Smoke monster inhaled by snoop dogg.
Charlie pace youtube sensation bit his brothers finger
I don't know how I feel at all. IMO if the Island was just another level of purgatory I'd be much more content. I mean this would explain why Michael was left behind. He messed up on the Island, didn't prove himself, and is now left behind.

But I'm starting to think it's pretty obvious that it was real. And there are so many damn things left unanswered...

I love the way they tied the flash sideways into it... but hated the way it really answered nothing about the Island itself.
We all have our mixed opinions now on what the island was, is and what this ending was about. The island was real. Yes Jack died right then and there. And Ben, Hurley and the rest of the Losties that remained on the island, stayed there until they passed hence Ben and Hurley calling each other good #1’s and #2’s. And Kate, Sawyer and the Losties that left the island on the plane lived out their lives until they died (or) the plane didn’t make it and they died in a crash. The alternate timeline was purgatory and the church was the pearly gates. When you die, time ceases to exist. Everyone in the alternate timeline died at some point. It does not matter when, because time is not a factor. Time is a concept made up by human beings. When you die, not only will you be in an afterlife with your ancestors, but also your children, your grandchildren, even your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives and it meant so much to them so God wanted them to enter Heaven together as one.
damn its really over....that finale had me like a baby man i was bawlin.....for those who actually watched from the beginning and LIVED LOST, not just watched the dvds in a row....those who watched it, waited a week for an episode, waited a summer for a new season, read up on theories, listened to podcasts, played ARG's, rewatched episodes for the slightest of hints as to what was going on....this is an end of a chapter in our lives I feel. Lost was a big part of me that im sad to see go yet very happy to be a part of.... all good things must come to an end, goodnight sweet prince
Originally Posted by non flammable

here is the explanation.............
We all have our mixed opinions now on what the island was, is and what this ending was about. The island was real. Yes Jack died right then and there. And Ben, Hurley and the rest of the Losties that remained on the island, stayed there until they passed hence Ben and Hurley calling each other good #1’s and #2’s. And Kate, Sawyer and the Losties that left the island on the plane lived out their lives until they died (or) the plane didn’t make it and they died in a crash. The alternate timeline was purgatory and the church was the pearly gates. When you die, time ceases to exist. Everyone in the alternate timeline died at some point. It does not matter when, because time is not a factor. Time is a concept made up by human beings. When you die, not only will you be in an afterlife with your ancestors, but also your children, your grandchildren, even your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives and it meant so much to them so God wanted them to enter Heaven together as one.


In heaven, the great beyond, the next life, however your religion may perceive it, there is no such thing as time. LOST was basically the story of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond. If it would have been the story of how Shannon got to the afterlife, we would have saw her story up to her getting shot, then we would have seen her arrival at the church with everybody (including Jack) already being there. If it would have been the story of Sawyer, we would have saw all the events up to him dying as an old man, getting hit by a bus, having a heart attack on the mainland. And in the alternate timeline, he would then show up at the church.....and of course everyone would already be there.  You just have to tell your mind to let go of events happening in a certain order or timeline.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by non flammable

here is the explanation.............
We all have our mixed opinions now on what the island was, is and what this ending was about. The island was real. Yes Jack died right then and there. And Ben, Hurley and the rest of the Losties that remained on the island, stayed there until they passed hence Ben and Hurley calling each other good #1’s and #2’s. And Kate, Sawyer and the Losties that left the island on the plane lived out their lives until they died (or) the plane didn’t make it and they died in a crash. The alternate timeline was purgatory and the church was the pearly gates. When you die, time ceases to exist. Everyone in the alternate timeline died at some point. It does not matter when, because time is not a factor. Time is a concept made up by human beings. When you die, not only will you be in an afterlife with your ancestors, but also your children, your grandchildren, even your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives and it meant so much to them so God wanted them to enter Heaven together as one.


In heaven, the great beyond, the next life, however your religion may perceive it, there is no such thing as time. LOST was basically the story of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond. If it would have been the story of how Shannon got to the afterlife, we would have saw her story up to her getting shot, then we would have seen her arrival at the church with everybody (including Jack) already being there. If it would have been the story of Sawyer, we would have saw all the events up to him dying as an old man, getting hit by a bus, having a heart attack on the mainland. And in the alternate timeline, he would then show up at the church.....and of course everyone would already be there.  You just have to tell your mind to let go of events happening in a certain order or timeline.

the only problem with your theory is that Jack was the last to show up at he church...when Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Claire, and Ben all lived after his death and were already in the church when he showed up.
oh I understand the ending. it was ++%@#+@ terrible. I wasn't surprised once the entire season. we didn't learn ANYTHING about eloise Hawking or anything i general. these people had no clue what the hell they were doing with this show.

the long con was lost itself. the most incoherent show ever made. It is impossible to re-watch the series without getting angry at the wasted potential. i've read fan fiction 10 times better than the crap that the last season was.

they made the episode super emotional and threw in a bunch of old cast members to make you forget about how the entire series is fundamentally flawed.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by non flammable

here is the explanation.............
We all have our mixed opinions now on what the island was, is and what this ending was about. The island was real. Yes Jack died right then and there. And Ben, Hurley and the rest of the Losties that remained on the island, stayed there until they passed hence Ben and Hurley calling each other good #1’s and #2’s. And Kate, Sawyer and the Losties that left the island on the plane lived out their lives until they died (or) the plane didn’t make it and they died in a crash. The alternate timeline was purgatory and the church was the pearly gates. When you die, time ceases to exist. Everyone in the alternate timeline died at some point. It does not matter when, because time is not a factor. Time is a concept made up by human beings. When you die, not only will you be in an afterlife with your ancestors, but also your children, your grandchildren, even your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives and it meant so much to them so God wanted them to enter Heaven together as one.


In heaven, the great beyond, the next life, however your religion may perceive it, there is no such thing as time. LOST was basically the story of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond. If it would have been the story of how Shannon got to the afterlife, we would have saw her story up to her getting shot, then we would have seen her arrival at the church with everybody (including Jack) already being there. If it would have been the story of Sawyer, we would have saw all the events up to him dying as an old man, getting hit by a bus, having a heart attack on the mainland. And in the alternate timeline, he would then show up at the church.....and of course everyone would already be there.  You just have to tell your mind to let go of events happening in a certain order or timeline.

but WHAT was happening ON the island???
aw yea they pretty much confirmed that Michael and Walt disappeared from the show b/c Walt had that huge growth spurt. I saw a interview he did recently, homie is a grown man now lol
Originally Posted by Rell

the only problem with your theory is that Jack was the last to show up at he church...when Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Claire, and Ben all lived after his death and were already in the church when he showed up.

thats because jack was the last person in the group to "wake up". everyone else was clued in on what was going on, but jack needed to find his father to become complete.
Originally Posted by Rell

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by non flammable

here is the explanation.............
We all have our mixed opinions now on what the island was, is and what this ending was about. The island was real. Yes Jack died right then and there. And Ben, Hurley and the rest of the Losties that remained on the island, stayed there until they passed hence Ben and Hurley calling each other good #1’s and #2’s. And Kate, Sawyer and the Losties that left the island on the plane lived out their lives until they died (or) the plane didn’t make it and they died in a crash. The alternate timeline was purgatory and the church was the pearly gates. When you die, time ceases to exist. Everyone in the alternate timeline died at some point. It does not matter when, because time is not a factor. Time is a concept made up by human beings. When you die, not only will you be in an afterlife with your ancestors, but also your children, your grandchildren, even your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives and it meant so much to them so God wanted them to enter Heaven together as one.


In heaven, the great beyond, the next life, however your religion may perceive it, there is no such thing as time. LOST was basically the story of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond. If it would have been the story of how Shannon got to the afterlife, we would have saw her story up to her getting shot, then we would have seen her arrival at the church with everybody (including Jack) already being there. If it would have been the story of Sawyer, we would have saw all the events up to him dying as an old man, getting hit by a bus, having a heart attack on the mainland. And in the alternate timeline, he would then show up at the church.....and of course everyone would already be there.  You just have to tell your mind to let go of events happening in a certain order or timeline.

the only problem with your theory is that Jack was the last to show up at he church...when Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Claire, and Ben all lived after his death and were already in the church when he showed up.
This is the bestway I can explain it: The main characters did not die on the planecrash, EVERYTHING that happened on theisland....really happened. Jack died right there in the bamboo forrestnext to Vincent. When each of the other cast aways eventually died,theyreunited in the sideways reality so they could all move on together.Evidencefor this? First of all, Christian tells Jack that his time on theisland was the most important of his life, he had to reunite witheverybody so he could let go, second of all, Hurley tells Ben that hewas a great number 2 and Ben replies that he was a great number 1 whichmeans that they lived on the island after Jack died and the others gotaway on the Ajira plane. In heaven, the great beyond, the next life,however your religion mayperceive it, there is no such thing as time. LOST was basically thestory of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond. If it would havebeen the story of how Shannon got to the afterlife, we would have sawher story up to her getting shot, then we would have seen her arrivalat the church with everybody (including Jack) already being there. Ifit would have been the story of Sawyer, since he flew off the island onthe Ajira plane, we would have saw all theevents up to him dying as an old man, getting hit by a bus, having aheart attack, or however he may have died on the mainland. And in thealternate timeline, he wouldthen show up at the church, and of course everyone would already bethere.  You just have to tell your mind to let go of events happeningin a certain order or timeline. When you die, not only will you be inan afterlife with your ancestors,but also your children, your grandchildren, even yourgreat-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die timeceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their livesand it meant so much to them so they entered Heaventogether as one.
I wasn't satisfied with Boone and Shannon's appearance. It all seemed so forced and rushed, like the Lost producers were like "Well, let's bring back some of the original characters from the flight.....hmm these two are the only ones available? Oh well, let's throw them in there anyway." In fact, the entire Sayid/Shannon relationship was stupid IMO. Sayid spends most of the series in love with Nadia and the reason why he even trusts MiB is because he wanted to be with Nadia again. But then he sees Shannon and Nadia is suddenly forgotten and Sayid is happy again over a short fling on the island

I don't know how they also weren't able to get the guy who played Eko back for at least the finale. They should have gotten him booked like a year in advance. The guy was one of the show's most popular characters and actually had strong connections with Charlie and Locke. It would have been good to see him have a scene with Locke at the end because they were the two guys who initially "believed" in the island.
Anyone who says this was not a good finale is off their damn rockers. It was awesome.
Great way to end this show.
Favorite episode of Lost.

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by non flammable

here is the explanation.............
We all have our mixed opinions now on what the island was, is and what this ending was about. The island was real. Yes Jack died right then and there. And Ben, Hurley and the rest of the Losties that remained on the island, stayed there until they passed hence Ben and Hurley calling each other good #1’s and #2’s. And Kate, Sawyer and the Losties that left the island on the plane lived out their lives until they died (or) the plane didn’t make it and they died in a crash. The alternate timeline was purgatory and the church was the pearly gates. When you die, time ceases to exist. Everyone in the alternate timeline died at some point. It does not matter when, because time is not a factor. Time is a concept made up by human beings. When you die, not only will you be in an afterlife with your ancestors, but also your children, your grandchildren, even your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives and it meant so much to them so God wanted them to enter Heaven together as one.


In heaven, the great beyond, the next life, however your religion may perceive it, there is no such thing as time. LOST was basically the story of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond. If it would have been the story of how Shannon got to the afterlife, we would have saw her story up to her getting shot, then we would have seen her arrival at the church with everybody (including Jack) already being there. If it would have been the story of Sawyer, we would have saw all the events up to him dying as an old man, getting hit by a bus, having a heart attack on the mainland. And in the alternate timeline, he would then show up at the church.....and of course everyone would already be there.  You just have to tell your mind to let go of events happening in a certain order or timeline.

but WHAT was happening ON the island???
The past 6 seasons were happening ON the island. Dharma initiative, the others, time jumping, trying to get home, trying to get back, etc. all was happening on the island. The alternate timeline was just a holding area/purgatory. DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP WITH THINGS HAVING TO HAPPEN IN A CERTAIN ORDER. According to the end of this particular show, when we die, all of our ancestors will be there...from your great great grand parents to your children and children's children.
Originally Posted by bns1201

damn its really over....that finale had me like a baby man i was bawlin.....for those who actually watched from the beginning and LIVED LOST, not just watched the dvds in a row....those who watched it, waited a week for an episode, waited a summer for a new season, read up on theories, listened to podcasts, played ARG's, rewatched episodes for the slightest of hints as to what was going on....this is an end of a chapter in our lives I feel. Lost was a big part of me that im sad to see go yet very happy to be a part of.... all good things must come to an end, goodnight sweet prince

all I did was watch the pilot, recap, and finale and it was a pretty soulful ending
not worth watching all the dvd's though
I was still very disappointed.

The ending could have been worse no doubt, but I was expecting much more.

Granted I haven't been watching the show for six years, so all the emotional flashbacks and what not really felt cheesy.

Even if you were into it, that is the kinda thing I would expect from other more formulaic tv shows. Not Lost.
Life is a trip...

LOST is one of those things in life like a memorable vacation or getting that perfect Christmas present....the things that make it worth the journey.

What a ride.

Glad to have taken it with all of you.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Rell

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by non flammable

here is the explanation.............
We all have our mixed opinions now on what the island was, is and what this ending was about. The island was real. Yes Jack died right then and there. And Ben, Hurley and the rest of the Losties that remained on the island, stayed there until they passed hence Ben and Hurley calling each other good #1’s and #2’s. And Kate, Sawyer and the Losties that left the island on the plane lived out their lives until they died (or) the plane didn’t make it and they died in a crash. The alternate timeline was purgatory and the church was the pearly gates. When you die, time ceases to exist. Everyone in the alternate timeline died at some point. It does not matter when, because time is not a factor. Time is a concept made up by human beings. When you die, not only will you be in an afterlife with your ancestors, but also your children, your grandchildren, even your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives and it meant so much to them so God wanted them to enter Heaven together as one.


In heaven, the great beyond, the next life, however your religion may perceive it, there is no such thing as time. LOST was basically the story of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond. If it would have been the story of how Shannon got to the afterlife, we would have saw her story up to her getting shot, then we would have seen her arrival at the church with everybody (including Jack) already being there. If it would have been the story of Sawyer, we would have saw all the events up to him dying as an old man, getting hit by a bus, having a heart attack on the mainland. And in the alternate timeline, he would then show up at the church.....and of course everyone would already be there.  You just have to tell your mind to let go of events happening in a certain order or timeline.

the only problem with your theory is that Jack was the last to show up at he church...when Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Claire, and Ben all lived after his death and were already in the church when he showed up.
This is the best
way I can explain it: The main characters did not die on the plane
crash, EVERYTHING that happened on the
island....really happened. Jack died right there in the bamboo forrest
next to Vincent. When each of the other cast aways eventually died,
reunited in the sideways reality so they could all move on together.
for this? First of all, Christian tells Jack that his time on the
island was the most important of his life, he had to reunite with
everybody so he could let go, second of all, Hurley tells Ben that he
was a great number 2 and Ben replies that he was a great number 1 which
means that they lived on the island after Jack died and the others got
away on the Ajira plane. In heaven, the great beyond, the next life,
however your religion may
perceive it, there is no such thing as time. LOST was basically the
story of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond. If it would have
been the story of how Shannon got to the afterlife, we would have saw
her story up to her getting shot, then we would have seen her arrival
at the church with everybody (including Jack) already being there. If
it would have been the story of Sawyer, since he flew off the island on
the Ajira plane, we would have saw all the
events up to him dying as an old man, getting hit by a bus, having a
heart attack, or however he may have died on the mainland. And in the
alternate timeline, he would
then show up at the church, and of course everyone would already be
there.  You just have to tell your mind to let go of events happening
in a certain order or timeline. When you die, not only will you be in
an afterlife with your ancestors,
but also your children, your grandchildren, even your
great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time
ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives
and it meant so much to them so they entered Heaven
together as one.

aaaw aight, I get you, you sayin for the most part what I been tellin people, especially the part about the Alt-timeline bein out of space-time itself. Hurley thanking Ben pretty much let us know that thier lives went on afterward.

So I guess the main characters were LOST, and the show is the story of them finding each other again.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Originally Posted by Master Zik

%++!*%! Kimmel.
I should've known it would've just been a joke.
Why blame Kimmel? He didn't write the show.
It was most likely Kimmel's idea to make joke alternate endings, he has dozens of skits about LOST. Kimmel's the only medium where the LOST creators and actors would actually do that.
Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Sayid spends most of the series in love with Nadia and the reason why he even trusts MiB is because he wanted to be with Nadia again. But then he sees Shannon and Nadia is suddenly forgotten and Sayid is happy again over a short fling on the island
It was pretty clear that Nadia is forbidden fruit for Sayid. Even in a world the losties created when they died he still couldn't have Nadia. As stupid and/or unlikely the relationship was between Shannon and Sayid the development that led towards them falling love was executed good and it was done with really good acting so I can't say that Sayid's love for Nadia is worth more than his love for Shannon.

It was never explicitly stated Sayid wanted to bring Nadia back to life. It could've easily been Shannon. The writers left that up as a mystery.
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