that was a beautiful ending to a pretty deep and interesting story

to me, LOST was the story of a bunch of people who had alot wrong with their lives and alot wrong with themselves personally, and they had an experience on the island that changed the way they viewed themselves and others. in another life, they were able to reunite and see that life is worth living and their lives had meaning. in another life, with each other, they could live happily ever after.

see you in another life, brotha.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

The last 10 minutes was all confusion for me


i dont know what to think
its sad that the ppl who dont get the finale are the ones that dont like it. The ending was not purgatory.

The alternative timeline weve been watching this season was just them all finding themselves in limbo.

The showdown and anything that has happened on the Island is real.

They were lost and now they are found.

heres my thing they give away the ending

@ how they gone spin why all the other people wasn't there I see it coming now with that

they wasn't ready stuff Smh

but I think they explain where they got pieces of the story from with the glass window in the scene when jack was talking to his dad

anybody else thought that jack was his pops and had to get in the casket lol
heres my thing they give away the ending

@ how they gone spin why all the other people wasn't there I see it coming now with that

they wasn't ready stuff Smh

but I think they explain where they got pieces of the story from with the glass window in the scene when jack was talking to his dad

anybody else thought that jack was his pops and had to get in the casket lol
I don't know how to feel right now. I'm upset, but I think that was the best way to end it, and it was a REALLY good ending. But still, really? That's it? I don't know.
Life is a trip...

LOST is one of those things in life like a memorable vacation or getting that perfect Christmas present....the things that make it worth the journey.

What a ride.

Glad to have taken it with all of you.
So if they all died on the original Oceanic 815 then the people who died throughout the show died twice?  $!$$ is confusing.  Liked how it ended on the island, but I'm still confused about the flash sideways...
I took it as the alt was heaven, purgatory, nirvana, w/e. time doesn't move there how it moves here which is why they were all at the age they were on he island.

hugo goes onto be the new jacob, ben is the new richard. the people on the plane got away that's why jack saw them fly over his head.

they all sacrificed alot in stopping flocke from leaving the island, which is why they got together to meet in the afterlife.
Originally Posted by natetheskate456

So the whole series was Jack's purgatory and the people (Locke, Kate, Hurley,etc) were helping him to make his way to heaven...and everyone died on the original Oceanic Flight 815....is that right???
I think the stuff that happened on the island at the end, happened. Jack died, Vincent licks Jack, the plane takes off and the people on it live their lives. So we have to accept that the island and all the crazy stuff existed. The flash sideways we saw the entire season is at a time after everyone died.... far in to the future. It's like a purgatory, in between place. When ur there, you start anew, no memories of life. However, the bond the survivors had was so strong that all the memories of life came back. And once they could remember, they could all go to heaven , together.

Or something like that

I first watched the pilot when it was re ran on a Saturday night 6 years ago. I was hooked. I've watched in exaltation, and sometimes frustration, every single episode since. I can't fully explain how  much LOST meant to me. I can't believe it's over. Greatest show I've ever seen. I thank the creators, writers, producers, staff, and the amazing cast. It was truly a pleasure.

So i'm gonna go ahead and get this in. This is seriously, seriously my favorite episode of LOST. I don't feel like i've been cheated in any way and I feel very content with how everything wrapped up.

To me, the ALT we have seen in S6 has been the Losties way of "moving on" to go to Heaven and since the crash was the biggest moment in all of their lives, THESE people needed to be reconnected to move on. None of it was real (The ALT). When Locke said "YOU DON'T HAVE A SON" (David was part of Jack's alt mind)and Jin and Sun being so confident in being safe. This was REAL deep IMO on how it ended. They didn't die during the crash, but at each individual point in their life. The ALT was representing how they had to get that surge to move on. Looking back and seeing them realize it was time to go=AWESOME.

Seeing Locke kick that wheelchair and forgive Ben was a beautiful scene to watch unfold.

Jack walking into the jungle knowing he was dying and seeing Vincent sit beside him was A M A Z I N G.

Like I said, this finale was BEYOND everything I could have ever imagined it to be. If you didn't like it it's cool, I can easily see why you are mad. But for ME personally, I wouldn't of wanted it to end any other way. !@%! was GREAT.
Anybody else thing the writer's were playing Final Fantasy 8 while writing the last 10-20 minutes? The meeting place is just like the Flower field Rinoa and Squall said they would be if something happened. GREAT Finale BTW
We all were watching this alternate reality waiting for the writers to explain it's significance for the entire season.

The only reason we were interested in what transpired there at all was to see how it interconnected with the main plot.

And what does it turn out to be? Nothing at all. It just turned into an love fest, one that I couldn't help but sense an overwhelming level of cheesyness too.

All the great and successful risks the writers took by killing off main characters was reversed in one episode. It just seems like a cop out.

Everyone lives happily forever after in this alternate reality. It's a cliche I never had expected.

That and a bunch of other things.

Wow I can't believe it.
Great episode but I didn't necessarily love the ending. The way I got it before I let them confuse me for the UMPTEENTH TIME I figured the flash sideways was just a waiting room so they all could move on together. Like Christian said they created it and since it was the most important time in all of their lives so they all waited for almost everybody to remember so they could go together.

It should be stressed that Christian said "We all have to die some time." so don't assume in the regular time line that all the losties that were alive died shortly after
just cuz some of them haven't aged. I assume if James or Kate died old they still imagined themselves in their bodies when they were on the island.

I didn't like how they shafted the black guys. Michael showed up earlier this season he could've been at the church at least but I do understand that everybody who had a flash sideways was alive and that they had connections with other dead losties. Only ppl who had strong connections with Walt or Michael were Jin and Locke so meh.

No Walt made me mad. What were with those spoiler pics of him being on the set? Hope he in some of the alternate endings. I thought he as gonna show up when Vincent laid down next to Jack.

Loved that Hurley became the new protector and Ben was his #2. I'd watch a whole season of that to be honest.

@ Jack going to a puddle of dirty water but scooping up some clear water for Hugo to drink.

I liked how the director didn't bother to show whole scenes step by step like in the past. The way we see Richard and Miles by the hydrolics (sp?) of the plane and then just like that they're in the cockpit.

Would've also liked to see ghost Locke help Jack out when he was putting the plug back on.

Gonna go watch Kimmel and then the finale again.
I'm very satisfied with that ending. There's nothing we really need to analyze or theorize, I thought it was pretty straight-forward and for LOST that's usually what you never get. I wish we got to see Smokie one last time but I guess it was okay how he died.

But I'm finna be bummed out cuz I literally have nothing else to watch on TV besides sports now
They didn't all die on the original flight. Christian said that some died before Jack and others died afterward. They all just met together and moved on to the next life with one another. It doesn't mean that they all died on the plane.
Everything that happened on the Island was real.
They didn't die in the crash.
They all died at individual times (like Boone died after the plane fell on him way back when, Jack died in the bamboo, etc)...the line from Christian about "some die way before you, some long after" was about Hurley and Sawyer and the rest that we didn't see die...we didn't see their deaths, but at some point in history, they die.
The sideways was heaven's waiting room where they would all meet up again once they were all dead.
We all were watching this alternate reality waiting for the writers to explain it's significance for the entire season.

The only reason we were interested in what transpired there at all was to see how it interconnected with the main plot.

And what does it turn out to be? Nothing at all. It just turned into an love fest, one that I couldn't help but sense an overwhelming level of cheesyness too.

All the great and successful risks the writers took by killing off main characters was reversed in one episode. It just seems like a cop out.

Everyone lives happily forever after in this alternate reality. It's a cliche I never had expected.

That and a bunch of other things.

Wow I can't believe it.
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