richard was to be in the time line.
Can't be too long before though since "Dharmatown" was built by Dharma...
Originally Posted by dunnyy

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by dunnyy

My observations are kind of scattered and more than likely someone already mentioned them but anyway...

- the whole Flocke throwing the white rock in to the ocean and calling it an inside joke seems like its gonna be real important. Ultimately, I think its gonna relate to the Black Rock ship which as of right now we believe is how Richard got to the island. Furthermore, the whole white/black thing might go back as far as the first episode where Locke was teaching Walt about backgammon.."one light piece, one dark piece." If you noticed, when Shannon saw flashes of Walt a few seasons ago, they appeared in the same fashion that Flocke was seeing the blonde kid in the last episode.. Maybe someone else can make some sense of that..

- Ethan and Ben appearing in the time line where oceanic 815 doesn't crash is really throwing me off. We've been assuming that the hydrogen bomb is what caused the "dharmatown" to be shown under water in the first episode this season but had the hydrogen bomb went off then Ben and Ethan wouldn't have been alive since they were kids on the island at the time. This leads me to believe that there may be something else responsible for the destruction of the island presumably before Ethan and Ben were on the island <---- this has probably been the biggest mind #*%$ since yesterday..

sidenote: I think they can make a separate 6 season show called Lost: Revelations once Lost is over that will just reveal certain links between episodes that may have went unnoticed.
That's what I was thinking, something must have happened to the island way before hand, Horace and his wife going, means Ben and Roger never went and maybe Ben's mom is still alive. I think the biggest mind %$*% would be if Richard was to be in the time line.
Can't be too long before though since "Dharmatown" was built by Dharma...
How true, didn't think of that smh.
Isn't it Dharmaville though.
Originally Posted by dunnyy

sidenote: I think they can make a separate 6 season show called Lost: Revelations once Lost is over that will just reveal certain links between episodes that may have went unnoticed.
I was thinking that there should be something like this on the Season 6 DVD or maybe something included into the 1-6 Box Set.  We'll definitely get something, but knowing these writers I don't think we're going to get it all.  Some things are best left not fully explained.
Another thought I had, that no one else brought up. Alana scooping up Jacob's ashes: was there a reason for this? Could Jacob be brought back to life, or the ashes used to test someone (i.e. the ashes thrown on Sayid when Dogan was testing him)? Were the same ashes that people have used throughout the show (surrounding the cabin/Bram using them in the cave before being pwn3d by BSG) produced by Jacob or other protectors ashes?

These ashes are going to make an appearance again... I just dont know how yet.
I think that the reason we see Ben and Ethan in the timeline where the plane lands is because if you remember Daniel Faraday tells Pierre Chang to get every child off the island before the whole incident ordeal.
Originally Posted by RUTHE1

I think that the reason we see Ben and Ethan in the timeline where the plane lands is because if you remember Daniel Faraday tells Pierre Chang to get every child off the island before the whole incident ordeal.
Originally Posted by RUTHE1

I think that the reason we see Ben and Ethan in the timeline where the plane lands is because if you remember Daniel Faraday tells Pierre Chang to get every child off the island before the whole incident ordeal.
That sentence right there is about to make me sit through the first 5 seasons again in the middle of this crazy !*% term I got going on in school..
I think one of my favorite things about Lost is reading about the recaps on things I might have missed and all the little details people find.

I'll definitely miss it.
Rewatched this episode again and paused at the scene with Sawyer in the cave. I noticed two other names crossed out with numbers next to them that are not the Oceanic 6.

313 Littleton and also Farraday next to 70. Did anyone else catch this? Sorry if I am late as I have not read the last two pages.
I'm trying to find out what made these names get crossed out, and why these are still NOT crossed...
^ Claire's not dead
Maybe being crossed out means something happened to make them not be able to take over Jacob's place. I still want to see some Jungle Claire next week. I mean, they already went 42 minutes without her, we cant really wait any longer.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I'm trying to find out what made these names get crossed out, and why these are still NOT crossed...
I'm thinking they either died through natural causes or through a series of events set forth by Flocke, they were killed.

Isn't it pretty obvious after last night's ep that since Flocke has eliminated Jacob, he's now focusing his efforts on eliminating the remaining "Candidates" (aka...the ones who are not crossed out). Only he can't kill them himself, so he's working on brainwashing Sawyer into doing it for him. They were visiting the cave so he could see the list of whom is left that he still needs to get rid of.

Oh yeah...
Spoiler [+]
According to Extra, sources on set said they are currently 4 eps away from filming the finale and that "characters are dropping like flies."
I'm on the Jacob is the bad guy bandwagon... I mean after all he did bring these people to the island and alter their lives... nobody seems to know WHY they follow Jacob. flocke still seems a bit suspect, but I don't think he's trying to kill people at this point.

Who knows maybe they are both bad.....

I have a bad feeling though next weeks episode is going to be a let down after this weeks
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