LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Oh no I'm just asking... whats up with it being simultaneous as in the Island is in the past and the present at the same time...

The the people on the island just dispeared... but Sun stayed back... and they are all in the present.. its just bizarre...
So have we agreed on Myles' dad being that one Asian video guy? (Cant remember his name right now, smh). I was thinking that if that was Myles' dad,how has the show not touched on that since they're in the same place, and have been for 3 years. Or did I completely miss that part?
Originally Posted by 18key

So have we agreed on Myles' dad being that one Asian video guy? (Cant remember his name right now, smh). I was thinking that if that was Myles' dad, how has the show not touched on that since they're in the same place, and have been for 3 years. Or did I completely miss that part?

Maybe Myles doesn't know or maybe he doesn't care to share. One of those things we have to wait and see how it plays out.
come on nyc... we feeening. doont update your blog.. no updates on nt....

what the hell man.......
Was on spring break when the episode aired. just peeped.

can't wait for wed and I didnt even see the previews.
Was the sex of that child we saw Candle with confirmed?

I think it might be Sun, and that she was born on the island which is why she didn't flash back.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Was the sex of that child we saw Candle with confirmed?

I think it might be Sun, and that she was born on the island which is why she didn't flash back.

that would be
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Was the sex of that child we saw Candle with confirmed?

I think it might be Sun, and that she was born on the island which is why she didn't flash back.
Spoiler [+]
that would be kinda...interesting.

Oh, and someone named the baby who was born from Amy. It is who some people said it was.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Was the sex of that child we saw Candle with confirmed?

I think it might be Sun, and that she was born on the island which is why she didn't flash back.
I was thinking that too, like in the sense that she cant be in the same place as her former self... hence Ben also being in the present.
But I also thought about when Saywer and co. were flashing through time, they made a stop when Claire was giving birth, therefore Sawyer and co. were in thesame place as their former selves.
I want to know WHEN that video (the one posted a while back) was made with Daniel taping Sun/Myles' father.

Too many theories and loopholes and exceptions
I think that girl behind Sun is supposed to be Claire. It was noticeable, so if it were a production error they probably would've fixed it. The hair colormight be off because they wouldn't call back Emile de Ravin JUST to appear in the out-of-focus shadows for a split-second.

VERY interesting how Sun and Frank hear Smokey, and it also nudges the door open. No doubt that these dead people are being controlled by Smokey anymore.

Jack being a workman was a slap-in-the-face moment, but I think it has to do with the drunk issue that nycknicks was alluding to. Jack and Ben's fatherdrink together? Maybe Jack gets Ben's dad on the juice? Jack is the one responsible for turning Ben's dad into an !+#, which is part of the reason whyBen becomes so evil and kills everyone?

And, in the official Lost podcast, the creators say that

Spoiler [+]
Ben built the runway because Jacob told him to
Things that went over EVERYONE'S heads... observations I've been reading about online...

1.) "Enter 77." When Locke is in the Flame way back when, we see that DHARMA is supposed to enter "77" if a Hostile intrudes; we later seethat this blows the whole thing up. Sayid (who DHARMA thinks is a Hostile) intrudes near the Flame... in the year 1977.

After this - when Sayid sees the top-secret plans for the Swan - DHARMA would want a self-destruct mechanism to prevent any more secrets from coming out.They'll probably come to realize that Sawyer and co. are intruders as well. Isn't the year a whole bunch of Hostiles fooled everyone a good code?

2.) In last season's Jin/Sun episode, they showed Jin flashbacks and Sun flash-forwards. At first, it seemed like it was just to manufacture a surpriseending for that episode. But think about it. Now Jin is literally stuck in the past and Sun is literally stuck in the future.

That episode separated Jin and Sun into different times (one flashback, one flash-forward) and now the story has literally separated Jin and Sun into differenttimes (1977. 2007)
Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon

The writers said the identity of Adam & Eve could be found in an anagram in the ep where Carl is being brainwashed. One of the statements on the screen is "Only fools are enslaved by space and time" which forms this statement:

Spoiler [+]
"Bones of Nadlers may lay lost deep in cave". Nadlers=Rose and Bernard's last name.
Black & White, which satisfies NYC's statement that the Black/White thing would almost be funny.

Finally a damn answer.

what i tell you, I was the first to call it
Baby most likely not Sun. I was thinking Miles. Chang said the following in a Dharma film...

DR. CHANG: Hello. My name is Dr. Marvin Candle, and I....you know what? Forget it. No point in games anymore, right? (infant begins to cry off-screen) If you're watching this now, you already know that my name - my real name is Pierre Chang and I... (Baby's cries off-screen grow louder and Chang looks over. He gets up from the couch.)

DR. CHANG: Dammit Lara, just take him outside, please! I have one chance at this. (Chang sits back down.) [static]

He says him. Error?
Just because Miles is Asian and Chang is Asian; doesn't mean they have to be related. Come on haha
LOL im not just saying that on a whim. Knicks made a comment that I thought may of confirmed that back near the season opener.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Things that went over EVERYONE'S heads... observations I've been reading about online...

1.) "Enter 77." When Locke is in the Flame way back when, we see that DHARMA is supposed to enter "77" if a Hostile intrudes; we later see that this blows the whole thing up. Sayid (who DHARMA thinks is a Hostile) intrudes near the Flame... in the year 1977.

After this - when Sayid sees the top-secret plans for the Swan - DHARMA would want a self-destruct mechanism to prevent any more secrets from coming out. They'll probably come to realize that Sawyer and co. are intruders as well. Isn't the year a whole bunch of Hostiles fooled everyone a good code?

2.) In last season's Jin/Sun episode, they showed Jin flashbacks and Sun flash-forwards. At first, it seemed like it was just to manufacture a surprise ending for that episode. But think about it. Now Jin is literally stuck in the past and Sun is literally stuck in the future.

That episode separated Jin and Sun into different times (one flashback, one flash-forward) and now the story has literally separated Jin and Sun into different times (1977. 2007)

Nice. Whether people are looking too into the show or whatever.. it's crazy. I mean, the producers/writers had to have had a huge diagram on howeverything connects.

Something like this but of the plot/characters/etc.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon

The writers said the identity of Adam & Eve could be found in an anagram in the ep where Carl is being brainwashed. One of the statements on the screen is "Only fools are enslaved by space and time" which forms this statement:

Spoiler [+]
"Bones of Nadlers may lay lost deep in cave". Nadlers=Rose and Bernard's last name.
Black & White, which satisfies NYC's statement that the Black/White thing would almost be funny.

Finally a damn answer.

what i tell you, I was the first to call it

o really?
They just had the episode with the greatest Lost ending ever on ABC.

Jack, seen in Otherville, playing football with Tom and spiking it.

(Finally) Finished Season 3 yesterday and

Season 3 Finale almost gave me a heart attack...on everything I love, I was sitting there stunned. A flash forward?Wow.


I'm 3 episodes in Season 4 and have so many questions/comments but I'd rather just finish it out and then talk...but damn...this show really lived upto its hype. I left off where Sayid is revealed to work for Ben in the future...
. That's #%+#$!# crazy.

Ain't no way I'm catching up to y'all though...I can't wait week by week with Lost.
I'll watch 5 when it drops on DVD.
What I dont get is when little Ben comes to give Sayid a sandwich in his cell.
If Dharma believes Sayid to be a Hostile...why the hell would they let some randomn little kid to go give him a sandwich all by himself and close the doorbehind him?
If these "hostiles" are supposed to be so dangerous, why would they even let a little kid around one at all?
A definite wack part of the new episode.
I thought it was a lot of filler stupidness.

What I want to really know is who was there before Dharma?
Where did the huge statue come from of the 4 toed foot & the the other monument that the smoke monster hides in?
What is the real history behind this island's mystery?
Originally Posted by jacobmontana

What I dont get is when little Ben comes to give Sayid a sandwich in his cell.
If Dharma believes Sayid to be a Hostile...why the hell would they let some randomn little kid to go give him a sandwich all by himself and close the door behind him?
If these "hostiles" are supposed to be so dangerous, why would they even let a little kid around one at all?
A definite wack part of the new episode.
I thought it was a lot of filler stupidness.

What I want to really know is who was there before Dharma?
Where did the huge statue come from of the 4 toed foot & the the other monument that the smoke monster hides in?
What is the real history behind this island's mystery?
Relax and just enjoy the show a lot of questions will be answered Every episode cant be fast moving and answer every question.
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