Yeah the screenshot from ABC can't be right. I think it goes to show you how tight lipped the producer's from LOST are. Even ABC don't know what's going on.
I don't think the sideway flash is relevant at all. It might just be a filler.

I'm trying to think back on all the seasons and I'm a little stumped.

Season 1 - Landed on the island and uncovering the hatch.
Season 2 - Pressing the button and learning more about the island.
Season 3 - Discovering more about the others.
Season 4 -
Season 5 -
Season 6 - Now
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

I don't think the sideway flash is relevant at all. It might just be a filler.

I'm trying to think back on all the seasons and I'm a little stumped.

Season 1 - Landed on the island and uncovering the hatch.
Season 2 - Pressing the button and learning more about the island.
Season 3 - Discovering more about the others.
Season 5 -  TIME TRAVEL
Season 6 - Now
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

I don't think the sideway flash is relevant at all. It might just be a filler.

I'm trying to think back on all the seasons and I'm a little stumped.

Season 1 - Landed on the island and uncovering the hatch.
Season 2 - Pressing the button and learning more about the island.
Season 3 - Discovering more about the others.
Season 4 -
Season 5 -
Season 6 - Now
and lets say a lot of you are right and its just filler...i mean is it really bad filler? its a what if scenario. a scenario we always could have thought about but not have seen. Now we are seeing it..

But I still believe there will be a huge ending with the sideways. You guys are sleeping on it. I mean for ppl that watched the show since season 1 should know the deal

Anyone like me and glad Flocke killed all those Others? It's about time actually. I am hoping the same fate happens to Ben in the next episode.

I don't know why there is this view that Jacob is a good guy?? Jacob = Others for how many seasons. Wasn't he influencing and directing the Others all that time? Anyone remember the beginning of the series. Season 1 the Others terrorize the passengers with Ethan. Season 2 same thing but it was the tail end passengers story and the kidnapping of Walt, Michael going crazy and ended with Jack, Kate, Sawyer being captured. Season 3 ended with the Others attempting to kidnap Claire and Charlie dying because of Mikhail.

Now finally the Others got a taste of their own medicine and it's about time. PAYBACK! I would definitely team up with Flocke to kill all these fools that have terrorize them for how many seasons!
I doubt its a filler too. Although I don't particularly care for it I am under the mindset that the producers definitely threw it in there for a reason. We'll find out in due time.
And do you guys think John Locke not Flocke is done with the show? It was such a B way for John to go out. I keep hoping that we get a chance to see him along with Michael and Walt.

Oh, I'm glad they're bringing back some old characters like Libby and Shannon even if it is just for a episode.
No significance with the alt. timeline?

Are you serious?

Even Flocke alluded to it when talking to Sayid.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if they wait until the finale to make the connection. On some S3 type #@$+.

Also, anyone else think Dogen will come back "infected"?

Oh and also, that was Sawyer in the promo, not Desmond.

One of my predictions is that a Sawyer ep. should be coming soon, when they eplxain where Flocke left him.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

No significance with the alt. timeline?

Are you serious?

Even Flocke alluded to it when talking to Sayid.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if they wait until the finale to make the connection. On some S3 type #@$+.

Also, anyone else think Dogen will come back "infected"?

How so???
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by WHPH10

No significance with the alt. timeline?

Are you serious?

Even Flocke alluded to it when talking to Sayid.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if they wait until the finale to make the connection. On some S3 type #@$+.

Also, anyone else think Dogen will come back "infected"?

How so???

Dogen and homeboy were killed in the same water that saved Sayid
He didn't say anything about it I dont think... but it seemed when he gave Sayid a choice to have Nadia back, he might have been referring to it... but nothing was clear cut
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

If its filler I would be HEATED.... what a way to waste 10 mins every episode

I hate to say it...but it's really looking like it. I think they ended last season with not enough storyline left to fill a full season, so they're throwing the flash sideways in there to get 15 full episodes.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

at Keamy reappearing.
My man Faraday better some up in the Alt. timeline and somehow influence someone to link both of the story lines together.
Hopefully he finds Desmond somehow.

The last few mins. were
and I definitely have no idea where they're going with this.
As soon as i saw Keamy I said outloud "damn they bringing EVERYONE back"
I guarantee there is NO way the alt. timeline is filller.

This is Lost we're talking about.

Not only is it not filler, but it's gonna blow our minds.

Just be patient and wait.

Sayid seen Nadia anyone it can be who he mentioned died, die with his own eyes, yet Flocke claims he can see her again (insert Locke smile).

Although he's "evil" and it could be a complete lie, you have to agree that an allusiuon to an alternate timeline was made.

The writers obviously understand the strength of their fans and followers and there is absolutely no way they would introduce something as major as an alternate timeline, in the final season, just for it to be filler.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

He didn't say anything about it I dont think... but it seemed when he gave Sayid a choice to have Nadia back, he might have been referring to it... but nothing was clear cut
Exactly. Matter of fact, who exactly was Sayid talking about when he said "the only thing I ever wanted died in my arms"? Could have been either Shannon or Nadia no way that's just "coincidence" 
 (these damn producers know what their doing teasing us like this)

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Cragmatic wrote:

If its filler I would be HEATED.... what a way to waste 10 mins every episode

I hate to say it...but it's really looking like it. I think they ended last season with not enough storyline left to fill a full season, so they're throwing the flash sideways in there to get 15 full episodes.

They have plenty to fill the season tho, thats the sad thing...
I know it's kind of a spolier - but didn't someone say that the two storylines definitely come together???

so there will be a reason for the alt. timeline.

And did anyone read that Lindelof's last spoiler ever was

Spoiler [+]

Could that mean the island we saw underwater below the plane in the alt. timeline?
or Jack staring out into the ocean and also into the stream thing at the temple?
or the random rain that's been making brief appearances - on jack in the beginning of last week, on Sayid before Flocke appeared this week.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

uhhhh is there any truth to this?

I can't even begin to fathom the significance of the flash sideways if it's just a "what if" scenario.
this can't be right, some of their lives are completely different (locke being with Helen and having a good relationship with his father for example)
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

He didn't say anything about it I dont think... but it seemed when he gave Sayid a choice to have Nadia back, he might have been referring to it... but nothing was clear cut
Exactly. Matter of fact, who exactly was Sayid talking about when he said "the only thing I ever wanted died in my arms"? Could have been either Shannon or Nadia no way that's just "coincidence" 
 (these damn producers know what their doing teasing us like this)

Finally! I thought I was the only one who thought he was talking about Shannon.
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