LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Mmmmm I'm back brothers...

I stopped watching Lost about the 2nd week of April...began moving and finishing up classes...DVR'ed the remaining 3 shows...and I have no idea where thisshow is going but if I have to stick to a theory its a time loop but.. I repeat...I have no theory and I was convinced Locke had lived until he gave Ben theknife and almost had a smirk on his face..John is not that type of dude. Mr. O'Quinn is a hell of an actor..And when Jacob hit Ben with that "Whatabout you..."
See you next season.

I felt for Sawyer
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

looks like sawyer is going to be puttin in serious work this upcoming season

OMG that is the most genius thing I have ever seen. Makes Sixth Sense look like child's play. OMG OMG OMG. Don't watch if you don't wanna bespoiled. OMG

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

looks like sawyer is going to be puttin in serious work this upcoming season

OMG that is the most genius thing I have ever seen. Makes Sixth Sense look like child's play. OMG OMG OMG. Don't watch if you don't wanna be spoiled. OMG


You really think they would go with this angle?
Just to keep the thread going lol. If the game is black and white...then Christian is good cause of his white shoes? Or maybe he's in between because ofhis grey suit?
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Just to keep the thread going lol. If the game is black and white...then Christian is good cause of his white shoes? Or maybe he's in between because of his grey suit?
I thought we were going forward that that was just mr. black?
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Just to keep the thread going lol. If the game is black and white...then Christian is good cause of his white shoes? Or maybe he's in between because of his grey suit?
I thought we were going forward that that was just mr. black?
Im not convinced Christian is bad.
Yeah I don't know how whoever is controlling is Christian is going to play out in the endgame.

Season 6 is about 6 months away. January 2010. Promos should start around September/October HOPEFULLY. At least something. Damn I still got that LOST itch!!
Just now FINALLY watching the season finale, and I'm reading the pages that followed along with the actual airing of the season finale, trying to keep thesequences of events on the finale in sync with the replies in the thread.
so this is the second time that Jacob has brought Locke back to Life...

But why would Locke want to kill Jacob is he brought him back twice...
When did Jacob save him the first time?
^ When Locke was thrown out the window by his father. Jacob was sitting on the bench. Rewatch the season finale, it's on there.
^ The guy said that right after that happened, so I was thinking that was the second time. He even said 'So this is the second time Jacob brought Lockeback to life.' So I was asking... when was the first time?

Basically, hen have there been two times Jacob saved Locke?
So this Jacob guy... did he get called 'Jacob' in the beginning or something? Because I'm seeing everyone call him Jacob on here back when thefinale aired, but I don't remember him being called Jacob.

And, no one pointed out that 'Jacob' left behind a guitar in the cab ride with Hurley.

And he also never touched Hurley or touched anything Hurley touched.

Just for my own notes:
- he met up with Kate when she was a little girl, stealing an NKOTB lunchbox
- met up with Sayid and essentially saved his life or saved him from serious harm by keeping him from walking into an oncoming car
- met up with Jack by giving him a candy bar that didn't come out of the machine
- met up with Locke by apparently bringing him back to life when Locke's dad pushed him from the window
- met up with Sun and Jin at their wedding
- met up with Hurley after Hurley was released from prison, and Hurley thought he was a dead guy visiting him
So this Jacob guy... did he get called 'Jacob' in the beginning or something? Because I'm seeing everyone call him Jacob on here back when the finale aired, but I don't remember him being called Jacob.
Richard was asked by Fake Locke to be taken to Jacob.Once in there I'm pretty sure Ben says his name. I see where you were going and that'd be crazy if the guy from the opening scene was in factJacob
And, no one pointed out that 'Jacob' left behind a guitar in the cab ride with Hurley.

And he also never touched Hurley or touched anything Hurley touched.
Wasn't the biggest thing that happened but that was basically an answer fed to us. I don't get your point about the touching thoughbesides Jacob most likely touched the guitar case and we know Hurley touched it after at some point.

Anyway go see my link on the last page for a good criticism of the season 5 finale by everyone's fav LOST fan, Adolf Hitler.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So this Jacob guy... did he get called 'Jacob' in the beginning or something? Because I'm seeing everyone call him Jacob on here back when the finale aired, but I don't remember him being called Jacob.

And, no one pointed out that 'Jacob' left behind a guitar in the cab ride with Hurley.

And he also never touched Hurley or touched anything Hurley touched.

Just for my own notes:
- he met up with Kate when she was a little girl, stealing an NKOTB lunchbox
- met up with Sayid and essentially saved his life or saved him from serious harm by keeping him from walking into an oncoming car
- met up with Jack by giving him a candy bar that didn't come out of the machine
- met up with Locke by apparently bringing him back to life when Locke's dad pushed him from the window
- met up with Sun and Jin at their wedding
- met up with Hurley after Hurley was released from prison, and Hurley thought he was a dead guy visiting him
You Lost an essential chunk if you missed the beginning where dude called him Jacob. And all of that been touched like a kid at mj's house.
^ Well, I have it recorded, so let me rewind to the beginning.

You're talking about when the two are talking on the beach, right? When the Black Pearl is off in the distance?
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