LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Also, SMH @ wanting Sawyer killed.

Sawyer is comedy on the show, and it's true. Deep down he really does have everybody's good interests at mind. Not just Kate.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

nyknicks. Keep doing your thing. I'm gonna keep reading it. I don't see it as being spoiled. With a show that's so complicated anyway, I like having the little heads up that you give. It helps me understand it better.

Like I said, I think the blog is a good idea. Now when a spoiler gets posted in here, it's not your fault....it's whichever one of us opens our big yap.

I can't control what other people say. So, how is it my fault? I'm just clearing things up for people.
So many questions

I hate this show, but I love it. Wonder what Ben is really doing, with that old woman and all.
I need to watch both episodes again. Way too much going on. I'm sure I missed something.

I reserve my full reaction until I see them again, but I'm a little disappointed right now. I really think they are ODing with the time travel, and I LOVEtime travel. I also hope that not every episode from here on out are like the two tonight. They both felt rushed, and like somebody else said, disjointed.
Great way to start the season!!!

It answered a lot of questions for me, but it also raised some more (typical Lost, I guess). I have so much going thru my head right now, I'm sure I forgotsome stuff from last night but, here are a few things that stuck out to me.

@ Faraday - helping build the stations
. I wonder if he was alreadythere before, or if he is going back during the time skipping? He said he couldn't change the past so, is he trying to, or is he just observing?

@ The Doctor ( in the Video's)- being a total Jerk, and also seems to be one of the leaders. What happened to him? Is he still alive?

@ Sun- turning from a very quiet person from S1, to a straight monster now. Is she concerned about the others left on the Island? Why is she doing businesswith Widmore? To get back at Ben? if so, How does she even know Ben killed Keemy and the freighter blew?

-Why will Richard not recognize Locke? He knew him as a child. It seems all Locke will need to do is tell him his name, why would he need to show him thecompass? Or will the island go back before Locke was even born?

- Who are the other people now on the Island? Did the island go to the future?

I really think this season is going to be the best one yet. So many new questions. I really was unsure how they was going to explain the Island, but they did awonderful job so far to me. Yes, I need a blog.

Knicks is appreciated. I have some things that I thought you may be able to help with.

Is Miles the son of the Darma scientist? Halliwax, Candle, Chang, etc.. I thought maybe becuase of the power he has and how that could be tied to the island.All those freighter people were pulled together by Abbadon. Each seem to have a parent or tie to the island.

I am lost on how some are travelling through time and some are not. Why not Alpert? OG inhabitant? He was standing right next to Locke.

I am still watching that opening scene again. I didn't catch anything. My GF swore that women in the bed looked a lot like an older Sun.
Miles the son of Halliwax?..... very interesting.

Yeah, why did Locke stay where he was at, while the "Others" disappeared when the time skipped?
and the other thing was the sense of religious elements. I always seem to go back to the story of Jacobs ladder. Am I way off?

The description of Jacob's ladder appears in the Book of Genesis(28:11-19):
Jacob left Beersheba, and went toward Haran. He came to the place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the Lord stood above it [or "beside him"] and said, "I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your descendants; and your descendants shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and by you and your descendants shall all the families of the earth bless themselves. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done that of which I have spoken to you." Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the Lord is in this place; and I did not know it." And he was afraid, and said, "This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."

Afterwards, Jacob names the place, "Bethel" (literally, "House ofGod"). The name "House of God" and the term "gate of heaven" also allude to the Holy Temple which would be built on that location in the future.
There is a temple. Its a safe place. Jacobs been on the island for a long time and runs things. Also look at this ...

Saint John Chrysostom who writes:

"And so mounting as it were by steps, let us get to heaven by a Jacob's ladder. For the ladder seems to me to signify in a riddle by that vision thegradual ascent by means of virtue, by which it is possible for us to ascend from earth to heaven, not using material steps, but improvement and correction ofmanners."

Correction of manners? Everyone on the island seems to get a chance to do just this.
Crazy start to the season...positive I didnt catch everything.

Faraday- Building Orchid I think he did something timewise to be there. The way he avoided looking up at the Doc when
he bumped into him. Like he didnt want him specifically to see him .
I dont think he knows all the rules, or at least the limits of the rules. He told Sawyer he couldnt change anything. Which isnt
true because why would he then try and plead for it to work. Desmond is special obviously. But still doesnt add up.
I think Sawyer could have interacted with desmond just the same and convince him that he knew him.

Alpert told locke " I didnt go anywhere you did". So they are traveling in time. The island either travled in time in whole or just location based onthe fact that it disappeared when the helicopter turned around.
And Ethan interacted with Locke so either that was a new encounter or it happened already which meant it had to happen again.
But I think its a new event becasue i would think locke would remember being shot by ethan.

I think of the wheel that ben turned like any wheel or like a roulette table. The ball will bounce around quickly back and forth for the first severalrotations. but it eventually settles down in one spot. I wonder when the time jumping will stop and when theyll end up.

They are obviously sometime before dharma was killed off. Because the Dharma guys looked so young. And they acted like people involved in a long on goingjungle battle/war.
And also the hostility of the others. Flaming arrows really? come on that seems very crude. especially since we know how skilled they are with guns, they mustnot have any.
All three groups are there. OTHERS(Hostiles) Dharma and The Losties....I want to know where/when Rosseau and her team fall into this.

Help me out who is trying to kill hurley/sayid?

Last thing didnt alpert and the white haired lady say the same thing. "god help us all". ? I knw 2 people said cant remember who.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Miles the son of Halliwax?..... very interesting.

Yeah, why did Locke stay where he was at, while the "Others" disappeared when the time skipped?
I think it is because the first time skip was to the past and when that happened the Others where put back into their camp or wherever they wereon the island when the drug plane crashed. Therefore Richard or the rest of the others could not be anywhere where Locke was. I think what is moreinteresting was how Alpert knew exactly what he had to tell Locke to do in the future.
I just finished watching the opening scene again and can't figure out anything significant about it. Some light being shed on what we needed to look forwould be appreciated.
I also keep thinking about the Island killing certain people. Why were they even there in the first place then? One last chance to redeem something or justunlucky?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I just finished watching the opening scene again and can't figure out anything significant about it. Some light being shed on what we needed to look for would be appreciated.
My friends and I couldn't tell...was that baby in the opening scene Asian? Some of us thought he was caucasian and some thought he was Asian.
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