Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Cragmatic wrote:

He didn't say anything about it I dont think... but it seemed when he gave Sayid a choice to have Nadia back, he might have been referring to it... but nothing was clear cut
Exactly. Matter of fact, who exactly was Sayid talking about when he said "the only thing I ever wanted died in my arms"? Could have been either Shannon or Nadia no way that's just "coincidence" 
 (these damn producers know what their doing teasing us like this)

Finally! I thought I was the only one who thought he was talking about Shannon.

I was gonna post this last night cause I thought it was a small possibility... but I'm sure he's talking about Nadia...

I've heard too the alt timeline was gonna stop mid season... oh how i hope so
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

uhhhh is there any truth to this?

I can't even begin to fathom the significance of the flash sideways if it's just a "what if" scenario.
this can't be right, some of their lives are completely different (locke being with Helen and having a good relationship with his father for example)
I took it to mean, not that the plane didn't crash, but that the Island was destroyed and thus Jacob never mettled in the Lostie's lives.  They turned out completely differently without his influence. Except apparently for Kate who's still on the lam.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

And do you guys think John Locke not Flocke is done with the show? It was such a B way for John to go out. I keep hoping that we get a chance to see him along with Michael and Walt.

Oh, I'm glad they're bringing back some old characters like Libby and Shannon even if it is just for a episode.
I dont think the island is done with Locke.

And the flash sideways are definitely significant.....the producers would not waste their time on it in the final season for no reason at all.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

The writers obviously understand the strength of their fans and followers and there is absolutely no way they would introduce something as major as an alternate timeline, in the final season, just for it to be filler.

Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

He didn't say anything about it I dont think... but it seemed when he gave Sayid a choice to have Nadia back, he might have been referring to it... but nothing was clear cut
Exactly. Matter of fact, who exactly was Sayid talking about when he said "the only thing I ever wanted died in my arms"? Could have been either Shannon or Nadia no way that's just "coincidence" 
 (these damn producers know what their doing teasing us like this)

Finally! I thought I was the only one who thought he was talking about Shannon.
ABC’s executive producers for ‘Lost’ have revealed that Maggie Grace who played the spoiled stepsister of Boone in season 2 will return to the series for it’s sixth and final season Damon Lindelof and Cartton Cuse confirmed the return on EW.com. and said that they were “really excited
I'm guessing Jin was tied up because of a deal possibly going bad between Keamy and Sun's pops. Deal went bad. Sun's pops offers the Rolex as peace offering. It wasn't enough and Keamy holds Jin hostage.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

He didn't say anything about it I dont think... but it seemed when he gave Sayid a choice to have Nadia back, he might have been referring to it... but nothing was clear cut
Exactly. Matter of fact, who exactly was Sayid talking about when he said "the only thing I ever wanted died in my arms"? Could have been either Shannon or Nadia no way that's just "coincidence" 
 (these damn producers know what their doing teasing us like this)

Finally! I thought I was the only one who thought he was talking about Shannon.
ABC’s executive producers for ‘Lost’ have revealed that Maggie Grace who played the spoiled stepsister of Boone in season 2 will return to the series for it’s sixth and final season Damon Lindelof and Cartton Cuse confirmed the return on EW.com. and said that they were “really excited
Originally Posted by OvATyME316

I'm guessing Jin was tied up because of a deal possibly going bad between Keamy and Sun's pops. Deal went bad. Sun's pops offers the Rolex as peace offering. It wasn't enough and Keamy holds Jin hostage.
Could explain all the money he had. The cops probably took the money and he had nothing to give Keamy.
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

He didn't say anything about it I dont think... but it seemed when he gave Sayid a choice to have Nadia back, he might have been referring to it... but nothing was clear cut
Exactly. Matter of fact, who exactly was Sayid talking about when he said "the only thing I ever wanted died in my arms"? Could have been either Shannon or Nadia no way that's just "coincidence" 
 (these damn producers know what their doing teasing us like this)

Finally! I thought I was the only one who thought he was talking about Shannon.

Not too far fetched considering that they found the inhaler in "Lighthouse" and Hurley off the bat said it was Shannon's... coincidence???
I find it funny how Sayid in the flash sideways told Nadia that he pushed her towards his brother because he didn't deserve her...MAYBE!! That's what Flocke gave him, A chance to bring her back to life but he cannot be with her, But it doesnt matter to him as long as she's alive...Maybe all this flash sideways is what Flocke or Jacob gives them as a Result of helping them on the island? As you can see Jack and Hurley have good lives on the flash sideways (Jacob given) and Sayid, Kate, and Locke don't (Flocke?)...I don't know just my opinion...
There is no way the flash sideways is filler.  Even now there are so many parallels and events of "recognition."  Read Vozzek's recap for this week and at the outset he identifies what he believes is the island world creeping into the LAX world.  If that means nothing to you, then I guess you'll just have to watch and find out.

So now that we know that 'Yid and Claire have become infected is there anyway to reserve the scales from "darkness" to "light." I would argue that Danielle was able to push the scales in such a manner at the end of her time. 

Interested to see where Ben went at the end of the last episode.  Seems like everybody else was wiped out, joined Jacob, or escaped through the false wall.  Was Ben just passed over again (see LAX).  Also interesting to note that he seemed well aware of the temple and its layout.  Obviously he knew it was there (sending his daughter/Rousseau, his own visit to the temple to save his life, etc.), but curious about his relationship to the place when Dogan seemed to be the ultimate authority figure.

Also... When Cindy was leading Emma and Zach away from the Temple, Zach had his teddy bear tied to a string.  Cool to see that again.
Originally Posted by Djoker33

I find it funny how Sayid in the flash sideways told Nadia that he pushed her towards his brother because he didn't deserve her...MAYBE!! That's what Flocke gave him, A chance to bring her back to life but he cannot be with her, But it doesnt matter to him as long as she's alive...Maybe all this flash sideways is what Flocke or Jacob gives them as a Result of helping them on the island? As you can see Jack and Hurley have good lives on the flash sideways (Jacob given) and Sayid, Kate, and Locke don't (Flocke?)...I don't know just my opinion...

Locke does have a good life, even though hes crippled, his father and Helen both love him and are in his life. But I like this theory...
We still have no idea what is going on. i.e. the big picture. Where did Jacob, Smokie, and the island come from? What is the point of it all?
I know I'm getting ahead of myself. This is something we'll figure out in April or May. But, to me, figuring out which Losties are on which side is kind of pointless until we figure out what exactly is going on. What are people actually fighting for? You fight for Locke or you fight for Jack.... so what?

I'm just as confused as ever. I have no clue what the alternate timeline is showing. Is it simply what happens if there is never an island (i.e. it has always been underwater)? Or did it just sink because perfection (or whatever it is Jacob is after) has been achieved long ago in that timeline?

If any of you are interested Vozzek and Doc Jensen talk about their theories, the sideways flash, M.i.B, etc. Here

It's pretty long, 52 minutes I think...
  I was able to semi-listen and do some studying at the same time, second half was more interesting.
Are there NTers that are still suspicious of the blatant good vs bad divide?  I know I was before.

I don't think it's plausible anymore, but who knows.
After really letting last night set in, this WAS the best episode of the season IMO. Getting the temple "taken" care of opens a whole new can of worms.

Dr. Linus will be AMAZZZZZING.
This was the first episode that really felt epic, like Darth Vader battling Luke Skywalker. Other episodes have been
like the Desmond episode where the white-haired lady talks to him or when the Losties battle the Others on the beach. But nothing matched the intensity of Tuesday.
I agree with you, Mo, but I just wish we knew who to root for. Even when they're trying hard to make Sayid out to be a killer out of control, I still want to cheer for him. And I still want to cheer for Jack. And Desmond. And so on. But they're on different sides. Which is the "right" side??
You're right, this is the FIRST episode that felt truly epic. Good ref with the Luke/Vader. SW was good but that battle took it to another level.

Sundown got stuff realllly moving now.
Just got the spoilers for episode 15. (They've been out a few days).

Wow. This is ridiculous.

5 more days!!!
Did anyone catch when Dogen was telling Sayid about the test that they gave him to determine whether he was good or evil, but didn't elaborate on which one they were testing him for?

Their fight scene was intense as well. Very well done.
Come on, we have been watching this show for what feels like forever, I cant believe anyone would seriously consider that the Alt line is
filler. When a pair of white tennis shoes point to something significant I dont see how entire segments would be a waste of time.
I havent figured it out cause Im not that smart.
But certain characters do have a measure of personal resolution. Sayid is who he is in both "timelines". A killer. The road to hell
is paved with good intentions. I think to some degree the same conflict of good and evil was going in both Sayid and Sawyer.
We have seen Sawyer walk both sides. But Sayid though portrayed as a good guy has done more bad things.

Jack in the alt line is still not happy until he resolves an issue with his son and is on the road to a better relationship. Daddy issue conquered lol.
Jack has no conflict about good/bad, he is essentially good. His lack of confidence aside no one can expect to be right at everything all the time.
With his numerous failures Jack is due for some Ws. Thats for both on Island Jack and Alt Universe Jack. I feel that Jack is going to finish the season
like that guy we saw in episode 1. At least I hope so.
Hurleys pendulum has swung from cursed to feeling lucky. Even on the Island as he trudges about he doesnt seem to have the sense that anything
bad that is about to happen is his fault.

I still dont understand how an Island sank...

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

We still have no idea what is going on. i.e. the big picture. Where did Jacob, Smokie, and the island come from? What is the point of it all?
I know I'm getting ahead of myself. This is something we'll figure out in April or May. But, to me, figuring out which Losties are on which side is kind of pointless until we figure out what exactly is going on. What are people actually fighting for? You fight for Locke or you fight for Jack.... so what?

I'm just as confused as ever. I have no clue what the alternate timeline is showing. Is it simply what happens if there is never an island (i.e. it has always been underwater)? Or did it just sink because perfection (or whatever it is Jacob is after) has been achieved long ago in that timeline?


This is what has me more confused than anything else they have ever thrown at us. People can leave the island via the sub, or people could stay if they wanted I guess. They've shown us it's some type of "game" of some sort between some "god-like" people. But for what? Why wouldn't Jacob just let Flocke leave? Why are the even there in the first place? Etc.

Now, WHERE they came from, is a WHOLE different discussion, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

We still have no idea what is going on. i.e. the big picture. Where did Jacob, Smokie, and the island come from? What is the point of it all?
I know I'm getting ahead of myself. This is something we'll figure out in April or May. But, to me, figuring out which Losties are on which side is kind of pointless until we figure out what exactly is going on. What are people actually fighting for? You fight for Locke or you fight for Jack.... so what?

I'm just as confused as ever. I have no clue what the alternate timeline is showing. Is it simply what happens if there is never an island (i.e. it has always been underwater)? Or did it just sink because perfection (or whatever it is Jacob is after) has been achieved long ago in that timeline?


This is what has me more confused than anything else they have ever thrown at us. People can leave the island via the sub, or people could stay if they wanted I guess. They've shown us it's some type of "game" of some sort between some "god-like" people. But for what? Why wouldn't Jacob just let Flocke leave? Why are the even there in the first place? Etc.

Now, WHERE they came from, is a WHOLE different discussion, I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Why would he unleash "evil-incarnate" on the world? Though the world is bad enough lol. 
Man I love this show. I cant think of any other show I have watched that has promoted serious discussions, and the researching of
books and philosphers. They made it so real.

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