Did they ever answer how Crates of Food would magically land on the island?

You know those Dharma Crates when they had to press the button
It took me a year to stop hoping they'd start an episode with a man in a hot air balloon...
A short summary of what happened with the island...

Jacob and his bro come to the island a long, long time ago. Jacob brings some people to the island and they build him a statue and temple.

In 1800's or whenever, he brings Black Rock. Magnus Hanso, who owns the ship, is rich. His offspring become super-rich and investigate the island, knowing that they may be able to exploit it. They start the Dharma Initiative. They send scientists. Time travel, fate, and electromagnetism are areas of interest. To hide the true intent, there are layers of secrecy so only some people really know why they are on the island. Smoke monster obviously hates this, so Hanso's people set up defenses to protect themselves from him. The random food drops, entering the numbers, etc. were a part of the experiments.

People like Ben, Widmore, and Alpert are recruited by Jacob under the guise of the Others. I guess the key is that both Jacob and the Smoke Monster are both trying to protect the island, so in many ways they have the same goal. They both oppose the Dharma Initiative.

Now here is where it gets interesting and what I hope the finale touches upon.... Dharma was studying things like fate and free will. We kept hearing about course correction. We also know about time travel. How do all these relate? That to me is still the essential question of Lost. The crates of food were probably delivered periodically when the Dharma Initiative was up and running. However, in 2004, after it was abandoned, where were they coming from? My guess is that there is some temporal discordance. The island is stuck in some sort of loop, like a glitch, so crates keep falling every few days even though no one from the real world is sending them.

On another note, anyone notice how positive everything seems to be in the alternate timeline? True, people still have their issues, but I wouldn't say the Losties NEED the island in that timeline. So it begs the question: were they unhappy in the original timeline because Jacob manipulated their existence? Or are they happy in the alternate timeline because deep down they took away something positive from the island?

My guess for how it will play out is this: the catastrophe talked about in the Valenzetti equation refers to the smoke monster escaping the island. Somehow he will be stopped and destroyed. There will be a demonstration of free will and the ability to change one's fate. We will see this in the alternate timeline. Everyone lives happily ever after. Final scene is all the Losties at the concert together. We get a slow-mo shot of each of them as they smile and/or cry as soft music plays in the background. They splice in some flashbacks to good memories from the island. Every Lost fan watching is sobbing uncontrollably. They end but instead of flashing up "LOST" they flash up "FOUND."

If anyone is still reading this... this is the last week of getting to do this so I'm gonna write out every thought that crosses my mind.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by Crook

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by hymen man

*waits for Dub to chime in*

the whole jacob/numbers/bring people to the island stuff is very inconsistent.

I went from believing it was a game being played about free will and the nature of man to just Jacob needing to protect light from the bad guy. why was Jacob bringing all the thousands of other people to the island? He just needed one guy with daddy issues and nothing to live for to protect the island. How does he even bring people to the island? what is the island?
Yeah I've been extremely confused about that too...which one is it then? jacob bringing people to the island to prove his theory of the game, or bringing them here to find a candidate for him? To me it seems like the most recent batch (oceanic 815) was for replacement candidates, whereas in the past it was to use people to play the game with smokey Mc smoke.

I don't know what's so confusing about this.

Jack made a CHOICE to be the one. Jacob can bring all the people in the world to do it, but I thought they made it clear that Jack CHOSE to be the one, and they emphasize it by having Hurley mention that he WOULDN'T do it.
that's not what I'm confused about. I'm confused about whether the purpose of Jacob bringing people to the island was to recruit players for his game with smokie, or to find a replacement for himself
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by Crook

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by hymen man

*waits for Dub to chime in*

the whole jacob/numbers/bring people to the island stuff is very inconsistent.

I went from believing it was a game being played about free will and the nature of man to just Jacob needing to protect light from the bad guy. why was Jacob bringing all the thousands of other people to the island? He just needed one guy with daddy issues and nothing to live for to protect the island. How does he even bring people to the island? what is the island?
Yeah I've been extremely confused about that too...which one is it then? jacob bringing people to the island to prove his theory of the game, or bringing them here to find a candidate for him? To me it seems like the most recent batch (oceanic 815) was for replacement candidates, whereas in the past it was to use people to play the game with smokey Mc smoke.

I don't know what's so confusing about this.

Jack made a CHOICE to be the one. Jacob can bring all the people in the world to do it, but I thought they made it clear that Jack CHOSE to be the one, and they emphasize it by having Hurley mention that he WOULDN'T do it.
that's not what I'm confused about. I'm confused about whether the purpose of Jacob bringing people to the island was to recruit players for his game with smokie, or to find a replacement for himself
It's about believing. Jacob believed he wouldn't age or that he could hurt his brother so he couldn't do either. Rose believed her cancer was gone so it was gone, etc.
Originally Posted by Much Respected

It's about believing. Jacob believed he wouldn't age or that he could hurt his brother so he couldn't do either. Rose believed her cancer was gone so it was gone, etc.
That reminds me of way back when Shannon was having an asthma attack and there was no medicine. Jack had to make her believe that she would be fine, and then she was. Yea there's some science behind it, but there's a method behind most beliefs.
If I bought into your theory. 
SunDOOBIE wrote:

Donkey Wheel - Why does turning the donkey wheel move the island? Why does it go back and forth thru time? Who finished the donkey wheel since MIB was knocked out before completing it? Why does it transport the person turning the wheel to Tunisia? (Is Island Magic the answer to all this?)

Why/how did the island heal Rose's cancer? Locke's paralysis? Why can't women have children on the island? (Island magic again?)

holy eff that would make me ridiculously angry if "magic" was the answer to it all
^ Magic isn't the answer. It's faith/belief!
Jacob's mother chanting and the drinking of the wine was a hoax. She had to do something like that for Jacob to BELIEVE that he was getting her powers. That's how the island works. That's why Jack couldn't accept his role as the island's protector until he believed in it. Same as how Hurley got the Dharma van to work.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

My guess for how it will play out is this: the catastrophe talked about in the Valenzetti equation refers to the smoke monster escaping the island. Somehow he will be stopped and destroyed. There will be a demonstration of free will and the ability to change one's fate. We will see this in the alternate timeline. Everyone lives happily ever after. Final scene is all the Losties at the concert together. We get a slow-mo shot of each of them as they smile and/or cry as soft music plays in the background. They splice in some flashbacks to good memories from the island. Every Lost fan watching is sobbing uncontrollably. They end but instead of flashing up "LOST" they flash up "FOUND."

If anyone is still reading this... this is the last week of getting to do this so I'm gonna write out every thought that crosses my mind.

Awesome post

This ending would be good.
I kind of think it's a little too predictable for Lost, though.
IDK .. I'd be happy if it ended like that.
whywesteppin... great post! love the "LOST" turning to "FOUND" idea...

so does anyone think juliet is going to be david's mother (at the concert)?
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Why can't it be that every time Jacob brought a group of ppl to the island he had a few ppl in that group as potential candidates just in case MIB succeeded in killing him before now?

The way Jacob and MIB talked about it they've been doing this for quite some time and for Jacob it hasn't ended because he didn't die yet. Looking back on it the Others were just glorified pawns to stall and preoccupy MIB.
so Jacob killed thousands of people just in case MIB killed him one day? seriously?

what game were they playing before MIB tried to kill Jacob for the first time? he looked shocked that MIB would ever try to kill him, so he obviously wasn't preparing to find a candidate.
Jacob & MIB killed thousands of ppl; Jacob weeding out o candidates and useless ppl while MIB killed anyone he couldn't manipulate.

When did Jacob look shocked that MIB would try to kill him? The game Jacob created was to see if humans are really good or bad. MIB thinks the game is pointless and that humans are bad. Due to some rules we know and some we don't MIB can't leave the island and couldn't directly kill Jacob.
okay, im trying to figure who will be at the concert. maybe it'll be held at the church where the lightpost is.

- jack, jacks son, jacks baby mama, kate, desmond, faraday, charlotte, ms hawkins, widmore?, sawyer chasing kate, miles, pierre chang, and im sure some cameos too.
Anybody watching Dinner Impossible on the Food Network? The host "Robert" is having to cook a meal for the cast and crew of LOST using only the stuff the Losties had in the crash and the indigenous creatures of the island. About halfway through, he got a "Dharma drop." Nestor Carbonell (Richard Alpert) is directing him around the island. They're actually cooking on the beach in pits.
I'm gonna watch the Dinner Impossible replay.

Those 2 1/2 hours will feel like 20 minutes Sunday night. It's gonna be like 11:14 and i'll be spazzing knowing its almost over SMH.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

On another note, anyone notice how positive everything seems to be in the alternate timeline? True, people still have their issues, but I wouldn't say the Losties NEED the island in that timeline. So it begs the question: were they unhappy in the original timeline because Jacob manipulated their existence? Or are they happy in the alternate timeline because deep down they took away something positive from the island?

My guess for how it will play out is this: the catastrophe talked about in the Valenzetti equation refers to the smoke monster escaping the island. Somehow he will be stopped and destroyed. There will be a demonstration of free will and the ability to change one's fate. We will see this in the alternate timeline. Everyone lives happily ever after. Final scene is all the Losties at the concert together. We get a slow-mo shot of each of them as they smile and/or cry as soft music plays in the background. They splice in some flashbacks to good memories from the island. Every Lost fan watching is sobbing uncontrollably. They end but instead of flashing up "LOST" they flash up "FOUND."

If anyone is still reading this... this is the last week of getting to do this so I'm gonna write out every thought that crosses my mind.

my theory for all of this is that somehow mib escaped the island in the alt. everybody seems to have what they want. but in reality they don"t and they are just being manipulated by mib into thinking that they do. kinda like the house of m saga in x-men.

i think in the finale one of the big reveals is that the world is in worst shape because mib is off island in the alt, and will sacrifice their perceived happiness, for the love and true happiness they have in the og time line.
Originally Posted by certified hustler11

^ Magic isn't the answer. It's faith/belief!
Jacob's mother chanting and the drinking of the wine was a hoax. She had to do something like that for Jacob to BELIEVE that he was getting her powers. That's how the island works. That's why Jack couldn't accept his role as the island's protector until he believed in it. Same as how Hurley got the Dharma van to work.

This is important, because where was that wine when Jacob was initiating Jack? He just put his hands in some water and made Jack drink it.
Maybe MIB could never leave the island, because he believed that he couldn't.
^Exactly my point. He had to make Jack BELIEVE that it was an important ritual. FAITH, my friends, is and has always been the key to this wonderful show.
I still have faith that the last scene of the show will be MIB and Jacob singing Ebony & Ivory at Charlie's concert.
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