LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Ben was destined to be that dude and join the others imo. Whether Jack saved him in Dharmaville or he was taken to others, Ben has his path set and the Lostiescoming back can only deviate slightly from what WILL happen.
exactly, whatever happens, will happen. Even if jack saved ben, he still would have somehow gotten to the others.

Its just like desmond with charlie.
The Smoke Monster takes over/possesses people. I think it does it after they've died.

- Smokie did it to the French crew (I believe it killed them when they went to the temple, then took over and used them against Danielle. But I could be wrong)
- Richard wanted Paul's body (dude with the eternal life necklace) for a reason

So from this point is when Ben is really evil and himself. So has Ben been possessed all these years!?

Jack wasn't supposed to save Ben, otherwise whatever the monster does to Ben would never have happened and he wouldn't be so "evil"
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

This used to be my Favorite show........This is just getting stupid now, Somebody cut off Ben's Head and lets call it a day
I don't have a whole lot this week. It was pretty much all story this week. Very little LOST hidden agenda type stuff.

1. So they further reiterated that you can't change the past by showing that Ben couldn't die. This should also mean that other things like "thepurge" have to happen regardless of what they do to try and stop it.

2. Looks like there is a power struggle in the Others camp. Sounds like Charles and Ellie are trying to run things much to Alpert's chagrin. I thinkit's pretty obvious that Ben is going to help Alpert get them booted off the island.

3. I really thought when Juliet cornered Jack in the shower she was gonna %@@#! out and ravage him. She looked smokin hot in that scene. And as others havesaid, Kate was bonerrific in the supermarket scene.

4. Jack didn't even realize it, but by not fixing Ben, he allowed him to become the grown up Ben. Buuuuuuut.....It didn't really matter. Because as in#1 above, things happen regardless of what is done to stop it, so he would have become the Others leader some other way.

5. Lastly, at the very end of the episode, I think it was pretty clear that Ben was manifesting "new" memories while lying on the cot. Then he openshis eyes and WHOA! total mind blow! I really hope that was Locke in some sort of Christian Shepherd-like form.

6. Oh yeah, isn't Roger gonna be kinda pissed that Sawyer and Kate just gave his kid away? I mean, I would.

For me, the meaning of the title of the show, no longer means LOST plane crash victims on an island, it means LOST as in, I'm freaking lost and don'tknow what the hell is going on.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

The Smoke Monster takes over/possesses people. I think it does it after they've died.

- Smokie did it to the French crew (I believe it killed them when they went to the temple, then took over and used them against Danielle. But I could be wrong)
- Richard wanted Paul's body (dude with the eternal life necklace) for a reason

So from this point is when Ben is really evil and himself. So has Ben been possessed all these years!?

Jack wasn't supposed to save Ben, otherwise whatever the monster does to Ben would never have happened and he wouldn't be so "evil"
I think that's it....I think we're close.

The smoke can possess a person's body like you said, And once it does that, It uses their body to act within the best interests of the Island. That'swhy Ben is so ruthless when it comes to protecting the Island. That's why it infected the crew and made them kill each other off...To protect the island.

We'll see tho.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

The Smoke Monster takes over/possesses people. I think it does it after they've died.

- Smokie did it to the French crew (I believe it killed them when they went to the temple, then took over and used them against Danielle. But I could be wrong)
- Richard wanted Paul's body (dude with the eternal life necklace) for a reason

So from this point is when Ben is really evil and himself. So has Ben been possessed all these years!?

Jack wasn't supposed to save Ben, otherwise whatever the monster does to Ben would never have happened and he wouldn't be so "evil"
well put
As for everybody talking about Smokey and his purpose. Here's my take....

Ben really gave us a big hint on it in next week's preview. Smokey decides who is and is not needed on the island. It's kind of like the islands own"St. Peter." If you're not needed, he kills you ie. fligh 815 pilot, Ecko, Widmore's soldiers, etc. If you're needed, he takes overpossession of you and you become an other. I'm starting to think all of the others have stood before the Smokey and he has "passed judgment" uponthem in their favor. I'm betting we're going to learn that a lot of the newer "others" ie Mr. Friendly were once Dharma Initiative membersthat were plucked away by Smokey.
OK, I have a theory on why Jack didn't help. Just read it and critique it. It made sense when I thought it up, so I'll try to put that down in the sameway.

Maybe Jack knew he wasn't supposed to help.
Perhaps he knows that if he helped Ben, he would grow up and wiped out the Dharma Initiative.
Remember, Ben had talked to Alpert before.
Maybe there was another timeline where Ben wasn't shot by Sayid, but still due to contact with the others, was told by Alpert to kill off the D.I. or justdid it because like Ben said himself, he hated it there.
So there are two timeline with the same ending, or I guess the same major event.
So no matter what happened in 1977, Ben being shot or not, he would have killed the D.I. eventually, and Jack knew that.

Oh yeah, I cant wait to see the inside of the temple

I have to wait
Ok I am really confused. Why do people keep saying you can't change the past? I thought Hurley's example was put to rest when they handed ben over torichard. Hurley said "why didnt Ben remember Sayid when he grew up as the man who shot him" miles was like "ummmm" but at the end Richardsaid Ben wouldnt remember anything. So i thought if Kate never took him to others maybe the past would change.

Also did anybody think about where the heck sayid could have gone, is he with the others now explaining the future joint, or just chillin on the island.

Lastly, get of Jack's back, apparently Ben already knew about the others and they knew about him. Richard asked if that was Benjamin Linas as though heknew who he was or who he was suppose to be. Jack didnt change Ben's future that part was going to happen regardless.

The whole Kate, Sawyer, Juliet, Jack thing is annoying.
Originally Posted by EB4President

Jack didnt change Ben's future that part was going to happen regardless.
Exactly what I think. Maybe its not so much you cant change the past, maybe you cant change the future

I need to start smoking weed again
I've long thought that the monster was after Locke in order to take over his body and use it for the island's purposes. He was after Eko too, butEko's speech changed its mind and it killed him since it had no use for him.

Does that mean John was taken over by the monster now, just like Christian was? It seemed like John, but Christian had recollection of Jack, too.

What did John mean when he said, "Welcome back to the land of the living?" Was it because Locke was taken over by the monster just as Ben had been?
Originally Posted by EB4President

Ok I am really confused. Why do people keep saying you can't change the past? I thought Hurley's example was put to rest when they handed ben over to richard. Hurley said "why didnt Ben remember Sayid when he grew up as the man who shot him" miles was like "ummmm" but at the end Richard said Ben wouldnt remember anything. So i thought if Kate never took him to others maybe the past would change.

Also did anybody think about where the heck sayid could have gone, is he with the others now explaining the future joint, or just chillin on the island.

Lastly, get of Jack's back, apparently Ben already knew about the others and they knew about him. Richard asked if that was Benjamin Linas as though he knew who he was or who he was suppose to be. Jack didnt change Ben's future that part was going to happen regardless.

The whole Kate, Sawyer, Juliet, Jack thing is annoying.
i thought of it sort of as the terminator paradox. i.e. the terminator exists because it failed at trying to kill john connor, but had it killedjohn connor, there would have been no reason for it to exist in the future to be sent back, in fact it wouldnt have left any chips in the past for skynet to bedeveloped from to begin with, therefore it never would have existed and john connor would survive, leading to its eventual existence.

confusing, but you see what i mean?

jack chose not to save ben, forcing kate to take him to the others to "heal" him, wiping his memory and making him evil. But had Jack saved Ben, henever would have gone to the others, never would have been evil in the future, and jack and ultimately sayid would never have come back in time to shoot andthen save ben. so the series of events that lead to that very situation would have never happened. jacks very presence in the past at that moment means thathis decision had already been made for him. time is a continuum. of course he didnt save ben because if he had he wouldn't have been there to not saveben at all.

we knew what jack was going to do before he did it because it had already been decided for him.

that's what myles meant.
Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon

Am I the only ##+%$%-up one or did anybody else laugh nervously when Richard says "If I take him, he'll never be the same again. His innocence will be gone.". Oh *!*%, Richard is Cornholio, the ancient Egyptian god of sodomy....

Last 2 eps have been v e r y s l o w. I am not thrilled, but next week looks promising

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Let's also not overlook the fact Jack said he was supposed to come back to the island for what.... he don't know yet. Man of science faith.

I can't believe people is hating on Jack for not helpin Ben. Yes, he's a kid but dude turn's into a MONSTER.

Jack went from the lamest dude on the planet, to an almost respectable dude in 1 episode to me.
I gained a little bit more respect for Jack this episode. When Sawyer was like we need you to go save him, Jack wasn't doing #+++, laid back,chillin', and said "No."..

I think this is definitely a turning point for Jacks character.

Wasn't too impressed with this episode. However seeing Ricardo and the temple was tight.

Also the Charlie and Ellie thing was important as it revealed somewhat the state of the hostiles in 1977.
The annoying %#! Dharma dude who always is with Horace seems mad suspicious. I think he was also the dude who saw Jack walking alone in Dharmaville at night afew episodes ago.
Locke had me crackin' up too. Sitting there quietly as Ben was asleep only to open his eyes and see the man he murdered.

Next week looks sick though. Smokey is about to do some work.
And somehow I've managed to go through these pages without reading the spoilers.
Next week, I will have a spare set of undies ready to compensate for my crapping in my first pair while watching Lost.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Am I the only one who likes the new Jack?
Hes cool. He has some damn common sense and a backbone now. I think that is one if the few highlights in all of this craziness. This show isgetting friggin' nuts. He needs to bring back the cuban drug lord beard.
I liked Jack at the beginning but he got worse over time. Season 4 he started acting SUPER lame. Going against Locke like that? PSHHHHHH Come on, Jack. SMH.
^ Feel the same way about Jack. But, he gained a LOT of cool points in this episode to me.

Can't remember the exact words but....

Juliet- What are you doing Jack?
Jack- Making a sandwich.


Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

For me, the meaning of the title of the show, no longer means LOST plane crash victims on an island, it means LOST as in, I'm freaking lost and don't know what the hell is going on.


And nice theories everyone.
Some of my thoughts...

1. Jack was awesome.

2. Kate looked like hot fire in the grocery store.

3. Episode really was not all that interesting.

4. Enjoyed seeing more of Hurley this ep.

5. I am jacked to see the pier scene next week. What rules did Ben change? The preview for next week was one of the better ones.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

The Smoke Monster takes over/possesses people. I think it does it after they've died.

- Smokie did it to the French crew (I believe it killed them when they went to the temple, then took over and used them against Danielle. But I could be wrong)
- Richard wanted Paul's body (dude with the eternal life necklace) for a reason

So from this point is when Ben is really evil and himself. So has Ben been possessed all these years!?

Jack wasn't supposed to save Ben, otherwise whatever the monster does to Ben would never have happened and he wouldn't be so "evil"
I think that's it....I think we're close.

The smoke can possess a person's body like you said, And once it does that, It uses their body to act within the best interests of the Island. That's why Ben is so ruthless when it comes to protecting the Island. That's why it infected the crew and made them kill each other off...To protect the island.

We'll see tho.

Why wouldnt it just kill them?
Unconfirmed, but dead-on (I think) theory:

Spoiler [+]
From Doc Jensen at www.ew.com

"Which reminds me of a theory I've been meaning to share with you for a while now. Remember how Ben murdered Locke? And remember how Eloise Hawking said the Oceanic 815 experience had to be replicated in order for Ajira 316 to return to the Island? And remember how Jack shod Locke's corpse with his father's shoes so Dead Man John could play the role of Dead Man Christian's proxy?


Could it be that Lost may have been intimating that Christian has a little more in common with Locke than a pair of shoes? What if Christian's death wasn't the result of a bad bender Down Under, as we've been led to believe? What if Christian was murdered - say, by a certain someone keenly interested in making sure Jack and all his castaways friends followed paths of destiny that led them straight to the Island? A certain someone whose name sounds a lot like Zen Sinus?

Sawyer got the chance to kill the man responsible for the death of his parents. If Jack is the new Sawyer, might there be a date with Black Rock vengeance in his future, too?"

Makes sense to me. Remember, all of the folks (key players) on Oceanic 815 were manipulated to be on THAT FLIGHT. Way too much coincidence that Jack's dad would have died on his own accord right before Jack had to be on that flight. I cannot wait to see the JACKFACE when he finds out Ben murdered Christian

Also, I think you have to keep in mind that this stuff with the 815's has ALREADY happened in the past (1970's). It puts Ben into context: he grew-upwith these people. That's one reason he knew so much about them when they first crashed. How easy it was for him to manipulate them. True, Ben ruined theirlives, but before that Sayid shot little Ben out in the forest.


Sawyer: Oh %+$%, here comes Richard all dressed up. He's coming to take our little boys and steal their innocents.
Juliet: What are you gonna do?
Sawyer: I'll see if his perverted %!* will take a dead body instead. What a Freak


Richard: I need your little boys.
Sawyer: Well you ain't gettin em Metro. Take this dead man's body instead.
Richard: What am I gonna do with that?
Sawyer: Dress him in kid's clothes and do what you normally do NAMBLA.
Richard: OK, I am open to new ideas.

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