I'm on the 'there is no good or bad side' bandwagon. Just 2 people that want something different. MIB supposedly wants off the island (which I dont buy) and Jacob, well who knows what he wanted. Either way, this should lead into some sort of epic finish.
If we look back to the season finale of season 5...

Jacob is clearly bringing the black rock to the island.... while BSG clearly does not agree with it.... Maybe BSG is the one protecting the Island? Jacob bring these people their are corrupting, fighting, etc.

Jacob brings people to the Island, manipulates them, for what?

Ehh who knows right now
But this last episode completely changed my tone on this season.. the first 2 weeks episodes I could care less for.

Oh and once again... the sideways world is stupid..... I wish it never existed
Like others have said, Ben and Ethan probably left on the sub with baby Miles.

And I was on the Jacob being bad theory, but it seems they went out of the way to show MIB being "good". Right now I'd have to agree with 18, there is no good or bad.

Enhanced episode is going to be SICK.

That's def not Claire, IMO. No way shes a rifle totten jungle person settin traps.

Def more to Flocke throwing that white rock. Hopefully they let us in on the inside joke.

Originally Posted by 18key

I'm on the 'there is no good or bad side' bandwagon. Just 2 people that want something different. MIB supposedly wants off the island (which I dont buy) and Jacob, well who knows what he wanted. Either way, this should lead into some sort of epic finish.
I agree with this theory.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Rewatched this episode again and paused at the scene with Sawyer in the cave. I noticed two other names crossed out with numbers next to them that are not the Oceanic 6.

313 Littleton and also Farraday next to 70. Did anyone else catch this? Sorry if I am late as I have not read the last two pages.
You serious?

Littleton = Claire or Aaron

Farraday = Daniel
Just a heads up for you guys - Amazon has Lost:The Complete Collection up for Pre-Order for $194.99, with Free Shipping. It's a 36 Disc Set.

It's got the Price Guarantee, so if the price drops any between now and the release, you get the lowest price.

And it lists the release date as August 24, so no wait until December this year........

I'm not sure if there will be a special edition or not, but this seems like a pretty good deal to me.......

200 dollars ain't bad at all actually.

if itw as on hbo it would be 400. but is it blu ray?
^^^ it's blu-ray.

The creators of LOST could cake off of us so hard if they wanted to... with that said, $200 sounds like a good deal to me. I'll be jumping on this when I get home from work today.  

Just the thought of this being it upsets me.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm on the Jacob is the bad guy bandwagon... I mean after all he did bring these people to the island and alter their lives... nobody seems to know WHY they follow Jacob. flocke still seems a bit suspect, but I don't think he's trying to kill people at this point.

100% agree with this
at the reviews...

God bless Amazon for fast-tracking shipments of LOST's final season before it's even finished airing on TV! We watched all the episodes over 2 days and let me tell you....the twists and turns that pepper this final season will BLOW YOU AWAY!

HERE BE SPOILERS! Who would have thought alternate-reality Jack's explicit gay encounter with alternate-reality Hurley (06x12 - Everybody Loves Hugo) could even be screened on network TV? Unless the DVD version is unrated?

The final ending twist, being that the whole story from the beginning was just a dream of Vincent's (Walt's dog), a-la Pam from Dallas, was genius. In reality, the survivors are only on the beach for another 2 hours before a passing cargo ship spots them and they are rescued!

But the whole 'backwards talking' episode (06x09 - Ab Aeterno) just fell flat in my opinion. HELLO? Twin Peaks anyone? And they had the good sense to do it for only one scene.....not the whole episode!

Other small touches, like the death of Jack halfway through the season, the musical episode, the Smoke Monster/Locke reveal, and the copious amounts of explicit sex, especially involving Hurley and Claire, really made the final season the most memorable. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Originally Posted by dunnyy

at the reviews...


The final ending twist, being that the whole story from the beginning was just a dream of Vincent's (Walt's dog), a-la Pam from Dallas, was genius. In reality, the survivors are only on the beach for another 2 hours before a passing cargo ship spots them and they are rescued!


thanks for ruing the show for me. ban this fool man.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by dunnyy

at the reviews...


The final ending twist, being that the whole story from the beginning was just a dream of Vincent's (Walt's dog), a-la Pam from Dallas, was genius. In reality, the survivors are only on the beach for another 2 hours before a passing cargo ship spots them and they are rescued!

thanks for ruing the show for me. ban this fool man.

I hope you're joking. If not, read the rest of the "spoiler"

I have a question:

Why is Locke paralyzed in the alternate reality? He and Helen both made note his father would be at their wedding, so obviously his father did not paralyze him in this reality.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by dunnyy

at the reviews...


The final ending twist, being that the whole story from the beginning was just a dream of Vincent's (Walt's dog), a-la Pam from Dallas, was genius. In reality, the survivors are only on the beach for another 2 hours before a passing cargo ship spots them and they are rescued!

thanks for ruing the show for me. ban this fool man.

I hope you're joking. If not, read the rest of the "spoiler"

I have a question:

Why is Locke paralyzed in the alternate reality? He and Helen both made note his father would be at their wedding, so obviously his father did not paralyze him in this reality.

of course im joking
Because I believe as heartbroken and furious as Sawyer may be… he ain'tbetraying the castaways to this monster. I think the minute Sawyer sawthat ghost kid — that dead ringer for himself when he was a kid — andsaw Un-Locke chase after him and then return without him, Sawyer madeup his mind that this Fake Locke was one freakin' scary creep andneeded to be brought down. Why didn't Sawyer put a bullet in him whenhad a chance? Because he needs to do what the Monster did to Locke:study him, observe him, figure out his weaknesses and how he can bemortally attacked, and then do so. In other words, Sawyer is doing whatSawyer does best: he's pulling a long con, the riskiest con he's everpulled: fooling the devil into thinking he has an ally — and thenstabbing him in the back with his own pitchfork.

That would be so sick.
Theory: Sawyer sacrifices himself to kill Flocke because they (Flocke and Jacob) brought him to the island which lead to him meeting Juliet which lead to him asking her to stay an extra 2 weeks which lead to her death which lead to his current state of mind.

Doc Jensen >
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

^^^ it's blu-ray.

The creators of LOST could cake off of us so hard if they wanted to... with that said, $200 sounds like a good deal to me. I'll be jumping on this when I get home from work today.  

Just the thought of this being it upsets me.

I'm still tight I didn't jump on the first 5 seasons on blu ray from amazon a couple months ago when it was $100, but I was hoping there would be a similar deal for the complete set down the road.
I really want them to do some sort of commentary-type special that links together everything in a more linear fashion, and perhaps detail how some stories were supposed to unravel but didn't (i.e. Eko's story).

Or even do a commentary track for every episode and point out the mysteries and connections... although that might be impossible...
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

Because I believe as heartbroken and furious as Sawyer may be… he ain'tbetraying the castaways to this monster. I think the minute Sawyer sawthat ghost kid — that dead ringer for himself when he was a kid — andsaw Un-Locke chase after him and then return without him, Sawyer madeup his mind that this Fake Locke was one freakin' scary creep andneeded to be brought down. Why didn't Sawyer put a bullet in him whenhad a chance? Because he needs to do what the Monster did to Locke:study him, observe him, figure out his weaknesses and how he can bemortally attacked, and then do so. In other words, Sawyer is doing whatSawyer does best: he's pulling a long con, the riskiest con he's everpulled: fooling the devil into thinking he has an ally — and thenstabbing him in the back with his own pitchfork.

That would be so sick.
Theory: Sawyer sacrifices himself to kill Flocke because they (Flocke and Jacob) brought him to the island which lead to him meeting Juliet which lead to him asking her to stay an extra 2 weeks which lead to her death which lead to his current state of mind.

Doc Jensen >

Ehhh don't really agree with your theory, but I really like the underlying theory proposed by Doc.

A lot of people are commenting on how this episode aligns with Locke's first episode in Season 1.  Even though that episode was Locke's per se, I can't help from noticing Sawyer starting to set up his long con in that episode too.  I think he's doing the same thing in the present on island time frame with Flocke.  He's setting up another long con and I think he is going to out-con Flocke at his own game.  He might have been wasted off his #%!%, but you could see from the looks on his face that he is knows something is up and he just needs to wait it out and find out what the end game is.
I know most of you guys are on season 6 and what not, but Naomi is

[/h3]I'm also aware she's been in the previous season.
Originally Posted by damnitzvin

so theres 16 episode this season? so we're 1/4 done already?!

I thought it was 18.

But yeah, the season is FLYING by. The gift and the curse.
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